How Eclipse Seasons Influence Your Relationships

Yes Eclipse Seasons influence your relationships – how could they not? They’re a galactic buzz, a hyper-primal, cosmobiologically active temporal checkpoint.

People are more prone to fall in love at these times, as well as to break up. Contradictory? Not at all. Eclipses evoke a revolutionary mindset and romance – real romance, not a calculated dating decision – is an insurrection.

You know the odds and you’ve decided to give it a crack anyway. The hormones and endorphins are just foot soldiers to help you get into the citadel.

You know about your ten-thousand relatives who got screwed with alimony and your friends who wish they’d just gotten a cat but you’re all in anyway. Maybe it’s fate, maybe it’s sublimated Freudian gunk but you don’t care.

It’s a coup against cynicism and calcified self-preservation.

A Coup Against Calcified Self-Preservation

A break-up is equally revolutionary. You’re over-throwing an established order to make a brave bet on yourself, a self you may not even really know anymore. As I say in my divorce Mp3, it’s a daunting time – a hybrid of s***t-storm and metaphysical metamorphosis.

You’re not only betting against entropy. You have to over-ride the deep ancestral conditioning that lurks in your limbic system telling you not to ‘make a fuss‘ or that couplehood and the community identity it garners is an exclusive ‘safe’ option.

Even if you’re super-committed to an alliance or your singlehood, those relationships can change or clarify in a nanosecond during Eclipse Season. Why?

Eclipses Tilt You Out Of Time

Well, Eclipse Seasons run in vast dynasties and when one is in play, they can tilt people out of time, or their usual awareness of it. This factor is more prominent, of course, when the Eclipse is at a potent point of someone’s birth chart.

It’s particularly noticeable when one person in a relationship seems to suddenly seek high-level connection or more momentum, while the other is directing significant energy toward maintaining barriers and the status quo.

Actually, it’s more than noticeable, it’s dramatic. Eclipses intensify every natural force going, geomagnetism, solar winds, atmospheric pressure…you name it. Stress factors converge and irritants turn pro.

Layer a profound, ultra-objective cosmic consiousness over the top of that and the daily groove of the relationship turns from fuzzy background to high definition. Decisions are easy because they spring from stark, lucid realizations.

The Change Already Happened

It’s not so much that you’re moving back to the city, stopping sugar, deleting all your shared playlists or divulging previously classified info about yourself. It’s that the change has already happened in your psyche and it’s not changing back. You’ve finally realized the change and with that, psychic unease dissipates.

If you’re part of a couple that is set up for this sort of existential eruption, it’s exciting. If not? It will never be noted on any official documents but that moment will remain in your mind as a monument to the real end.

And if you’re falling in love or forming significant connections during Eclipse Season? Somehow the phenom is integrated into a broader matrix and the path of both people involved. Or maybe you simply like wild Space Weather and nothing else activates your endocrine system?!


Image: Flip Schulke

82 thoughts on “How Eclipse Seasons Influence Your Relationships”

  1. in May, a few days before my 46th birthday- I returned home from a trip to find a neighbor stealing from me which turned into an ongoing horrendous harassment issue.
    Fast forward to end of October, my 4.5 year relationship fell apart.
    Eclipse s#*tshow. 6 months apart, absolutely terrible events, damaging my spirit.

    1. That’s awful but is it possible that these revelations and break-ups, as stressful as they were, were also shielding you from more intensive damage?

  2. Beautiful post, Mystic. I am fascinated by this current journey of the moonwane through Pisces passing that line up of planets, personal Mars and Venus, social Jupiter and super personal Neptune. (For me also passing north node at 27 Pisces.) I have wanted this energy ever since I was born. Now that I am experiencing this energy more consciously, and not in an either/or way, I am feeling love for the earthly (as opposed to the other worldly) coming back, hopefully into balance or even into unity. The ever present death wish (ie return to source) is weaving with the life force urge for another 10 to 15 years grace of earth life. (I am 71 years old.)

