Vanadium Lightyear’s Mercury Retrograde

Vanadium Lightyear awoke in some angst. Her nightmare had been vivid and disturbing.  A Kardashian had passed and somehow managed to co-opt a reality television deal from the Afterlife. Or at least one dimension of it. Entities with influencer contracts and ghostly Real Housewives of Hades had permission to haunt subways. They could also emanate from television sets that had been turned off.

She was already uncharacteristically melancholy.  Space Archeologists all over the planet were being replaced by artificial intelligence-driven algorithms. It would be more difficult to generate funds for her Uranus in Taurus scheme than she had at first envisaged. Every day it seemed that Pluto in Capricorn exposed yet another way that the economy was gamed against strivers and innovators like herself.

The Experimental Love Zombie Vaccine had worked SO well that she had not had a date in what felt like decades. It had rendered her incapable of delusion, of accepting less than her worth, of playing Geisha, of – effectively – 21st Century Dating.

She Never Liked The Vortex Between Eclipses

But it was worse. Nobody at Neptunian Life Coaching had told her that the Past Life Regression she had signed up for would not be a single one-off ‘recall’ session while she lay down. No. It had been integrated via Dark Matter driven technology to be part of her waking existence.

She caught whiffs of flowering plants from her garden in Pompeii as she strode down the graffiti scrawled back allies of Cosmopolis. She could see the astral bloodlines of corrupt leaders going back to the most ancient of regimes. It was all too apparent that her current money woes were financial karma from her disgraceful conduct in the colonies during the Restoration era.

Sighing, she smudged with sage and sat down to consider her options. She never liked the vortex between two Eclipses. Suddenly her posture straightened. Vanadium Lightyear had had a realization. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo was all she need focus on until September 11.  Narrow her optics to the most micro-cosmic details. Reactivate her stationery fetish. Reduce, measure, control, clean, filter, and repeat.

She now knew that if she tuned out the Noise, the Signal would be perceptible. Again.

Image: Arthur Elgort

46 thoughts on “Vanadium Lightyear’s Mercury Retrograde”

  1. …. though something was nagging at her just below the flashing between her unconscious and conscious awareness.
    Why did that numerologist she stumbled across in the rec room at CERN try and convince her to change her name to Betty Smith ? Was this just a cosmic joke being played by retro Mercury ? Was the numerologist an unknowing messenger from Hades ? Or was it her spirit guide who wanted to drop this bomb ?

  2. THIS is why i hang out here. utterly brill. adore you MM.

    Lets hope my virgo ascendant plays nice here for me, i am lost in the vortex atm.

  3. I cannot tell you how much I love this, Mystic. I’m going to print it out and stick it next to my desk. Or under my pillow.

    It also gave me very strong vibes of Higgs Boson Blues by Nick Cave.

    1. Omg! MM yes a book. Let me think though, I wonder if you know any writers who are also in the astro informed sci fi fantasy realm, support, you know? hmmm ..gee… 😉

  4. I had the most indescribably bizarre night out with coworkers this wkend, and yesterday at work all of a sudden broke out in a Virgo sweat. Had to minimalize Everything on my desk, wipe it down, even furtively tried to Palo santo (people around will try again today). Then I went outside and felt like the flowers were talking to me
    Feeling the vortex x a million. Vanadium is always on point with her guru re alignments.

  5. Stick this in the time capsule. It is exact.
    I’m so moved I’m in the middle of battling “get some of this tattooed to my arm” excited. Yes. Thanks. I was getting lost in the smoke.

    1. Yep re the stationary – that, in spite my Saturn.SN in 3rd. Or maybe because of it – not to mention my natal Mars in Leo opposing or the fac that my natal SN is THE SN of the mo.

      Form (stationary) seems so frivolous. Content is all.

      I can barely decipher my own handwriting these days, given that all is typed, even though I tried, as a leftie, to do pretty cursive (lol my Venus neptune in 12th square Saturn 3rd and SN) as a kid.

      1. That’s a thought, stationary as frivolous seems about right in this day and age. I can imagine Virgoan types loving the cleanliness of a digital page. Maybe stationary has become part of the Taurean element of things and possessions of the past as they are more sensory and love touch?

  6. So the vortex between two eclipses is a thing? Why did I not remember this? Maybe it’s super strong as I’m solar & multiple Leo and live in North America.

    Last week it was yoga, dog walking, swimming in streams and making art with witchy friends. I made wreaths of feathers gifted from a Sag stelluim who I play multi-dimensional see-saw with through my Gemini stellium. Monday started the laser beam eradication of piles and boring to-dos I’ve been putting off.

    Today it’s off to the ocean, where my Moon Neptune gets some runaway time. Hasn’t been the same since I spent the day and night at the beach under the full Cappy moon.

