Scary Dreams About Stairs?

Stair dreams mean your subconscious mind (or perhaps even alt-dimensional influences, guides, spirit muses etc) are messaging you about progress – is it up or down? Sometimes they reflect nothing more than your personal apprehensions, unacknowledged in a blur of business but re-asserting themselves while you sleep.

Anecdotally, scary dreams about stairs are more common during Saturn transits and especially Saturn-Neptune transits. Neptune is the dreamer, a utopian, shamanic influence while Saturn accentuates worldly ambitions and mundane concerns.

Dreams where you want to go up a flight of stairs but are practically crawling up them or the ascent is insecure because of missing steps/no guardrails are generally performance anxiety. You have an ambition but fear you don’t have what it takes to achieve it.

In this case, why not take the dream as a cue to re-assess your methods and tactics? What could you do that would metaphorically fill in the missing steps or make the ascent more smooth?

In other cases, the upward staircase in your dream could actually be a message that perhaps a destination is not worth the ascent? With a bit of thought, the answer will arrive.

It can be helpful to turn it into a story – if you were writing a children’s book or a short story and this stairs scene was in it, why would the staircase be impassable? Which character would have done that?

Dreams where the scary stairs go down into an even scarier basement are more about what lurks in your past or subconscious vaults than an aspiration as such. If you ponder the situation around that dream, there will often have been a triggering moment – a conversation or morsel of news stirred something dark and ancient within.

You could do a visualization where you traipse down these stairs, well-armed and powerful, to see what’s down there. The idea would be to confront anything negative and rescue/release whatever needed it. The Pluto Transit meditation on this site is a lot about just that and what’s more, it makes it intriguing.

Up or down, if you’re freaked out by dreams with stairs that are unstable or even missing whole flights of stairs, remember that in dreams you’re also the architect and engineer. You want a golden flight of spectacular, sturdy stairs that you can flit up in your beautiful bare feet.

Dreams where you’re descending a prominent complicated structure or stairs in a building, often happen when you’re trying to get out of something, like debt or deleveraging from a relationship, for example.

These are great dreams because they’re often the first confirmation that you are, in fact, in need of an exit strategy – that the ‘holding pattern’ phase is over, you know there is an issue and you’re in evac mode. In that case, think about the helpers in the dream and different paths or opportunities that you saw.

Just as water in a dream often reveals the state of your ’emotional waters’ – the inland sea of your psyche – stairs in a dream show you where you’re on shaky ground and where you’re supported.

Also, an out-there idea but one which can be surprisingly effective: if you’re having disturbing or recurring dreams about stairs and you have some in your house, honor them. You could do an extra clean the classic way and then go over them with essential oil floor wash, sage smudge them or even – if practical – paint or polish them.

Scoff if you like but metaphysically, all staircases are connected. Thoughts?

93 thoughts on “Scary Dreams About Stairs?”

  1. What about toilets? I know this sounds weird..but I am ALWAYS dreaming of toilets, especially in odd doors, several toilets bunched together, clothing stuffed into them..I once dreamed I was in an old loony bin restroom and I went to the toilet, sat down and the wall it was connected to – spun around and I was in a different room! The only “dream explanation” I can ever find about toilets is feeling vulnerable..but it is a serious reoccurring one feels that vulnerable!! -y’know?? Any thoughts?

  2. I had a long dream so I don’t remember all the details. But here’s the dream:

    I was coming from an awards show with the new friends I made. There were five of them: a mid-aged bald man, a Chinese woman with a stylish bob, two White teenage girls, and an mid-20s African man.

    We were heading to an after party at the 11th floor of a hotel. There was a long line by the elevator doors so we decided to take the stairs.

    About close to the 7th floor, we noticed that the stairs are not safe. We decided to continue. When we reached the door to the 7th floor, we saw that the next sets of stairs were suspended by strings.

    There was a gap between the platform in front of the 7th floor entrance and the platform to the stairs going up to the 8th floor.

    I decided to step on the platform by the stairs. It swung slightly but it was enough to scare my friends. I was a little scared too. I was trying to get back to the 7th floor platform and for some reason I was doing it backwards. I looked down and saw how high we were as the platform I was standing on kept swinging. I realized I was wearing my six-inch heels.

    Just when I was about to take a step back, the platform and the stairs collapsed and all my friends went down with it.

    I don’t know how I got back to the ground but I was frantically running on the lobby. Somehow my friends ended up in there. They were all lying face down on the carpets.

    I immediately ordered the nearest person to call 911.

    I tried checking if they were alive. I decided to turn the body of the bald man. His face was bloody and his right eyeball squished on his brow.

    Just when I stepped back, paramedics came in and took the bodies of my friends away.

    Is there any significance to this dream? I had goosebumps when I woke up.

    Pisces Sun; Pisces Moon; Aqua Asc

  3. A couple of scary stair dreams last night.. One, with a friend in an unknown/ unreliable house, intruder immediately flies down the central staircase that we arrive at/ are exploring, Another, trying to get a chance to go to sleep in an upstairs area (unknown) but family and various other acquaintances blocking the staircase watching tv late at night, some sitting on stairs, entertaining, so partner and I are camped out with a blanket on the floor waiting to go to bed..
    All the vivid dreaming- mercury retro near neptune? Definitely think the stairs relate to my apprehension in moving forward on waking-life goals..