    I won’t complicate this post by musing on the balsamic Moonwane through Aries before the Taurus new moon eclipse. But I am feeling super intense.

    All about my own process. 😊🌺

  3. Yes that’s big. My north node is at 10degreesTaurusexact to the eclipse, tink mine’s going to be big too. Certainly hope it will clear some of this toing and froing in my mind hard to get clear air…..:)

  4. My Taurus sun is 7 degrees & this new moon eclipse in Taurus occurs 3 days after my 50th birthday on the day I will be celebrating. Something tells me it will be significant!
    New love incoming would be a bonus.

  5. I spent the whole week with my days and nights mixed up; I’m nocturnal anyways, but this was some “go-to-sleep-at-10am-and wake-up-at-8:30pm” type shit. Not even Ambien can fix that. I tried two resets (i.e., staying up through into the next night) one didn’t take, though last night’s might have. Good news: Slept through any Eclipse drama. Bad news, obsessing about your sleep pattern is never good for productivity.

  6. Space Weather site is the bomb. Mystic answers questions you didn’t know who or where to ask or had nobody to ask within the range of cosmic thinking & interests.
    It mentions Cosmological Health not by that name but for those who may wonder how ‘out there’ affects us combing Astrology. What an added dimension it gives. What food for dreams. Merci Beaucoup Mystic.
    ***** sigh****** telescopes & microscopes & happiness we have eyes to see.
    (now about how THEY work:-)

  7. This was an amazing read, thank you. It made me run to the chart & voila! There was a Lunar eclipse opposite my partner’s Uranus-Venus-Pluto conjunction (conjunct my Venus-Pluto) when we clapped eyes on each other. By the the time 6 months had passed & the Solar eclipse was exactly ON his U-V-P conjunction we had consolidated our relationship. Eventhough i had no interest in marriage, i decided this was right:

    “Decisions are easy because they spring from stark, lucid realizations.” 

    This was exactly how it felt. There was no overthinking the matter as in other relationships i had entered into. I remember the split second of realisation like some sort of etheric thunderbolt.

    1. Skarab, all the knowledge you have, with all the study of bodywork, healing that you have done plus astrology & a myriad of other modalties.. YOU HAVE A PARTNER AROUND AS WELL?!
      Love rules, happy for you both, satisfies my inner cupid.

      Lotta Wonder Women around here she realises 🙂

      1. Sayz Pegasus! & thank you! xx
        Yes, he’s been around for 33 1/3 yrs now, like a long playing record. I was 29, trans Venus-Jupiter conjunction in my 7th H; did not believe in the marital institution (still don’t), & was toying with the idea of marrying a gay millionaire friend who had proposed i be his beard for business facade (different times). Then along comes multi Libra/Sagg Moon Boy – & boom! Right through the heart & beyond.

        1. A UVP conj on a VP conj is pretty freakin’ intense synastry. I’ve had peeps with their Plutos oppo my Venus or Sun — Wow lots of underhanded and overhanded. control issues

          1. Yes, i’ve experienced that with Pluto/Venus in other relationships. It’s burn baby burn, then emerge for air licking wounds. Astrologers said this wouldn’t last either. What do they know? Lol. But seriously, we’re both Libra Asc & we’ve some smooth Venus/Saturn interaspects as well; and Saturn sits ON the IC in the composite chart. Saturn = commitment. Pluto-Venus = hotness. What can i say? Plus of course he must worship me in the way that a Leo Venus-Vesta exacts 😉

            1. The other synastry involved with these two was positive also, but physical and verbal abuse ensued. One committed suicide after I left. So yah. I look for non-Pluto dominated peeps now. I have it rising in Libra so I got enough for two.

