Fifty-Six More Hours Of Mars In Aries

Let’s talk about Mars in Aries. It’s been six months and nine days of the Action Planet in his most potent terrain – rare and unprecedented in recent decades, as many of you know. Now, as I write, there are just 56 more hours to go.  Check the Moon Calendar for the exact time in your zone but Mars moves into Taurus on Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. Yes, this week. As in soon.

If your strategy for what seems like the last trillion weeks has been something like ‘just keep driving‘ – Mars in Taurus is an ample motel in the desert. It may feel quite strange at first. You’ve gotten so used to screeching into pitstops, one eye on the timer and another on people who are probably going to give you the wrong fuel, speed-scanning guides on how to do rapid repairs to vehicles/relationships/brains moving at high velocity.

Screeching Into Mars in Aries Pitstops

But it’s imminent and substantial. No matter how driven you are, this Mars shift signals a deceleration. Pull into Taurean Sands and take some tactical time. Power down the adrenals. Mars is in Taurus until early March and conjunct Uranus from January 19 to 23rd. It’s an opportune window for radical reboots but they’re not the kind you charge at, Ramzilla style.

The last two days of Mars in Aries are accompanied by Mercury conjunct Pluto, at nearly the same degree as January 2020’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction. It can tint even your most mild of mental meanderings – rabbit-holing your research, the Daily Mail sidebar of shame, old bank statements – with Gothic gloom or occult foreboding.

Mars In Taurus Is A Tranquil Motel – Taurean Sands

Push through that aspect of it so you get to the good bits – transformed thinking, real insights, magic. While it’s classically good for revelations and info-leaks, it’s difficult to say what that could possibly involve now. We’re in a weird age of information  – more in my Turbulent Times update soon – which seems to entail striking reveals being released all the time but then rarely followed up.

Still, if you’re in the mood to assess your last six months of Mars in Aries intensity, Mercury near Pluto is apt astro. At the moment, you may feel too adrenal to view the entire era objectively but aside from being strung-out and either under or over-worked the whole time, you would have scored some significant victories. Performance metrics are harder to gauge when you’re looking around wondering who the hell is in charge.

An Unanticipated Aries Outcome

I’ll save my geopolitical take on Mars in Aries for the T.T. update but this story is super-Mars-in-Aries. For the first time in history, a woman – Amy Bauernschmidt – has been put in charge of a nuclear-armed aircraft carrier. The astro of it is striking: She is a helicopter pilot, a quintuple Aries – Sun, Mars, Saturn, Node, and Eris. The 2013 U.S.A. law change that allowed women into combat was Uranus in Aries, conjunct her Sun. 

This latest announcement occurred with Mars conjunct Eris and approaching her Mars Return. Most of us are understandably edgy about nuke-anything but this is a remarkable sync with the astro. I’m Generation X and thus able to vividly recall an uproar regarding the concept of commercial airlines hiring female pilots. ‘Lady hormones’, it was surmised, disqualified them from work of such complexity. In 1988, which is when Mars was last in Aries for this long, women in service roles – not command positions – was supposedly the natural order.

So, pinging off this to talk about you, what supposedly ‘normal’ or ‘innate’ but actually bulls**t paradigm have you overcome in the last six months? Or if you’re easing your foot off the pedal ever so gently as you spy Taurean Sands on the horizon and don’t want to discuss achievements, how the hell are you?

Does everyone have more empathy for Aries and/or Mars People now? 

107 thoughts on “Fifty-Six More Hours Of Mars In Aries”

  1. To me it feels as if access to the tranquillity of Taurean Sands is still blocked for the moment by the upcoming transit of Mars over Uranus in Taurus in the coming week (square Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius). We need to get past that first…

    I hope that is the reason that my life in the past few days has been as gruelling and hectic as it has been forever, for the past 3 years. It’s exhausting… Taurean Sands come to me 🙏

  2. I thought mars in Aries was going to be dangerous for my Aries rising and other cardinal points but tbh apart from an unfortunate disagreement with the GM through his assistant, which was my bad, I’ve successfully channelled the energy through me, embarking on 20, then 40, then 60 day meditation program, daily yoga, regular shiatsu and my first ever diet, losing 6 kg of a 10kg goal. But honestly, I’m cooked after Saturn and Jupiter in cap and desperately need a less stressful and heavy year.