    Though expansion combined with caution is part of my personality, sag sun cap moon.

  4. I have had many dreams re stairs and labyrinths. A recurring dream I have with descending stairways and labyrinths (think hog warts ) is that I would be in a church, an ancient one, and there would be a trapdoor under the altar, I know that it leads downward to a kind of ‘dark’ foreboding place but I can’t help my self and I go exploring. It’s scary and kind of like I can’t not do it, I am compelled. It’s like the church is hiding something from everyone, but I know it’s there. The labyrinth is old and rickety and full of danger, stairs are missing and I can easily fall into the abyss. I awake with a feeling of foreboding always.
    Yes, I am a Pisces.

  5. The most memorable stair dream I had was within a house that seemed quite ordinary from the outside until I had to go down the stairs to find some newness. I was a bit overwhelmed at the task ahead but when I began the descent the stairs and the walls, in fact the whole house immediately absorbed me and transported me to where I needed to be. I think th euniverse was looking after me. 🙂

  6. Drinking nomi-hodai style at Japanese bar I’m upstairs. Echoes. Night. Hollow sounds. Flyscreens and sliding glass doors into darkness. Need to get out. Now it’s a library full of books and quiet people. Carpet. Muffled sound. Need to get out. Big heavy wooden double doors. Carpet. Need to get out. Multiple exits. Pick one. Translucent windows allow light through the walls. Going DOWN. Need to get out. Carpeted stairs going DOWN past Movie-style cafeteria entrance hall. Need to get OUT. Tables need to be cleaned. Lofty ceilings. It’s a boat? No. Translucent glass walls. There must be real daylight outside. Or am I underwater? In space? I don’t know what’s out there…but I keep going DOWN these stairs…now concrete no carpet. Dirty. I REALLY need to get OUT…GOD it keeps going, and I end up on a dirty street in the heat at night buying charcoally burgers and wafting through streets of fluro shops and shit no-one wants to see. But some shoes are on sale, and I need clothes, because obviously I have been naked the whole time…typical…and there’s more, but that stair stuff keeps coming…

  7. I’ve never had a scary stairs dream. I used to have scary recurring dreams where I was constantly on the run, escaping from alien invasions, concentration camps, war type situations all the time. They’ve stopped now.

    When I was a child (9-10 ish) I had a recurring dream about being kidnapped by aliens and taken to another planet and held prisoner by having my hand cemented into a wall. I saw a Metallica video on Rage once where that happened. I’ve never been so freaked out in my life, seeing my exact dream played out on a TV screen.

  8. Funny but three nights ago i dreamt about different building levels. I was in a neighbourhood with some vacant partly gutted buildings and some buildings under construction. There were no stairs so it was difficult to access these levels, and I had to climb up and down scaffolding and sometimes jump from a concrete slab over a demolished level down to the next one.

    The other unfinished feature was curtains or blinds. It seems I had purchased an old style corner top floor apartment of a thirties built two or three story place in this part of town where everything was a whirl of concrete dust, machinery sound, city wind tunnels but no people after hours. As night fell i realised i needed window coverings. I thought oh well there’s only so many hours to get things done before nightfall, and i turned in, then woke up into the real life morning. It feels like i’m always busy!

    1. What do you make of it? Perhaps a way of looking at it is an interesting dream about exploring (or your awareness of ) various structures of your psyche (your world)?

      I went through a pattern of dreams, each time i had a nap on a couch (different couches, different places, different times of day) I would dream of a landscape (dreamscape) consisting of sharp rolling hills, stairs built into the hills, multi-level buildings, wooden gates, and I was always walking up hills, looking for something, then had a view ( awareness of perspective) of overseeing landscape from great heights…

      Your last paragraph reminds me of the illustrations in a Shaun Tan book ‘The Lost Thing’.

      I’ve always been hard at work and busy in wake and sleep – a couple of my guides are men in hard hats working in construction, sweaty, with mining picks. They’re always working on something for me – never tire, never rest.

    2. Ok, taking a stab at this one too.. multiple buildings may be related to multiple selves, or different aspects of self and given construction etc, work in progress, under development and..decisions about what to work on/with next.. or possibly how to merge aspects? Navigating is achievable despite obvious challenges.
      When you mention curtains/blinds and absence thereof I’m inclined to ponder the idea of surface concern around being seen pre-reno’s but ultimately not really being fussed about it. And I think that’s one of the cool aspects of the dream as it’s also whilst dark (shadow) and the idea of covering windows seems to be an afterthought, something that can wait..

