My Astrological Interview With Glynnis MacNicol

Glynnis MacNicol is in my top ten all-time fave authors list via her marvellous memoir No One Tells You This. 

Beautifully written, it’s probably got the most resonance if you’re female and single. But really, she speaks to anyone who realizes that they’ve become self-defining. No One Tells You This starts with the author’s 40th birthday – yes, it is a Uranus Opposition memoir! Amid a year of turbulence and with no “good blueprint for how to be a woman alone in the world“, she sets out to create her own.

The result is a read that’s more liberating and inspiring than any self-help book I know of and ultra-witty. So I sent Glynnis a drooling fan-rave and she ended up agreeing to an astrological interview. So, here it is!

Mystic: Glynnis, You are a VIRGO – an honest to God multiple conjunct Virgo. You have the Midheaven, Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Virgo. Do you know how truly Virgo you are? 

Glynnis:  It’s amusing to me how much Virgo is going on here. Virgo has always felt like such a bad fit — for years I felt like my horoscope was gaslighting me. My mother read my sister and my’s horoscope to us regularly. My mother was a Taurus and my sister is a Pisces, two signs, incidentally, that reoccur regularly in my closest friendships.)

Whatever her interpretation of Virgo was, I understood it to be a Type A person who kept their room tidy, was well-behaved, and excessively organized. I was deeply uninterested in any of these things. It was only much, much later when I began to apply those same descriptors to the intellectual/imaginative world I occupied that the Virgo vibe began to make sense.

I was, and still am, obsessive about information when something, or someone, interests me (cf. I could teach a university course in Laura Ingalls Wilder at this point). That said, I’m deeply uninterested in details the rest of the time. You asked me if I looked at menus ahead of time. I don’t.

I saw two plays last month without reading even the summaries beforehand (this is a great way to go to the theatre I’ve discovered). And I recently flew to Berlin and didn’t bother to figure out ahead of time how one gets from the airport to the city; I just assumed that it’s Europe so there would be a way (there was! You take a bus). But when it comes to information and storytelling, I can really fly the V flag.

Mystic: Can you relate at all to my delineation of Mercury conjunct Mars?

Motor-Mouth: This is a revved-up thinker and talker, not unlike Mercury in Aries. When Mercury is aligned with Mars at birth, the person is inspired to not just speak their mind but to become a Thought Leader. Low Vibe Mercury-Mars is someone who will not shut up or who can be caustic as hell. High Vibe Mercury-Mars people? Their word is their wand: Deepak Chopra, Elizabeth Warren, Julia Gillard, Philip Pullman, Voltaire, Rosie O’Donnell are all Mercurial Martians.

Glynnis: When you put it like this, it makes even more sense! And my close friends would certainly agree with “motor mouth” — I think the flip side of being a writer who spends so much time alone and in her head is that when I’m around people my brain can sometimes get uncorked through my mouth.

Particularly when I’m struggling to articulate an idea to myself – I tend to talk it out. I’m always somewhat suspicious of the phrase “thought leader” but I’m definitely a big-picture person. So much of the editing of this book was my amazing editor Christine Pride leaving notes for me like, “this big analytical idea is very interesting, but can you also please describe the weather.”

Mystic: We talk a lot on this site and in my horoscopes about a super-power called Virgo Vision. That is, extreme observation skills that are perfect for writing and detection work. But it’s hard to power down. With your surplus of Virgo Vision from the Virgo stellium, do you find it hard to switch off your analytical mind and the observation role?

Glynnis: This interview is like therapy: with every question I’m coming to accept the V more. So I do have extreme observation skills (though I’m not sure I would have described it so nicely), which I’ve channeled into journaling since I was very young. I related strongly to Harriet the Spy growing up. I started my first journal when I was six; it was about tobogganing with my mother and sister and our dog. That said, my journals from when I’m traveling – when there’s so much extra newness to observe — are the only ones that can stand up to a reread (the rest of it is often a lot of “observational” navel-gazing). 