  3. Crystallised future

    So, pinging off this to talk about you, what supposedly ‘normal’ or ‘innate’ but actually bulls**t paradigm have you overcome in the last six months?

    How I deal with people who pull power stunts. The range has been from a long time friend to a project manager overseeing a disability bathroom renovation for my daughter who lived 600 km’s away. The latter broke me. Even by my standards my reaction to her stunts were over the top.

    I have sought counselling with a psychologist who specialises in eye movement therapy and what has come to the surface has been profound. I see now my tactics against people who try to railroad me, or take advantage of me – has been based on fear caught in my heart from teenage years.

    Pluto in my 7th house and swaying backwards and forwards in opposition to my moon has been a life changer to my attitudes towards others. Almost as vicious as when the damned thing was square my everything whilst Saturn was conjunct my moon in 2005. But I can see the positives in the before and after of 2020.

    I believe I’ve self actualised from the 2017 to now. I’ve actually got used to being isolated and have used it to chase a dream I started putting together in 2018 after a horrifically busy 2017 and then losing the past 2 years to cancer treatment. I don’t even care about who and what I’ve tossed out of my life. Aries in my 9th house forced me onto the right track. I’m grateful, even as I hope I never have to go through another year like it.

    1. Well this is a life story. A series of knock downs you get back up from. Just saying I’m sending your soul light and love on your journey.

  4. Still mopping up the fallout of my last year’s biggest professional fiasco (in December-November). Have absolutely no one, zero persons and zero circumstances, to blame besides myself and my usual crap. Even the pandemic had NOTHING to do with it, and that’s not something many people can say with honesty and sincerity at this time about anything, hahaa. I’ve no idea if Mars had any hand in this (would be weird – I would have expected Martian energy to deliver the opposite result) but I soooooo hope so. Desperately need something to blame this on, even if just a tiny fraction!

  5. Total outer life transformations at warp speed for the last 6 months that’s for sure, but more of an upswing than anything 2019 through the first 1/2 of 2020 ever delivered.

  6. Terrible doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’ve been living a Cardinal square/oppositional nightmare. It opposed my stellium in Libra, including transit Mars opposite natal Mars/Saturn/Pluto WHILE squaring all the Capricorn stuff at the same time! So, I’ve had transit Mars square transit Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter – and the Capricorn planets have been squaring my natal Libra stellium (all at late degrees and all tightly conjunct) for months. Things really fell apart in July. I’ve spent months just stuck in some metaphorical Underworld, surrounded by people dying (I’ve lost five clients this year) and the horrific political dystopia raging around me. I’ve sat by so many deathbeds, tried to help so many who couldn’t be helped. Just didn’t want to be here anymore. The only reason I’m still here is my husband helped me at home between my grueling 12-hour shifts and 70-hour work weeks in healthcare. I wouldn’t wish how I’ve felt in 2020 on anyone. Anyone.

    1. Crystallised future

      Oh, you are one of societies heroes right now. You take care and thank goodness you have support. xxx

    2. My heart goes out to you, AquaMeg.
      I wish i could manifest a blanket of love that could envelope & soothe you, and all you courageous & amazing people that are fighting to prevent this world from dipping into total chaos. Thank you & much love to you. xx.

    3. AquaMeg, so much of your brilliance and shine has been part of this blog here, and somehow brought me a spark in my dark times. Sending blessings and pagan prayers, but what would actually be good, as in donations or anything practical, from Aus? Can we bring anything, as individuals? I’m in awe of your work, your man and your candour. Some of the people i work with are also in existential despair, but we here experience nothing like you do. You are powerful and beautiful, though you most likely feel resourceless and drained. You are powerful in how much you have worked and cared, and you need rest. Real respite xxxx

    1. IKR! I don’t live there and so I don’t want to diminish the weirdness factor but astrologically, this is an end of cycle blow-off. They’ve probably been hyping themselves up ALL Mars in Aries, with help from the president de-elect, deciding anarchy is the go after all & ‘planning’ their rebellion…It’s a disgrace though. Gracious handovers and dignity in defeat are when you get to show you’re a class act after all…

      1. I’m staying off social media at the moment – trying to do deep reads – but for about five mins, I thought people were protesting the Kardashian divorce…

  7. O and how’s this for Uranus Mars crossing the asc – my house was struck by lightening a night ago frying all tech ability. And it was scary!

