What Was It With THAT Full Moon?

So, did anyone notice that Full Moon?

Exact on Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on your location, it was supernaturally hyped and ultra-profound for many relationships. While the Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes covered this lunar landmark for the zodiac signs most affected, I didn’t preview it the way I usually would because the Daily Mystic Updates are on hiatus until January 22nd.

So how cool to just cruise into it without expectations! Yes, really! I did just that and you probably did too. Yule was diverting enough and my astrological mind was on Mercury Retrograde. But late on Tuesday, about 36 hours before the Full Moon was exact, I realized something substantial was in play and fired up the computer to Virgo-out on some astro-calculations.

I’d left the blinds up to see the lilac lightning flickering across the indigo night sky but was more illuminated by the cool blue screen rays until suddenly the clouds parted: there was La Luna, omnipresent and floodlighting the room with argent light.

Now I should have done something shamanically chic or broken into Hymn To Her but instead I leapt around like a poorly informed mad scientist, yelping “it’s the Moon, it’s the Moon!

The December 26-27 Full Moon Was Supernaturally Amped

Only the Sun and Moon pull these spectacular diva stunts in a way we can appreciate on Earth and when the Sun does it, it’s usually dangerous – like solar flares or a Leo insisting on doing their own theatre sports stunts.

But the Moon? Consistently flawless performances and with a sublime, soothing light that is especially revered by nocturnal creatures.

I know it’s supposedly reflected but I don’t care. The Moon – Artemis, Selene – moves the tides and not-yet totally understood natural rhythms within people, animals and plants.

I’ll explain why it was so supernaturally amped in a moment but what did you notice? I felt a substantial sense of (welcome) certainty about things and people I was either unsure of or not taking the full measure of.

The usual Full Moon polarity felt less oppositional – more like a new hybrid – and various developments affirmed some sort of new plateau, pragmatically and emotionally.

The following features that made this Moon such a phenom are general and apply to everyone but notice the Moon Houses mentioned in your December 26/27 Daily Horoscopes + any aspects to the Ascendant, planets etc. They are unique and evolving as you read.  

Phenomenal Full Moon Factors

(1) At 4° degrees Cancer, this F.M. was directly opposite the Solar Eclipse of December 25/26 2019. That was a gnarly Eclipse for multiple reasons – eg: it was in the shadow of the looming Saturn-Pluto alignment – and it was conjunct the South Node in Capricorn – aka ancestral secrets, some hauntings, weighty consequences etc.

The just-completed Full Moon is remedial and its target – the healing zone – is whatever generated the most angst over your late 2019/early 2020.

(2) Affirming the link between December 2019 and now, Mercury was at 25° Sagittarius for the December 2019 Eclipse and this Cancerian Full Moon.

This sets the scene for two particularly poignant and potentially helpful dates in January: January 9/10, when Mercury Direct will return to 25° Sagittarius and January 26/27, when Mercury crosses 4° Capricorn. Properly appraised, your insights, dialogue and concepts over the Xmas phase can be significantly revitalizing.

(3) The Full Moon config was positively aligned with Jupiter and Saturn: this is hard to explain without veering into an existential rave with dodgy flow-charts but recall that these two planets represent hubris and nemesis – not in your everyday life but philosophically.

Tilt this balance too far in either direction and you court burn-out or stagnation. This alignment is like an alloy. It represents a connection that is far more formidable because of all the threats you’ve faced. It’s not that this unique F.M. causes such a blessing but it means you can enjoy substantial affirmation of it.

Note: It can be within yourself as well between people. The merger of material world concerns, mind and psyche is legit unto itself.

*The Full Moon was exact @4° Crab-Scarab on Wednesday at 00.28 Universal Time but wildly in play for the 48 hours leading up to it and only just now ebbing away. See the Moon Calendar for the exact time in your zone but as an indicator, it was exact at:

Los Angeles: Tuesday 26th at 16:28
New York: Tuesday 26th at 19:28
London: Wednesday 27th at 00:28
Dubai: Wednesday 27th at 04:28
Mumbai: Wednesday 27th at 05:58
Singapore: Wednesday 27th at 08:28
Sydney: Wednesday 27th at 11:28
Auckland: Wednesday 27th at 13:28

Image: Thierry Mugler 
Quote: Oscar Wilde – Endymion

55 thoughts on “What Was It With THAT Full Moon?”

