Maximizing The Next Mars Retrograde

Maximizing Mars vibe is one of the most effective astrological moves you can make. And it’s especially vital for times like this, when Mars is about to be in just two signs (Cancer + Leo) for the next ten months.

For perspective, Mars usually spends eight weeks in each sign so this is a super-concentrated focus in a relatively tight zone of the zodiac ecliptic. (Scroll down for dates and data.)

These lengthy stays of Mars in one sign or sector occur more or less every two years – you may recall the deluxe length Mars in Gemini (2022) and Mars in Aries (2020) phases.

They occur via Mars Retrograde, a phenom that comes with it’s own set of protocols but which basically amounts to “don’t initiate a fight.”

It’s frustrating when you’re justified and probably should let fly but the good news is that if someone else starts the war during Mars Retro, they’ll lose or withdraw/negotiate to avoid having to concede defeat.

But even aside from the extreme, beamed-in martial focus on one tiny sector of your birth chart and general Mars Retro considerations, the primary impact of these bi-annual Mars junkets is this: they ensure that Mars aspects to other planets or points will occur not just once but three times over a period of months.

So, for example, a simple Mars conjunct Jupiter transit that could normally inspire as flurry of “must get fit” resolutions or some jumped up gym action, becomes training for a marathon.

Less attractively, a Mars square that would usually be a transient storm of discontent or an acerbic yet clarifying confrontation can escalate and become its own little soap-operatic mini-series.

You see, the current Mars influences suggest the strategies that align with the times. Your natal Mars reflects your personal strategic style – those phases when momentum seems to flow and you’re pushing ahead without crazy resistance are often when your Mars and the current Mars are in sync.

But even officially difficult Mars transits can lead to massive accomplishments because they compel you to drop assumptions. Taking nothing for granted, you start afresh and update your tactics.

Your Horoscopes – Monthly, Weekly and Daily – will be across the most likely Mars impacts and opportunities for your sign/rising sign/unique natal chart but broadly, think about this:

Mars will be moving between the signs of the Moon and the Sun, alternating between a zodiac sign renowned for canny, calculated tactical genius and one more known for performance and chutzpah.

If you apply this to the pursuit of your ambitions, you can see how it would be good to make security-consolidating, buffering maneuvers during the Cancerian Mars phase and reserve overt, attention-drawing stunts – or launches that you want to attract publicity – for Mars in Leo.

If you’re not involved in litigation, a literal battle or an incredibly confrontational career, the shadowzones are probably not worth observing. If you are, however, a geopolitical observer, they’re always relevant.

Warring parties often signal their true intent at the start of the shadowzone, give off false indicators around the time Mars goes Retro and act as they always intended shortly after Mars turns Direct.

Cancerian and Leo themed industries or professions could become more militant – midwives, nurses, birthing politics in general and for Leo, the performing arts – already mobilized via initiatives like Credo 23.

Similarly, if you’re Cancer or Leo – especially those of you born between July 9 and 29, make ready to Mars up!


Mars into Cancer: September 4 at 19:46 Universal Time

Mars reaches shadowzone: October 7 2025 (ie: the point at which it will later turn Direct)

Mars into Leo: November 4 at 4:09 Universal Time

Mars Retrograde @6° Leo on December 6 at 23:33 Universal Time

Mars moves back into Cancer on January 6 at 10:44 Universal Time

Mars Direct @17° Cancer on Feb 24 at 1:59 Universal Time

Mars moves into Leo again on April 18 at 4:20 Universal Time

Mars leaves shadowzone: May 5 2025 (ie: the point at which it initially turned Retrograde)

Mars leaves Leo & moves into Virgo: June 17 2025.

The zodiac degrees most influenced: 17° Cancer to 6° Leo.

The birthdays most influenced: July 9 to 29.

All up, between early September 2024 and mid-June 2025, Mars will spend just under 18 weeks in Leo and 23 weeks in Cancer.

There will be three repeats of each of the following alignments and yes, the Horoscopes will be across the most pertinent factors for each sign!

*Mars square Lilith
*Mars opposite Pluto
*Mars trine the North Node
*Mars sextile Uranus
*Mars trine Saturn

Mars Out of Bounds: 

September 7 to 18
January 1 to April 7

The most recent Mars Retrograde in Leo was from December 2009 until March 2010 and the most recent Mars Retrograde in Cancer was from November 2007 until Jan 2008, albeit only partially in Cancer as it backed into the later degrees of Gemini.

Image: Shusei Nagaoka – Misubishi 

32 thoughts on “Maximizing The Next Mars Retrograde”

    1. There is some more info here
      but essentially, the zone of your chart activated by this Mars emphasis is still super-energized and the caveats apply but you may find that the in terms of assertion/defensive tactics, the whole thing is flipped?

      I was also born with Mars Retro and researching the way these phases influence people who were born with it is totally on my list!

  1. Mars out of bounds & my communication network glitched calls dropping in & out but service to find cause was excellent & personal for a corporation.
    But it came at time calls not texts were needed as texting was working.
    It caused a lot of stress which actually woke me up from winter slumber…so took a seat that the action station chair.

  2. 18 weeks in Leo, 23 weeks in cancer..what kind of overdue energetic oblique brawlers are going to be gestating?

    is this an in utero prep for Sat and nep into primal Aries? Buckle up beauties…or buckle sideways, do you, but don’t forget snacks and the soundtracks.

