Scorping Up With Anne Hathaway

Michael Showalter, who made The Idea of You, says Hathaway cared about everything from the interior design of her character’s house to what pens she used. “She’s fiery,” he says. “She has deeply held feelings about things that can feel intractable. I’m a Gemini. Things change constantly for me. Once we put an astrological sign to it, that opened up the floodgates for us to communicate in a different way. I’m not joking. And I’m not an astrology guy, but even I was like, ‘Oh, my God. Of course. I understand you now. It’s just that you’re a Scorpio.’ ”

Vanity Fair – Anne Hathaway Gets Real 

I’m loving Anne Hathaway’s art-deco Goth Scorp-up on the cover of Vanity Fair this month and it’s not only style. The actual interview contains multiple mentions of her Scorpio nature.

I hadn’t noticed the issue until a MM member messaged me from the mall, excited. I literally cannot recall the last time I received an ‘elated at the mall’ missive so this in itself feels new-era-ish.

Hey Mystic,

Currently in some middle of nowhere American supermarket, short cutting through the aisles and something stopped me dead.

Vanity Fair magazine, April 2024 American edition. Hathaway on the cover – she looks like the kind of vampire Anne Rice writes about. You HAVE to see this.

Hope you’re keeping well,


I sent back an ‘are you okay?’ email, thinking she might have been affected by styrofoam fumes or a downmarket version of Havana syndrome from the supermarket lights & consumer surveillance psy-ops.

It’s highly likely I was brain addled, from the sheer scale of the place, and the fluorescent lights. But that cover slapped me sideways – and I’m ambivalent about Hathaway!”

The interview and imagery are actually fantastic. Although my ambivalence re the actor dissolved when I saw her Catwoman – the subtle twitch-snarl when Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne corrects her pronunciation of Ibiza was magnificent.

In fact, it was not only truly cat-like, it revealed a world of truncated social aspiration and well-curated resentments.

So I’m not sure if it was the interviewer or the actor bringing it with all the Scorpio references, but Hathaway is having her Uranus opposition at the moment. She has a striking Scorpio stellium – Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter and Venus are all in this plutonic sign and the 12th house. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are opposing all of it from the 6th.

Could this be the inspo behind the stronger projection of her scorpiness? Or has the magazine decided that Scorp-Corp sells?

The cover shot makes me think that if The Crown producers decided ‘fuq it, we’re extending the series‘ Hathaway would be an excellent – albeit surreal – choice to play Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley.

It would need to be ultra-Goth: If I directed, I’d have her stalking around the stately (haunted) home in the post-midnight hours, trailed by a pack of ghostly-looking greyhounds, some incarnate and some not, of course. “What’s that scent?” she’ll wonder aloud…”It smells like Arpege gone off…mould? Ectoplasm…quite frightful…


Image: Norman Jean Roy – Vanity Fair 

38 thoughts on “Scorping Up With Anne Hathaway”

  1. HUH! and I was wondering what happened to me (Sun conj Venus, Mars plus a bunch of other stuff in Scorp), just *shrug* thought it would get more pronounced as I ‘mature’. it’s the opposition…of course. works wonders for me and I hope it will linger! also, suits Anne better than that deer in the headlights, goofy snow white look, if you ask me.

  2. For me, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Libra is what creates the discomfort & irritation re Ms H. I perceive it as a teeth-gritting – not anxious, so much as ambitious- to-please quality. As in, at any cost, she will ingratiate herself. She reminds me of Venom, all teeth. My favourite movie of hers is The Devil Wears Prada, where she does develop her Scorpionic, dramatic-in-black, smokey-eye style by the end. Though, the finale didnt feel true to type. Would have believed the ending if she stayed on & became the next glacial editor-in-chief & dumped her chef. Sorry to the fans! She rubs my Scorpio Moon up the wrrrong way.

  3. have a soft spot for arpege but maybe frankincense? the haunted mansion. or amber from a glass container, secreted away in an apse that no one noticed before. the 1890s?

    I love this pic. finally (haven’t watched Catwoman) I could never work out what rubbed me the wrong way about Hathaway – the wholesome damsel thing just annoyed me. it felt … appliquéd. she has such expressive features that can hack this level of inky-dark makeup. smoky Scorpio energy makes so much more sense!!!! maybe deploying it earlier in her career would have typecast her as the femme fatale, but without the wisdom (in a more chauvinistic screenplay) to match… anyway we are here now and not a moment too soon. I love that knowing the astro helped better communications.

    she’s always played quite intrepid, front-foot characters though. not typical scorpy eminence-grise types. is there some Aries in the mix? mars? first house placements?

    she has the same gaze here as Jeff Goldblum. yes I know he’s a libra. gah

      1. oh my god yes I am. I am exactly doing that. hahaha oops. for that comment my specific mix up was for one movie and Steve Tyler mistake. the rest should be ok

  4. I read somewhere that early in her career, she was labelled unattractive! Have always loved her – like Kate Moss, she can do no wrong. And that VF cover is banging – excellent share MM – Hot!

