Daily Mystic for Friday 3 to Sunday 5 March

The Leo Moon starts Friday or early Saturday, depending on your location* and it’s magnificent for art, glamor, hair and putting some oomph back into whatever feels deflated.

It’s also a sturdy upper for the weekend’s Venus-Chiron alignment. If someone intriguing is not blazing across your scene like a snazzy comet, then you’re that creature for someone else. Can you manage both? Of course. With this astro, people in general seek loud, dazzling, unconventional and fun…the soundtrack is vital.

Additionally, the following info details the upcoming Mercury in Taurus/Mercury Retro data. I’m supplying it early as it’s useful to have it ahead of time. Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is particularly important to work around as anything that becomes stuck could be difficult to budge.

It is, however, good for recalibrating investments – if you wait until Mercury is Direct to buy/add on and exerting willpower to let go of something/someone bad for you. Negotiations with obstinate people? Terrible. Don’t try this.

Please save the following or add it to your calendar.

April 3/4: Mercury enters Taurus until June 11.

April 7: Mercury enters the shadowzone of the Retrograde – that is, it reaches the point it will later reverse back to.

April 21: Mercury Retrograde @15° Taurus.

May 14/15: Mercury Direct @5° Taurus

June 1: Mercury emerges from the shadowzone of the Retrograde – that is, it arrives at the point it was at when it went Retrograde.

June 11: Mercury arrives in Gemini.

Note: Regardless of the Retrograde action, Mercury in Taurus for 69 days without a break could be good for sex, gardening and bodywork.

And, Mercury Retrograde purists or people with a specific, vital negotiation or significant launch usually observe the shadowzones above – otherwise, feel free to ignore them!


*See Moon Calendar for the exact time in your zone but it begins on Friday 3 at 15.16 Universal Time and runs for 60 hours!

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