  3. Mars retrogrades always feel quite difficult but they certainly produce dramatic realisations and positive changes. It’s invaluable to know not to start a fight or take the bait. Such a brilliant skill to evade drama and strategically withdraw instead. And WATCH.

    1. Heya from way down under……always wondered ‘down’ under what exactly…the rest of the world?
      Howzit with you all copacetic i trust. We Live so the living must be good.

  4. Wow…the last time mars was retrograde in cancer, I got pregnant with my daughter and her dad started having symptoms from the terminal cancer that he died from June 2008. Hoping this brings some more closure for us.

    1. Hello – Can anyone please let me know what Mars out of bounds means? This is occurring at a key time for me (major life changes abound) and I am already nervous, so am wondering about the significance.
      I am Aries with Leo moon and extras, embarking on a journey to secure a new home ASAP in which I can heal, take stock and move forward in a healthier and hopefully easier way after major upheavals. Should I be concerned that Mars will be out of bounds while I am making long term financial and residential commitments?

      1. Out of bounds means that the Moon or a planet is at such an extreme declination (North or South) that it’s outside of the standard ecliptic path – it makes the expression of that phenom more potent and unpredictable.

        And no Mars out of bounds is not a problem as such – if you’re dealing with volatile Mars people, they could be more problematic than anticipated but really, it’s an amped up Mars – you’re a Mars-ruled Aries – and this heightens courage, impetus and assertive chutzpah!

        1. When yes all the action initiated post Merc RX WAS more problematic…but unexpected dollars came in & it wiped out a debt. Dislike debt…. it’s a rein in the way of freedom.

  5. is there any particular significance for this phase regarding men /relationships (of any kind) with men, if we work with the man/mars symbolism?

    1. reply to my own so as not to hog the top level comments. realised in the last few days that even if a prospective romance interest makes it through the Venus in Aries challenge and the cap moon vetting process, he must then also contend with psyche in virgo. between her and pisces they x-ray remaining details, which remain as active agenda items until such time, etc.

      1. hahaha @Sam can we swap notes on Aries Venus cap moon life?
        psyches in scorp for me. when I say it’s ages to arrive at my own surface, I mean it.

  6. Oooof…thanks for the heads up! I have Crab ascendant, 10 degrees. I’m gonna have to read this again and try to figure out what the mars retrograde will mean for me. Mars in cancer will trine my natal mars at 17 Pisces, which is also exact conjunct my midheaven. I can be pretty Martian in general. I’m always trying to dial myself down with that, I hope I can find a way to channel it. I’ve been doing a lot of physical activity and exercise as a way to work out all my energy and aggression. I’m finding life unpleasant these past several years and I’m pissed off about it. Still, sending good tidings to all here….. cheers from California!

    1. physical activity is a GREAT way to activate / exercise mars energy. Especially if it’s goal oriented! mars in water signs, I always love to think of in terms of levelling up in yoga, pilates, intensive mediation retreats, spiritually aligned bodywork, climbing mountains! you get the drift… especially to help transform pissed-off-ness

        1. My dream…..watching surfing is like a virtual reality to am on the wave with them.
          Before i was a girl was a dolphin.

      1. Thanks for that Sam. I’ve got Mercury, Venus (conjunct Jupiter in Leo) and Ceres in Kataka.
        Also Gemini Sun in the fourth house

        1. mystic often talks about psychometry and Cancerians… surely with those placements (including gem sun in sensitive 4th house) that’s in your skill set Wish . and Jupiter in Leo just sounds so lovely (mine’s in Taurus. 🐖)

          1. Yes Psychometry is a thing for me. But I am of an age where I am sick of other people’s stuff. Pisces Rising needs more protection. I’m pissed off today as I lost my reading glasses and typing this half blind.

      2. I love this idea of yoga being good for water Mars! It’s true that Mars is great for physical activity and exercise regimens. I love the Mars retrograde for strategic redefinition of self assertion tactics

      3. bang on!
        just moved to new country and town is oceanside, surrounded by mountains, I’m study body work and science and deepening my yogic self practice for the next year.

  7. Oh, this is interesting! Mars retro in Aries and Gemini were both long struggles for me, but I bet I’ll do better with Cancer/Leo (3rd and 4th house mostly). My natal Mars is in Libra and I’m not sure I’ve ever quite paid enough attention to that. It can make me too much of a pleaser and not great at setting boundaries. But I’m all about building self-respect these days (the world sure isn’t doing that for me).

  8. It’ll conjunct my Mars and then Ascendant, and then conjunct both twice more by mid next year. Mars retrograde reading would be good!

  9. Hey Mystic,

    Are you doing personal readings?
    This one will be very important for me I guess. I am born with an out of bounds Mars conjunct midheaven as tightest conjunction in my chart and will have my Mars return in this out of bounds phase in September. In addition my Jupiter and Sun is in the retro space. I need to change my professional career and feel in fight mode since a couple of weeks already. (Against the state, notaries and lawyers, health system and last but not least my sis 🙈🤷‍♀️)
    I need a strategy 😂 😉😇

  10. OMFG
    Game on
    Tripile Canceriian + triple Leo, my sun and mars in there to boot, my south node is in there too (Ugh). Looks likes its all going to happin my my first house starting on my sun and ending on my Mars….
    Suprise suprise my work and major hobby cross both those professional arenas, so this is going to be interesting.
    Bang on spring too – energetically propulsive and growth and expansion protential huge (also anger, frustration and rage in the -ve).
    Thanks for sharing this iinfor

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