When Mars Kicks In
This Mars in Cancer phase is really quite something – have you had any water weirdness?
This Mars in Cancer phase is really quite something – have you had any water weirdness?
So I’m trialling an experimental new metaphysical Saturn cure…actually it’s ancient…
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is the Muse of Strange, Brilliant & Useful Yet Unsettling Discoveries…lurking in our everyday life.
Five batty but actually effective techniques to get you through the Lunar Eclipse.
Do you remember what you were doing on the day Pluto went into Capricorn? I do and it’s weirdly resonant with the current moment – Pluto at the end of Capricorn.
Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms affect us physically and metaphysically. Space Weather is also tied in with Astrology.
Is it somehow preferable that menstruation come with the Dark Moon? Are lunar phases linked that closely with the female cycle? Find out!
Part Two of the Turbulent Times series to help you thrive though turbulence via pragmatic magic.
Pragmatic magical and astrological tips to help you power on through turbulent times. This is part one of a series.