  8. I am a painter and after a week of creative block today I painted all day. Thank you Taurus Sands. Although battening the hatches for Uranus and mars to cross my ascendant. Enjoying it while it lasts….

  9. Wellll was going to put a “Happy Mars in Taurus, everyone” post up here a few hours ago—time to bust out the yin yoga and root vegetable soup, &c—but then I checked The NY Times website (I check here first of course) and saw the news about the US Capitol siege.

    Quite a finale to Mars in Aries; the police announced the building had been secured about fifteen minutes after Mars moved into Taurus.

    1. exactly. I thought well, that’s one hell of a way for Mars in Aries to exit.
      The night is still young. So buckle up.

    2. This is such classic astro energy playing out: Mars on the last degree of Aries drops its load on U.S. halls of power. I’m going to be paying more attention to the anoretic & critical degrees. In predictive astrology the anaretic degree is likely to be the degree where we can experience our most significant life-changing moments – i think the U.S. has just experienced one of these.

  10. The final update on yesterday’s “adventures in assertiveness” is that I did manage to buy one pair of monthly lenses of my old prescription from the pharmacy on the other side of London. I stuck a mask on, took three trains and two buses and marched in there like tank girl
    They had to hand over at least one pair because I need them to see. So since they have a duty of care, I’ve supported their business for years and they invoked the word legal first.
    Suits me fine actually as there’s a cheap and lovely place much closer to Hackney I’ve been wanting to try for a few months now

    Making space on the couch for a cow 😎

    1. Why was buyin contact lens so hard ? In France I just wander into any optician and say a bag of your best no 3’s please and they hand them over for half the price of the uk ? No appointment no consultation, just grab the goodies and go.

      1. Exactly emg
        It shouldn’t be hard
        The woman was pushing me to pay for a sight test so she could then sell me two or three pairs of new glasses with the updated prescription. It’s profitable for them to do this every couple of years because macular degeneration. If anything my eyesight has improved this year and the contact lenses and three pairs of different strength glasses I bought from her two years ago work perfectly. She was refusing to let me buy contact lenses until I had another sight test and claimed it was a legal issue. Maybe it is but her attitude totally sucked. When you’re bullied by your parents as a kid you can become the kind of adult who is easy pray for so called authority figures and there are industries and individuals who align themselves with the archetypes of authority for their own benefit.
        The word Doctor gets bandied around .. it’s a whole power trip. Very Pluto / Saturn and I am just over being nice to people who are hiding behind that facade and bluffing to make a sale.

        1. To be clear, I’m happy to have another sight test. I just wasn’t buying her “I can’t legally sell you these lenses because you’re due another test” line.

          1. Oh that’s pish! I’ve got the dr title too but I was always out to make sure you got the right work for the least amount. But yes crazy. Can’t you buy online these days ?

            1. Nope. Gotta go in for a sight test and then get a new prescription and only THEN can I buy the lenses I need. It’s bonkers. Actually maybe I CAN buy my lenses online. I’m going to look into it.
              I’ve bought tiny screwdrivers and such to repair my old pairs of specs. Arms always coming loose from wear n tear and the difference between me now pre Mars in Aries (to stay on topic:)) is the my ingenuity and inner confidence in my ability for figure shit out has increased dramatically. I’ve always loathed having to cede power to others out of necessity but I did it anyway and it diminished me. Or eroded – something anyway now I love repairing things or making them from scratch. Shoes have been on my dream “ to make” list for a year now.
              Again, it’s about power. The sense of being able. Not having to consume and obey. It sounds quite exaggerated but the creative aspect of it feeds me psychologically. I definitely want a more curated, intentional relationship with the doctor who I consult about my vision health every couple of years.

            2. Thanks so much for this tip omg. I just bought them online for A FRACTION of the cost. Oh my badness. Thank you.

  11. Ok so mars at 29 degrees ready to step into Taurus. I dream rarely but last night I had a vivid dream. I had scars on my lower legs and after a while huge flies started to hatch out of them ! I watched with interest not horror. Following on from that a huge black and orange snake arrived out of a tree onto black tarmac road. Again interest not horror. On the whole i had been in conversation with old friends but this was weird. Any ideas guys ? I’m not good with dream recognition.

