venus in cancer
Rhiannon Is About A Goddess
Stevie Nick’s song Rhiannon was written in ten Uranian minutes and had an enormous effect on her everything.
May Monthly Horoscopes
May is maximal astro – Jupiter arrives in Taurus & promptly squares Pluto, Venus will be brighter by the day, a definitive Lunar Eclipse and so much more.
Venus Conjunct Uranus Outweirds Everyone
Double Gemini Blake Lemoine is a former soldier and Pagan priest turned web-developer in love with an A.I. Naturally this tale emerged with Venus conjunct Uranus!
What Transit Was Liz Hurley’s Dress Night?
May 11 1994 was so extraordinarily beneficial for Liz Hurley that I checked out the astro. Yes, her Versace safety pin dress debut was super-Jupiterian.
The Woman Who Mainstreamed The Moon
The multiple Cancerian ‘food writer’ MFK Fisher was iconic. Her witty resourcefulness sustained her readers through the turbulence of World War II.