  5. Watch the Bachelorette Dance-off scene in Bride Wars in case you have any doubts about said scorp stellium. (I have the same scorp stellium in the 7th house. No one is winning a dance off against me) ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

  6. This is powerful. I LOVE that this post is before the incoming Full Moon in Scorpio, it gives a heavier plutonic punch. Her eyes are telling 1000 stories even before you look to the aesthetic. It’s that packed 12th house that has limitless potential and access to realms, just by existing that is her greatest power. When a strong 12H person leans into this space, that’s where the magic lives. It’s crazy we spend a good part of our life hiding it……….

      1. 12th house in Scorpio? With all of that water energy in the hidden realms, doesn’t that give you instant access to universal consciousness?! A direct line to the divine✨
        I know with my own journey, I didn’t quite understand the depths of my own experience until I started to unravel my own relationship to other realms. And that wasn’t something I was comfortable sharing with most people until recently. But that’s where our power lives, in the perceiving of the subtle energies. Ahh the journey of self discovery in the 12h is never boring lol 😵‍💫

    1. Wish Upon a Star

      I am glad you got on that road of self discovery. I have noticed a huge shift in you. You are coming into your own.
      Best Wishes ♥️

      1. THANK YOU! Wish the synchronicity of your msg is amazing, I just wrote out a quote that came to me yesterday on how ‘Self mastery is the greatest gift you can give yourself’ – physical / mental / spiritual. Ive elevated past any challenges and I’m very connected now to ancient cosmic intelligence. It’s been wild lol 🧜‍♀️🔱✨

  7. Wish Upon a Star

    I am a Pisces Rising with my Neptune in Scorpio conjunct Vesta in the 9th house. Neptune is part of a grand water trine.
    When I first saw this photo I was reminded of how I instinctively wanted to present myself when I was younger.
    I have the dark dramatic eyebrows and full lips. It feels powerful. I feel powerful in black.
    Can anyone tell me how strong the Neptune in Scorpio influence is? Does being in the 9th house amplify it?
    Maybe this is a look I want to reincorporate.

    1. So Mutable It Hurts

      As a fellow Pisces rising that makes sense to me! I think I remember Mystic saying that Pisces rising is always in some kind of disguise/costume and uses clothing/appearance like armour. I have Neptune in Capricorn in the 10th and I love a power suit even though I never want to step foot in another office building lol.

  8. ‘Arpege gone off’….it’s horrid when it’s fresh.So you know this Myst…lol.
    My old boss in the 60’s, the incredible Lillian Frank, used to give her crew of 12 a bottle every birthday & christmas. Think we all gave it to mothers or grandmothers then went and bought ourselves Paco Rabanne’s Calandre.

  9. Aprils’ Vanity Fair arrives in Australia by ship i think as it takes 6 weeks to become available. As the price increased from $5 to $12 decided to order it from library after stopping paid work. Donated thr collection with some truly exceptional covers to op shop. They have the best journalists-reportage and it’s one magazine that it worth a read from cover to cover.
    Well done Anne Hathaway who i find irritating as an actor, she does have scorpionic eyes tho’ is all i can say.Probably a Leo rising or Virgo.

  10. She is gorgeous. And that intensity… I have a multi-Scorp /Taurus rising female relative who comes to mind when reading this. Ticking all the Scorp and Toro boxes – intense, private, massive work ethic, an understated but luxe aesthetic, uncompromising in everything. She never replies to messages except on her birthday, and during extended periods of non-contact the fam has always joked that she’s off on an espionage mission.

    Slightly off-topic, but have just noticed this full moon will be exact ON my Gary!!! What to expect?? 🤣

      1. black, studded double denim, with usged eyeliner. Chrysalis I know you can pull this off. yes you can keep the hair fabulous

      2. LOL yes. Always a good time for double denim
        And Sam (for some reason I can’t reply direct to your comment) I love your blinged up version. It pretty much describes my entire ’80s signature look (also in a haze of Arpege or Chanel No.5) xx

  11. So interesting. She looks spectacular here. I wonder if some of the Anne Hathaway backlash over the years has been because she was long positioned as this saccharine, happy-go-lucky, “America’s sweetheart” kind of starlet and it felt fake. (And who knows if it was intentional positioning on her part vs. her agents, the studios, etc.)

    Now that she’s more in control of her career (and persona), perhaps she can fully embody her Scorpio-ness and it can tone down the haters. (If she even gives AF.) LOL.

    1. woman w multiple hoofs

      Yes! Isn’t there a quote from her about this? A reaction to the power-broker’s categorisation of her (as ‘unsexy’) and her wry response: ‘I know what I’m like on a Saturday night.’ LOL. Did someone mention ‘work ethic’?!

    2. Yes! This is what i was here to say – but you said it so much better.
      I am looking forward to The Idea of You. I love a good romcom and am curious about representations of the ‘older woman-younger man’ dynamic as i become older myself… A Scorpio is the best sign to play this role imo – or maybe the second best, after Libra 😏

  12. That lead photo of her reminds me of the woman in gold… But more specifically like a Gustav Klimt painting. I love her work and I adore her. Now I know why.

    Klimt does these incredible tree, flower and garden paintings that are also so gorgeous you swoon over them. Just like we do for Anne.

    Suddenly it makes sense. 💜

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