Lunar Eclipse Rituals That Work

Lunar Eclipse rituals are brilliant, even if you’re not remotely a ‘ritual’ type person. I’m not – because they all seem too churchy for me – but I always do something with the Lunar Eclipses. They’re magnified Full Moons that are always aligned with the Moon’s Nodes.

That makes them one of the most potent portals of the year to wipe clean past patterns and flamboyantly declare your future reign. These are my thoughts on Eclipse ritual Concepts – take any that resonate and ignore what does not. The closer to the exact time of the Eclipse you do your ritual the better. See the Moon Calendar for exact timings in your zone.

(1) Before you begin, do a digital detox of all phone numbers, social media presences, and emails of people/entities or things representing them from your tech realm. If you’re an Eclipse purist, get rid of certain music that you connect with any person or a time that has had its day.

(2) Be clean! You can’t do this in a messy or cluttered space and a cleansing shower beforehand means your aura-vibe is uncontaminated. Rosemary is particularly brilliant for sixth-sense enhancement and energy field rebalancing. Add fresh rosemary sprigs or the essential oil to Celtic sea salt for an invigorating power-up.

(3) Go elemental – if the Lunar Eclipse is in Water, fill a glass bowl with water and use that to scry with. Once you’ve cleared your mind just gaze into the water and see what emerges. Fire Moon? A candle flame. You could use a stone or a rock to represent Earth and for Air, incense, or even a fan. The directional correspondences vary but I like the following, for what it is worth: North = Fire in the Southern Hemisphere/Earth in the Northern Hemisphere, South = Fire in the Northern Hemisphere/Earth in the Southern Hemisphere, East = Air in either hemisphere and West = Water in either. Having said that, there are many varieties of these associations.

(4) Get Sky-Clad – aka naked. Before you roll your eyes, this is not just some pervy concept gleaned from pulp occult novels of the Seventies. The idea is that the connection between you and Source/Spirit is not impeded by clothes/vibes etc. Alternatively, wear something new for this ritual, that you have literally never worn before. For example a kaftan. Or even just a big t-shirt. But seriously, naked is epic for this.

(5) Play NO music – have white noise (easy to grab online via YouTube, etc), pure Schumann Resonance with no music on top or a storm track with underlying Theta or Gamma binaural beats. Spotify has heaps also. My Neptunian Nights pre-sleep Mp3 can also work brilliantly – anything that supports lucid dreaming will also enhance a trance. Alternatively, enjoy the silence. It’s a liminal zone where you can listen between the dimensions even without Lunar Eclipse rituals.

(6) Create a protective circle of salt around yourself – this is old-school but it works. Obviously, make sure that you do your Eclipse ritual at a time when you will not – cannot – be disturbed. A Lunar Eclipse is cosmobiologically intense, it’s an extra-strong polarity so just at the time when ‘going within’ is most rewarding, people are the most likely to be obtrusive and demanding. So plan for this: set phone to airplane mode, hang a do-not-disturb sign on the front door, and turn off electronic devices. If you have household wi-fi, totally turn that off.

(7) Beforehand, for clarity, consider drinking a Tulsi tea – Holy BasilReishi, or mugwort if you can handle the extra – as you write a list of grievances, guilt, regrets, and resentments that you are ready to recognize and release or integrate. Then work what you desire/intend into one epic mantra, affirmation, or request. Make it as simple and eloquent as possible. If you know your astrology chart, you could theme it around the sectors where the Eclipse sits for you.

(8) Do a quiet meditation to get centered and to give thanks for all that you appreciate in your realm. Once you tune in, you’ll know what you want to augment and what you need to banish. The less ‘needy’ you are, the more clarity you usually score. Declare yourself open to the need-to-knows.

Read below for some info about the art of ritual from my shamanic practitioner – Anthony Ashworth.

Ritual is an opportunity to engage with the unseen energies of the universe. It’s our chance to petition the beneficent good spirits or spirit in general or the gods and goddess, to help and empower us mere mortals. When the big issues in life, seem too much to overcome or achieve, we humbly ask spirit via ritual to intervene, to help us.

Ritual often involves the giving over to spirit of a token gift; we give something before we ask for something. Be that, incense, sacred oils to the fire or just the giving of water. In my rituals, I always involve and call in the subtle elements and elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to create a sacred place and sacred time. In a full moon ritual, I may tend to focus on the element of water.
Water is the companion to the Moon, it captures the essence of the Moon, we see the Moon reflected in the water, and the feminine water may hold the energy of Luna and our sacred intentions. The Full Moon is the Moon at her ripest and most powerful, the energies of light fully come forth into the dark. The Full Moon rises at the exact same time as the Sun sets: this liminal time of twilight which is between day and night is seen as a doorway to the other worlds, a  portal in time, so a great & poignant time to do a ritual.     

25 thoughts on “Lunar Eclipse Rituals That Work”

  1. I wasn’t planning on a banishing ritual. But 8 black candles later, it just happened. Things are already starting to happen. Thank you eclipse energy. What a day!!!!!

    1. Wow – eight black candles?? That must have been some evil fuqery you needed to dispense with! Well done. Your comment is a good prompt for me to search out some rituals to get a few things happening for myself after a 3am existential freak-out.

