Every Neptunian Loves Lilac Wine

Lilac Wine is like the most Neptunian song on the planet and it’s always recorded by full-on Neptunians.

Neptune being the planet of glamor, addiction, myth, magic, hell to heaven and back again in half a day, delusion/illusion, surrealism, art, lucid dreaming, oil, vaporware, the futures market, soulmates and love zombies.

Lilac Wine is not a drink. It is a mind vibe. And Neptune is not a planet. It is a drug…or a spell. And this is a song about a broken spell.  These are the four Neptunians who’ve made this sonnet their own.

 Jeff Buckley – Mercury, Neptune, Sun and Venus in Scorpio – Leo Rising, Moon in Aqua:

Nina Simone – Mars-Neptune-Jupiter in Virgo (On Jeff Buckley’s Mars-Pluto-Uranus) and all of his Scorpio is on her Midheaven – they are cosmically linked, with no doubt.

Elkie Brooks – Sun-Mercury in Pisces and Lilith conjunct Neptune in Libra.

Miley Cyrus – scion of Billy Ray Cyrus and Sagittarius. She has Venus – her chart ruler – conjunct Neptune.

In terms of Miley Cyrus covers, I think her version of Joelene kills it but that Lilac Wine requires more pathos. Lilac Wine is about the comedown from an immense passionate crush of a thing – a Love Zombie trance or a real affair where they waited and waited for a married lover. It’s possibly about addiction itself – there is no lover, just the substance.

Jeff Buckley’s version captures the drunken instability and yearning while Nina Simone sings it like she’s re-conjuring the magic – she hasn’t written anything off yet.

Whereas Elkie Brooks performs Lilac Wine like she’s regaining consciousness half through the song – it’s sensational. Hers is also the only performance of it that’s been commercially successful.

Which one is your fave? Warning: Lilac Wine is potent and poignant. If you’ve ever loved passionately and not ‘won’ the person or ‘lost yourself on a cool damp night’ – it may be too much.

Jeff Buckley's Lilac Wine

Nina Simone's Lilac Wine

Elkie Brook's Lilac Wine

Miley's Lilac Wine

100 thoughts on “Every Neptunian Loves Lilac Wine”

  1. The parallels between Jeff Buckley & Nina Simone makes perfect sense! Their ability to evoke haunting levels of emotions which danced on that fine line of mysticism is SO Neptunian. I love your links from the personal horoscopes to your vast catalogue of reference daily, that’s what brought me here today!
    It would be crazy if Amy had a version of Lilac Wine unreleased somewhere……

    1. Yes! I am certain that she did one and obviously it would be extraordinary but…no?

      Also, does the Jeff Buckley vid show for anyone? It says ‘blocked in your country’ for me….

  2. Yes, I love this song, and every Neptunian song for that matter, I discovered this song when Miley did a cover for it. Well, I love Miley ready, good to know that she is a multi-cap and scorpio with a Sag sun, I have always loved the people with this combo…being a asc scorpioscorpio sun-sextile neptune in Cap, I pove these people and totally know where they are coming from. This post seems as if it was written by me, you and me totally have got a great resonance!

  3. I love the way you pull this synchronicity together, Mystic. Beautiful song, ideas and three lovely renditions. Nice to spend Saturday morning listening, thanks.

  4. Sun Moon Lucky Stars

    Wow, what a post. Didn’t know the song. Didn’t know Jeff Buckle, didn’t know Elkie Brooks…. yes, broke my heart and made me feel strong at same the time.

    Venus rx nearly made me relapse into LZ state and I really don’t want to. But it feels nice at the same time. It’s like a drug… Like lilac whine… ayayay, I’m so Neptunian as it is plus now transiting Neptune forever sitting on my sun.
    But I won’t succumb!
    Tomorrow I’ll make much better use of the energy again.

  5. I always considered Terry Callier the male equivalent of Nina Simone (sorry Anthony and the Johnsons). Would have LOVED to have heard him sing this song…

  6. Lilac Wine…

    Nina Simone, the High Priestess of Soul. With that selective vibrato to make certain passages remain buzzing your veins. Master musician. Can’t wait to see the latest documentary, I heard it’s deeply confronting.

    Miley…not a fan. But she comes from country roots, so she understands the power of interpreting a song. She didn’t do too bad here. Interesting to hear how she’ll be in 10 years or so when she grows into her skin some more.

    Elkie is what we artists call ‘paying for her craft’. That woman is going into her guts to pay for the right to sing every word. Word.

    Jeff was the closest we will ever get to a modern bard. All his shows in Australia sold out ASAP so I missed the chance to see him live. Remember when he passed. Remember meeting his mother not too long after he passed while up in Vancouver. Such a beautiful vocalist. So was his father.

    Beautiful post.


    1. Agree about Miley- I think in her 30s and 40s she’ll be quite an interesting artist, with the maturity and experience to round out that capable voice into something more resonant and soulful.

  7. Holeeeeee fuq! I confess I kinda like Party in the USA but my Goddess, that girl has an amazing voice and that song…. you’re so right Mystic, she has BUCKET loads of talent. Well done Miley!

    1. I went to go see my friend’s band and the last song they played was Party in the USA, which they had learned for a band member’s 12 year old daughter’s birthday party. It was so fun to dance to, especially after “serious” funk.

  8. This song will forever be Katie Melua’s in my opinion, although I love Nina’s version.

    By the way — Katie Melua? I wonder if she still sings. What a fantastically rich, smooth-as-silk voice she has.

    Miley Cyrus, unfortunately, makes it sound like Lilac Whine.