    1. Scars = times you cheated death /evidence that you survived/ resilience and doubled down on strength as skin is thicker now. Lower legs= forward motion at most basic or obvious level, ie not sexualised or intimate, more like career stuff or geographical progress
      The flies hatching out of the scar tissue makes me think of riches that feed you and smell good. Flies indicate abundant nourishment and heat as they show up where it’s warm and food is plentiful
      Snake, no idea.

      1. Well that’s a take on it ! Grazie Invicta. It was one of those dreams that said ‘heads up, I’m telling you something’

        1. Snakes in dreams are traditionally repressed sexual desires. Or your secret inner wisdom. Or both. But it could be something very individual. What do those colours mean for you? Black and orange. What did the snake do? How did you act when you saw it in the dream?

          1. I knew you guys would come up trumps. Odd how you should mention repressed sexuality. I live with a pretty asexual aqua and it’s not good for me in that department. Plus I was toying with the idea of a new avenue of income using my vast talents in certain arenas. I’ve also got practically everything in my 11th currently.

    2. Wish Upon a Star

      Hi EMG, I glanced your comment yesterday and last night it knocked on my brain.

      I feel the orange snake is your inner creativity, or inner wisdom or whatever you feel it is.

      You need to be wise with how you use it, more importantly do you waste it on things or people who are not worthy. The snake belongs in the 🌲 not the tarmac where it can get run over.

      Are your creative thoughts being dissed by shit heads. Keep the snake in the tree and nurture it, not on the shit head road.

      I didn’t get a strong feeling about the flies. Maybe it’s anxiety about corona.

      More likely your body is just purifying and your subconscious is processing it.

      If this resonates with you : great. Otherwise just disregard it.

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        p.s. You can get off the tarmac now. Mars in Aries has ended.

        You can return to the Taurean trees now.

        ha ha.

  12. Fuuuuq…loving how the aries compassion is explained.
    Revvving revvving revvving with a loaded punch on why, where is the logic, and who made him the boss? Luckily for me tempered by aqua going all systems theory on it all and prepared to keep walking no matter what. Not sure I need a tranquil motel but I’m happy for a whole lot of folk to go there and get out of my way

    1. Not sure I need a tranquil motel but I’m happy for a whole lot of folk to go there and get out of my way’
      Hahaha! Love it!

  13. I am booking in to the Taurean Sands, ALONE. The endless high-powered to-do list has been insane with a toddler. Mars in Aries saw me simultaneously do the following things:

    Work full time while studying a graduate certificate full time (beginning to end) while also applying for jobs because my old role became too uncertain. So I started a new job in October just as I was finishing the graduate certificate. So now I have a new qualification and a great new job. It was hell to go through (24 job applications in 8 weeks, five interviews, one offer) but now I am through.

    It is my birthday next week and I’m stressing over that but I’m just going to do what I do when I get there.

    1. Crystallised future

      Oh I’ve been there! I had 3 kids under 8 at the time, and one day while I was stressing to get an assessment in on time the cat decided to give birth in the doll cradle behind my desk. The whole neighbourhood of kids were there to witness it. It was nuts! Lol!!!

  14. I’m not able to be as objective as I’d like here because for me astrology is incredibly personal and highly subjective. That said, I have found so much energy and untapped potential in the squares during Mars in Aries. Add the retrograde for shits and gigs and yeah. It’s been powerful. Someone asked below about what the effect is of having an aspect in the natal chart is vs atheist feeling of a transit and it’s a fascinating subject to me because it’s so much about the angles and one’s experience of oneself within the environment.
    I always found my squares from Mars and Saturn, moon, Pluto and the nodes too much to even contemplate almost and so I repressed the energy and even turned it in on myself. In other ways I used it unconsciously and took the strength it gave me for granted. I definitely have never owned it as much as I do right now. Also I feel there is so much more to own and the work is just beginning.

