Pluto In Aquarius Horoscopes Part 3

All up, Pluto will be in Aquarius from this week until 2044. Although it retrogrades back to Capricorn later in the year, this IS new-era-Pluto. Get the jump on it early for best results. 

Part 3 of the Pluto in Aquarius scopes covers Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Read Part 1 – Aries, Taurus + Gemini here or Part 2 – Cancer, Leo + Virgo here.


Maintain Balance,” advised the consensus, invoking the chic Libra attribute of equilibrium as a cure-all. Pfft. Even your fabled poise has been challenged by the Outer Planets clustered in one quarter of the sky for nearly a decade, not to mention the actual cluster-fuq of Saturn-Pluto conjunct in late 2019/2020.

Even by elemental compatibility alone, Pluto in Aquarius is a blessing. Libra and Aquarius are both Air signs so you’re super-simpatico with new-era Pluto. It’s been 11 years since you last enjoyed the supportive backdrop of an outer planet in Air and from 2025 Uranus in Gemini till 2033 will aerate the astral atmosphere even more.

Pluto in Aquarius will grace your solar 5th house – the realm of fashion, design, romance, fertility and enterprising self-actualization – until 2044. Whatever the psychic churn factor of recent years, it hasn’t diminished you – you’re now more capable of authentic mating and creativity.

Uranus in Gemini will accentuate your solar ninth house – the higher mind, learning and travel. For the latter, think long journeys and foreign placements rather than tourism. It also suggests your thoughts or inventions will have a broader reach.

Also in 2025 – Neptune arrives in your partnership sector for the first time in over a century – aka this is  unprecedented for you – and hangs out there for nearly as long as Pluto in Aquarius. Now, as you no doubt are aware, Neptune has its liabilities.

If you have any particular penchant for long shot love affairs with people who are married, avidly into their addictions or non-existent, now would be the time to address them. Neptune can sneak in and permeate the environment without triggering any of the usual alarms.

Yet if you’ve fenced off the trouble zones, this Neptunian influence could be the harbinger of a uniquely soulful, destiny-prompted style of relationship. This is even more of a possibility with Pluto potentizing the passion quotient. Saturn will meet up with Neptune in Aries in July 2026, further underscoring the profound dimensions of Libra relationships.

April’s Solar Eclipse* sparks or signals the new love era for Librans, previewing the upcoming relationship fate-matrix of the Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra (July 2023 until Jan 2025) and then Neptune from March 2025. It seems like a time anomaly but this April begins your 2025 and beyond, especially a la vital people and synergies.

*April 19/20 2023 @29 Aries


Pluto is your ruling planet so you’re super-responsive to its moves and evolutionary cycles. You may even be born in one of its hyper-potent phases – the mid Sixties, when Uranus was conjunct Pluto, strengthening both,  or the Pluto in Scorpio era from November 1983 to 1995.

2019 and 2020 saw Saturn conjunct Pluto in your solar communications sector, putting you under immense pressure to find/re-find your voice. When Pluto calls, you answer and this latest transformation trip demanded the examination of practically every idea, reflex and nuance of your self-expression.

While a lot of this odyssey has been behind the scenes, the results will become more tangible and rewarding from late March. Pluto is entering your solar 4th house, the zone that reflects your residence, home ideals, upbringing, ancestors, parents and the midnight point of your psyche.

Whatever your chez Scorp situation, Pluto unlocks more power reserves to deal with it and potentially score an authentic abode. It favors unusually cool at home businesses or arrangements.

It will also, however, open the family secrets vault, call time on any fake detentes with close relatives and make you more aware of deep time ancestral patterns or even subtle genetic inheritance. More superficially, be aware of the potential for attempted power-trips around real estate and/or family of origin.

In 2025, Uranus and Neptune also change sign, with Uranus moving into Air Gemini and Neptune leaving oceanic Pisces for rambunctious Aries. Yes, from mid-decade, the Outer Planet backdrop will be Fire and Air until Uranus in Cancer from 2033. You may not feel as au fait with the cultural zeitgeist as you – arguably – did with Neptune in Pisces since 2011/2012 but guess what?

Gemini represents your solar 8th house – a realm you’re naturally aligned with – and Uranus there will benefit your sex, money and metaphysical life. Stay out of power-tripped real estate dealings and this new era will see you exerting plutonic passion to score a sanctuary and enjoy a dramatically revitalized sensuality, prosperity and/or magical practice.

Neptune in the 6th is fantastic for faith-healing, dream-analysis and everyday occult genius – you really can integrate your more out-there intuitive perceptions with the more organizational aspects of your life.

But Neptune here can also tend toward inflammatory fanatic weirding – beware charismatic control freaks and particularly the ones who might attempt to run your working life or deploy your resources for their own ends.

Psychically, Pluto in Aquarius compels you to center yourself and power down false personae, no matter how useful. Being you will become the easiest and most grounding option.


Pluto in airy Aquarius is oxygen to your (mutable) Fire and if you’re concerned it may be as full-on as Pluto in Saggo (1995 till 2008), it won’t be.

Your psychic evolution over that phase has, however, prepped you for Pluto in Aquarius culture – you’re more worldly, better at trend-detection and most importantly, far less likely to overstay your welcome in a clearly stagnating paradigm.

