Leonard Cohen – Neptunian

Leonard Cohen passed. Maybe Neptune crossing the South Node called him back. It was right after a series of mind-boggling scientific discoveries – the mysterious Dragonfly Galaxy,  a parallel ‘satellite’ Earth theory, the mapping of a billion stars.

I actually don’t like using “r.i.p.” I have a more quantum concept: people’s energy shooting into the stratosphere and swirling around secret star realms, galactic rebirth.

Leonard Cohen was a Virgo with his Sun Rising in Virgo. He had Venus conjunct Neptune, a Pisces Moon, and a loaded 12th House. When you’ve got that going on, you automatically mine your depths and evoke those others. It’s fantastic for artists wanting to tap into the collective subconscious.

When you see glamorous, melancholy, poetic, surreal, and evocative across generations, look to Neptune/the 12th House. (Pisces Moon, big 12th House + Neptune on an inner planet exact all = Neptunian)

Cohen’s ruler was Mercury, and that was conjunct Jupiter, amplifying it to a crazy degree. He managed the rare feat of combining commercial success with what seemed to be a soul path.

You can add up the parts
but you won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

There are a thousand poetic Leonard Cohen lyrics I could quote. He really was a magnificently functioning Neptunian guy, channeling rare magic. Feelings?

Image: Irving Penn

52 thoughts on “Leonard Cohen – Neptunian”

  1. Some how some where I found Leonard and secretly loved him. Almost like biurnal beats or a Tibetan bowl for me. Resonant.
    And just checked this full moon. Conjunct my nodal axis. Moon on north 2nd house sun on south. 8th house. Hmmmmmm should be money minded for a few days.

  2. This timing goes hand in hand in hand in hand.

    I started attending Quaker/Friends meeting for worship again after about 10 years. A live version of Hallelujah is what I heard on the radio when I drove away from my house this morning. At the closing of meeting, we all held hands and sang it together. I have only sang that song alone. It was powerful to feel the firm grip of others’ hands and hear their voices say the same words with just as much emotion as I was feeling.

    Timing is everything.

    1. I like it. Not sure how to be succinct about this because I am 10 years out of practice. What I like about it foremost is the spiritual seeking aspect. You come together and ponder, share, and discuss. There are open minded discussions that seek to find the path without mandating it. As a group, it is active in social causes and community wellness. I believe in some places they have meetings that have preachers and are more religious but around where I live, there is no preacher and many I have met consider themselves to be non-religious.

      Since I was raised religiously, there are aspects of being in a spiritual community that I find supportive and strong. I’m Uranian & anti dogma and uniformity, so the Friends community is one I feel welcome in.

      1. Yeah I got Saturn near my MC, it saves me I think. You’ve got a lot of currents and waves going on, PF. Try to see it as an asset.

  3. I’ve always seen him as a very humble hardworking artist. I wonder if his Virgoan side is responsible for making all that Neptune – his poetry and spirituality – a service to others. And that need for utter truthfulness in his lyrics. I’ve said this before but I think he died at the perfect time. We need the artists to bring us back to ourselves and the sad truth is we are so much more interested in them when they’ve just died. He’s the perfect antidote for these times.

  4. I was lucky enough to be crossing the same street as him. Right at the endlessly never changing traffic I bravely said you are one of the most brilliant poets I have ever read and “A Book of Longing” was my favourite anthology.

    I wondered if my face said what I didn’t say which was ‘Dance me to the end of love’ written in verse in my wedding service and while my relationship ended we quoted bits to each other till we danced no more. He was humbled, but seemed pleased called him a poet and he took my both hands in his and kissed my cheek tenderly saying thank you.

  5. He had such pisces moon eyes…
    Also his pisces moon was conjunct Fomalhault fixed star, which is about renunciation of earthly things for something more spiritual…
    Always remember that scene in the documentary I’m Your Man where he’s feeding a pigeon in his underwear, looking like a monk.
    I miss just knowing that someone like him was on this earth at the same time as me… 🙁

  6. plutonic irruption

    you know, i think i am the only person i know who couldn’t stand him ! but, hey, each to his/her own and wishing him well to the next world !

  7. I’ve been so stunned by the election and contemplating the rebuke of the feminine and the sad apex of trash culture, I’m American, we elected an idiot king. Just as I was feeling better, Leonard Cohen died. I’ve been crying since Wednesday morning and it started again.

    I couldn’t listen to his music until tonight. I’m on the balcony with the moon shining and thinking about how great Leonard Cohen is and maybe he’s moved on to looking over us. I believe in life after death, maybe he’s
    looking down on us and we can pray to him. He said he couldn’t wait for the women to take over. Me too.

