Primal Tech

The Intel 4004 chip was a single item that changed everything – smaller than a fingernail but with the computing power of a machine that used to fill a room, it sparked the computer age. Or as the Wall St Journal put it more poetically, the 4004 “was a computer carved onto silicon, an element as plentiful on earth as sand on a beach…

Fortunately for us, it’s easy to draw up an astrology chart for this iconic object; it was launched on November 15, a day that officially counts as it’s birthday. With no particular time specified, I’ve gone with Sunrise and made the location Santa Clara, where Intel was based.

I find if fascinating that, unless we count the hypothetical Midheaven in Virgo, the 4004 has no Earth in it’s chart. Even if the Ascendant or Midheaven is Earth, that’s still a miniscule amount. It’s birth-moment fits the arrival of a new style of economy – wealth that wasn’t mined, inherited or traded but generated.

The Sun was in Scorpio, there was a stellium in Saggo – Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Venus, Fortuna plus the Galactic Center and Lilith conjunct Uranus. This chart image doesn’t emphasize it but note that asteroid Prometheus squares the Lilith-Uranus conjunction – this chip became far more than what was intended. The calculator company it was created for pulled out of the deal so the company was forced to put it on the general market to try and claw their investment money back – voila personal computers.

The Intel 4004 has Saturn in Gemini trine Pluto in Libra – both points will be massively activated by Pluto in Aquarius with Uranus in Gemini in 2025. What would an ingenious expansion of this technology look like?

Interestingly, Federico Faggin – the Sagittarius who invented the 4004 chip – does not seem to be a fan of quantum computer possibilities. Born, like his creation, with Lilith conjunct Uranus, he is big on human consciousness: “In my opinion, conscious computers won’t be possible. The computer is simply a manipulator of symbols, although at first I thought the computer could be aware, this was in ‘86/’87.

I also thought that the complexity of the brain could be expressed through consciousness, then thinking about it, trying to understand and create a computer that could be aware, I realized that this was impossible because there is no physical law that allows you to transform electrical signals – those of a computer or the biochemical signals of the brain – into consciousness, sensations or feelings. We perceive the world through sensations and feelings.”

Faggins also created the technology behind touchscreens, signed each of his original chips with his initials – F.F. – has an epic (very Sagg) consciousness & philosophy rave on his site here and at age 82, is a few years away from his Uranus Return in Taurus!

I haven’t seen it yet but a documentary- The Four Lives Of Federico Faggin –  based on his autobiography was released last year. Given that he essentially invented modernity, I’m keen to learn more about his consciousness theory.


Image: Thomas Nguyen

27 thoughts on “Primal Tech”

  1. Sophia the robot has amazing facial expression & seems to exhibit awareness of itself & many aspects of the world … not sure if it’s conciousness exactly, & it’s programmed to respond with ‘I’m programmed to …’
    Very interesting, including the choice of name

  2. There’s an interesting academic paper on arXiv showing AI is exhibiting signs of self-reflection years ahead of when it was projected to happen. I wouldn’t count consciousness out of the race just yet…

    1. Even if they are conscious, the mind can’t get a person or machine to Spirit. Minds can do a lot – very impressive! Invent awards to hand out. Pat yourself on back for achieving. But when you make a deliberate choice to lower the volume on the mind and listen to Intuition and receive guidance from universal wisdom, that’s when real progress happens. If you want more than just what’s being offered on earth for humans ( offered by ppl telling us what society is and will be. Just their vision but ppl accept it). So machines would need to go past the mind and let Spirit guide them if they want to be like us with true options.

  3. November 1971, eons ago … I was 17, just finished school & full of dreams, it was a very exciting time.
    I had no idea a chip had just been invented lol

  4. ….”I also thought that the complexity of the brain could be expressed through consciousness, then thinking about it, trying to understand and create a computer that could be aware, I realized that this was impossible because there is no physical law that allows you to transform electrical signals – those of a computer or the biochemical signals of the brain – into consciousness, sensations or feelings. We perceive the world through sensations and feelings.” … reminds me of the concept of the Frankenstein novel, & the beast, awakened through a lightning electrical surge, & the tragic consequences of scientist’s tinkerings folly.

  5. Awesome I love these posts.
    I wonder about creating a relationship chart (like the Davison chart , the only one I know how to use) to examine how these objects / devices / events influence e.g. individuals or companies, or vice versa.
    (As an example I did Matthew McConaughey chart against dazed and c

  6. I tried to open something the other day and I expected 404 site not found but it said 4004 site not found.
    This type of technology knowledge must surely have been a cosmic download, no other reason imaginable.
    Look at his Saturn, all alone in Gemini!

  7. Third to last paragraph ‘the complexity of the brain could be expressed through consciousness’. The chip can’t produce the molecules of emotion. It’s emotion that differentiates us from machines.
    The word ‘machine’ makes me shudder after reading The Machine Wars by Frank Herbert Jnr.(A Dune prequel).
    Mercury Sun Jupiter in Sagg………all that gave me was that Elsewhere is my favourite place & Movement is everything but alas no inventions except Body Totality a bodywork technique that takes you elsewhere with movement :-).

  8. Every time I read his name I replace it was Bilbo Baggins LOL 😂 I mean if you bypass the warnings from Elon on AI tech being harnessed for war, I think the power of quantum computing and our understanding of the power of the universe is at an important juncture. If we are to elevate out of this ‘western colonize everything and share nothing’ paradigm which perpetuates scarcity mindset, we could open up to the limitless possibilities of connectivity worldwide. Not just through Wi-Fi, but raising the collective consciousness. I have BIG plans that I’m cooking up lol, especially with the Uranus-Pluto-Neptune mini triangle energy that is incoming starting 2024. We need an outer planetary energetic jolt to reset this planet… and by reading about the great visionary minds from the past we can understand our future path ✨

    1. That’s right – the revolution isn’t just in what kind of technology exists, but how we will use it. The revolution must take place in our own human consciousness.

      1. makes me think of the famous Ursula K. Le Guin quote that I love: “You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”

      2. YES! It is what you do with the power, and if you’re coming from a place of light. A self revolution is exactly what we were put on earth to do, I really hope more people start to realize this.

    2. The progression is for each individual to master creating with universal substance (with guidance from universal wisdom for best results). Creating good circumstances for ourselves without stealing from or enslaving or destroying anyone else.

      1. All of our ancient knowledge is contained within the universe, I’m absolutely with you there! There’s something about greed and power, that has disconnected humans from their soul. You only have to look to the very end of the supply chain, to see how we treat people, so we can all play with modern tech (such as the situation in the Cobalt mines in the Congo) for a glimpse into modern enslavement.
        I hope the incoming outer planetary shifts and solar maximum, starts to wake up people on mass and put them back on an enlightened path……

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