Mercury In Aries Retrograde?!

Is that distant roar tinnitus, amphibian mating season festivities or Aries people warming up their vocal chords for nine and a half weeks of Mercury in Aries?

Yes, that’s correct. Mercury is in the Mars-ruled hothead sign of Aries from March 9/10 until May 15/16. This is, of course, exciting – Mercury here is a goer, a high-velocity talker, speed-reader and perma-motivated aspirational thought leader.

Robert Downey Jr and Paulina Poriskova were born with Mercury Retrograde in Aries btw. Likewise, Marvin Gaye, Seamus Heaney, Andrei Tarkovsky, William Morris and Loretta Lynn. They all seek – or sought – to pioneer their own style of self-expression.

So aside from a heightened propensity for getting into arguments with practically anyone, this phase will be excellent for hard-driven creative styling, big-deal edit jobs and really getting to the nub of what you want to say exactly. Even if you don’t want any of that, rambunctious Aries types could do the ‘clarifying’ job for you.

Mercury hasn’t been this long in Aries since March-May of 2018 – just six years ago but doesn’t it feel like an epochal chasm away from now? Think back to then for an idea of messages, thought-waves or dialogue that may resonate this March-May.

The actual Retrograde will encompass the awesome Jupiter-Uranus alignment in April. Mercury is Retrograde @27° Aries on April 1/2 and Direct @15° Aries on April 25.

This will emphasize the inventiveness of Mercury Retro over the potential for crazy follies and charging at windmills but still – examine your personal risk-reward metrics ahead of time as even the most flawless intuition could quickly pivot to wacky impulsivity over April.

And note that Mars, the ruler of Aries, will be in Pisces all month. Mercury in Aries wants momentum, Jupiter + Uranus seeks an end to mundane merde and the Piscean Mars imperative is magic. This has potential but folly-proof your modus-operandi now!

The fast-tracked, fateful romantic catalysts and meetings matrix will be pinging off around March 18-20 and April 20-29, thanks to repeat alignments of Mercury with the Aries Moon’s Node – I love this.


Mercury Retro in Aries For Each Sun Sign: Reposted from the Daily Mystic for February 7

(1) Aries people in particular will love the extra eloquence and we can all expect to be hearing a lot more from this contingent.

(2) Fire signs Leo + Saggo will also broadly benefit from additional inspo, dialogue and meetings, even if the latter are all run by high-volume Aries types.

(3) Capricorn, Cancer and Libran people may relish an opportunity to whiz back and revise something or re-discover an old treasure/asset.

(4) For Virgos and Taureans, early March till mid-May will be fantastic for heightened E.S.P. and esoteric study.

(5) Geminis could profitably use this zone for massive networking and community-based genius.

(6) For Scorpio + Pisces, this Mercury phase can equal wild money, if you’re able to Mars-up and assert yourself. If may even involve the opportunity to claw back some financial losses.

(7) Aquarians are understandably preoccupied with Pluto in their sign but even so, this will be a chance to more strongly assert the neo-Aquarius.

15 thoughts on “Mercury In Aries Retrograde?!”

  1. I applied for another job, but one of the consistent takeaways from interviews is the chance to network (in my 11th house) and exchange ideas (Mercury!). Even if I don’t get the job, perhaps I’ll make some great contacts or get the scuttlebutt on what’s happening in another place; knowledge is power, after all! Since it’s a retrograde, I’m sure I’ll hear back from them down the road, even if it’s about something else.

  2. Penelope Darling

    While I’m a Pisces sun, Cancer rising; I have Mercury, Mars and Venus in Aries. Let’s make this white hot!

  3. Triple aries here

    A) I’m well aware of the people who dont like me now. Got it, check. Broken hearted, about it truly. Oh no. boo hoo.

    B) you dropped something

    C) I’ve had mercury in aries in my solar chart two years in a row, both years at the tail end, squaring pluto.

    That’s it.

    Just “drawing attention to myself.”

      1. Me too 😉 Very Mercurial over here, VirGo Sun, Gem Rising, Merc. in Libra. The Merc. Retro has been a hilarious head-spinner 🌖☀️♡🍀✨

  4. AriesPiscesLibra

    As an Aries with Mercury and Venus in Aries I’m ready! I don’t mind being a voice for the voiceless. If you need me to cuss someone out or eviscerate them for being a fuq face don’t hesitate to reach out. 😁

    1. U sound just like my Aries papa. Oh, how I love the fire in y’all. Coincidentally, my Mars is in Leo, so I enjoy shining with fire whether people are ready or not ⚡️⚡️⚡️♡✨

  5. Oof. Aries is the absolute hardest energy in all the zodiac for me. Remember that long Mars retrograde in Aries not too long ago? I’m hoping this is a little kinder and more interesting. I love many Aries people! But their energy is alien to me and I feel as if I seem so slooooow and internalized to them.

  6. Off topic: I just wanted to share something. Saturn, Mercury and the Sun are currently sitting on my Pisces Ascendant. I am feeling this as a deep purge energetically and physically on many levels. It started about a week ago. Cleansing out the debris. I am proud of the inner work I have done and this community was part of the process. Thank you. I am grateful.


    1. I found myself as a shoulder to cry on for a house guest who has been addressing a lot of personal things. Those 3 planets all converged on her Pisces Jupiter 7th house. I said, hey maybe we can check your astro, and bam. It all there.

      Also unrelated but man I’m always deeply appreciative of Aries throw-down energy. I never have to edit myself ever. I give thanks to high-octane psyches and just running at things with your head down

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