Daily Mystic for Thursday 27 April

The Leo Moon* is fab in its own right, a mood-elevating inspo portal that is good for big-hearted gestures, style, art, design, statement-appearances or gestures and fluffing up flat egos. Performance instincts are likely to be bang on.Β 

This is also an opportunity to get a feel for the upcoming deep Leo Vibe: Lilith is already in Leo, Mars will be in Leo from May 20/21 until July 5 and Leo Season runs, as always, from late July to late August.Β But the indisputed star of this big cat emphasis? Venus in Leo from June 5 till October 9.

This may seem complex but essentially think large-Leo-vibe mid-year. If you’ve been wanting to live larger, reclaim lost vibe, deep-immerse in a creative project, fall in love again, compose something or personally engineer the return of fabulosity, this is your zone. Here is a rough diagram – the Leo is all the Orange.

Notice little Leonic clues over the next 48 hours!


*The Leo Moon runs for 60.5 hours from Thursday 6:30 AM Universal Time.

Image: John Kurtz

9 thoughts on “Daily Mystic for Thursday 27 April”

  1. This Leo news feels wonderful on the one hand, asI have Leo ascendant and could use a bit of warmth, inspiration and flamboyance… 🌞🍊On the other hand I feel slightly apprehensive that a Leo emphasis may fuel my Leo neighbor’s narcissistic tendencies (who has been relatively quiet of the past six months and whom I have been avoiding like the plague)

  2. This. Graph. And. Image. And. DM. Are. EVERYTHING!!! * throws powder puff dramatically at dressing room mirror, smacks a lightbulb. **
    Thank You, MM !!! XOO πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦šπŸ¦šπŸ¦š

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