  8. motherofunicorns

    I still don’t know what to expect out of this eclipse re relationships. I’m platonically in love with someone and we click in every level possible. We just haven’t strayed into romantic areas as he has a gf (not saying I believe he’d be otherwise interested, just that’s a significant barrier to even broaching it). So I’m both seeking high-level connection/momentum AND maintaining barriers/status quo. I haven’t had a sudden flashes of insight or resolve, just a deepening sense of intimacy and surrender to whatever unfolds. I guess maybe I did let go of the idea that I could distract myself with a relationship with another man who is pursuing me doggedly but holds the faintest shadow of the allure of this guy I love. I already ended another relationship because of my feelings and inability to be interested in anyone else. He knows that I have feelings for him and he handles it well, but I’m not really willing to do anything further because I don’t want it on my conscience. And it’s driving me crazy, not just because I want to be with him and can’t, but because I’m used to being proactive and taking action where needed and I don’t know how to handle situations like this. Waiting is torture. But we could not end up together and it’d still be utterly worth it to have just been able to talk to each other each week.

    1. I relate and respect you for keeping the boundaries. Its hard but the right thing to do. Loads of love! ❤❤❤❤

  9. The Lion & The Centaur

    The eclipse was smack on my descendant and North node is now exactly on my South Node – opposite my Moon (Moon conj NN natally). I said out loud yesterday “I will start attracting people into my life, who are inspiring, interesting, calming and feel like cool, refreshing breeze”. That was my manifestation. I feel like I have definitely graduaded from the school of setting boundaries & not entertaining past life swamp people who crawl out of my South Node (loosely conjunct Venus & descendant).

  10. Wish Upon a Star


    My gemini sun 14° in the 4th house. The eclipse is 19 °. It is having a big effect on my friendships.

    Time to cool the friendship with these drama queens. It is a bad pattern I have to break.

    I won’t be too hard on myself. Chemo and radiation have a big effect on cognitive function. I am gradually coming to my senses and getting my bearings back.

    But this eclipse and the letting go ritual I did last night are significant.


    1. Wish Upon a Star

      I just saw a beautiful thing. I just woke up after an afternoon nap. Stepped on my back balcony for some afternoon sun.

      Alas, I see a baby 🌟 Starling learning to fly.

      It’s a sign. I’m learning to fly again.

    2. Yes,we often meet drama queens in medical and hospital situations….interesting. Good to shed right now and good luck with your recovery!

  11. This is a painful topic for me. My parents divorced when I was 4, I stayed with one parent, who then remarried another 2 times before I was 22 (and 3rd marriage tenuous but still going, 20 years later). I definitely had a front row seat to the entire rainbow of the human condition, its pain in relation to Other, and forensic un-asked for knowledge of the anatomy of human relationship formation and breakdown (associated grief, self-identity crises, etc).
    It almost turned me right off, but I squared with myself, and found a partner who was equally squared with himself, and we both took a bet together. And, thank Goddess, so far it’s Love (and plain old hard work).
    My biggest lessons were:
    1. Respect is not negotiable. Feelings & subject matter irrelevant. Respect is Key.
    2. The biggest hurdle in any relationship is how it holds a (fluoro lit; magnified) mirror up to yourself.
    Sending all ability to love yourselves wholly, and then, Other. X

    1. Wish Upon a Star

      Thanks for sharing that with us Earth Star.

      You have a special way with words. They are very rich, wise and healing. And very grounded. You have helped me alot.

      I was just thinking the other day that you would make a great counsellor or writer.

      Go Well.


      1. Corduroy jeans

        Thank YOU for your words Wish.. 💗X They have come at just the right time.💖
        (By the way I totally agree with choosing a single life too – it was what I had adamantly chosen till Uranus stuck his electric-blue nose in! 🦄🧞‍♂️)

    2. As i reached the end of your comment, the beauty of your thoughts parted some heavy clouds in me. I flicked back up to your first sentence: a painful topic.