      Of course I don’t know.. just musing and hope this interp is taken in the spirit it was intended 🙂

  9. When change is afoot in my life, I always dream that I am pregnant. Haven’t done so for a while, but did last week, which I found, I guess, hopeful… But funny, as these dreams usually end with going into labour and me realising “well if it wasn’t enough to get the funny looks and strange questions about being a pregnant MAN, why oh why hadn’t we discussed childbirth yet? HOW do I get this thing out of me??”
    Anyway, I mention this as one such dream years ago involved spooky stairs.
    I was on a train, pregnant, when I went into labour, and nobody would give up their seat for me to sit down. I ended up shouting at everyone in the carriage “If I was a pregnant WOMAN you would give up your seat for me!”. I was on the train to the hospital to have the baby, but it stopped one station early and this nasty train-attendant woman said – this is as far as we go, track-work, etc. I’m essentially begging her, saying: you have to get me to the next station, please, I’m having a baby, and she just stared at me, indifferently. Then the ex, a foggy-brained model, pokes his head in and says “I’m taking you to the hospital” and I just say “oh, no way – YOU are the father?!”
    So I let him take me to the hospital and it is this creepy old haunted house, dusty, cobweb covered. These twin Nurse Ratchett types meet us at the door, holding knives, and I realise, oh dear, THAT’S how they get the baby out… They grab me, one under each arm, and start running me up these creepy creepy haunted stairs and I’m staring at my feet going up and up and up these stairs, kinda whispering under my nreath “it’s not suppose to be like this, it’s not suppose to be like this…”
    Scary yes?! but that was years ago and all seems to have turned out fine…

    1. Woah! What a dream!!

      Ok, well in an abstract way of looking at it (given things turned out ok and all) the woman might be your shadow side attempting to limit potential etc and the ex might have been trying to show you a part of yourself you’ve ignored?. Old buildings/rooms etc can represent aspects of ourselves left to wither. it may have been that you had to face some scary aspect before birthing new potential?
      Don’t know.. still, thanks for sharing, that was full on and you recall it in detail so, clearly potent.

      1. Yeah, from memory, I was being quite resistant to the changes taking place at that time and they were connected with people / places I didn’t necessarily want to be associated with. Looking at it now, it was a bit of a hallmark Saturn Return dream actually – “it’s not got going to turn out the way you thought it would, and it ain’t gonna be easy, but it is all still going to happen… “

        1. I remember reading about this dream some time ago. I enjoy the contrast of others’ cartoon stereotyped gender, with the dynamic possibilities of gender in the dreaming-self.

          The other day i decided to mentally address myself as boy instead of girl, to see if it changed my manner. Surprisingly, it did not. But i felt that an aspect of me that i see intrigues other people might go less noticed if i could say, “Don’t worry she’s just a boy.” (I often notice people looking at me as though they’re trying to work something out.)

          1. A friend was recently prompted by a therapist-type to identify the male and the female inside of her and describe their personalities – which of course led to a discussion where many of us decided to do the same. After not too much consideration, I realised the girl inside of me is a sharp-talking, bad-ass, go-get’em, activist rock chick, while the boy inside of me is a somewhat sappy and melancholic song-writer-cum-chef. In short – she’s got the balls…

            1. Oh no i think you only referred to the pregnancy before. This time you described it in fascinating detail. Loved it!

        2. In the context of what it was saying and what you were experiencing then it’s pretty brilliant. Always less intense after the freshness of a dream.. uh, nope, strike that, some of ’em always have a potency about them long after….

          So I was just reading the rest of the thread with you and Mille (1001 😉 ) and it’s a fascinating idea, addressing oneself as male or female. Dig your interpretations. Not sure which side of me has bass ass rocker built in.. as that doesn’t come out too oft but resides in there. mostly it’s just one of the boys until I feel like being a girl about something.. and they often get surprised?! Uhm.. I’m a girl.. right?!? Anyway, I found your description amusing, hadn’t read the dream before but would have been engaged by reading it again anwyays. Would make a great song if you were inclined.

  10. DREAM! HA! I fell down my friends stairs on Wednesday, for real!!!!
    I wasn’t holding on to the railing, and I slipped down and couldn’t stop myself, and I took my friend down with me. We both have bruises kinda on our behinds. And I have carpet burn and scratches on my left arm. Some muscle on my back keeps spasming. Tomorrow I have an apt with my manual therapist to help work that out.
    But their house is old, so the steps are small. I measured my 7.5/8 sized feet on their stairs and the end of my heel slightly sticking out!

    But yes I had a stair dream a few year ago before I started my longest relationship (over now thank God) I don’t even want to talk about it. lol

    No stair dreams lately (That I know of. lol) But yes I’ve been having some wack dreams.
    Last night I had a dream that my childhood friend had to cancel her sleep over with me…but then I over heard her planning a sleepover with our other friend. (I think in this dream there where like 9 yr olds…and I think I might of been 15 in this dream for some reason. odd I know)
    I was so furious. That I walked out of the gloomy(yes for some reason this room was gloomy) classroom. And as soon as I walked up to the doorway. I turned my head and yelled “GO TO HELL!” and then left the class room.

    The beginning of the Neptune Aqua I was very close friends with these girls. But that changed as we got older. I hated one of the girls for a while for not being close anymore. But now of days I catch up with her at her bombs fires. Kind of got over it. Like we went from best friends, to strangers, to just friends that see each other once in a while. And I’m okay with that. But yea this is the 2nd time they have been in my dreams this month.

    Gemini Rising
    Aries Sun 11
    Scorpio Moon 6
    Neptune Capricorn stationary rx house 8

  11. Not dreams of stairs but when i had a past life regression done with
    a trained hypnotherapist of advanced years, there were steps that went
    downwards that i couldn’t make myself go down.
    It was reminiscent of Egyptian ramps that are steeps and downwards
    as i used to have many dreams of going down ramps with the entourage
    of the Pharoah & the fateful feeling of knowing i was going to be sealed.
    Heard that Yoga can unblock ancient or past life memories.