With all that in mind, Pluto in Aquarius demands and inspires a new Saggo thought style. Keep the candor, lose any dogmatic tendencies and cultivate your ingenuity. Everything super-intensifies from March 2025, when shamanic Neptune moves into Aries AKA your solar 5th house. Saggo creatives will find their performance, vibe and output is totally aligned with the Zeitgeist.

Fourteen years of the ultimate Muse in your arty, high-style solar 5th house within the even longer Pluto in Aquarius amp-up of your communications sector is a once-a-lifetime force majeure of fabulosity.

You could have found the Pluto in Capricorn economy a pain or maybe you’re just wired from relentless financial muck-raking with Pluto in your solar $$$ sector since the start of the Global Financial Crisis but prospering via raw vibe and rampacious ingenuity is back.

Uranus is in Taurus till July 2025 so your everyday work life may not move at the same pace as your brain or you (still!) need to work around eccentric, slowcoach obstructions but Jupiter conjunct Uranus in May 2024 provides weird ‘cheats’ to outwit those and Chiron in Taurus from 2027 indicates that whatever necessity-inspired skills or health hacks you invent, they’ll be far more beneficial than originally envisaged.

Uranus in your relationship sector from July 2025 until April 2027 is an entirely new game. You haven’t experienced a love vibe like this since 1995 to 1997 and in some cases, a romance from that era may revitalize.

This influence enlivens all styles of partnership and in some cases, you become everyone’s fave free agent romantic catalyst. It could symbolize a radical, creative solitude or the sudden onboarding of a new biz partner: Uranian vibe is unpredictable by definition. Whatever this is, it’ll be fascinating.

Image: Steve Hiett

14 thoughts on “Pluto In Aquarius Horoscopes Part 3”

  1. Love these! <3 and really the entirety of content here. Bless you – sincerely.

    Have I missed Cap/Aqua/Pisces, or is it perhaps still cooking?

  2. The new era looks so fresh comparitively. Its going to be really different when it gets settled in. Air is definitely a great partner for optimism and this has me thinking about one of my things – I am often saying I pick things up on the wind and for the longest time there has not even been a hint of breeze so my ability to just move with something I get has been significantly restricted. That said I’ve still pulled off some major moves but its a day to day tool. My compass has been erratic and unreliable overall I suppose.

    So, it bears repeating… these are fab long range forecasts and it would be great to be able to find them easily again in say, a year etc 💫

  3. This Saggo Sun / Scorp Rising is *definitely* having some deep feels today as Pluto has shifted. I am kind of sad (or somber?) actually. Living through turbulent times is aurically exhausting. LOL … Maybe some ebullience will return over the next few days, but I am surprised by how much I am actually feeling this shift!

    1. I get it – that happened for me post Saggo. Very palpable! Very distinct! I actually missed Pluto then as I felt a drop in momentum. With 3 conjuncts in Cap, and the last 2 sensitive and taxing, Im feeling some relief to see this tour wrap up. That said, I relate to feeling somber and anticipate upbeat feels soon.

      I definitely felt this week overall as it was energetically active. It has been exhausting. I thinks that’s a collective vibe we’re all holding… along with anxiety (it’s foundation in uncertainty and lack of safety).

  4. Serendipitous Synchronicity

    Thanks Mystic, this is a great series on the astral atmosphere changes ahead. I’m looking forward to enjoying a more supportive backdrop of outer planet Air 🌟

  5. Thank you so much, Mystic!
    I am so curious about what Pluto in Aquarius will bring, also a bit apprehensive. It seems like such a momentous change for all of us, it feels like the biggest astro change we have ever been through (a least in my five decade lifetime)…

  6. Looking forward to Part 4 and your pearls of wit and wisdom for Pisces! Speaking of the fabulous fishes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MM! xo

  7. Oxygen YES PLEASE. A welcome from me to the water bearing Air sign.

    The last 6 weeks my breathing the best it’s been for what seems like years, perhaps Pluto leaving the journey thro’ my Earthy Cap ascendant?

    On the other hand there have been a couple of people downloading problems about their bodies & ageing on me. It completely steals my breath away, their communication style leaves me gasping.
    Can’t teach them anything & cant’ learn anything from them, so they Cancelled from my Culture.
    New me is kick ass not courteous.

    ’95-2008 were the years of study & yes Pluto in Cap wasn’t beneficial for finances, a bit of overspending during that time.
    We need new ways of saving on expenses or i sure do, maybe back to legume & vegetable days of the 70’s like in the ‘Not just a Load of Old Lentils’ cookbook.

    1. Interesting observation about others stealing air Pegs. Aside from what it is you work with in 3D there is something in that too xx

  8. I finished the writing of an assignment normally a simple process. Oh no system shut downs and reboots etc etc etc (4-6 hours) My level of profanity was beyond even my usual form. Thus “Pluto is responsible if this doesn’t work” is attached to the document in the comments section. Sure he wanted comedy, I served up the truth. The entire writing hellscape made me think “Fuq this must be how *Bono feels, this is tripe bs….add a beat and mediocre blah…$$$$.” *Bono is interchangeable with Morrissey in this context.
    My natal ♎️ Pluto is extremely relieved to have this new blessing.

  9. Thank you! I have Scorpio sun and late Taurus rising so I always feel like the public/private, work/home things are a little scrambled — after 15 years of Pluto in Cap, crossing my moon and Midheaven, I’m ready to see what’s ahead. Home and family-secret situations noted, there’s definitely some minefields there, thank you Mystic!

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