  8. Leonard was rarely on my playlist, listening to his music was way too hard on my soul. I listened to some tracks from his last album only a couple of weeks ago, I’d heard he had integrated some very beautiful synagogue prayers, specifically a Yom Kippur prayer and Kaddish, which is a prayer for the departed. This work is the perfect goodbye to those he loved and to the world he loved and directly calls to spirit as he sings … ‘hineni’ … here I am .
    I think he was blessed with the knowledge of his departure and has signed off in amazing and graceful style.

    1. 😀 Davidl, where you been son? Mwah!
      Agree on Leonard, I just couldn’t. It’s cool though, I totally respect him and find him wonderful.
      Bless his cotton socks and elegant way.

      1. Ooh I’ve been to Georgia and California, oh, anywhere I could run
        Took the hand of a preacher woman and we made love in the sun
        But I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free
        I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been Peru, so I think I’ll go there next time.
        Missed you Andy x

  9. Sigh, that’s three gone this year – Bowie and Cohen, and to a lesser extent for me Prince. Thank you Leonard Cohen, your concert in 2009 was one of the best musical experience of my life.

    1. All people who followed faithfully the strictest of muses and gave and gave and gave right up to the last. My tears are ultimately of joy to have had them.

  10. if only I could (eventually) attain his haute neptunian level (sun in virgo, pisces moon and rising, venus trine neptune). *sigh* I was gutted to hear of his death and it sort of topped off a mini-me meltdown which is only abating through venus moving in capricorn (more earth, thank goodness!!). picking up the pieces once again.

    NOTE to neptune – any chance you and the south node can GET OFF MY ascendent asap? I am faced to so much of my own ‘stuff’ lately – true, it is empowering to realise how much I AM RESPONSIBLE for, but give a gal a break!!!

      1. Sorry, am only laughing at (and relating to) at 2nd paragraph, not 1st.

        Have listened to Jeff Buckley’s version of ‘Hallelujah’ five times tonight.


  11. I am another Neptunian. Neptune on Asc, Saturn-Uranus in 12th, all 4 square Pisces Moon. I can`t think of words to describe how much I enjoy and understand Leonard`s work. <3

  12. A very Haute Neptunian, at that! And I think that in itself is always an achievement, to keep it haute, when there’s that much Neptune. He went beyond haute in his art, I think!

    I was so sad to hear of his passing, another blow during a rough week, and a rough year of losing so many important musicians of whom there will never be another like them.

    I knew he was a kindred spirit, I have a Pisces moon, too, but I don’t do mine even a shred as well as he… He gave words, mood, music, expression to so many of my feelings…

    “I want to think of peoples energies shooting into the stars and doing something quantum, rebirth in glory or something.” —-This is beautiful, MM!

    The earth slowly reclaims the body, as the stars await the return of our spirit…. Hallelujah! <3

  13. totally as a weird Scorpio neptunian Plutonic person i played his 1968 sessions and memories came flooding back me at 14 first loves etc …i remember a boyfriend unkindly saying music to commit suicide by. he didn’t last long…I love the song the Master it really touches something in me

  14. November is synonymous to Leonard Cohen for me. Mid-autumn colors, changes, the chill, early darkness, winter preparations with a slight melancholy. His songs were with me at pivotal times, certain ones on repeat. Not sure if any other musician gave me goosebumps like he did.

    We’ll always have November, Mr. Cohen.

  15. Relistening to Jennifer Warnes Famous Blue Raincoat album. Cohen a reat song writer and always will live on as others sing his songs.

  16. Feelings? Is “”devastation” okay? Another hero gone. His death made this week a much harder pill to swallow. I feel light-headed just writing this. It’s not easy. I also want to think of him passing as something greater than “RIP””. The song “Everybody Knows” is more relevant than ever.

    1. The one that has me reeling right now is this: “There’s a blaze of light in every word, it doesn’t matter which you heard, the holy or the broken Hallelujah”

      Puts some much-needed perspective on the social media Tower of Babel that I’ve been wading through against my own better judgment this week.

  17. “peoples energies shooting into the stars and doing something quantum…” So perfect. No resting in peace, just “rebirth in glory..”

  18. As soon as we heard about this, we listened to him all night – such an intense dark lure…mining truth in the abyss and revelling in the bittersweet insights – who wants a “perfect golden bowl with no crack in it” if you can have this?!

        1. Rumi said ‘”the wound is the place where the light enters”. In either form it is a truth. Light enters and light heals.

          1. Year of the Phoenix

            I have had bricjen hearts which left me wide open and in a kind of magical place of understanding and knowledge. I understood there is no heaven and hell, we can live in either right now.

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