    1. wow that’s a very vivid account. i can understand your immediate reaction is to resist going down stairs.
      same here with yoga.

      1. Harp, have a read of ‘Initiation’ by Elisabeth Haich.
        A revelation what the body can reveal by doing ‘serious’ yoga. So i read ‘theory’ for many years before le courage to commence. Still wary-ish (or lazy).
        Sure it’s my Libran Moon mid heaven that facilitates oui,non,oui, non……then ‘oh fuq just go read instead ffs, if you can’t decide’ 🙂

  12. Not stairs dreams, but recently I dreamed I was in a shop to buy a dress. Two of the sales staff came into the room where I was changing to measure me, I guess I was getting something fitted. As they measured me, they kept remarking on my awesome body, finally insisting I model for them. The dream ended with me on a catwalk, modelling. I awoke and went back to sleep to dream I was a student in highschool, walking to class clutching two notebooks to my chest. Two women came out of the administrative office and wanted to see my work in the notebooks. They began exclaiming over the brilliance of my work and insisted I teach rather than be a student. That dream ended with me in front of a class, teaching.

  13. Transiting Neptune is at the end of my 12th house, conj my 1 degree Pisces Asc. Dreaming has been epic for awhile now. Sometimes they’re so good I never want to wake up.

    Last night strange dream where I was at holiday resort in the middle of nowhere, with people I know but would never holiday with. Confusion about rooms and I couldn’t find the room I’d left my suitcases etc in. Lots of running up different stairs looking for the room. Building was weird and a bit of a labyrinthe. I was desperate to get to my room and change after long trip in shorts and Tshirt. Female resort owner helped me look for the room and we flew around searching together as resort was huge. Before this I’d noticed a group of hot people setting up what looked like a party by the pool, then I saw them practising, they were an amazing acrobat troupe who were staying there and were going to perform that night Turned out my things were in a room in their section (next to ours) and they were really cool about me being there, They asked me my name and I said “Delilah” (which is not my name, lol). Strongest feeling was desperation to get my suitcases with all of my things. All I can think of is confusion (Neptune) about my identity (Asc).

  14. I’ve always had scary stairs dreams, ancient attics with rotten floors dreams, recurrent old house dreams, finding unknown rooms in my own house . . . I like that one, finding unknown rooms, as if they’re in a different dimension, rooms where there is no space for rooms.

  15. The dream weather has been absolutely wild lately! Everyone I encounter has been an active dreamer; even my Aquas who claim to never dream are being surprised by vivid and surreal slumber adventures.

    I haven’t dreamt of stairs recently, but they have certainly been a common theme over the past few years. For me it’s almost always trying to descend some previously simple stairwell, but as I place my foot on that first step down I’m overcome by a wave of dizzying intoxication. I try to steady myself by any means available, fumbling and stumbling like a drunken idiot, until miraculously I’m at the bottom. Perhaps I’ve fallen? I’m never sure, but I am unscathed. The whole thing isn’t so much scary or anxiety-filled as it is bizarre and dissociative?

  16. Nope, no stairs for me, but I often dream about buildings for transportation arrivals/departures. Airports, train stations etc. Last one was the Cap ex chasing me around Heathrow. I got sick of it & stopped to confront her & she stamped on my foot lol I was SO furious. Couldn’t believe it. Pretty much what happened in our real life relationship. She was a closet case, I got sick of the regular (often drunk/high) middle of the night confessions of love. Told her no more. We got together. Think I pushed it too soon & she screwed me over. I’m not very creative… Not even in dreams lol

    1. Haha song on Rage as I posted that had the most appropriate lyrics!!

      She meant you no harm
      Think you’re so clever
      But now you must sever

      Hints from random music? lol

  17. Loving these comments. I’ve had recurring stair dreams for about 15 years – easy to climb, impossible to climb down. The stairs are always separated so it’s a long jump from one to the next… people pass me going down effortlessly and for me it’s impossible. I just stand there filled with anxiety not able to move… this has something to do with getting out of relationships you say? Hmmm

  18. I had a weirdo stairs dream the other night too. In it, a person died on those stairs and came back to life looking younger than before; kind of like your bird. It was very different from anything I’ve ever dreamt before.

  19. I had 2 dreams involving water last night… also involved tarot like divination (but it’s very murky to me….I didnt even recognize the cards). And in the other dream we were in s car on the most whacky bridge ever….pretty much how we ended up drowning.

  20. Mystic, your post on scary stairs was so amazingly spot on and timely. I’ve been having these dreams almost nightly for a few years now but they change in nature, sometimes it’s the final flight that missing to get to the attic which for some reason unknown I am very anxious to reach. Other times they are narrow steel fire escapes that suddenly end at a brick wall. I’m a Capricorn in the midst of a very real Pluto transit and intense transformation- so I guess it makes sense?. As a teen I once dreamt I found a beautiful staircase and climbed it to a light-filled attic with faded carpet and furniture. There was a chest at one end full of pretty clothes and trinkets that were all for me. I have never had the same dream again.

