Memo From The Moon In Leo
Every Leo Moon is an opportunity to regain composure and dazzle, no matter what is going on. Lift your sternum and lead with your heart.
“Is it a Full Moon?” is the most common astrological query/freak-out, and for a good reason, but there are many fantastic lunar phenoms to look into.
Every Leo Moon is an opportunity to regain composure and dazzle, no matter what is going on. Lift your sternum and lead with your heart.
New Moons in Capricorn are a chance to celebrate the people who let you down and thus forced you into full-throttle fabulosity.
Dark Moon dread is for real. But the monthly lunar low need not mess with your mood – you just need to know how to align with this loonie rhythm.
Dark Moons in Virgo are transcendental, especially if you like existential breakthroughs while your doing the laundry.
Being born with Warrior God Mars conjunct the South Node is a trip but right now, everyone can take it. Fasten thy seatbelts!
The Void Moon in Leo is the twilight zone of fashion and beauty, generating spookily unstylish and impractical impulses.
Want practical Moon Magic tips for simple rituals that work well with a Full Moon Eclipse? Voila!
Do people grow into the Moon Sign as they mature? How many people do you know who become more like their Moon sign over the years?