The Toilet Concubine Spirit!
When is the Vengeful Toilet Concubine Spirit range coming out?
Kate Bush wrote her iconic Wuthering Heights song during an extraordinary Full Moon/Uranus combo. She herself is the ultimate 9th house person.
Read the fascinating story behind the iconic Astromusical series of zodiac-fashion themed albums. Did you know that Maya Angelou and Oscar de la Renta were involved?
The Fool is a shamanic archetype, whose roots go back to old Babylon. Remember all the times you did something ‘foolish’ and it worked out fabulously?
High solar winds brew geomagnetic storms and when this occurs on the brink of an already potent New Moon, it’s an agitating but worthwhile consciousness adjustment.
Lilac Wine is a Neptunian sonnet, the song of a broken spell and regaining your psychic consciousness only to realize you lost yourself. It’s unbearably sad and really, only Neptune types perform it.
Psychedelic jive with smooth Seventies astrological patter – the Soul Zodiac should really be better known.