The Magician In The Tarot Is Real

The Magician tarot card is Mercury magic, evoking the deity that was once seen as the most powerful of all. It represents synchronicity, wit, and genius on call.

To give you an idea, from my 12-Card Tarot reading 

The Magician in the 12th House

You’re secretly…magic. You’re guided or protected by a benevolent force – particularly so far as this specific dilemma or your current situation is concerned. Expect a dazzling, witty omen, sign, or synchronicity.

The Magician in the 5th House 

You Tried Being Normal…and it didn’t work. Downregulating your vibe to satiate conventional people won’t work either. Magical realism is back and you’re about to see the living proof of it: in creativity, commerce, a romance, or in the mirror.

It’s always a joyous card to see in a Tarot read, dream or vision. I am fortunate in that I have experienced the latter! It was under the least ‘new age’ circumstances imaginable, appropriate for a Trickster archetype I guess.

At 19  I met an older, ostensibly very “spiritual” semi-well-known musician. He talked a lot about karma, Rumi, how the universe was structured (because he knew, apparently) his theories on a particular variety of Dreamweed and my tits. I hated him by the time he’d evidently passed out on my bed, where I did not want him to be and was praying he’d accepted I was not interested in what he wanted.

Lying awake, feeling trapped, angry, exhausted, stupid and unsafe, I tried to determine if he was genuinely asleep or feigning it so he could make his move if I fell asleep. I also swore off everything esoteric. I vowed to have nothing more to do with a single magical anything. No astrology, Tarot nor dream interpretations.

My logic was that if the pretentious oaf and potential abuser in bed next to me – against my stated will – was evidence of an “esoteric person,” fuq it. At that point, the room I was in faded away and I was there but also…elsewhere.  I saw him, the Magician tarot card character in reality.

The Magician is Maximal Synchronicity

He was in a place that seemed like an alternate dimension, ludicrously high above everything and with precisely the same four Tarot elements on a table in front of him as in the card. There were other items on there that I did not have time to absorb -magical tools, directional devices like 3d compasses.

Golden light flooded the room and permeated my being, the Magician smiled the most indescribably awesome smile at me, and I sat up in bed with my arms flung out. Mystical experiences are unmistakable. They can’t be faked or bought on by drugs, chanting, affirmations and so on.

For the record, I was on no drugs when this vision occurred and it was undeniably, breathtakingly supernatural. To this day I am not entirely sure why I was so blessed but FYI, it was Uranus square my natal Uranus. It occurs to everyone at about the same age but still, that plus Mars conjunct my Neptune were definitely factors.

Anyway,  I sat up all of that night, elated – writing, reading, thinking. The faux new age guy left the next morning, without a single word exchanged – I was still in my golden bubble and it was as if something just whooshed him out the door.

We Are The Spell

Magic is real, and we are the spell. We just need to create the right consciousness and environment to realize it. I believe in Tarot, Astrology, Feng Shui and Geomancy etc to inform and align. No dogma that stigmatizes people because of their race, gender or sexuality can be magic. If you cultivate your intuition and stay open to Quintessence or 5th Element energy, then the information is there, all around you.

You access it in your dreams and by listening between the lines when people speak. The Magician Tarot card is about the power to make connections at Warp Speed and to conjure up a new theory of personal relativity from random bytes of data. It’s second sight, sixth sense, and instincts that become more lucid and directional, the more you pay attention to them.

Look to Mercury in your birth chart for more of a sense where the Magician energy is most at play in your natal astrological energies.

29 thoughts on “The Magician In The Tarot Is Real”

  1. The Lion & The Centaur

    After reading this post I got a strong feeling, so I did my monthly tarot reading. Ta-dah, Magician in the 12th house. And that’s also why I knew. I have my biggest Neptune transit in years and my instincts are super on point. I feel like I can manifest anything. One day I was randomly thinking about cocker spaniels and instantly I bump into an ad of cocker spaniel puppies, next day see someone walking one and also spot someone having one in social media etc.

    For some reason I have a strong urge to gamble or at least do the lottery and that’s very unusual to me. So far my instincts have led me into all things golden, maybe this is an omen that I’m feeling extra lucky?

  2. Ooh, I love this question!

    There are so many things you can do, but most importantly it’s what works for your magic. Mystic posted a quote by Grant Morrison (I’d link the blog post if I could remember more) that recommends sitting for five minutes and looking around you as if everything had an intention, a purpose, a message. It’s the magical thinking, the openness to messages that does the trick.

    Learn about a few plants in your area and make your own medicine. Spend time by a bonfire. Sleep with crystals. Commune with nature. Swim in natural waters. Make an altar. Start up a crafting group – paint, make stuff, drink tea, and talk. Listen to the insects instead of your monkey mind. Eat fresh & local to align yourself with earth energy. Read your cards. Challenge your current mindset over and over again. Read books, listen to podcasts. Take a bath year round with the windows open. Wear talismans. Ferment your foods, forage mushrooms from logs. Hot yoga. Walk until your legs hurt and your mind is clear. Sit by the ocean on a full moon.

    Anything and everything that opens your mind and lifts your spirits. The more nature and attunement to your temple, your body, the better.

    Moon conjunct Neptune in Sag
    Venus, Mars, Jupes Gemini 8th house

      1. Your AC is in my 8th house & I have that watery firey moon, lady of the sea.

        Your comments always speak to me as well.