  1. Was in my rickety old shack of a little place in the dodgy outskirts of north east London. Place had a broken front door and was so so decrepit. I didn’t need to pay a deposit because it was literally condemned. It needed TLC and I moved in and I stayed there despite all that was wrong I just stayed because it was my place. No boyfriend, no compromises, no bullshit. To begin with, no internet or electricity. Scary place to live but I did it.
    Was the beginning of my journey to find home with only myself and no interest in pleasing anyone else. I moved into that place on 04, 04 2019 having been homeless for four months.
    Had flung myself headfirst at uncle Pluto and clung to Saturn for support.
    Best decision ever.
    Now I’m in such a beautiful and loving environment. My happy home is everything I wanted and I didn’t consciously try to get any of it. Just followed the inner guidance of my heart

  2. Wow I was doing great with handling my terrible breakup and hardcore regressed on the 26th but I’m back on track after yesterday. This ex has his sun at 2 degrees Cancer.

    I’ve recently realized that what happened at the very end of 2019 kicked off this latest phase of my trauma brain coming I fully online and maki my decisions for me… I reported someone at my job for what I’ll just call the standard women in tech experience and had to go on medical leave because the experience reminded me of turning my first abusive boyfriend in to the police age 18 and I never processed that, just ran from it and covered up the pain with alcohol for years.

  3. The end of 2019 brought rains to end one of the worst droughts ever. I think it even flooded if I recall. Then came Covid and lockdown, which was terrible for some, but as I was able to work from home it was wonderful. This last year has been pretty grim, especially the final quarter. Here’s hoping the FM heralds better things to come.

  4. The Lion & The Centaur

    We were alpine skiing with my Taurus father and my Virgo daughter (she’s 5). Alpine skiing is a Jupiterian theme for me. Essentially, it doesn’t make sense. It is environmentally not great… But fun. I’m sort of against It but then again I grew up skiing and my happiest memories with my father are from those trips. And whenever I have a Jupiter transit, alpine skiing seems to come up. So I was actually Googling whether you should just “embrace” your Jupiterian themes (Mine are horses, high end skincare, alpine skiing, wine and gardening) even if they’re ‘against the grain’ for your ethos in life (I eat vegan and I work with sustainability).

    Also, I had a Thought about Mr Sagittarius. We’re been on a hiatus after many pregnancy-hormone fuelled fights. I saw a family with multiple children learning to ski and I thought “that could be us”. Now I need to make truce, yikes…

  5. I broke out in a rash! Never had anything like that before and it stayed with me a week straddling the full moon which was at the end of my 10th house. SO many insights about wealth and my relationship with money and my earning power and potential. Far out – a bit disheartening tbh but now at least I have the illumination of my path ahead.

    Major insight with the rapidly changing times: everything Now is about transferable skills and being able to identify what they are, how they can be applied, and how to craft a story around it.

  6. Yes to “….affirmed some sort of new plateau, pragmatically and emotionally.”
    Yes to “healing zone – is whatever generated the most angst over your late 2019/early 2020.”
    Ended up finding a new emotional and practical plateau of one of the most significant relationships of ny life. I guess I found the center of the pendulum. That, consequently, nailed down the coffin of Dec 2019 aftermath and major changes.

  7. Hu Mystic. I saw the lilac lightening too! In Bali. I was sitting by the pool at 3am my Ayurveda health clinic cause I couldn’t sleep – and saw it flash and shimmer across the sky. I thought it magic!

  8. The Moon is ruled by Cancer, the sign of the Divine Feminine/ Mother. (I have Uranus in Cancer natally.)
    My inner child is reading the story of Mary, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the flight into Egypt, after the visit of the 3 Wise Men. Nothing unusual here.
    But then I began to read The Dalai Lama Story (14th) -the Making of a World Leader by Andrew Crowe.

    I was astonished by the similarities in the birth stories and early years of the life of both Jesus and the 14th Dalai Lama.

    How the Buddhist regents meditated for signs of the birth of the next Dalai Lama; the search for the child, testing him to see if he recognised certain previous objects belonging to the previous Dalai Lama; and most particularly how he was secretly brought to Lhasa as a cruel warlord was ruling in that part of Tibet at the time and slaughtering suspected Buddhist enemies. The parallels with the Jesus story were uncanny to say the least.

    What blew me away was the realisation that in these parallel stories both Jesus and the Dalai Lama were born amidst so much angelic light and protection, and at the same time were surrounded by the darkness of danger and threat to their lives How the dark forces hate the light. How 2000 years the battle for the light continues.