  21. Funny, I just saw a show the Winchester Mystery House in California. The woman who inherited the Winchester (as in rifle) fortune had a house built with, among other odd architectural features, stairways that led nowhere. She is said to have done it to foil the spirits of those who lost their lives because of the firearms who might wish her ill will. She never stopped adding to the house, ever building on “the maze-like house full of twists, turns, and dead ends, so that the spirits would get lost and never be able to find her.” (wikipedia)

    1. I have been there. It is a huge, beautiful, amazin, complicated house. Yes, there are stairs leading to a wall. Doors that opened to walls. Incredible detailing went into the wood floors, wall paper, etc. Gorgeous. My kids loved it. I took tons of photos. She had a gigantic stain glass collection….lovely.

  22. ‘Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.’ -Martin Luther King, Jr.

    …staircases feature in my day to day work since January 2011

    They (metaphor, not dream interp) offer a grand metaphor for moving from one stage or transition to another, making choices / decisions.

    Escalators included. The moving staircase metaphor is all about movement, but in one direction (unfortunately or fortunately).

    I loved the Labrinth film with Bowie – the scene of puzzling staircases Sarah had to confront was a scary scene. That film was meant to be one big dream sequence.

    Great post, love stairs

  23. oh goodness…the dreams this week. my kids too. ummmmmm……

    About stairs…..I don’t recall have dreams of going up stairs. Had dreams of going down stairs, underground, as a child. They were spooky.

    1. scary: runaway cars, tsunami dreams(I have these alot), other extreme weather-tornados, earthquakes, fire. Being back in high school.

  24. I’ve never had a staircase dream.
    The closest dream I’ve had would be a zip-line dream and I am sorry to say that in the dream I couldn’t figure out how to make it work for me.

    I’ve also never had the dream where I’m soaring/flying in the sky but have, in my dreams, happily levitated/flown in an upright position all around my dream laboratory/studio.

  25. Belgian LobsterScorp

    Stairs? Euhm, no. Just flying off all by myself, from the balcony of an appartment I have now finally put on sale. Propelled myself right through the clouds and flew off. Interestingly, I always think I will be able to fly, once dead. I think this is some kind of feature we all have, post dying and pre reincarnation. It felt amasing to fly in that dream, and the sensation felt so real!!!! Funny thing is I kinda panicked once setting my eye on a great landing event, and instantly struggling with the thought: how the hell am I going to do the landing properly??? That seemed to require some skill I hadn’t mastered yet. Did land, nothing broken. End of dream? Back with former lover in front of appartment building, ground level seemed to be a worn down, battled out remnant of a 1800 industrial depot building, where we had to go through to go up the appartment again. Upon opening a slightly blocked door, some contractors where argueing loudly, not seeing a solution/progress to some construction/recovery work. No staircase to be found. Everything looked decayded…

  26. SO that’s what it meant. Back in 2007, Saturn was was doing a quick step on my natal sun. I had dreams about having to go to class (I’m a teacher) but the stairs was missing, so I couldn’t get there. My colleagues had no trouble goind up the missing stairs…I tried another way round, through the attic of the school, In real life this could not have been possible, but in my dream I reached my class room through the attic.

    Oh my, I did quite a few of those dreams back then. I wish I’d asked about the meaning back then; would have saved my a lot of speculations. The dreams made me feel stupid and inadequate. But I was propably coping – growing. Thanks, Mystic

  27. You are so on target about dreaming. Fantastic and scary dreams have arrived again. I’m still processing but it’s deep and healing. I was wondering if I’m having a chiron moment, but neptune explains it all.

  28. This is SO funny to wake up and find this post! My children who almost NEVER get up and chirp about their dreams, all walked into the kitchen with dreams to report and I had been standing there staring at my oven and remembering the very lucid dream I’d had about twelve steak and a piece of fish that I’d left unattended in the over for days.

  29. Double Scorp Girl

    Dear Mystic and dear lovely commenters,

    if this is now the phase of lucid dreaming, what does it mean when someone who cherishes her sleep very much – comme moi – suddenly finds it extremely difficult to fall asleep? I’m talking hours of being drop-dead tired and not being able to relax. My mind constantly whirling – about work and love life, but still, it’s unusual. I’m Scorp with Scorp Rising, Neptune in Sagg… I’m so exhausted, if anyone has a suggestion, I promise to at least consider it. 😉

    1. I was given a spiritual exercise to do each night in bed and whilst it’s a valuable exercise it usually manages to put me to sleep before I’ve got to 11am. I’ll explain . . . the idea of the exercise it to integrate emotions and involves going through every incident of the day and examining not what was said or what happened, but how we felt about what was said/what happened. Starting off the exercise by counting backwards from 10 and then reflecting back on the day remembering every interaction/incident and how they made us feel. I try to practise this for the sake of it being a good exercise, but invariably I fall asleep by the time I’ve got to about 11am.

      A Vipassana meditation of examining every inch of your body from the toes up (with your mind) while you’re lying in bed, also tends to make me drift off. You can combine this exercise with a lovely Sufi devotion, where you infuse each part of your body with a remembrance of the Divine.

      I’ve been living on a lot less sleep lately, quite happily and take myself off to bed because of what time it is rather than because I’m sleepy.