And yes, I do have trouble switching off the analytical mind. My mother did too, she processed everything in her life somewhat remotely, and with large words. It made me crazy growing up – I often longed for her to just throw a plate against a wall for god’s sake. Of course, now I do it too. This, too, resulted in a lot of “show don’t tell” notes from my editor on the first draft of the book. In real life, it’s resulted in a therapist giving me a sheet of “feeling words” she wanted me to start using.

Mystic: You’re Scorpio Rising! Do people think you’re up to something when you’re not? The classic Scorpio Rising trait is that they transmit more intensely than they realize. It also means you’re ruled by Pluto, FYI. You’re good at transitions and will auto-phoenix out of stagnant scenarios – can you relate to any of that?

Glynnis: YES. My Scorpio Rising is the only thing that has always made sense, and not just to me (I also have an Aries moon). For most of my life, I’ve been “accused” of looking at people a certain way. And auto-phoenix! What an excellent phrase. A much more elegant way of saying I don’t like to sit still (literally and figuratively), which is also very true.

Mystic: You No One Tells You This as you were approaching 40 and one of the things I loved about it is that you combine cool anecdotes and popular culture references with a fearless philosophical inquiry.

As you say in there, you decided to look at taking your own life seriously, as the product of deliberate choice – “not simply a makeshift thing I’d constructed as a ‘for the time being’ existence.” That in itself is revolutionary.

So much media and literature treat the ‘mature single woman’ phenomenon as an aberration from the so-called “norm” of couplehood. You did this book at the time of Uranus Opposition. It’s when Uranus – broadly, progressive values, invention, liberation, future – opposes your natal Uranus.

So it’s a personal disrupt & emancipation that is often mislabelled the mid-life crisis – maybe it is a crisis for conventional expectations but for many, it is an opportunity. So is it fair to say that oppressive regime YOU overthrew with your Uranus Opposition was the stifling convention that you were supposed to be always on the look-out for the ‘right man’ and all that entailed? And that you not only went through your own process with that, but you also turned it into an amazing book?

Glynnis: I love this so much I wish I could make it the flap copy on the back of the book, with Uranus Opposition as the alternate title. This going to be a big-picture answer!

The overarching cultural narrative for women for most of history is fairly narrow: You’re born, you get married, you have children. The end. (I was reminded recently of the traditional Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone, when I passed a café in Berlin with the same name.) When you’re outside that story where are you?

How do you measure progress or accomplishment or value yourself in the world? It can feel like you’re treading water waiting for that narrative to start.

I’m a pretty deliberate person, and I wanted to interrogate myself and find out if I was where I was in my life accidentally and/or through a series of bad decisions (I think this is often the default assumption….”don’t worry” was a phrase that was frequently directed at me, as if whatever I’d done wrong to land myself here, or my bad luck, would end soon), or if I’d actually chosen to be there.

And if I’d chosen to be there, then clearly I’m on this path intentionally, and what does that journey look like?

That said, I do think it’s important to recognize the real-life infrastructures from which these abiding (and constricting!) narratives arise. The fact I even had the opportunity to question my own life is a relatively recent phenomenon, and one only afforded to a fairly small slice of the world.

Women are disempowered at nearly every stage of their life, not just in the stories we tell about them (think of the amount of shame or fear we automatically attach to women on their own) but in our very laws or lack thereof: maternal care, equal pay, rape culture…the list goes on.

Think too, that the only real power we confer on women is appearance – something we have so little control over – and even then, only for a few years. In every way possible women are made to understand they have little value outside their relationship to men, real or perceived.

In real life, meanwhile, marriage has generally been a shit proposition for women, but a necessary one since until, again, very recently — within my life more or less — women were barely able to financially support themselves outside of marriage, let alone control their own reproductive lives. The system was (and still is in many places) set up so that women had very little choice but to marry.

