Water Weirdness Two

Dear wonderful Mystic medusa,

It’s your long time follower/admirer/subscriber gemini 1001! We haven’t checked in, in a few years but I am still here listening, reading, watching, and spinning the wheels of fate!

I LOVE your new Earth Star Tarot app but I digress.

So, I have a quick question, and I’d love your insight… My Venus is in Cancer in the 3rd House (and Mercury 2nd house) and this week my pipes, literally and figuratively have gone awol. I had massive laundry/bathroom soggy doldrums, followed by explosions leading to water everywhere and all new machinery.

I also had the complete sudden and instinctive decision to go off the pill and have all my hormones back in their natural state!

It feels like it was my pipes re-setting for a different energy/phase? Is this spurred by the bigger Mars in Cancer vibe, or something else? If this is Venus/Mars inspired – what is this all setting us up for?

Or am I reading this all wrong?

Big hugs,


Thank you Gem 1001! And yes, absolutely this is the season of the water weirding.

Mars is in Cancer every two years but this is an elongated stay because of the upcoming Mars Retro. More details here but while moves into Leo next month, the action planet is back in Cancer in January. All up, Mars will spend 23 weeks – instead of the usual 6-7 in this Cardinal Water Sign.

So over the next six months, your Mercury + Venus will get a good soaking so to speak. And of course you know that in housewitchery or Feng Shui terms, leaks and overflowing laundry or bathroom scenarios – not to mention explosions – are all echoes of emotional pooling or compassion/resentment seeping away etc.

I like the hormonal take too – it’s not just that it’s a natural expression of Mars activating a Cancerian Venus + Mercury, placements that are archetypally linked with innate rhythm and flow.

Hormones are messengers – the word means to “impel or set in motion’ – Mercury is a messenger, humans are predominantly water and well, you checked out your soggy, misdirected water and received a ‘transmission’ that you wanted your endocrine system to express its true form, whatever that is.

This Mars energy is also ridiculously empathetic – at this point, I am so into your flooded bathroom channelings that I wouldn’t be surprised if you said you immacuately conceived in the laundry. Mars crossing back and forth over Venus in Cancer does have that kind of a feel to it – womb-ish and conception, not necessarily immaculate.

More broadly, the water syndrome referred to in the earlier Mars post is still bubbling away: I was just reading how rainwater leaks intruded on this year’s Art Basel and that astrobiologists are exploring the pristine Lake Untersee in the Antarctic.

I was hoping that Untersee might be the name of of a prehistoric river nymph or something exciting but it’s just German for “Lower Lake.”

The purity of municipal water supplies has also been far more in the news than usual: the results of a long-term fluoridated water study in the USA – spoiler: it may be good for the teeth but not for the mind, Australia to spend billions lowering the amount of PFAs aka ‘Forever Particles’ from tap water and – most over the top: a scary new report about groundwater in decline.

Future Career Suggestion: Water-Dowsing –  if you have the knack.

Mars moves into Leo on November 3/4 but will be back in Cancer from January 6 until April 18!

Currently this influence is not quite aligned with Venus in Sagittarius so relationships and even your ‘inner rapport’ can feel off. One person or aspect of your psyche wants space, momentum and sagacious perspective, the other is driven to feel and connect on a much more profound level with significant confidantes.

And not only that – you know how Mars is always in mission mode? A Cancerian Mars likes to root out feelings around unrealized romances and losses from the past that were left for “later” because we had to hotfoot it out of there.

As for hormones, the more I think about it, the more apt it is to crave an ‘unregulated system’ with Mars here. So as Mars moves into Leo next week, anticipate less questioning along the line of ‘why are you being so damn emotional?’ but…Mars will then revisit the same terrain.

Really, if you’re super “emotional” in the area of your life/birthchart where Mars is now, it means you’re celestially SO aligned. Perhaps part of you is like a river that was dammed up or ridiculously re-routed and now you’re in mighty flow again?


Image: Mike Worrall

8 thoughts on “Water Weirdness Two”

  1. Earlier this morning I woke up from a weird dream where I was in a boat and the water level started to rise and then the boat took on water and started spinning around and going underwater trying to capsize and I was the only person left on the boat with my head above water. I then followed your email to these posts! Crayzee!

  2. Ooh, I might write a meditation around this “undersea” and remote view it in the process… Water, heart chakra, Mars, Cancer. What rests in the deep? Going back through all the stages of evolution.. to now. To evolve we need a resolute expansive risk in combination with energy that equally self nurtures… all done with sensitivity and gentle playfulness I imagine! Crabs, Beluga Whales and tundra grasslands in the Spring Sun.

  3. Areas in France, Italy and Sicily are flooding due to extreme rainfall. Meanwhile, in Napa, California, parts of the Napa River are dry, indicating that the groundwater is being depleted by the vineyards that Napa is famous for. The absence of water is making the pockets, where groundwater would normally be, collapse; groundwater will no longer be available where it existed for eons before.

  4. I was given some surf lessons so I’m going to start learning during this transit.

    still digesting a very trippy dream last night. I wish I could stay in bed all morning just turning it over in my mind. I don’t think I ate anything weird for dinner last night (you know, cheese dreams et al)
    possibly Jupiter stirring up things in my 12th.

    so, surfing. mars as physical therapy always seems to take the edge off

    1. Cancerian energy really invests itself eh. maybe it’s the tenaciousness I see (and have a, professional respect for). makes me think of mycelium, placentas, mother possums with their babies lined up along her back holding tight onto her fur, fig tree roots growing through cracks in the bedrock to break through into a water-filled cavern, crabs that would rather lose a whole leg in battle than let go of the thing they have in their claw.

  5. ‘Untersee’ is actually a lot more metaphysical as it really means ‘below the sea’ or a ‘sea below’. I presume they mean ‘below the ice’ but below anything brings up Hades like questions to me … great post!

  6. Scorp Sun conj Neptune, Merc, Venus retro. Talk about water. My hair doesn’t even dry after my morning shower; I put it up and it’s still wet when I take it down at the end of the day. I swim laps and have a recurring dream (once a month or so) that all the lap pools are empty, crowded, or full of some sh*t like tires, CoinStar machines and old Barbies. WTF? Ok I’m ready for some fire and air….

  7. oh yeah! talk about flow… but for me it’s an exquisitely inner flow: I started “the artist’s way” and I planned the start around my birth chart, and it’s working exceptionally well I have to say. mars is/will be in my 12th/1st for ages, as I have a 12th house that spans for more than thirty degrees from late gemini to late cancer. it is hard work though, and even though I’m used to journalling I am much slower than I thought (even as an introvert and as a person with an overcrowded third house), but I’m completely mesmerized and just don’t want to do anything else, and can’t be bothered to see or even speak to people (even close friends). as I’ve been unwell physically and not really capable of significant regular, muggle work, it aligns wonderfully and I think I start seeing the why of this external, wordly blockage (which has been going on for almost a year now). crab walk all the way :), and ad maiora (ie towards better things)!

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