      1. Sounds like a great meditation LInk! I’ll have to try it however I’m much the same with doing anything ‘in bed’ before sleep. I find I need practice somewhere else and then go to bed or I’m out 🙂

    2. Binaural beats 🙂

      I got an excellent app for my i-thingy called “100 Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. AmbiScience” by Tesla Science. If you put that into the search bar in itunes you get the exact app first – its the brown one, not the purple one 🙂 Only prob is its a bit of a beast – its quite big…

      I set it to rain, waves, windchimes and a Shamanic trance 🙂 There’s a lot of this stuff out there, but I really liked the idea of being able to use my own music, or set sound effects in layers.

      Its kind of like being in a beach hut in the rain, with the windchimes toning away while the Isochronic tones re-set your brain.

      I always try to do a good solid Chakra meditation – the basic cleanse and tone as it were, but I usually don’t get beyond my Heart Chakra before completely falling asleep 🙂 Now I do them separately – or I’ll end up energetically unbalanced !!

      Tesla audio also does an 18 minute sleep special which basically winds down your brain for you – I haven’t tried it, but their other stuff works really well…

    3. 😯

      I had the same problem when Mars went into Virgo (Natal placement)/ Could that be the issue for you guys?

      I just ramped up the exercise… 😀

    4. When I hadn’t slept for two weeks straight, I would make myself go to the doctor for something for sleep, come home and take twice the amount prescribed and try to knock myself out that way. It was the only thing that worked. Thankfully, I haven’t had trouble like that in a long while.

    5. Double Scorp and Bluesky, as BG suggests, this screams Mars in Virgo to me. All Virgo-heavy peeps I know, self included, do insomnia. Take a look at where Mars is transiting in your chart and remedy your Virgo house. Soothe that side, maybe it’ll help. I honor the Virgo with a pre-bed ritual, it’s boring and habitual but takes the mind off the anarchic haphazard day and focuses on safe, solid system. Thoughts go: I am exfoliating, I am flossing, I am yoga stretching, I am reading, I am sleeping, etc…

  30. funny, just dreamed last night of walking up a staircase, it was made of marble, big glass windows on the sides and at the top there was a bar and a high class/lawyer/important people party going on..couldn’t really determine if it was the beginning or the end of it, because dream-me just arrived from an all nighter party with my friends, haha. although the dress I wore was perfection, dark blue with stars and moon-print, I knew that I didn’t belong to the upstairs crowd. so neptune, just move it to pieces now, will ya..

  31. Not had a lot of stairs dreams, but hell you are right about the lucid dreaming. I am not getting any real sleep at the moment, but every time I close my eyes I’m greeted by about 20 visions… lost at the moment I wake up with only hazy split-second recollections…

  32. I have scary ‘have to swim ‘ or ‘have to cross large bodies of water’ dreams.
    Well you know what they say – Witches and water don’t mix!
    Had a particularly horrendous one last night where not only did I have to swim through a storm across a lake, but it was a competitive race – against the fittest hottest guys I’d ever seen. One guy kept pinching my ear really hard before the race (WTF?!)
    I was about to LOSE in so many ways…

    1. Piscean Closed For Renovation

      you do know that water in dreams is meant to represent our feelings, emotions right? Is there a daunting emotional challenge that you have to face? Stormy relationships? Maybe you need to ‘listen up’ – to people who are challenging you or who you feel you are ‘competing with / against’ on this journey or listen for a message from them / via who they are..? p’raps xx

      1. Piscean Closed For Renovation

        or maybe there was an insect biting you on your ear (sometimes our brains incorporate outside happenings in wierd ways)

        1. Just did a Google search and the ‘ear pinching’ is how they train DOGS to do as they are told, and make them submissive – I am bawling my eyes out as I write this…

          1. Dogs also represent loyalty and unconditional love. They represent kindness, intelligence and a multitude of great gifts!

            Witches and water.. well I’m callin that one bollocks hun. Witches can mix with any element so if the tears are flowing consider it a clearing of old stuff and let it flow you to new clearerer waters.

            1. So Sorry PCFR.
              I had to log of and have a big cry-fest.
              It was a HUGE “OH SNAP”
              moment for me last night.
              No I love dogs! It was a subconscious message as to how I have allowed myself to be treated in relationships.

              1. I am SO loyal and faithful and when people betray me I take it pretty hard, and then, like, hide FOR YEARS. The water represents me fearing ‘jumping in again’. Sink or swim stuff, yeah? Scorps take betrayal very hard – look and Demi and Katie Perry at the mo – they are both really struggling. Thanks for your comments babe. XO

  33. Piscean Closed For Renovation

    oh damn, i was almost finished writing about a non-stairs dream (instead, i was caught in a gunfight between 2 kids on a street in mexico (or somewhere similar – Latin-feeling place).. i was terrified but it didn’t have the same feeling as a nightmare..and no I wasn’t watching spaghetti westerns the night before.. !

  34. Don’t get a lot of dreams about stairs, at least nothing that jumps out at me right now.

    If we’re talking yesterday/last night I did have my own kinda weirding. 4 different instances of spirit folk popping up. Two flashes of what I will call either animal or energy and two males. First was running down the street. Second was standing across the road reminiscent of my guitarist, eg he looked to be holding a guitar and just looking at me on the front deck. It wasn’t pointed at me, it was more of a guitar pose in my mind. Strange I thought, as I smiled, I know what’s there during the day and even the night view but this was clearly different. I saw the same image from a few vantage points around the house, It was a person.

    Interestingly enough no cognitive dream recall and I would usually expect as much after that much activity.