When you consider that, these narratives that have sprung up around marriage — which strive to make it look like a good thing, or an accomplishment when there was no alternative, or even the one true road to happiness — seem a lot like propaganda.

I also think it’s useful for us to ask ourselves who benefits from the “norm” stories we tell about women, and who has been authoring those stories for most of history? The answer is, it’s not women. I’m certainly not saying all marriages are bad, or that women who choose them have somehow been brainwashed, but I do think even the happiest married woman will tell you the reality is far, far away from the stories we were raised on.

Add to all this the reality that I did not feel disempowered in my actual life. In fact, I’d never felt more powerful. And the disconnect between that and the way the world was telling me I should be feeling was frustrating and then infuriating.

Because I’m a writer, and apparently a superhero level Virgo, I processed all this through storytelling as opposed to say boycotts and protests or advocacy work.

This is a very long answer to say, the stories we tell about women have almost always been authored by men, and we’re living in a moment when women are finally in the position to speak for themselves, and all these narratives – most of which counter the traditional one, which is largely bullshit — are sprouting up as a result. Mine is among them.

Mystic: Voila Mercury conjunct Mars in action!  You currently have the all-important Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your $$$ sector trine that Mercury-Mars in Virgo – it would mean that after a phase of financial insecurity, you’re pulling together a formidable new financial platform that would allow you to fully express yourself and reach a broader audience. And this would involve a possibly deranged level of hard work and focus but come together in early 2020. Does this resonate at all?

Glynnis: From this interview to the universe’s ears. As any writer will tell you, financial security is a rarity, and particularly in the United States where, as freelancers, we pay for our own health insurance out of pocket (to the tune of $600/month). I had vaguely thought I’d dive right back into another project after I was through promoting the book last summer (and I did do a short book on baking, of all things) but I was surprised how bone-deep tired I was. I feel really lucky to write books, but they are hard and this one, particularly as so much of it was written immediately following my mother’s death, was especially so, emotionally speaking.

The book has been out for more than a year now, though (the paperback just published in North America) and I do feel not just ready, but excited to take on another big project (and get exhausted all over again). You can never know how stories will resonate in the world, but I’m about to be 45 and am absolutely happy to experiment with experiencing everything you describe above.

Mystic: Do you have any rituals or routines that you do around your work and writing?

Glynnis: I’m a morning person so when I’m in serious writing mode I like to be at the computer at 8 am having already exercised and eaten. My brain tends to slow down after 2 pm unless I’m on a severely hard deadline — the best thing that came out of the years I churned out multiple stories a day for websites is the knowledge that when you have to, you can write from anywhere at any time.

Being able to be choosy about your writing “process” is a luxury. Without question, though, my most important “routine” is turning off the internet. Period. I block it from my computer and turn my phone off. Even then, it usually takes a few days before my brain adjusts to offline. This is not true for every writer I know, but ‘get off the internet’ is my number one piece of advice for anyone who wants to be a writer.

Mystic:  What weird ‘magical’ belief do you hold that most people would think irrational but which you know is legit?

Glynnis: I do have a thing with numbers (I also have a head for dates and birthdays; I still know all the birthdays of people I waited tables with fifteen years ago). And I have great faith in the number 21 thanks to my friend Margeaux who has always professed its power. I have deep faith in her, so I adopted this habit also.

Image: No One Tells You This

31 thoughts on “My Astrological Interview With Glynnis MacNicol”

  1. Love it! As a chaotic Virgo (I will clean/scrub, but my art studio is a mess, creative chaos!)
    I think my Scorpio Rising has taken over. I absolutely get that other people assume you’re always up to something when you’re not and glaring/looking at people when you’re not.
    I’m often lost in a daydream or thought but often am accused of plotting.

