When Your Sun Is Conjunct Mercury In Taurus

When your Sun is conjunct Mercury in Taurus and the North Node, with all three trine a Capricorn Moon, you’re earthed.

The author Terry Pratchett (Discworld) had this.

Granite and marble, chert and miscellaneous sedimentary deposits. Rocks that once leaped and flowed when the world was born in fire. And do you see the cobbles on the streets? Surely every single one of them, at some time, has had blood on it. Everywhere you look, stone and rock. Everywhere you can’t see, stone and rock! Can you imagine what it feels like to reach down with your bones and feel the living stones?

And what did we make from the stone? Palaces, and castles and mausoleums and gravestones, and fine houses, and city walls, oh my! Not just in this city either. The city is built on itself, all the cities that came before. Can you imagine how it feels to lie down on an ancient flagstone and feel the power of the rock buoying you up against the tug of the world? And it’s mine to use, all of it, every stone of it, and that’s where witchcraft begins. The stones have life, and I’m part of it.

Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight.

Magically and non-magically, so-called ‘stone‘ is, of course, alive, just not as we know it.


14 thoughts on “When Your Sun Is Conjunct Mercury In Taurus”

  1. I grew up in Central Australia, near Ayers Rock. It’s some kind of porous sandstone and when it rains, (middle of the desert, so there’s not heaps of rain) the way the water cascades down The Rock is just mesmerising. I like to imagine The Rock soaking up all the rain water and storing it like memories. Like a big Akashic record or something. It’s a powerful place, regardless of what your chart might look like. But I’m an Aqua sun with 5 planets in Cap (Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Venus retro). Also popping into my mind is the concept of ‘sitting with plants’ from the Celestine Prophecy, Enid Blyton’s Enchanted Forest and Magic Faraway Tree 🙂 What secrets have you for us, Nature?

  2. All this water is missed this.
    I’ve been trying to comprehend my upcoming progressed sun mercury conjunction. At 29 taurus in a year or so. Natally in the 9th, 8th by progression. The north node will be round there. I can’t make sense of much. Which feels like pressure, all my carbon being pressed maybe.
    The confusion is deafening.

  3. Lots of cap in my chart and can not only see this, but can feel it every time i dig in my garden, pot a plant or just go wondering across the rocks by the ocean and bush where ever i am. It feels like home.

  4. I recently went to a quarry to check out the grades of gravel available. Walking around in quarried area, I looked at the surrounding walls of rock and was reminded of the last time I had been in a quarry. That time it was a sand stone quarry and I was collecting off cuts for crazy paving. I was aware, on both occassions, of how deeply the energy of the huge blocks of hewn stone resonated with me. I was just telling a friend this week that “I love quarries”!

  5. Ah, I love Terry P and the way he wrote witches with love – in the series you quote here, Tiffany’s magic came from her land and her bones, and the original witches that preceded her, as well as nature magic, practised ‘headology’ 🙂

    I have always wondered about the creative Synastry between his and Neil Gaiman’s chart was: earth to Neil’s air? Their extraordinary collaboration Good Omens comes out as a TV series next year, hilarious fantasy with judeo christian themes the narrative playground. Main characters Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, I thought were standins for Terry and Neil respectively, and I wonder how that might manifest in synastry also. They’ll be played by Michael Sheen and David Tennant… dear gods….

    And there’s good witching in this book too. Anathema would read your blog, Mystic.

    Nerdgasm over, back to the Astro. Thanks Mystic!

  6. I love the concept of stone/earth/crystal memory talking to me. I was taken fossicking for a week to Glen Innes and Inverell when i was 8 and had a “feel” for it. I have an absolute stellium in Taurus 4th H. IC at 1°, Juno 9, Merc 14, Ceres 16, Mars 21, NN 25 and Sun 26°. Aqua rising so Uranus will trigger all of these soon.

  7. I love this. (Taurus rising, Cap moon, packed sixth house). In middle of an archaeology class a few years ago, I realized that I didn’t really want to be out digging in uncomfortable places (Taurus rising, I like a good hotel!). What I loved were the tangible objects, loaded with history, meaning, craft, imagination,and power. What we make from the stones and earth!

  8. My Cap Moon digs this and the image looks like something familiar to me. How I love to watch as the moon baths the ripples of sand into a lunar surface. I have been know to snap away on my smartphone getting the right image and then intensify the saturation to push the tones into midnight blue.

    Yesterday I added Sugilite to my collection and a gift for my beloved Aunt and Uncle who I just discovered are going through some Dr Chiron journey. When I felt these two stones together I felt they belonged together as they do.

    Thank you for this post MM it’s exactly where I resonate with the new Earth era.

  9. As a Taurus Sun/Mercury/North Node, I dig this for sure and it resonates. Started collecting rocks at age 4 and haven’t stopped; often write poetry and reference the natural world. Thanks for sharing Mystic xo

  10. Rock porn!
    I got the shivers, but they were move like mini quakes of the skeleton reverberating up and out of the flesh.

  11. This reminded me of when I was working in London and used to walk from the train station to the office. A Cobblestone street, and the same words would arise in my mind – the blood that would have been here, the sounds and miseries, and there when I would look up from my transfixed past life mergence hidden in those rocks I’d see a building with the word Phoenix on it.
    That’s what I was doing there – phoenixing myself for the 500th time.
    That was 12 years ago now. I’m only part of her now, the part that was coming into being. Even her wardrobe no longer fits.

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