    Nope.. no substances involved. Just my vivid imaginings or a visitor. I’m looking at the spot where he was now too, seems similar but definitely not the same regardng features etc. I can clearly see that it’s fence and foliage not flesh and fretboards!

    1. Ok, so the guitar dude is messin with my head now. He’s there but not, actually, looking up again now he’s there but not moving. If I pay attention to him he starts playing.. He looks like he has a fedora on and skinny leg jeans. He ebbs and lfows and no I’m DEF not tripping! No acid!

      Reminds me of the many weird and wonderful experience. Recently my dear departed guitarist.. shuffled down the street the same eve then disappeared (I use the term shuffled because of the distinctive foot-sound of thongs on bitumen) and the many other experiences with other beings. It’s a fascinating phenomena.

      Hard not to feel like I’m borderlining some kinda madness when things like this set in ….

      I work in mental health.. I kinda understand delusions 🙂 Sure they’re unique to the person but sometimes you get a glimpse. Sometimes you can see it’s systemic mental process, sometimes you feel it’s psychic attack but it doesn’t fit the model/system to address it from that angle. Sigh..

      I’m self checking but this is frying my brain a little and not sure what I should do with him. He’s playing. I’m not. Maybe I should be? Dunno.

      1. So today I get a really loud knock at the door. Nobody there!! Some months ago I was woken by a knock at the door. I got up and could see this guy at the door and he knocked again like he knew I was there and not answering. When you walk up or down my front stairs the vibration of someone’s weight upon them is distinct. There was none with him. He wasn’t out the front or on the street. Just disappeared. I guess the knock today reminded me of that. because there were no footsteps or vibrations again..

        This is starting to p!ss me off a little now. Intuition is not bringing any clarity.

        And I’m pmt’d and feeling unbalanced so the psychic weirdness ain’t helping my mood none.

        1. Slipping in & out of dimensions there FireyEarth? Seeing through the Morph?
          Perception, how it varies from person to person. Long shower or bath ie water, rinses
          off old electro magnetic energy.
          Put some sea salt around your house visualise a shield-wall around it and say some protective words out loud.
          Dream happy dreams x

          1. Yes, the knock was disconcerting althought I can’t say related to the previous. Just impossible to knock and get down the stairs and away from my place without seeing someone. The last guy was weird in as much as he stood looking at the bedroom window as if knowing I was there and not responding. But the guitar man seemed to prompt me to write a tune yesterday 🙂
            I will be doing a smudge today and once the rain clears I’ll salt 🙂 or it’ll just wash strraight away. Too much water here. Might have a bath before rehearsal today if I have time.
            Not sure why it’s so ‘busy’ in that space and I usually get a hit on it all.. Dreamt last night but sleep too deep to recover any threads.

            Many thanks for the tips Pegs x0x

        2. wow, SE, that is trippy!! I was getting goosebumps reading your account of these experiences. Maybe your guitarist friend just wants to talk to you?? I mean, I haven’t ever experienced that kind of thing but if he was a friend of yours too, you know, maybe this neptune business needs some attention?

          1. I’ve had countless experiences along the way but this lil run has been a bit disconnected. Yeah, it can be trippy. Sometimes it’s funny but often times you’re left wondering about it all and questioning again what reality is or isn’t. That is the hard bit.. if you feel like you’re loosing your grip in it all. Then it can quickly descend into some mind game about whether you’re ok or not, what’s real, what isn’t etc. I don’t essentially have any sort of gift with it all so at times I’m given cause to wonder what it’s all about. Given the pmt and the dose of ‘irrational’ that comes with it for me I was left a little less balanced than I might normally be in this circumstance. I’ll probably have to wait for that fog to lift before I start up any dialogue 🙂

            1. The rain and moisture seems to have stirred up oddities in this town, Scorchy. I’m a bit closed into myself, luckily, too busy to psychically look up, only in a closed loop of contact with the familiar old souls. Haven’t you been a little open to wondering and thinking of late, with your health event? Baths may be a bit watery now but body pampering or attention is good. Earth with food and inner hydration, tidy your spaces. Small rests for the eyes, with little packs on them (cool packs, eye masks, wheat packs…) Essential oils: lavender, rosemary, peppermint, lemon. The air hangs in this town and the energy gathers in corners at the moment.

              1. The moisture is leaving my salt lamps with puddles of water too 🙁

                I confess that as much as I love a bath it’s just too much right now and showers are better. I find that this much humidity and damp really irritates my sense of well being. I don’t like it at all!!

                Yes, it’s a little weird. this vibe around here. Not long back from rehearsal. Went well, working on a bunch of newies but my head flew up out of a moment of concerntration as I was sure there was someone at the door. There wasn’t.. or was there?!? LOL, it’s balmy makin stuff is what it is!

                I agree Mille love, earthing the energy is a good plan.

                Re: health stuff, well I’m just working through it all. A funny observation though just yesterday. It’s only a couple of weeks and I’m now walking around going well, just get on with it, ain’t no big deal. I recall doing exactly that when my folks split when I was 12. I was messy for a week and then pulled myself together and got on with it… translates to, just buried it and made like I was moving in a forward motion 🙂 So, yesterday was a shitty day. A lot of emotional gunk came up. I didn’t overly examin as much as work on the idea that it’s ok to have it and not fix it, suppress it or try to change it. I’m trying to be real but get on with it and break patterns and face stuff and it’s big but I’m also blessed or cursed with this idea (everyone elses) that I just roll with the punches really well. Tis true, I do but man I cultivated that and it doesn’t mean I’m not vulnerable so I’m now investing time in having to manage that aspect with others too.

