The Third House In Astrology
Unsure of what your packed Third house means? This pithy take on the astrological Third house and the people with an accentuated 3rd house will be extraordinarily useful.
Unsure of what your packed Third house means? This pithy take on the astrological Third house and the people with an accentuated 3rd house will be extraordinarily useful.
Some metaphysical and pagan factors around the Avenue of the Sphinxes Reopening Ceremony
Venus in Capricorn evokes the old mountain goddesses such as Xi-Wangmu, the Queen Mother of the West and other lofty magic.
Is it somehow preferable that menstruation come with the Dark Moon? Are lunar phases linked that closely with the female cycle? Find out!
Sorceress Circe in Leo evokes passionate creativity, scent-making genius and wilier, more metaphysically adept Leos.
What if the symbol for Virgo was not the winsome maiden – a ‘virgin’ – but the Virago? It’s a completely legit theory and you’ll love the historic role models.
Social media is a maelstrom and private life is back. Is this just Moon-Pluto weirdness or do you have Psychic Jet Lag?
Born with Venus Retrograde? Brilliant. Don’t believe the snark – this is a planetary asset.