      I realise my Merc-Chiron in 5th does this for others: out of my deepest existential human grief (trines to my 12th) i make a theatre of gentle and funny expression to others, apparently, and they feel soothed where i so deeply feel pain. Thank you for gifting us your poignant wisdom, and also quietly reminding me all in me is not just harsh loss and ugly pain. I treasure your presence in this thread at this moment. Thank you, friend xoxo

      1. Hi Mille 💗 I’m so bad at astrology – that’s why I (over) rely on MM (sorry to be clingy about your site, MM! And all you knowledgable astro-fiend guys), and just now realised I completely skipped the whole point of this article – the gravity (and levity) of eclipses !!😆 Thank YOU. Xoo
        Am so not wise – have just cried a lot, and seen others too – alone – and can’t help trying to stop others feeling same way. And yep, I try and mine my past for laughs – for me, laughing is a Great and Real healer.☺
        Anyway, back to astro – I just realised Mars in Cancer was square my natal Chiron at 29 degrees Aries at time of commenting, so maybe this explains a lot?? And if I count backwards in nine-year cycles from this latest eclipse season, I see milestones (easy and difficult) to do with relationships – it dates to the year before I was even born – maybe that was the “inner” demise of my parent’s relationship? (before the “outer/visible” one, 5 years later.)
        And Wish’s beautiful words about me writing or being a counsellor resonated – I have also been told this by a (good, local) psychic, a shaman, and friends throughout life, so maybe I should listen lol. In the meantime am trying to give my kids my all, though. Thanks for listening!😊😘 x

  12. So…I’m falling and so is he, we’re already set to spend the 23th and 24th together…should I be worried?

  13. when the lawyer asks you for the date of separation and you say Ummmmm…… it already happened quite a while ago actually. Psychic and physical separation under the same roof, even in the same bed for part of that time. Even the bed developed a mountain range in the middle between us. When spontaneous touch stopped, when each look was questioned, when every utterance was weighed for rejection as expected or hoping with bated breath for a warm welcome back into arms of love, that doesn’t come. Looking back it is an ending that happened a while ago but eclipse season illuminated just how far gone it was. My question “how does one honor the beautiful memories of the love that was while being real about what has now passed and what now is?”

    1. Oh dear God….! The bed…the bed! My ex and I could not agree on a proper mattress to buy, so slept on two single mattresses on the same double bed, in our respectively duvets and with individual sleep rhythms for over a year. Reflection of our lives much? 🙂 I so identify with the date of separation being long ago than the actual, proper date. In my case, it took 3 years to hammer it home. Eclipse seasons are both the gestation and the birth of new realities. We just need to get on with the program.

    2. My ex and I had a memory foam bed. The mountain range in the middle between us was a real thing. We baked it in with years of never touching. I used to call it the bad memory foam bed.

      1. Haha! Laughed at the bad memory foam joke.. 😃 I am now the proud owner of the biggest bed the company could produce, so much so that I need custom sheets. Problem is that I still have ‘my side’ after years of marriage and now the super amazing supportive memory foam mattress sags on my end and remains completely untouched on the other. I wish the Universe would bring me the occupant of the other side soon.

        1. The solution to this is for you to sleep on the other side too! My osteopath/acupuncturist told me that everyone should change sides with their partners in bed. To change every week so as not to fall into stuck body patterns, & that it’s good for creativity. “Interesting things start to happen” though he didn’t elaborate on what kind of things. Must say that the first week there were a few WTF! moments of confusion when waking between dreams. I’ve been having more dreams since too.

          1. Thanks! I did it one full moon recently and slept horribly. Will try again this weekend. My Cap stellium is happiest with a set routine and habits. Sigh…

            1. Feeeeel youuuu. In the midst of having to create an entirely new routine. One that is capable of supporting me vs hindering and/or eventually killing me.

    3. Time and attention to the beauty. Patience through the learning that this is not only possible but allowed.

      “Even the bed developed a mountain range in the middle between us”
      This reminded me of the posterior wall of our bodies. Mostly because when you look at it, with all of the organs taken out, minus the kidneys, you see that the spine looks like a high ridge in comparison to the valley of the posterior ribs and thoracic cavity…in the vein of relationships – meta talk wise – and our relationship to ourselves as being the source of all our relationships with others, this finds me thinking of our main inner sides or parts (fem/masc) ascending that ridge.