  2. The eclipse was exact on my Saturn. And some other bits. The impression I get fr the Astro Media is that it was some kind of “the agony and the ecstacy” moment. For me I could sum it up as “meh?”. What did I miss? Am I going to some kind of non worshipper hell*? Any splainz appreciated. I feel like the planet gave up on me after the Capricorn stuff fell thru all that time ago. Like, throw hands up, pfff fuq this, we tried Pi, you’re thick as two planks when it comes to getting the message, happy muggle lyf k laterz

    *not a serious question.

  3. Thank you MM for the guidance as found that the Full Moon eclipse is in Leo which is where my 10th house begins so endings and beginnings for work (all types). Suddenly got sick of my struggling physical health from extra 10kgs that I put on last year from tendonitis to both elbows and twisted knee in Nov 17 so found an amazing detox and eat for health regime called Viva Mayr “Cure”. Apparently this is the real reason behind the movement to more alkaline diet but so much more than just an alkaline diet. Have been detoxing my guts at home since Wed (Merc conj Pluto) when I decided that after all the researching enough stuffing around. Day 4 of the detox and it’s been an easy run (sorry for the pun) I just had a tiny dipping bowl size of lamb and rice pilav made months ago and not eaten because I though it was not seasoned with enough spices. Well it was amazing the flavours I could taste! Eating slowly by chewing 30 – 40 times per mouthful must have woken up my stomach and taste bud and I feel full after a big lunch of 1 slice of stale spelt bread with smoked trout and my small bowl of pilav!!! I will be away on hols over the eclipse but hopefully I can carry this new regime into the hols as well. And doing something to celebrate endings and beginnings! Thanks for the Druid advice BTW.

  4. lol yeah while the no music thing makes sense that was my response. *headphones on right now listening to African rhythms*

  5. My Mars is at 10 deg Aqua. I’m going to have to ruminate on that. What has confused me a little with all this North node in Leo stuff is that my South Node is there. But then so is my midheaven. How does one work that?

    As for being skyclad some of the best magic is worked this way. Powerful stuff.

  6. Mmm the moon will be in my 8th house and trine my 12th house Sagg North Node exactly and also within 3-4 degrees, my Neptune and Ascendant. Sounds nice and juicy. Ripe for ritual! Thanks for posting here too MM – easier to read in browser x

  7. I will be curious how this eclipse goes…it is conjunct my ascendant. I have a mammogram that day and physical the next, since its lunar im hoping its not my ‘girls’ :/

  8. I love this! And the phrase “Sky-Clad”! I’m also wondering about timing. It wont be possible for me at moon rise…I could set my alarm and wake up for the eclipse though (I crash early and rise early)…that might be best.
    I have 9th house Aqua Sun and 2nd house Leo Moon…am just enrolling in a new course to set the direction for (hopefully) the creation of some income so this is pertinent!

  9. This in going down in my Leo MH and Aquarius 4th house. Wondering what this will mean between my burgeoning teaching career and the fact that we’re trying to sell our condo/ buy a house. Or nothing LOL? I really like the ritual though and wish I hadn’t already packed my smudging supplies and candles.

  10. If you can’t do it exactly on time – I’ll be in a cab between meetings so it’s probably a no-no – is it better to do it after or before? I’m thinking as it’s a full moon then night before more potent. Anyone think otherwise?

    1. I have that problem but have found it not so much before or after but when i have the most time and appropriate place and space to slow down and go through with it so that it soaks in and strengthen commitment to any new thing or close off old things. I have done things before and after and found either is most effective.

  11. Can I ask, with eclipses in general – if there wasn’t also this lineup of other influences – would you tend to focus more on the sun or the moon’s placement? In terms of what was coming in and what to let go? Or do they operate differently?

    Also, I’m trying to figure out what this means for this eclipse lighting up my 4th house Leo, and 10th house Aqua. It will also be dead on my partner’s AC/DC – so I imagine he will be feeling it the most.

    In any case, I’m not normally into ritual, but this is really appealing to me. I think I’m going something outside.

  12. Also, my current obsession is castor oil packs. Google it, it’s the most clearing/ soothing thing ever and probably a good post ritual eclipse act

  13. Thank you so much for this, MM! 🙂

    Eclipse is in my 2nd house, exactly opposite my 11 degree Aqua Sun in the 8th house, and smack dab on my birthday! I’ve been feeling alternate excitement and dread. I’ve been having serious financial issues for awhile and wonder if something will come to a head, and wondering if will it turn for the better or worse, since this is playing out in my 2nd/8th?

  14. Eclipse is in my 10h. Liking the idea of roaming around (mutability meditation) with a notebook, tape recorder and palo santo, preferably near a lake.
    Co opting the word sky clad, my favorite state lol

  15. ScorpSolAquaLuna

    I think I really need to do some sage burning throughout my house though… like burning the sage with the white noise and setting intentions/declarations. I need to tell all negativity to just go away and bring my focus back.

  16. Mystic and Druid Friend, thank you so much. (Accidentally deleted email in part of the great purging.)

    This is not just in the moment. One has to fully prepare! I like it as it will keep my current project focused on something Higher. This can be me honouring the work rather than slightly resenting the slog. I think the 6th house is Everyday Alchemy.

    Have avoided full blown ritual as it kind of bores and scares me. Results blew out of control when i was young and wild; i made my own rituals but i was fierce; and calling Loa whom im not culturally connected to is dangerous, no matter how drawn i was over long periods of time. This one works well for me! And i can blend with my other ancestor cultures. (After all, my ancestors down through ages all have, to make me 🙂 )

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