    As an amusing (at least for me) aside today as I have moon conjunct Pluto (daily horoscope) and the final flourish of Mars in Aries with the pressure of those squares mentioned above. This will seem silly and inconsequential perhaps but it’s a mundane example of the sort of maddening minutiae mars in Aries and the pressure of those squares has physically wrung out of me.
    I finally had the argument I’ve been having in my head for months with my now ex optician (optometrist?) you know -the folks who sell you three pairs of overpriced spectacles and new contacts every two years after subjecting you to pure torture by making you stare at irrelevant shit with different eyes and blow air on your eyeball and asking you whether it looks clearer like this or. Click. Like this.
    And eventually you just break and pay whatever they want because you’re so emotionally exhausted from trying to answer unanswerable questions like that. Honestly it’s just blurry. Okay?
    I’m not sure about anyone else but to me the glasses always seem exactly the same as the previous pair and I always feel like I’m being conned. There’s a whole industry going on there and yes I know it’s a science and I’m not saying my vision isn’t important to me because of course it is but I’m being taken advantage of in some way by them and I couldn’t exactly pin point it until today when this woman refused to sell me my replacement monthly contact lenses because I’m due for a sight test and the prescription is slightly more than two years old. So by her definition it has expired and she legally cannot sell me the lenses.
    I kind of lost it with her because it felt as if she was attempting to strongarm me into the whole sight test and new prescription experience and holding some contact lenses I ordered in December to ransom. Okay now I’ve said it it does sound a bit pathetic but I called her out on it it’s she was doing it and said that I would rather transfer to a different optician, one closer to where I live. She refused to release my details because I couldn’t “sign it electronically “. (Poppycock of course I can, people do it all the time). But yeah we got into a proper confrontation and I was so impressed with myself and how I hung in there for it all.
    Poor customer service experience. Yes I know, trivial Karen meme etc but actually no.
    Actually fuq keeping quiet and being nice when I suspect I’m being bullied. Even if I’m wrong. Standing up for myself irl feels so much better than arguing with people in my head.

    1. My point is, there’s a global pandemic happening we’ve just gone into full lockdown and now is not the time to refuse to sell me the lenses I urgently need for cycling when you took the order in December just because you would rather have the cash from the three pairs of glasses you can sell me right now.
      If my Housemate’s mum has to wait for a new kidney and her dad has to hang on to his crumby old heart valve while the NHS deals with Covid-19 before he gets the replacement he was due to get in April last year I mean, really you legally cannot sell me my contact lenses?

      No. Sorry, calling your bluff mate.

      Oh dear, bring on Mars in Taurus
      I’m fried.

  15. The last 6 months has again proved to me that both Aries and Mars are both very poor teachers in that modern sense of taking into consideration the needs of each individual pupil. Students moving at their own pace, no corporeal punishment,,heightened awareness of the needs of those less competent, everyone shines blah blah The events of this year just happened to everyone with absolutely no discrimination..What could be more indiscriminate than a global pandemic… like here you go .. bang, won’t deal with climate change … whoosh, largest most destructive bushfires in living memory with associated deaths of 3 billion native animals.
    It’s like they bring Aries and Mars in to shock the monkey to the hard facts and consequences of being in denial as to how close we are getting to totally fuqing up.
    The problem is that if we’ve just been slapped in the face and we don’t wake up ? I’m not sure Astro has anything left in the arsenal.

      1. We seem intent on moving on to the next thing and dumping the last thing. We refuse to acknowledge the connection between the last thing and the new thing ? We are like monkeys swinging through the trees. We swing off one rope and then let go looking for the next one to grasp. One day there just won’t be another rope to gasp.

        1. So true DavidL
          That analogy reminds me of one of my first ever recurring dreams
          At the time I found it baffling and yet now it’s a reminder that I always have the possibility to connect with a wiser intelligence/ voice of reason/ a map

    1. Sorry I have mars Jupiter conjuction in Aquarius Nataly. I’m a quadruple aries virgo rising. Uranus has been squaring the conjunction the whole year, now Saturn and Jupiter are coming, in a trine to the pluto that opposes the aries stellium. The square forms exact semisquares to my ascendant. The mercury Saturn conjunction will be on my mars. Which forms a biquintle to my chiron which is on my moon.

      That is all

  16. To be honest I don’t know what the hell my motor is running on but I do know that the fuel tank light has been on for the past 6 weeks. My life is all up in the air and who knows when any of it is coming in for landing, never mind pulling up to Taurean Sands. But it does sound heavenly. One can only dream!!