  2. Awesome! Finally, a book I can relate to lol
    I also just realised I have Merc conj Mars and relate to bits of this too 🙂

    Thanks for a great read. Sounds like you made a new friend, Mystic x

  3. Honey giver among the pigs. A movie I just watched on SBS movies. It is a beautiful movie about a female Buddhist Dakini.

    Have also watched some you tube about fierce current Dakini women.

  4. This interview is really good MM. Also a multiple V, Sun, Mercury, Mars, I so relate to her early childhood, neat, organised, accommodating. Cynthia has channelled her VV into writing. I am looking forward to reading this well thought processed writing.

  5. Its good to have a book like this, and I’m going to go back and read in more detail about your writing process and astro influence!
    It got me thinking.
    In my case, many examples of marriage I witnessed around me as a young girl and into my teens, twenties, were not very good. I dont have memories of seeing trust, warmth, kindness, forgiveness, affection. Men joked around with words like “bitterness” and “acrimony”, cartoons depicted wives as stupid harridans to be ignored. Cultural representations that would apply to my ‘future’ as a wife were often about various ways to forfeit my right to self determination without a stinking fight and/ or an end to the relationship. Women spoke with expressions of concealed disgust or frustration about the antics of their husbands. That’s not even approaching my own parents marriage (by the time I was born it was sliding downhill). I saw absolutely reason to aspire to, or feel some pressure or need to, accede to a social norm that basically seemed like a big old sh*t sandwich. The needle didn’t even flicker at the concept of being married. I couldn’t get it up for the concept of a Relationship.

    My family of Aquarians never applied pressure to be with someone, which I came to understand was kind of unusual.
    Much of my work as an adult has been to dismantle a profoundly deep mistrust of intimate relationships and to reconfigure my perspectives on love and respect, self reliance versus mutual happiness, examine non ‘traditional’ relationships, learn about how I manage my emotional needs and health, and more. Sometimes I think I am following the reverse of this journey of independence, but in order to do this – do relationships (Libra node) – I’ve had to know myself better first, so..

    1. Some of us simply don’t need to partner. We are whole all on our own. But there are others although still individuals who just function at a higher level if partnered. I too saw the crappy illustrations of women and oddly having lived a lot of my life in wonderful caring nurturing environment, find myself amongst those who seriously live in the 1950’s with their attitude to most things. So I’ve always always enjoyed and find I’m so much more partnered but my gods I’m so aware of my individual self. Even now I’m attached to a big Aquarian, and we live apart seven months of the year. But the bond is strong as it is individual. I am blessed Really I am.

    2. Replying to my own comment to add that having a finger on the pulse of my ‘vulnerability’ has also factored strongly into the constellation that is my capricorn moon and Venus Chiron south node in aries (yes, brene brown)

  6. Love this interview- feel like I’m eavesdropping on an absolutely intriguing conversation. My Astro Merc Rising, Sun Gem, Mars in Gem in the 12th. So, have just downloaded this fab book from Booktopia.

  7. Great post Mystic. Yes, beyond the triple goddess …..beyond the pagan mother/father, female/male. Self determination is here if one has intelligence IQ and EQ, financial autonomy, method and courage. I note there’s an article about Australian Dr Claire Weekes of “face, accept, float, let time pass” method. Interestingly, her earlier studies were of reptiles. She never married. An inspiration to all.

  8. Love the Astro interview- brilliant – thank you! I’m now going to go and look for Glynnis’s book and let my daughters know about it. 💐

  9. Amazing woman, great interview, and this book is on my to read list! I love hearing about writers and books I haven’t heard of. Thanks, Mystic ❤️