                You.. lovely lady, are bestowed with gratitude and warm hugs across the ether for your words. Merci X

  35. I did have a stairs dream last night ! In a large complex building, a bit Hogwarts like…my attempt to exit led me to the longest descending stairs, old but reasonably solid, still unnerving for a Taurean land lover! And yes in a very challenging relationship – with my 18y.o daughter who’s just finished school !

  36. I’ve never had a stairs dream. My scary recurring dreams involve being in an out-of-control car. It just keeps careening about until I wake up or crash. But I have Neptune practically exact on the ascendant, and I think that contributes to my feelings of powerlessness at times.

    1. oh lord…I have the out of control car dreams too. The brakes don’t work or I’m in the backseat with no driver! same thing…I just keep blasting through and over stuff till I crash and/or wake up.

  37. Buckle (Aries, Pisces Asc, Gem moon)

    Yep, I’ve had lots of climbing stairs dreams in my time, but also other precarious things, like scaling a wall of cupboards!

    My last stairs dream was about leaving a lecture theatre and there were terraced steps outside and the stairs between the terraces were made of rows of books that came apart and moved when you stepped on them.

    (IE: the world itself is history, waiting for you to set foot on it and read the book of that specific phenomenon… or something like that. Or – every individual step is a story.)

  38. Mine was more of a ladder rather than stairs, it was post my outburst at work. I wasn’t scared. It just appeared flat against a solid wall, it was blue and I knew I was going to climb it. I smiled in that dream.

    Not that the feeling lasted after I woke up.. sigh. Right now, I’m on that bit where asking myself what I’d do if I won the lotto is providing a lot of psychic relief.

    1. Piscean Closed For Renovation

      you can do it FA. i don’t know whether to say “chin up and push on” or “stop and smell the roses” , so whichever of those works better for you atm xxx

      1. Ooh, nothing really Ms. – as ye olde adage says, Same Sh*t, Different Day. It’s still the now 2 week old job search vis a vis the life coaching possibilities revelation..

        Btw, finally told my Frugens about that, they who do not believe a smidge of astro or anything remotely self-helpy, and they BOTH stunningly agreed. They gave me such sweet hugs last night, I wanted to cry.

        So I woke up from a dream this morning, heart palpitating so badly I wondered how I’d survive it. It was in the old store my parents had, my mother (who didn’t look like her in the dream but it was) was being held at gunpoint, I was charming the robbers so they let her go. She was able to escape, but yet another one of their gang came, an Indian man dressed in a suit from the 20s with the hair, the stache, the whole bit.

        He was marching, arm held out, and he had a gun pointing at me, he walked through the aisles shooting at me. I don’t remember if I escaped. Somewhere in there was Mr. X, the Cappo I had a summer thing with last year, prior the whole shooting dream that is. He’d come in to my bedroom asking if I had some pot, as I’d used some of his. He sat on the bed, long blonde hair out, and I just curled myself behind him like a letter C.

        Strange, strange, strange. Thanks for the boost lovelies.

        1. Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

          ..(another boost)

        2. the thing about being on the life path is that it is utterly heart openly scary and wild (internally at the least). I am sure this is not news to you, and I am well acquainted with the fear you speak of but all the big dream stuff when Its a big life change in particular it always takes a leap of faith. you are building the bridge in your mind every day. Hold on and tailor it to your needs. you have the support to make it happen x

          1. Thanks darklings! I spent the weekend literally stepping away from the situation, even if that involved still being on the job hunt.

            Ms. you’re right, absolutely all the way.. the “utter open heart” scariness of it is striking and as ArienScorp pointed out, fearsome. I’m not sure if lying would be the word I’d use but potato, potatoe – I think essentially it’s the same thing.

            It’s this suspension in disbelief, this fear really of having all our known fears be experienced yet again. I can only say there’s a ringing in my ears and I can’t ignore it. As well as finding myself in thoughtfulness and found pockets of peace, there was also a reckoning on what at heart it is that I really, truly want.

            As a creative person reared to believe that being so is the sure fire way to poverty and ruin, I used to be able to sublimate all that and stay under the radar. Now I feel like Alice grown too big for the house! It’s as if I just woke up and realized there is simply no reason for me to be anywhere I’m made to feel ill-suited – even if I am supremely efficient. It seems even my exuberance is seen as “threatening”.

            I don’t hate my employers, I don’t resent them for being who they are, I just know this is where the path diverges. That I know. It’s the next step yet forming. It’s true, support is there, I just have to do the work of feeling the fear and doing it anyway. love you all..

        3. It is not a flaw or weakness to be afraid. It is the path. Fear shows us the way we have to go. It is normal to wonder if we are able to do something we have never done before.Taking up one fear and observing it to see what it is trying to tell us is lacking and then taking the steps to insure there is no longer a lack, calms us, strengthens us, and lets us move on to the next fear.

          Fear shows us where we are most likely lying to ourselves. We really can do so much more than we think.

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