    1. This is super stuff Cynthia and it is awesome how prophets are heralded long before their arrival. I so agree with you about the similarities of their lives and how brave they both were and are.
      Iit is humbling to read about their lives, but we can also realise that to be having a human life ( that we chose) is an opportunity to spread the same message of love and compassion in our own way.❤️
      You may be interested to read Anna grandmother ofJesus

    2. It has been written in big gun esoteric books that Jesus the Christ Michael had 14 incarnations. So perhaps you are onto something.
      …….and the battle continues……

  9. All week La Luna was mostly hidden behind cloud but last night she was shining brilliantly with Jupiter just visible nearby. At 2:22 the light was just hitting a small white plant net on my blueberry at the back door so I raced out to see and it felt peaceful. I anticipated a cat’s whisker missing but she was still very full in appearance. My Daily said, ‘Jupiter in Taurus is turning Direct at the end of the month, making this lunar link to your natal Jupiter extra-auspicious. Something out-of-the-ordinary expansive and fortunate comes your way, subtle but undeniably brilliant… Transit Moon conjunct natal Jupiter.” My Fortuna is at 5 degrees Capricorn so I say bring it on. Turn that big wheel, turn!

  10. Well I don’t know wtf my alignments were, but I was victim blamed by my sister and kicked out by my brother at Christmas, with my 6yo boy (who my brother almost accidentally drowned) and my 3yo girl. While I’m in recovery from domestic and institutional violence, I get this family violence. Ugh.

    1. Far out so grotesque these people are demented.Keep yourself and little ones very far away from them they don’t deserve goodness or mercy..in the meantime no one came to your aide..?

  11. My beautiful 13yo Westie X terrier was very unwell with heart disease and we had to put him down on 27 Dec which is also my wedding anniversary. I’m still trying to process and am incredibly sad.
    Late 2019 was a shit show with my 50th birthday, my eldest daughters wedding and being more exhausted from that year than I have ever been from intense work and travel.

    1. Very sorry to hear. We had westies all through our childhood and with parents into retirement, best doggos ever. Thoughts with you.

  12. Sadly didn’t see La Luna. When she’s out & about she shines though my lounge window through the trees & makes me feel safe.
    Woman friend with quite serious mental health issues came to visit & ended up leaving in serious distress when i told her not to feed my dog smoked salmon as she did on Christmas day causing Daisy to throw up next morn. Way too rich plus don’t go with in giving canines human food from table. Then she cut herself on a bluntish knife & freaked out about a small bit of blood. Think she needs to acknowledge the ‘power of blood’ as a life force & element of some rituals instead of a dummy spit.
    Of course she has very heavy toy poodle She: #womenthatrunwithpoodles.
    Me: #womenthatrunwithpitbulls……………….i mean American Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
    Where did that summer moon go when i needed her? Oh she went to Mystic got the full scenario = perfect.

  13. Thanks for writing this. There was definitely something very special about that particular moon. When I am better able to articulate myself I will attempt to expand further but just wanted to slip in here and say thank you. It really was something else and seeing how you have linked it to Dec 2019 is another fascinating aspect. So much to ponder here.

  14. well i split with my gem partner…he’s a totally lovely guy but there’s no intellectual….element there at all
    he’s a gardener….
    oh…i dont know what i’m doing!!!! i just know i have to be honest
    interesting that it turns out to be a super strength moon….

  15. I am still waiting for this full moon to play out. There is a major relationship in my life with a Cancerian that needs to dramatically morph. And interestingly I find myself okay with it either deepening or ending or even becoming long distance.The status quo cannot remain. I also have reconnected with overseas cousins in such a beautiful loving way and friends from 20 years ago. These relationships have been reestablished and I feel rich in human connection.

  16. I have never felt so at peace than with this FM. My boyfriend and I reached new depth of understanding in our relationship marking an end to 12 moths of skirting around the big issues. Now secure in the knowing that we care for each other deeply. I have 4 planets in Cancer in the 3rd and he has a Cancer ruled 7th house. La Luna shone down through the windows all night. Magic is real.

  17. I have to go back and find the comments I left. I remember it was something because I rarely post anything personal online and if I do I do it here. I remember sonething.something..
    *off to the archives*

  18. End of 19 beginning of 20, I had a blood infection and was in the hospital for 2 weeks 9 days on ventilator, coded 3 times, Pl conj my asc.. FF to now, after multiple tests I have to have my aortic valve replaced, yep open heart. But I feel oddly at peace bc this will be the closure of that FM and the closure of Pl in Cap, a real shitty time since 2008…. so wish me luck…

    1. Laymers this happened to me 3 months ago, a blood infection that ravaged my body & damaged heart & spleen with 2 emergency returns to hospital. It does create PTS when we thought ourselves invincible.
      A famous Oz singer just had open heart surgery & seems recovered quite brilliantly according to photos. You will survive this & thrive well after. Luck? I say Skill of surgeons & nurses added to your willpower to recover. Recovery IS work but so worthwhile for the results. Blessings & Bouquets.