  10. Thank you for such a poignant interview.
    Yes we do need to know who we are, also who we were and who we are becoming.
    People used to tell me to write and I always wondered why I didn’t, apart from journaling. Now I understand – mercury in Scorpio square Pluto in leo is like a different colour from mercury/Mars. Like indigo to a consensus palatable blue (similar with red shades – deeper and lighter). My Pluto took the life-meaning search to untold depths. While Glenys found no road map for life especially for women, I, on the other hand, found my how-to book in the occult and esoteric world of Rudolf Steiner. So I took the landmarks and signposts and “did” my life according to the recipe. However, since Steiner’s work emerged out of the patriarchal world and I was in female embodiment this life time, it had to finally break. Yes at mid-life and what followed was the journey into the feminine amidst the derisive comments of the Steiner community. And now more recently how to integrate the whole lot – the past as in Millenia in whatever partial human form, the present also in its separatist partial expression, not just male/female biases but also the societal divide of entitled elitist supremacist amidst the exploited irrelevant collective. The Buddhists say that in our first stage of ignorance we live with the consequences of our actions. In the second stage on the way to enlightenment we live within the balance (the pull/push) of the polarities; and in the final stage of enlightenment we live from the centre of all things. I love this image in the light of the astrological mandala. Transits bringing consequences etc; polarity of signs and houses bringing the push/pull of the integration of opposites/the shadow elements. And finally that wonderful dot in the centre of the chart – Living from the centre of all things.

  11. Great interview and I think I’ll pick up her book now. Btw I love these kinds of posts. It’s a great way to find out about people and books I never would have thought of and the writing is super engaging.

  12. As a writer/wild woman approaching this age, I am actually going to grab this book. Thx for the insightful interview Mystic!

  13. Whoa! That last bit about having a head for birthdays struck me, because I have so far met just one other person (also a Virgo) who has the same random ability to remember birthdays as I do. I am Pisces but Virgo rising, and as soon as someone tells me their birthday, I can’t explain why but it immediately goes into long-term memory. Why does this happen?!

    Also love the early Harriet the Spy inspiration — definitely Scorpio rising!

    1. That resonated with me too – Mars in Virgo and I can’t forget a number. Birthdays, anniversaries, car rego plates, phone numbers. My brain has no delete function which has got me into trouble on occasion.

  14. Thank you for this gem, “‘get off the internet’ is my number one piece of advice for anyone who wants to be a writer.'” Will do.

  15. This interview is GOLD. I L-O-V-E IT! I’d love to see more of this stuff too. It is SO inspiring.
    I think I’m gonna read this book.
    As a Virgo rising with Pluto sittin’ in my first house I can relate a lot to her. Thanks Mystic for sharing this with us!

  16. Have just ordered this and cannot wait to read it!! Turning 40 this year and very, very, very happily single and childfree and love not being a ‘sheep’.

  17. And a big Thank You to you Glynnis.

    I am 52 and female. I never really saw marriage as anything that great. Subconsciously it felt constrictive. Although I have problems at the moment I just thought that was to do with living in a low socio econic, conservative town. But after reading your article I begin to wonder?

    One thing that I have noticed in the past is that people really want to know if you are a good girl if you are single? How condescending and funny. What the hell are they afraid of?

    I always felt that my Lilith in Aries has helped me with being single. And I do feel that I am reaching the most creative, real and adventurous part ofy life. I want to get creative stuff done before I leave the planet.

    Here is to not giving a fuq and doing it my way.

  18. Fuq I just got called a hag by some low life kid riding his bike. Then I went to the local supermarket in this small town. Then I ran into my horrible neighbor who called me a witch. I smiled because really it is a compliment: a sign of intelligence. But I don’t really identify as a witch a hedge witch: yes.

    But my blood was boiling. I was caught off guard. I got home and took some Bach emergency essence and it worked.

    I can’t get out of this town soon enough.

    Then I see this post. Thanks Mystic.

    1. Feeling a bit low so I asked the nice oracle pshyce : answer : potent good witch energy stirring. Oh my, cackle, cackle.

      1. I’ve embraced my hag and introduce myself as witch. It never offends. How could it. Basically you’re a wise woman. Thanks for the complement.

  19. These interviews are just fabulous Mystic! Inspired to read her work, but also love hearing her respond to your take on her chart.

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