      Closeted romantic here likes watching that idea. Likes to image that red and blue can come together.

      Past few days these eclipses + uranus/saturn squaring has been feeling like high mountain winds in the lungs + belly. That deep taurean alien rumble just taking in the sights inside the mountain. Beau’tah

    4. I just keep giving thanks for the good memories and that person for working with me, I couldn’t have made those memories and experiences alone..
      It’s all for our learning xx

  14. The solar eclipse of December 2001 fell on my birthday. Two weeks later, on New Year’s day, I found out that my husband was leaving me. He had been having an affair for two months already. He told me that he had initially tried to break off the affair, because he thought he wanted to stay with me. But shortly after, on the day of the eclipse, he realized that he really wanted to be with his new lover after all. So it was just exactly as Mystic describes it: The change had already happened. It was heartbreaking at the time, but in the end it was all for the best. The breakup made me ‘make a brave bet on myself’, which I have never regretted

    1. My first husband left with his receptionist whom he had been seeing during my pregnancy and as soon as cappi kid landed on the carpet he was off. I felt mutilated. But if I had listened to my deep wise inner voice I would have heard it shout for joy and relief. I am so pleased he left. I am so pleased I learned how much strength I have and in time what boundary is and how best to use it. Never one ounce of regret.

      1. I want to reshape his skull for you. I know you are supposed to be over it and its been a good thing but I still want to make him hurt.

        1. You know he did that to himself. His beautiful daughter estranged herself at 14 years old and will never speak or see him again. He loathes that. And he texts or calls me about once every six months but I never answer. Until the last time when I texted back that I would only ever consider talking to him if he came to me asking “what can I do for you and oh here’s the money I owe you!’ And that day will never come. He’s very alone. And for a narcissist that’s hellish. But thank you. Yes I know how that feels.

          1. Karma is beautiful. My heart goes out to the poor daughter but I will sleep easily knowing that there is justice for aholes like him. You should wear your survivor badge with pride.

    2. Hi Calcifer, it has taken two days for the tight knot between my throat and chest to dissipate since reading your experience.. Forget Olympic sports and acting; the real achievements in life deserving gold medals and statuettes belong to just surviving. Ends like within your marriage described above give catastrophic injury, but invisible ones – and people will never know the extent of either the damage, let alone recovery. Hope you haven’t just survived, but grown a whole new etheric body. Love. ⭐

      1. Thank you, dear Earthstar ☺️ Looking back upon that separation, I think that in the end it was a healing experience. The pain of it allowed me to get in touch with much older pain caused by my parents’ divorce, which I was still carrying inside. The whole process took several years and a lot of emotional labor. It coincided with Pluto transiting over my Sun. Yes, I think you could say it gave me a new etheric body 👼

    3. 2001 seems like yesterday but the hurts have solidified into something fierce. Huge hugs! What doesn’t kill us…

  15. I wish I were on my way to the citadel but it looks like I am on my own this eclipse season. In fact I haven’t even glimpsed a citadel for many a mile. But I have broken the back of a long obsessive projection and sent it marching off for one final goodbye. And I feel so free. So happy. I LOVE the way you write Mystic. I so look forward to your insights.😍

  16. Ms. Ayden FaeZen E. B.

    Incredibly active in perceptive writing… Thank you so much for sharing your Insightful gifts with the World & particularly those of us who interact here. I like getting together in electorally with 7 to 10 astrological and philosophical, psychological and spiritual wisdoms especially around times like this.

    Two weeks ago in May in beautiful nearby Lake Tahoe the lunar eclipse was very special so I car camped solo to awake @ 4 AM to commune with the moon for an hour! Then back to sleep; awakening later for early Homegroup AA Recovery meeting on the phone.. That following day, Wednesday 5/26/21 was an *amazing*portal* of energized work, interactions, Nature communion, beauty, future focus ( Sagittarius moon!) and Feminine Power.