  19. we had a wild rain & wind storm which kept the sight of the moon hidden & it felt peaceful; felt it’s presence there but quietly in the wings.

  20. It was gorgeous wasn’t it?
    I was able to see it through a skylight window. It felt intimate and calming. I was with people who I felt very connected with and I had no need to speak or perform anything at all.

    1. Invicta the same moon you see in England we see in Oz & that connects us, the same heavens.
      Trust all is well healthy & interesting in your world. Sending you beaucoup cheer & a fab New Year ’24. x

  21. This is immensely interesting… The eclipse of December 2019 trined my Jupiter and squared my Saturn. It was the start of a very difficult few years with incredible challenges. I do feel that this December wraps up that period.
    This current Full Moon of December 26/27 fell on my dear baby sister’s birthday, whom I visited Tuesday and Wednesday. She stood out so vividly to me, which I now realize makes sense as both the Sun and the Moon were ‘illuminating’ her 🌞 🌕
    Lots to reflect on, thank you Mystic 🙏

  22. Could my mother casually revealing my birth time to be 20 mins later than I’ve believed it to be for the past 30 years and thus changing my rising sign from Sagittarius to Capricorn be linked to this?

    Talk about identity crisis… LOL

    1. Wow yes! And so interesting that it occurred with this particular Mercury Retrograde! Does it make sense in some strange ways though? Like, a surprise yet also resonant?

      1. It’s weird because I’ve had a bit of a hunch for a bit, I even ran an ‘alternative’ chart on here the other week and quite a lot rang true. It’s quite a strange experience going from Sag to Cap – especially as for years I was a very Sag statement dresser and have always relied on humour to get me through all sorts of situations but in the past 10 years I’ve become quite a bit more introverted yet fascinated with how power and fame works, like the mechanics behind it which feels quite Cap… it’s going to be a journey, that’s for sure!!

    2. Im early cap rising, but sag always felt more true. From the general appearance, my love philosophy, the planetary placements and how they change in my chart…. Absolutely nothing rings true to me about having cap rising. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I have Saturn/Jup square my ac from libra (in the 9th) …but it was odd because before I found my original birth certificate (which says 5:24pm), I could’ve sworn I remembered the time as being (4:23pm) from having seen it years earlier. It’s been over a decade since and I feel puzzled over this. I should have chalked it up to misremembering, but it always felt like one of those Mandela effect sort of memories, as opposed to a mistake. Like I’m *sure* (to this day) I remembered correctly… even tho I’ve seen evidence that I haven’t. Aside from common Mandela effect memories, I don’t have any others like this.

  23. The 2019 holiday included a hurtful split from a half-sibling (and the relationship had been weakening for quite some time). In an abrupt departure my visit to them, I went to another family gathering (a different part). On the way there, my dog and I had a hike where we made nice acquaintances (and that was one of her final trips since she was a senior who was getting less comfortable with travel).

    The family gathering was impromptu, and it was the first time some aunts and uncles were on peaceful terms and everyone seemed to genuinely have a good time. It seemed to tilt my attention to reforming my relationship to another part of the family, but on much better terms. It also gave some much-needed space with the half-sibling, and seemed to build a new holiday norm for me.

    2023 is the 4th Yuletide I’ve spent at my own home and it was mostly peaceful. My brother will then visit me from a distance for a long weekend; he has come over for one holiday every year since 2019. I get to open my home (a hard-earned gain) and share some rest and family time with him and his girlfriend.

    Me; Natal Saturn in First House, conjunct South Node, right on the eclipses mentioned by MM.

    1. Same. The august eclipse of 2019 really kicked things off, but I never knew if I was just feeling the effects of the December eclipse a few months early. But that time was the absolute worst of my entire life. It was singular. It was the first time in my life I ever felt broken, irreparably. I’m still there. I still haven’t recovered even a little. Things got progressively worse with each passing year. These have 100% been the worst years of my life. I didn’t think it could get worse…until the past month. It would be really great to get an eclipse that would actually improve my life to the same extent the 2019 eclipse destroyed mine.

  24. Conjunct my natal moon at 4 Cancer. I feel more self assured in some areas but reassessing other, finding it difficult to decide on goals so I hope those January dates bring some clarity.

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