  17. This is probably a rookie question, but if you have an aspect natally (ie. mars in aries), does that make it stronger or weaker when it’s going on ‘out there’ too? x

      1. Thank you! I’ve always wondered this. Maybe both are true: it’s stronger, but you adjust to it quicker because in some ways you’re used to it? x

  18. dont know what to say except-im relieved??? lol
    mars through my 12th…maybe i’ve hardened up psychologically
    less thinking people are out to get me lol

    1. Hardened up hey .. yeah you could say that’s happening to me to. Although in my case the hardening is more just a natural part of fossilization. .Oh and well you may lol.. I will get you … I for one won’t rest until I do 😳 then we will see how hard you are..

  19. Wish Upon a Star

    Just realising that Mars in Aries made me just keep driving through chemo treatment. The last one on New Year’s Eve.

    But this Taurus Moon is glad to see the Taurean Sands sign. I can feel it already.

    I watched Unbroken last night. Not a good idea under the Merc conj Pluto vibe. It was intense and unrelenting. But I couldn’t look away. Anyway I had a major insight: give up the struggle.

    The bull shit paradigm is starting to dislodge from my psyche. But I can’t name it yet.

    But the feeling of deep movement is so encouraging.

    1. Crystallised future

      Oh Wish Upon A Star, you take real good care of yourself over the next year or 2. My last chemo was May last year and I’m still getting over the effects. Hang in there babe.

  20. oh my god, this post is exactly how i have been operating the last 6 months with the buildup/explosion happening in October. Just took a 15 day road trip across the country alone… was scared as fuk but i HAD to do it. So your driving metaphor was right on the money.

    Me? Sun and Venus in Aries and boy, have i felt it.

    Exploding paradigms is my M.O. with Aquarius rising as well. With Cancer south node, never thought I could make it “on my own” but felt like I was gonna explode if I didn’t strike out Jane Eyre style, safety net or not. Off I went, broke up with my boyfriend, moved 3 states over on a whim and magic set in so found a room overnight. Always unconsciously felt like I couldn’t do things alone, that I needed someone emotionally. Fast forward 2.5 months, break out of that dysfunctional living situation and go on a road trip from west coast to rural Tennessee, got snowed in in South Dakota, made it there alive in one piece (yes I thought I might die along the way), then stayed with my best friend and her brother’s fam for 4 days, turned around and came back. Epic is an understatement. Aries people are not “impulsive” – it’s just the universe kicking our butts into gear to make s*** happen! We catalyze!

  21. The weirdest thing just happened .. Was cleaning out cupboards/kitchen (no Mars in 6th/Virg, am just a Mum with kids lol) and I had slipped into that auto-pilot/zen mode when the Nine of pentacles Smith-Waite card image popped into my head, along with the title of the Empress card?? Just as quickly, the same thought ?? announced ‘Mystic’s written a new post!!’ And so I had a look as fast as my chubby hands could put down the soap-scourer and pick up my mobile, lol!!😄 Nothing to add to this glorious post/great commentary besides that – going to keep cleaning on this waning Virgo moon until it gets to Libra. Peace & light from a multiple Aries. Xoo

  22. My natal Mars is conjunct Pluto, so as you’ve pointed out before, I feel like an Aries, constantly under internal pressure to do MORE.

    I’ve managed to leave a toxic workplace, where I was employed for 20 years (happily for the first half), and landed the job I wanted, via a very stressful in-between job last year.

    Was on a knife edge until the very last weeks of 2020 and still can’t quite believe I pulled the whole thing off.

  23. Well with Uranus hanging around on my Taurus Ascendant making me look hard at my Sun Uranus conjunction, I’m hoping they have a Galactic Suite with transcendental WiFi and a big bath.

  24. Mmmm— I have my natal mars and my north node in Aries around 13 and 15° so that was all at the center of the Mars retrograde earlier in 2020 – and in some ways I’ve grooved on the energy, I think it gave me some focus and stamina for the later stages of a big creative project I’m in the midst of, bringing home and proud of, etc.

    It’s also coincided with some drama with a Leo/Aries rising friend who has pluto on on her moon and, until recently Saturn—I have the same on my ascendant and I’m ready to bust out into greatness and so on. In various ways the dynamic has gotten overclocked and pressured. I was right on the verge of having an “I need space” conversation with her but even though I’m definitely feeling the adrenals firing and so on and part of just wants to get it over with this post made me decide to put that conversation off till the second half of the week when we get into the more chill Taurean pastures….

