Our Beautiful Pluto Is Fifteen!

Pluto is 15 today! If you don’t know what I am talking about, Mega Mystic members don’t just get timely astro-advice and online Tarot. They also contribute to the upkeep of Pluto, our rescued racehorse.

As you can see, her pastures are not as green as her last birthday, due to a devastating drought. Call it climate change or call it ecological fuqery and a poisoned, dysbiotic ecosystem it needs to be coherently addressed.

But in the meantime, thank you for keeping Pluto in clover and hay by being an MM member. She had a difficult and dangerous life before she arrived at Save A Horse Australia; strung out on speed to go faster, too stressed to carry a foal and twice rescued from an abattoir. These days she is a foster mother to rescued younger horses and wise elder of her herd.

If you would like to buy some horses more hay or tip in for vet fees to help some of the horses rescued from abusive circumstances, you can donate anything from up of $2 at S.A.H.A.

And if you are on your own Plutonic journey this month, courtesy of the amped-up Pluto vibe, let this lovely Libra be a reminder that tranquility comes after transformation.

No matter how fast you are going or what the pressures, spectacular life morphs can occur. It won’t always be like this; there are oats and sunlit paddocks in your future.

39 thoughts on “Our Beautiful Pluto Is Fifteen!”

    1. Hello! I need to do a Pluto update soon, unfortunately over covid it became incredibly difficult to get info from the racehorse charity -they changed management and I suspect the new person there dislikes astrology as we ‘reached out’ approx 50x to no avail. But I have this on my list to re-pursue.

  1. Received Mystic’s email about adopting another horse just as i read about the beautiful race horse being filmed beaten the slaughtered. Her ex jockey was upset. Wonder why the ex-jockey that ‘loved’ her didn’t ensure her welfare after she had won $400.000 for the owners.
    So YES will assist with donating if you sponsor another horse.
    The photo of Kim Falconer with a horse keeps coming to mind as a horse lover am sure she is there along with Mystic making us more aware of the industry’s lack of conscience.

    Then there are the Greyhounds being given methamphetamine to run and it’s LEGAL as in not prosecuted.

    On a joyous note, a very young sparrow has adopted me, chosen me to feed it 4 times a day by actually walking in the open kitchen door as it saw the native doves doing just that and followed. So sweet and humble is the sparrow.

  2. Lovin’ Pluto’s birthday is not the a-typical horse’s birthday!

    She’s still young at heart and spirit – can see it in her eyes. Always had a soft spot for a bay and have owned two and rode plenty more.

    Happy birthday Pluto <3 and yes – SAHA rocks. Have supported them along the way even before you had Pluto as a value add on the MM membership x

  3. Wish Upon a Star

    Just the other day I was watching an ad about save the koalas in Australia and thinking gee I wish I could help but feel too cynical about the money actually helping the koalas.

    I love helping distressed animals. Mystic you have reminded me that I am helping.

  4. LOve letter to a horse.
    O to be 15 again, Pluto we would both ride bareback on the sands and swim in the ocean every day if you were mine.

  5. They shoot horses don’t they.
    As a template Sagg who has sometimes navigated obstacle courses for horses, can feel her joy in being a surrogate mum :-).
    Heard that Australian technology helped irrigate the dry kibbutzes in Israel in the 70’s, if so why isn’t it applied in Oz?
    This island has plenty of water if it was distributed wisely, guess the same can be said of the world’s wealth and population. What a word ‘DISPIOTIC’, saying it works the lips like an elocution lesson!

    Horses and dogs eyes have the deepest soul expression don’t you think. They seem to look at us with such compassion and endless patience.
    David Attenborough has woke our youth to the welfare and beauty of our wildlife and their habitats. Pluto loves him and Mystic

    This astro seems to have been hard on some of the male species. .Two of them, a 21 yo Virgo and a 65 yo Libran,challenged my ethics and knowledge resulting in my usual zen emotions experiencing anger for a second or 2. Projecting their own guilt and inadequacies onto me they received some arrows of truth before the after the foolishness. The arrows hit their mark and think they are quite dead-ed now. Oops.Men have died for less. As Long John Baldry sang ‘don’t lay no boogie woogie on the king/queen of rock and roll’.

    The massive sage bundle that has never quite lit properly also woke at last and emitted so much smoke it set of the fire alarm, but every inch of house dog and body was cleansed so thoroughly it doesn’t need repeating… ever.. Took a cup of rock salt to stop it smoking the intensity was so great.
    The bundle was 15 years old so sage improves with age and
    lives up to it’s name.
    Well of course it does…..
    LOve your Life, mes enfants, coz Life LOves you.

    1. Wow Pegasus.

      Talking of Sage I was unwittingly ingesting it. Part of a formula for Menopause. It is an hallucinogenic.I know that now.

      Probably explains why at the height of intense stress last week I had a flashback of a past life. A young woman trapped by the accusation of being a witch. Too intense and despairing. Stopped taking those herbs

      This morning upon waking came to the realisation that with Pisces Rising and Pisces in Neptune and Neptune currently in my first house I will just be my own healer. Way too sensitive. Can’t afford anymore setbacks.

      Anyway my body is healing itself naturally. Especially my muscular/skeletal system and releasing alot of trapped memories and blocks. So why guild the Lily ?

      I will amplify it with Yoga and good food.

  6. Happy birthday Pluto! It’s wonderful that this site supports her, Mystic.
    Did you know that saha means ‘health’ in Arabic? It’s used in lots of ways but often as a well-wishing.
    Thanks for the last paragraph. I needed to hear that.

  7. Love SAHA. They have a Golden Oldies club too, for mature aged lovelies. Chaos is the name of the beauty I sponsor. Well worth it!

  8. “These days she is a foster mother to rescued younger horses and wise elder of her herd.” :’) QUEEN. Happy birthday Pluto!!! <3

    1. Happy Solar Return and joy to having completed another 365 days of journeying around the Sun. May it shine brightly for you on YOUR day.
      Blessings & Bouquets.

  9. The happiest of birthdays lovely Pluto. That Pluto’s upkeep is part of our membership is a wonderful thing Mystic so thanks for the opportunity.

    And yes, myself and a few of my nearest and dearest are on Plutonic journeys at the moment. Those last two paragraphs are gold at a time like this.

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