  3. Moonglow – aka ‘Curious Crab Person’ here. Thanks for your insights people – and Mystic – I love this site! Within a few hours of sending this query to Mystic, I got out a tarot deck and book and found The Magician card, then read the description. It totally made sense to me, in a practical, here’s-how-you-work-this kind of way. (which rarely/ never happens when I read a tarot card description). I feel like its given me a tool for practical application in most areas of my life WHOA. Its sitting up on my sacred space as my mentor for the time being to remind me I have the tools if I have the intention. Totally into twilight rambling and gazing…
    So i have sun moon and ascendant in Cancer (Sun in 1st, Moon in 12th)…

      1. I hope its okay to quote this?!
        From The Tarot Revealed by Paul Fenton (pp. 201-203), here’s some excepts from the section on The Magician that really made sense to me: –
        “…The tools on his table were packed inside the Fool’s satchel. They represent the combination of the right motive (cup), a clear plan (sword), sufficient enthusiasm (wand) and practical application (pentacle) – a very powerful combination for achieving your purpose. The red roses …suggest ardour or endurance and the white lilies depict purity of motive…
        The Magician represents making something real out of possibilities…. Potential is worthless unless it is actualised…The Magician reaches up for energy from the heavens (inspiration) and directs this energy to something tangible and real – the earth. He uses his willpower to produce tangible results. Instead of reacting to life’s currents, he acts for himself within those currents, and real results are produced…
        General meaning
        The Magician indicates that this is an appropriate time to begin new projects. The timing, the opportunity and the motives are right to make your efforts worthwhile. It is a positive time to initiate action and execute plans a time when you are grounded enough to succeed with your plans, so new ventures are more likely to reach fulfilment. A clear sense of purpose and an application of willpower can result in success.”

      1. Ooh… such perfectly blissful ideas.. I guess I do a lot of that stuff already, (sans the shroom foraging), just need to prioritise it more… as Mystic said (“just get out of your own way!”). Thanks for veto-ing such practices as important, its good to remember. My Neptune is in Sag too in the 5th and Venus and Saturn in Gemini in 11th (ruled by Taurus).

        1. oops, the was meant to go elsewhere sorry…I thought moon in 12th was not great… so glad to hear some positives, I guess being so much Kataka freaks me out a bit, but I think I’m more comfortable in the 12th house than the 1st (more spiritual than corporeal) So I’m thinking, the Moon-Neptune ‘Lunar portals’ would be interesting for a moon in Kataka in the 12th.. especially for exploring The Magician and spirit guides.

          1. Ooo yes today’s a portal! 12th h moon is basically a Pisces moon, people just fear (aka write negative astro descriptions) of what they don’t understand

        2. I’m very Saturnine and I used to connect to energy that was too restrictive and soul squashing. The list was things I have done instead of oh, micromanaging my career or cleaning my house continually. Opening heart and lifting spirit is the real connection.

          Edible mushrooms btw, I only like morels and chicken if the woods. The rest of the normal foraged give me indigestion.

          1. Yep feel that though…after a long time (childhood) of Saturn squashing my Neptune exact conjunct it feels good to nep out within reason.

  4. Lay on the grass and daydream while gazing at the clouds, look at the shapes- listen and just be still. Send love to those who need it and I agree with Mystic advice for prayer to a higher power.

  5. Take long solo rambling walks at dusk and night in nature. That’s the mercurial guide to meditation. Also, talk to plants they have things to say

  6. Boost anything mercurial!

    Also remember the magician as depicted in common decks has all 4 elements in harmony: cups, pents, swords, and wands!

  7. If something invites you or engages and you’ve got a rising enthusiasm, run with it. Even if logic brain screams at you. Let that rising energy be your guide.

  8. Meditate, meditate, meditate and just be open to what comes through, though that is sometimes easier said than done. I get spooked out when I have visions come to me, completely unbidden. I do enjoy a good bit of Dream journaling, and you can ask your spirit guides (spiritual support team, whatever else you like to call them by) to send you messages in your dreams before you go to sleep and see what the answer is.

  9. Pray, meditate, practice just Being (rather than doing), spend time alone and/or in nature. Be Receptive w/ a capital “R” – Spirit can’t reach you if you’re constantly jamming the incoming signal with lots of output. Try picking up a book and opening to a random page/paragraph – The Magician (being Mercurial) loves bibliomancy!

    1. I totally know when I was meditating regularly, I was getting so much sprit stuff happening it blew me away, need to get back into that… And contemplating is good too, out in nature… So, this has lead me to realise my 12th house is ruled by Gemini (Magician in da house?)…with the Moon in Kataka and my part of fortune (a crosshairs in a circle?). and Nessus in it.
      Moonglow – aka Curious Crab-Person.

  10. I find working with magic cards , not just tarot but other ones that awaken your intuition…i love the tantric dakini cards where one of them for example is the cosmic carrot! So no logical brain trying to work it out. Have a daily journey or meditation and be prepared to suspend disbelief- answers come in riddles or images that only click later. Brilliant astrology like this site, making altars and a beautiful place in your boudoir to reflect your spirit allies/ meaningful things. Some peoples are dark and have bones etc..mine is rather voodoo lots of sequins and has my kachina dolls on it. Observe everything all the time, you never know where the omens will be! From Taurus Uranus conjunct Jupiter exact in cancer in the 9 th..mercury conjunct mars in Gemini in the 8th and pisces in twelth house conjunct ascendant. O and stay grounded!

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