Desirable Venus Retrograde Drama

These days “no drama” has become an all-purpose mantra but what about desirable drama – the kind that retro-Venus in Leo* could potentially generate?

Naturally, nobody wants to be cast in a theatrical tabloid spectacle or play ‘the antagonist’ in a love triangle melodrama and only ambitious barristers relish courtroom dramas. I’m not talking about adrenal spikes or stress-scenarios.

This Venus Retrograde in Leo production is more of a chance to redo the script, seize creative control or cast yourself in the role you actually wanted in the first place.

Every Venus Retrograde holds the possibility of some sort of do-over but in Leo – the epitome of performance, creativity and robust self-belief – it’s ultra-tangible. The dramatic factor will be a swingback – a counterpoint to all the Saturn in Aquarius objectivity, not to mention the enforced cloistering over the pandemic.

We’ve had enough of tut-tutting and self-guilting. Accountability? Probably tapped out too. Venus Retro in Leo wants to direct, produce, star and have total script approval. Is it always possible? Of course not but it’s more pleasurable and productive than snark or camouflage.

Don’t even think about dreary and obvious plotlines – this not ‘positive thinking’ – it’s morale maintenance. You’ll avoid boring yourself (and the audience) into a trance plus it’s a counter-hex against mediocrity.

As for the dramatic quotient, think sudden-onset creative renaissance or the thrill of a new love/lust/affinity.

Likewise, art and design associated euphoria, faith in your new musical/cinematic philosophy, cabaret, psychedelia, the belief that a gold metallic bikini or a flame-colored GT Falcon could turn your life around, fervent fandom, eloquent love monologues, third debuts and flamboyant reconciliations – these are all in the realm of Retro-Venus in Leo.

The archetypal Leo love nature is akin to a teenager in love – passionate, fully invested and thinks it would be cruel to separate the fantasy from ‘reality.’

This is a Venus phase that, yes, believes in glamor, innovation and real love but even more so in the power of one grand entrance that eclipses all who came before you, major attitude served with winged eyeliner and concept-hair or casually fuqing great dance moves.

‘Don’t make a ‘scene’? Says who? This Venus Retro Season, consider rejuvenating via style over lumpen substance and a recentered self.


*Venus is Retrograde in Leo until September 4.

Image: Caprice – Tilda Swinton

25 thoughts on “Desirable Venus Retrograde Drama”

  1. Haha! You are a genius, MM! I feel Venusian and I am Saturn incarnate! About bloody time! Its been a non-stop slog for decades and I haven’t giggled as much as I did last night, since bloody early 2000s!

    1. Practising Main Character Energy while I do my best to write myself back into my own life. At the moment we’re in Act 2 (or is it 3?).. she’s in retreat from the world, gaining some kind of peace that wouldn’t be available had she kept flinging herself back into the fray.

      1. Hi Sam,
        Love this writing and I can relate. Sometimes you have to say “F it” – rip the script out of your own hands and start at the end to find the sense in it all. What is this feeling that’s blocking me and the potential of the life I seek? For sitting and waiting to be called up in life will only lead to regret.
        Guess what I’m saying is “does the ends justify the means.”

  2. I would love some romantic drama, Leo-style!! It’s been far, far too long. Venus turned retrograde exactly 2 minutes – not degrees, minutes – before making a square to my Taurus Ascendant, so let’s see where that goes. Happy shiny Venus, everyone, may you have some beautiful gold jewelry. (Wondering if the insane Barbie movie phenomenon is 100% Venus retro in Leo?)

  3. ‘No drama’ seems to be a favourite saying of Tradies :-).

    There has been some (drama) with the triple Aries who’s involved with a Leo who verbally abuses her.
    Some people stay a ‘victim’ because they know nothing else, it’s what they are used to and so feel comfortable with it like an old favourite blanket.
    Found her a house on the beach in the country, had her stay with me, introduced her to a magnificent group of positive people & yet she returned for more of the same.
    Perhaps this is a Letting Go retrograde….

    1. Oh man that’s way too much fire burning and it leans to destruction without any control. What a beautiful thing you did to provide a safe space, but unfortunately we need to allow people the right to live and learn through through their own unique life experiences. Chiron going retro is really going to challenge all of her choices further, not to even mention Pluto & Saturn…….. be sure to keep yourself far from the reach of any blow back drama. I’ve intervened many times before and it got very ugly quickly.

  4. Well this is just fabulous news one must say. I was only pondering whether my own ‘making a scene’ over the weekend was a good thing or not so good thing, but after reading this little missive one can only assume good!

  5. Geez all that has happened to me is finding someone’s Medicare card and that time of the month. I guess my main realisation is this, for so much time can pass but real love and joy is what keeps you free.

    1. Intrinsic joy is something we all have & yes it IS a freedom, it’s accessing it that some have a problem with.

      1. Good morning Pegasus,
        Even when it seems most dire, reminding myself of this fact can help. Provided all is safe and secure, I take myself for a stroll down memory lane. Memory is my super power and it’s all within my control and experiences and my sensory input and output. Thank you for your reply Pegs I greatly appreciate your response and you.

        1. There is a beautiful scene in Out of Africa where Meryl Streep/Karen Blixen is writing about memory and the pain and beauty and power of it. I’m going to have to rewatch for that scene and see if I can transcribe the quote, as I haven’t watched the movie in many years.

          1. On the subject of this movie, it’s the hair washing scene I remember.
            Sadly I often hear the unfortunate accent MS had in her lead role in Evil Angels. In comes Devil Wears Prada and I was back to being a fan of Meryl Streep.

  6. Venus Rx is a breath of fresh air for me as a natal Venus Rx in the 12th human. While everyone struggles to detach and observe from the ivory tower this retro is a business as usual for me lol. Self worth is a lifestyle. Not just something we talk about. However confronting having 5 retrogrades in motion is……

    1. ‘Self worth a lifestyle’ how right you are, alas have found a lack of that in quite a few people. It’s about respect of self. We earn that and it becomes natural way of life. x

      1. Hello my lovely Pegs! Yes unfortunately education doesn’t teach the basics that are needed to maintain self for preservation and evolution. Maybe one day…….

  7. The Lion & The Centaur

    I have my feelers out for the Theme of this Venus retrograde. Venus is turning retro opposite my Saturn and will soon back over my Chiron. The feels feel a little ‘ouch-y’.

    1. It will be amplified by Chiron also going into retrograde…….. all the heavy hitters are showing out rn lol

      1. The Lion & The Centaur

        Triple ouch! Well, the astro this summer has been a lovely ride so something bumpy was expected…

        1. It wouldn’t be life otherwise! All we can do is stay centered and patient mostly with ourselves, but there is some turbulence ahead 🙃

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