    Please book me a suite at the Taurean Sands—planning to book myself in for a lo-fi writer’s retreat tout suit. ✨💖

  25. Natal Mars in Taurus here; the hotel is my home away from home. I also have Jupiter in Taurus so I’m fully anticipating an upgrade to the spa suite and late check-out 😉

    1. Mate, the Galaxy King suite is being prepared as you read this! Extra alkaline in the spa water bubbles and hand loomed towels with Fibonacci numbers embroidered into the hemline.

  26. I picked up a 12 month school admin role (yes in That Year) and Mars was roughing up my 3rd house. I could be answering an email when some confused student knocking on the door for help then the phone rings. I have Mars in T and I can feel the shift already. And it’s all about me looking after myself for a change. Happiest New Year Everyone!!!

  27. There is a difference between a team supporting you (i.e. everyon has their position or ‘roles’ and all working towards a common goal) and being in supportive energy. This Mars saga has helped parse the difference between these two things. The latter is absolute shite and does not work. The common goal becomes everyone ‘getting support’, but for their own thing. ain’t necessarily knocking it (actually I am on a personal level), but I ain’t got time for that anymore. Understanding and catergorizing folks for peace of mind between friend, associate, aquaintance, teammate, etc.

  28. I’m sooo tired. But I am also doing my Saturn return, dead center of 0* Aqua, in my 12th house so that could be to blame as well.

    I’m putting on my sunglasses and speeding through until the motel. It sounds lovely.

      1. Love this idea for the planetary suites: Think I’ll start off by detoxing in the plutonic suite with sulfur baths and sacks of Dead Sea salts and obsidian crystals dangling from the ceiling and end with the Jupiterian motivational makeover please.

        1. Don’t forget the Mars suite, where an infrared sauna workout will develop muscles you never knew you had!

  29. Oh adrenals, adrenaline and anxiety. I’ve got the aqua back and boy does he ramp my anxiety, work load and stuff to do but I’m working on saying no! You do it. Go me! He’s all too eager when it’s just a bit difficult or new to him to hand it over, you take over and sort things. He’s way too used to me just doing it because it’s easier than talking him through stuff, or just simply doing it myself But guess what ? I don’t bother to talk him through things these days, or just do it myself. I walk off to do my thousand chores. Go me. Rah rah rah ! Mars does not leave my first house until February time. And it arrived earlier in Pisces. So this has probably been a whole gestational period for me to grow a new shiny ego that’s going to arrive squawking and screaming and scare the sh** out of anyone who knew me prior to this. I’m definitely a lot less agreeable. In fact I’m down right disagreeable. Hoorah.

  30. I ❤️ this post so much
    Saw it mentioned on Instagram and rushed over to read it
    Because yes, obviously the only speed I do these days is full throttle, adrenaline rush.
    I’m interested to know if anyone else has already noticed that things are beginning to shift in key relationships and how good that feels?
    Personally yes, I’ve come to appreciate and respect the mars in Aries situation and people born with this placement, you know, nuff said.
    Come on in mars in Taurus, you are so welcome here.

  31. Mars has been traveling my 6th house and my daily structure has certainly been altered. I have Saturn in the 10th close to my Midheaven so I have some issues with setting unnecessary limits and boundaries or even rules for myself. Mars has really broken those down and I have learned to be more intuitive about what boundaries are keeping me safe and secure and which ones are just self limiting.

  32. Love the road trip/motel analogy! Mars in Aries in my 11/12 house has been a pretty difficult slog for me (late Taurus rising, lots of Scorpio, Cap moon + MC). Aries energy feels so abrasive to me. Even though Mars remains in my 12th house until March, where it is stirring up all kinds of embers, it’ll feel better in Taurus. Happy new year to Mystic and to everyone in this great, incredibly creative community.

  33. Nancy/Venus_in_Scorpio

    Aries anything usually feels foreign and a troubling lack of subtlety (to me)….I don’t even know WHAT to think of this Mars situation we’ve been having.
    My natal Mars in Taurus is sooooooooo relieved at the upcoming change. Finally. WHEW.

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