  7. The vibe in my mind is that of hydraulic doors closing quietlly behind me with a soft sound…”fshhhrrrrrrr.” The inner sanctum lights automatically come up to my preferred level and the air temperature regulates itself to “coolly detached, clear thinking”. I see that the plants are looking nice and healthy, because I water them and take care of them when I need to take a break from the words and thinking. My desk, which runs along the length of half a wall with a movable return section, is low-lit for now. It’s clear of annoying clutter because the floor to ceiling shelves along the other wall are doing what they were designed to do. (Also, I have just finished a major project and my ritual is to completely clear and file everything related to the work, to relax and prepare my mind.) Half the windows are a smoked glass tint: no one gets to look in here, although I can open them when I need the breeze. The floor is bare but a thick dark grey rug covers most of it. I take my socks off and stand on its plush, yielding surface as I drop my bag and leaf through the new texts I just brought in. Tonight would be spent at the far end of my study, feet up, on a two-seater linen covered sofa. I had salvaged the thing from the front of the old art school and had it re-upholstered (it was a beautiful, comfortable, classic design and of course campus administration was thickly indifferent to such things, in their drive for modernisation). Anyway, it was now a perfect place to pause, and reflect on the long weeks behind me…and what was yet to come.


    1. I love this, reads like an italicized authors forward or protagonist “mood setter” before the beginning of a book.

      1. Yes, I love this and the Vanadium post that inspired it, too. Pi, your post made me think of Personal Shopper that newish Oliver Assayas movie for some reason too.

        1. Ahhhh wow
          I loved that film for many reasons. I’m also a bit of a Kristen Stewart fan. (She’s a katakan. I think MM mentioned this somewhere)
          It’s very sensual I think. Not as in sexy, but a kind of proust-ish apprehension of a moment or place/space/personal experience.
          Maybe because I’m in katakaspace right now it has ze vibes?

          Right after watching it I them watched Arrival.
          Both films with female protagonists grappling with the unseen, the utterly new, and a sense of groundlessness, while remaining strongly attuned to, or inescapably in contact with, their inner world, as in, not denying or overriding their own experiences or perceptions, not trying to wrest some kind of heroic control in the scene.

  8. MR is so on already. Like you said Mystic, for us “mercurial” (Gemini with Virgo Rising here) it’s like it has been on for a while.
    But today I am feeling it in a super strong way. how’s that possible?
    I have been searching for some objects (dresses, gifts ecc) for quite sometime and today – of all days – I am finding them all online.
    Only problem is: is my last day at the office before holidays so I can’t have them sent here and I won’t be home either so I don’t know how to solve this. Is almost irritating, but I have decided it’s a sign that I don’t need that stuff probably, so I am saving what would possibly turn out to be poor shopping choices (typical MR btw).

  9. “The Experimental Love Zombie Vaccine had worked SO well that she had not had a date in what felt like decades. It had rendered her incapable of delusion, of accepting less than her worth, of playing Geisha, of – effectively – 21st Century Dating.”
    Ok so this has been the reason behind my “no dating for ages” since I decided to close the “asshole/love zombie” era forever.

  10. FireSunna-AquaLuna

    Sighing, she smudged with sage and sat down to consider her options. She never liked the vortex between two Eclipses. Suddenly her posture straightened. Vanadium Lightyear had had a realization. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo was all she need to focus on until September 11. Narrow her optics to the most micro-cosmic details. Reactivate her stationery fetish. Reduce, measure, control, clean, filter and repeat. She now knew that if she tuned out the Noise, the Signal would be perceptible. Again. All. The. Yes

    1. The effect as in “not dating love zombies / not turning into a love zombie” I agree.
      As in feeling like I haven’t been dating for decades?
      Not very much. Not anymore. 🙂

    2. Leo-Scorp Grrrl

      I recenlty woke up from the delusion of someone who played all of my buttons. I see now how it was carefully crafted. Love bombing is a term I recenly read. He tried too hard. And covered lies. Part of me had doubt and kept him from getting too close. I all of a sudden have no interst in using my precious time accepting less than I’m worth.

      A bit of fluff is not worth detracting from my mission. Had a lunch date with somone I used to find interesting and was so “meh” I can’t beleive it. I think I’m out of the running while I go secure my financials… I’m doing ME.

  11. Exactly mystic. Exactly. Why do I feel like they are gonna be stuck in one dimension, while the dolphins and I leave this one. Lol like everything those in politics and reality tv do can’t affect me at all, I’m tuned out. And for those in politics right now, that blows. I mean literally, I turn on the tv today and laugh. This is not my reality. Something about Korea nuking us. Russia. I mean this is a gag reel. I really envision something different for us.

    ~staying in my lane

    1. Go with Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It’s a moment of history.

      You can’t do more than you can right now. Or maybe for longer term. You look to what helps take care of yourself.

      But it’s not the first moment in time when unjust attitudes have taken the political reigns (Einstein knew it, too) and that time will NOT prevail and neither do those attitudes.

      Take a rest, do self care. If you have to deal with this frankly racist (etc) bs on a daily lifelong basis, then it’s extra important. You don’t have to fight the good fight.

      You have to love yourself and take a fqn military break (of the mind, heart and soul) because your very existence is love, and part of the bigger love.

  12. About that Virgo stationary fetish: the other morning I got a postcard from Virgo friend. Delighted, I went to put it on my fridge with the rest of the postcards I’ve received lately… and realized all 6 I have saved are from Assorted Virgos!

    A long time ago I had a multiple Virgo paramour who was so dedicated to his letter and postcard habit that he had a filing cabinet just for his received correspondence! I am like 80% air, I love new pens and stationary but always go back to email and sms. So I find the Virgo Stationary Fetish extremely endearing.

    1. This Psyche in Virgo has one too. I sent out a stack of letters and postcards recently and have been getting thank you texts the past few days.

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