    I detailed my car, met a friend who jumped my dead car battery and invited me to dinner : who happens to be a sparkling personality biyfriend of a surgeon and world class viola musician himself; enhanced my connection with Scorpios; and performed a prayerful ode ( dance/yoga/spinning staff ) to a sacred rock of land by the Lake. That video attests to my ♾ Elemental earth and sky, fire and water, spirit kinnection and is absolutely flowing and beautiful.

    Today’s astro-alignments are the same as my natal setup So “Hello !” And may we each establish our love and illumine our place in this Sacred Interconnected Puzzle. Mystics Unite!

  17. I met matched with someone on the last new moon 11 May. We met in person the last eclipse 26 May. It was explosive but then it fizzled out. We kept talking. But today, on the new moon eclipse, it’s time to say goodbye and let it go. Surprisingly I learned a lot about myself in those 30 days.

  18. While reading this I looked up to see if my divorce 10yrs ago aligned with an eclipse season. Of course – it did, ha. It happened so swiftly, much like the description above. This season seems to be more about the relationship with myself but it’ll be interesting to see how it all unfolds..

    1. Ha! Mine was formalized yesterday. The seeds were sown on 31st Jan 2018 Lunar eclipse opposite my natal sun. Fate is a thing. I wonder why we dont teach kids astrology as a life tool at school.

  19. Hmmmmmmm. I seem to find September equinox is my go to for relationship. Maybe because my DC is in Virgo. So it’s my 7th. Equally I tend to erupt at March equinox and they get marching orders. I met two of my hubby’s on sept 19th ? Yeah really. And the other was a Virgo ? So I’m an equinox and solstice person. I’ll wait to see what this eclipse brings. But all very very quiet so far… unless you count the house renovation project monies in full swing and a complete meltdown at the ombudsman for my removal firm neither of which knows their ass from their elbows.

    1. I’ve also noted that on big life altering moments when the thing is happening and the concrete will set the weather is usually doing something awesome. My move to Scotland in 2004/5 was in the teeth of a huge storm high winds trees down lashing rain. When I moved to Italy I arrived in a total torrential downpour. Unheard of for the time of year. When I took my first sailing course it was in the tail end of a hurricane ! Thought I was going to die. But it thrilled me and I had to alter career. And now I’m wondering what’s next. Thunder storm today spot on the eclipse ?

      1. Amazing stuff, all of it! Thank you for sharing ! you make me want to go back and check my calendars. Keep us posted on how it unfolds for you! <3

          1. Am I lucid dreaming or there was a thread on one of the posts earlier, where someone commented that they love windy days because trees seem to talk to them? I have seen the pattern repeat. Our spiritual journeys coincide with noticing small changes in the nature around us. And this community is full of those on the path. 🙂

              1. Howdy Tree Lover! Its a windy and rainy fay here today. You would love to know that your friends are thriving. 🙂

  20. As a single person I am finding this to be having a profound affect on my relationship with myself. There seems to be many factors to this that affect any relationship values

  21. Wow, how do you do it Mystic? Eternally fresh, maturing like a mighty oak and cute as acorn all at once!! I love the militant search and destroy love metaphors, “You know the odds and you’ve decided to give it a crack anyway. The hormones and endorphins are just foot soldiers to help you get into the citadel” 💪❣Have to note that after my year horoscope from last year I was scanning it the other day to see how it tallied with my experience. Around the time I was decided to move interstate last November you mention moving interstate as a possibility scheme being activated! Amazing post, keep sitting over that fissure inhaling that gas of Pythia, you will be able to see the space weather at the Galatic Centre at this rate! Bless you!

    1. My dear Sphinx, it’s the ‘eternally fresh oak & acorn’ that has kept us here on site for 16-18 years. It is our ever lasting relationship that never ends in divorce.

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