Jupiter and Saturn – The Mixtape

I had rather be Mercury, the smallest among seven [planets], revolving around the sun, than the first among five [moons] revolving round Saturn.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The triple Virgo Goethe* was a genius and ridiculously accomplished. If he didn’t like Saturn, well, what does that tell us? That’s a rhetorical question. Saturn is easily the most griped about planetary influence in history.

If you’re over learning by adversity and would prefer the risk of a snappy short-cut to one of Saturn’s “at least it was a learning experience” detours, there are other options. Would you prefer things to leap into motion via a spell rather than waiting for the situation to mature again? Are you reading this thinking “fuq maturity?”

Welcome. The next big planetary deal is Uranian, and it goes for ages.  Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius precedes Pluto in Aquarius.

Aside from privacy, currency, blockchain, and crypto, it’s E.T. Aliens are “here” already and have been for ages. To know that there are a billion quadrillion galaxies, planets, and stars yet pontificate that humans are the only “intelligent life form” is colossal arrogance.

But projecting your ideal society onto extra-terrestrial beings is semi-delusional: that there is a galactic federation run more or less like the U.N., for example.

And claiming alien aristocracy is similar to the “I was Hatshepsut in a past life, hence my issues with authority in this one” style of aspirational reincarnation theory. “Big in the Pleiades” is the new Big in Japan.

Anyway, if you’re sick of Saturn s**t – and who isn’t? It’s been at top-volume for the last two years – and want to sort it out, remember that Saturn is a head game.

You have a certain inner voice that is well-intended and which has kept you from harm in the past. But it’s also like one of those long-winded, legally required safety notices that drone on and on stating the obvious. “This machinery could be dangerous if you operate it while under the influence of alcohol, sedatives, hallucinogenics, during a storm, orgasm, while plugged into an illegal power source.”

Saturn as inner voice is forever scanning for shit that could go wrong.

Once edited and set to not ping-off every time you feel vaguely cool or excited about anything, this works a treat. There is an aspect of Saturn: Gaia’s rep, in charge of harvests and innate natural rhythms. If you’re overly conscious of Saturnine restrictions, limits, or delays, imagine scenarios where you like things paced and appreciate those more, perhaps with a ritual.

Don’t confuse conformity with maturity or temporary means and your desired ends. The mythological Saturn was a dud dad who ate his children (long story) and was overthrown by big-orb Jupiter.

In old Babylon, Ishtar/Inanna – our Venus- was the primary deity – Saturn did her bidding. As Jupiter and Saturn align for the next eight days, look to the rusted-on-so-long-you-forgot-what-they-are-for settings. Unseat your inner faux ruler. Reset your psychic center of gravity.

*Shout out to people with Mercury-Pluto squares and squares to their Ascendant: Goethe had Mercury in Leo square his Scorpio Ascendant/Pluto + Uranus in Aquarius opposite/square both. 

17 thoughts on “Jupiter and Saturn – The Mixtape”

  1. I read somewhere that you can use Saturnian energy as an inner critic or a supportive paternalistic protective energy. In the last phases of Saturn in Capricorn, I began perceiving it as latter. Did me a world of good.

    Personally, I would be far more wary of Jupiterian excesses, Plutonian goonery and Neptunian mists than Saturnian discipline.

  2. Hi,
    Any rituals or meditations or house witchery recommended by Mystic for the Great conjunction/Solstice on Dec 21st?

  3. How fitting! -> Scientists just discovered an alien radio transmission from an exo-planet in a nearby galaxy (I tried to post the URL, but it was blocked as potential spam; but you can Google it)

  4. two more hours. I’m counting down the MINUTES. I sure hope my Saturnine teeth hurt less tonight – I was doing some serious jaw-clenching last night, in a lot of pain even with night guard in. I often think the night guard does more harm than good but my dentist insists it helps.

  5. You have a certain inner voice that is well-intended and which has kept you from harm in the past.”

    I think my biggest lesson recently is to trust + honor that voice. So many times recently I have had a hunch, intuition, dream or other juju that just HAPPENS. For many years I was trained not to trust myself, told I wasn’t smart/cognizant/capable enough, and I was veritably addicted to asking everyone their opinions before proceeding with anything. Now we move forward.

    1. All of this. I am in that place now where I am actively listening and responding to that voice. Like you I was definitely trained to override it. I am out here with you reclaiming full access to what I KNOW.

      1. I would agree with you, and I think Saturn and setting better boundaries has helped me do this. I’ve stopped explaining why I don’t want to do something, and am listening to my inner voice first before I make a decision on anything. Consequently my festive season is going to look VERY different this year as I have weeded out decades-old “traditions”.

        1. Liking: “I think Saturn and setting better boundaries has helped me do this.”

          Not explaining is a great idea as well. I still have a bit to learn about slowing down my reaction to requests. Read somewhere recently, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” And it wasn’t about making risking decisions. It was about measuring out personal energy for personal things. I’m a very capable person. I can do a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I should be offering my capabilities up when anyone asks, just to be helpful (Virgo overdrive).

          May your new traditions feel warm, nourishing and completely in alignment with your joy.

    2. Is this the real pandemic? Training young people not to trust what they feel and know? The hardest boundaries have to be set with myself. No, I don’t need to finish watching that episode if any more digital stimulus will tire me out. No, I don’t need to push myself to overperform just because everyone says I am capable. It’s perfectly fine to be average if that’s all you can muster energy for in present times. And to overcome the guilt associated with saying No to loved ones…that’s the holy grail.

  6. Anyway, if you’re sick of Saturn s**t – and who isn’t? It’s been at top-volume for the last two years – and want to sort it out, remember that Saturn is a head game. You have a certain inner voice that is well-intended and which has kept you from harm in the past.

    But it’s also like one of those long-winded, legally required safety notices that drone on and on stating the obvious. “This machinery could be dangerous if you operate it while under the influence of alcohol, sedatives, hallucinogenics, during a storm, orgasm, while plugged into an illegal power source.” Saturn as inner voice is forever scanning for shit that could go wrong.

    Once edited and set to not ping-off every time you feel vaguely cool or excited about anything, this works a treat.”

    As someone who’s been studying trauma and overactive nervous systems for a while now, I am so thrilled reading this. It’s one of the best rewritings of that paradigm. Thank you for your wonderful way with words.

    Can always use a good Saturn reframe. Grateful at least that this Capricorn part has been trining things rather than hard-aspecting. Still…wow…some kind of slog. But I love Saturn and I seem to enjoy the work. At some level.

  7. Great post Myst x I think my favorite transit of all time was Saturn conj Neptune in my 5th house Scorpio. I learned a lot about both of them and they worked together surprisingly well.

  8. Crystallised future

    Rusted on – social isolation that has been that way anyway forever because of my eldest daughter’s disabilities jas always been a struggle but between a cancer treatment regime and
    Covid the last 2 years have been particularly fucked. I’ve forgotten how to socialise and seem to be in permanent snarl mode. I’m hoping when Mars leaves squaring my moon and I have a North Node return in Feb next year that my humour and smile come back.

    1. I know! I have been thinking for some time now that between Covid isolation this year and working so hard to raise my vibration for the last few years, I have gotten very serious and somewhere along the way, lost my sense of humor and fun. I am hoping I can get mine back as well.

      And I’m sorry to hear about the cancer – I hope the treatment has been successful.

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