Primal Tech
The Astrology of Intel’s 4004 Microprocessor AKA the Silicon Age
Nancy Pelosi was born with Venus conjunct Mars and Uranus so guess how she celebrated her Uranus Return?
Taureans are renowned for their staying power and musical aesthetic. Triple Taurus Giorgio Moroder – the ‘shaman of synthwave’ embodies both.
Many people know Marilyn Monroe was Gemini and that she had Neptune in Leo Rising but she also had Lilith Rising!
Gemini Sun with Capricorn Moon is an excellent combo for ‘ageless-aging’, as the world’s longest working supermodel shows.
The Rite of Passage Transits are astrological influences that everyone experiences at about the same age – this is an easy, helpful rundown of them all.
The quarter-life crisis is Pluto conjunct natal Neptune, interrupting one’s mid-20’s reverie, shattering delusions and evoking a more authentic you.