An Update On Pluto – The Horse!

I finally have an update re Pluto, our rescued racehorse to share. If you don’t know what I am talking about or the details have been churned in the Saturn-Pluto maelstrom,* here is a quick refresh.

In 2016, we – as in the MM members and myself acquired Pluto, a rescued racehorse via Save A Horse Australia – which was run by my former editor and friend at the time. A portion of Mega Mystic member fees went straight to keeping Ms Pluto in clover and I updated you all re her progress every birthday – she’s Libran. (Read the 2016 birthday post here, her 15th birthday post here and the 2019 – 16th birthday post here)

So in 2020, heading into the realm of restricted movements, border closures etc, I was unable to get hold of anyone at SAHA for the usual Pluto update details. I didn’t push it too much because there were phases during the maelstrom when authorities were discussing animals as potential disease vectors – ie: threatening to euthanize some – and I could only imagine the stress of trying to manage a horse sanctuary in such times.

Then over 2021, when I began trying to reach out for an 18th birthday post, I gathered that the organization had completely restructured – evidently for the better, with more resources etc but I was still unable to get a call or email returned.

I finally got a Gemini onto it – my assistant Geo – and she shrieked in disdain when she heard of the primitive technology – phone, email – I’d been deploying. Her social media ‘nudges’ worked and voila this update: While the previous sponsorship arrangement was forever and specifically for one horse – Pluto, the restructured charity was run differently.

Horses are now adopted out and sponsorships are temporary so our lovely Pluto has been adopted out! This is the update I have from SAHA re contemporary Pluto:

“I have spoken with Pluto’s adopters and she is doing great, she lives with 2 other paddock mates as a companion. They absolutely love her to pieces. ♥

She absolutely loves her food as is often trying to get into their feed shed. I have attached the photos they sent through so you can see she is doing great and is in a loving home.”

So I am delighted that Pluto is well but sad that we no longer have a direct involvement. SAHA do incredible work advocating for/supporting rescued racehorses and they have other horses up for sponsorship – I am also talking to my other (personal) animal sanctuary charity – Whisker Woods and I’ll email members with further news shortly.

*Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn from 2019-2021, exact in January 2020. No offence but respectfully what the fuq? I’m delighted that this pairing won’t be back in this sign for another 500 years or so. I might leave some scary graffiti someplace spooky.

So FYI the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was in 1518 – a year most notable for a bizarre Dancing Plague. There were outbreaks all over the place, with people dancing until they dropped – dead in many cases.

When I first mentioned this, it seemed kind of quaint – now? Not at all. I don’t want to loop into a labyrinth re this but the more info you read about the 1518 phenom, the more apparent it is that the authorities of the day totally amped the craziness.

From Britannica:

“In July 1518, a woman whose name was given as Frau (Mrs.) Troffea (or Trauffea) stepped into the street and began dancing. She seemed unable to stop, and she kept dancing until she collapsed from exhaustion. After resting, she resumed the compulsive frenzied activity. She continued this way for days, and within a week more than 30 other people were similarly afflicted. They kept going long past the point of injury. City authorities were alarmed by the ever-increasing number of dancers. The civic and religious leaders theorized that more dancing was the solution, and so they arranged for guildhalls for the dancers to gather in, musicians to accompany the dancing, and professional dancers to help the afflicted to continue dancing…”

I appreciate that the citizens (serfs?) of the 16th Century probably had pretty low governance expectations what with all the witch-persecutions, the inquisition and dragooning every spare man to assist in bullshit crusades but even so…

34 thoughts on “An Update On Pluto – The Horse!”

  1. So lovely to read about and how she has a new permanent home- she is very pretty- with so many animal shelters- I love the good news on all of them! thank you for sharing 🙂

  2. I’m glad you demanded answers and Pluto is well!! I forgot about her… my horse is also named after a planet!! Jupiter. And he totally lives up to this name. 😳

  3. I am just going to put this here even though it is wildly off-topic and I only understand 5% of the 2nd link -below

    Perhaps everyone already knows this but I didn’t – dishwashing machine tablets and powder (a leading brand at least) contains subtilisin which is obtained from bacillus subtilis-the industry description for this is fascinating but not reassuring:

    And this Feb study is also of interest:

    1. ‘Cytokines’ are coming up frequently in my reads of body responses.
      Never had a dishwasher as a solo act never the need & i LIKE washing dishes looking out at the trees & birds.
      A household hack is to put a dishwashing tablet into your empty washing machine to clean it.

  4. For the last week and a half I had the lovely Pluto on my mind. I was going to send an email and ask how Pluto was doing. Thank you for this update.

  5. Like SBS (the channel that has documentaries) sometimes there are ads showing bears, beautiful bears in captivity & other distressed animals.
    Wondering if my $10 a month would actually help. Then if you say 100 people x 10 then it makes sense & hopefully a difference can be made.
    Look how Pluto is so well their species, post racing career are thoughtlessly disposed of.
    Seeing many Greyhounds around the neighbourhood over last 2 years, adoptees.
    Gentle & o so elegant.
    We should all have greyhounds & horses.
    Oops sounds like the title of a book…lol.

    Sweet Solar Return to all the Aries then.
    There are 2 in my personal sphere. One is turning 3. One is turning 47.
    They are so similar…..

  6. Love that Pluto has a home. Thank you Geo for getting through so we can receive the update.

    The Dancing plague and what was happening then always entices my curiosity.

  7. MoonstoneMagnolia

    Thank you for the update MM on bay mare? Pluto. She looks happy and healthy, especially if raiding the feed barn. A long run around for you, but your Gem assistant, Geo, sounds a techno “gem”. As my mother used to say, “you have other fish to fry”. No pun intended to your Pisces sun sign.

  8. Look at that beautiful healthy summer coat. Happy horsie. Maybe that racehorse metabolism is still in effect, so she’s hunting for oats and high energy food in the shed. (Or a sneaky lil apple treat.) nomnom. Thanks for the update mm

  9. This is fantastic news for our gorgeous Pluto! (And it’s great that Geo the Gem was able to sort the comms issue out!) xx

  10. Hi MM, the Best News.💖 What a wonderful outcome for Pluto, and what a wonderful thing you did.💫 Re the charity re-structures//convolutions, isn’t it funny the circuitous path the Universe can take, sometimes, to meeting a wish you put out there??
    (And yep – the dancing phenom was creepy. Electromagnetic solar storm (undocumented) event, perhaps?? Xx)
    Edit: She loves her food!! 😍 I hear ya, Lady Pluto. I hear you..Xoo

  11. Isn’t she beautiful. Pluto looks very well looked after, a good course for a horse who doesn’t look her age 🙂
    St Vitus’ Dance was that the bizarre medieval outbreak, wasn’t it to do with ergotamine on wheat or was that St Elmo’s Fire?
    Have found some delightful medieval music on Spotify, a lots of lute.

    1. And just saw that the name of one of the albums of medieval music is called “Lute for Witches & Alchemists’. HOWZAT!

  12. Pluto is lovely well done to everyone looking after these beautiful beings…as for the dancing those ladies mustv been drugged up surprised they weren’t all burned as witches.

  13. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    The civic and religious leaders theorized that more dancing was the solution” omg

    Happy to see Pluto is doing well!

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