    1. Anwering my own question re: Katie Melua (thanks Wikipedia!):

      “Melua’s sixth studio album, Ketevan, was released on 16 September 2013. Ketevan entered the UK charts at number 6 – Katie joined a very small group of female artists, which includes Madonna and Kate Bush, who have scored 6 consecutive UK top 10 studio albums. Ketevan also entered the top 10 in France, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Holland and Switzerland in its first week of release.”

      Wonder if she’s Neptunian too? Her voice is Neptune magic FOR SURE.

  9. It’s quite interesting and mysterious. I only have Sun in Virgo IX square Neptune In Sagitarius XII, but I feel very neptunian. A very tight square though, maybe that’s why, Sun 23 degrees, Neptune 22.

    1. Thank you Sarahina for posting this delicious, sublime Simone-Buckley mix, a silvery lilac jewel with deep purple veins.

  10. Oh, Jeff Buckley definitely the soundtrack to a musically neptunianesque time in my 20s…My moon Neptune loosely in Scorp 2nd. Had a musician boyfriend with a Piscean moon who actually met Jeff B briefly and sweetly one night at a gig.

    Neptune has become quite literal for me in the last few years, as when it transited into my 6th, I moved into a house across the road from a big lake, which colours all my days. Transiting Neptune has been augmenting my natal Saturn and Chiron, which are opposed by Virgo cluster. Very healing

    1. Yes, my sat and Chiron are natally Pisces, and sometimes they feel like they’re getting speared by tightly conjunct natal Mars Pluto Uranus laser…

      So when Neptune moved into 6th, I feel like things have evened up, and In this home I can slip easily into haute Neptune vibe which I love. Plus am having a Chiron return at the moment, exact recently, so I feel moved to concentrate on lingering health glitches.

      With trans Neptune in your 8th (?) I can imagine it would somehow diffuse the laser focus of yr Virgo cluster. Because in Virgo 2nd, is it having an effect on how you make money? One interpretation of Neptune in 8th could be other peoples money/arts and creativity. Or the opposition is somehow clouding your perception of work issue?

      1. I have a dear friend who works in the same profession as your mother, she is kataka with Gemini Venus in second, with strong Sagg Uranian placement in 7th house. She has 5 daughters and had an extremely interesting life, if not always easy, life. One of the most profoundly interesting women/people I know, I could talk to her for hours (I usually do when I catch up with her).

        1. She’s very boho (great style, eccentric but unique) amazing, nourishing cook/wise woman, super feminist/goddess. Doesn’t like men that much.
          Her daughters adore her, but they are pretty f’d up from her refusal to fit into the system. They haven’t had easy lives either. She told me her life is not what she would wish for them.

  11. I love that song, and sadly, Jeff Buckley who I loved loved loved died on my birthday way back when. My friend met him when he was sitting alone at the Exeter bar here in Adelaide, found him to be a very deep soul, very Neptunian and very much a solitary character but very happy to talk to people who were confident enough to talk to him. Grace is my desert island album for sure – resonates with my Scorpio moon and my Neptune that busts out with my Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Virgo in my third house so get where he was coming from generationally and creatively. Might have to bust out the album today for a bit of mid winter inspiration.

  12. So I just looked at transits and stuff, which I am only just beginning to understand, and Neptune is sitting right on my sun (with Mercury on one side and Venus on the other) in the tenth, and the nodes are lined up, like, exactly. Is this where something big happens? Is some kind of big supercool destiny thing about to fall upon me? (NN in fifth, I always think of those things as big, cool and fun).

  13. You won’t like me for mentioning this but.. One of the most heavily Neptunian young artists today is … wait for it: Taylor Swift!
    Taylor has a stelllium of planets conjunct her Neptune including her Asc, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus conjunct her Neptune in Capricorn.
    Plus Sun in the 12th. It’s just below her extreme Saturn in weighting.
    I feel like her dreams are very hard edged and clearly delineated. Her music vids look like commercials with that Cappy flavour in there.
    But who knows, maybe she would kill Lilac Wine with that astro!

  14. So feeling Saturn on Neptune right now and so feeling this Uranus opposition in my 5th house on my Chiron. LIKE TOTALLY!
    I can see how this tricky lil transit can drive people bats.
    And I wish Amy was still alive.
    Harsh Neptune / Saturn lesson right there.

    1. I have Saturn trine Neptune natally, which I never paid much attention to. But apparently it’s a good thing, structure + idealism. I would say this is definitely something I try to balance in my life. I have to have both.

      1. Wow Phoenix
        That is an amazing thing to have natally. like zero tolerance for bulshit as an astro signature or what?

  15. Natally, Neptune in Scorpio sits comfortably in my 5th house trining Saturn, Mars and sextiling Pluto.
    All things in moderation is my mantra.
    I live on the cardinal cross. Aries sun cancer Mars cap Saturn, NN libra. It can be quite rigid in many ways, demanding discipline and fortitude. Neptune has helped me break down that rigidity always offering the alternate view, the mystery behind the face value, the unseen connections, another way at looking and measuring things.
    Neptune showed me the purple haze, the purple rain, the space between the dots.
    The common thread that makes us all one. And when I embraced that unity consciousness I found the nectar of life, bliss.

    1. Neptune in Scorpio SITS comfortably? In Leo’s house? I can’t even imagine.. lol. I imagine it putting on a disquieting seance complete with magic tricks and laughing when everyone runs out screaming!

      Kidding, you have some very nice Neptunian aspects.

      Neptune is always offering the value of another view.
      I told a friend that some very affected kids on the spectrum can’t break down food properly in their system so if you test their excreted parasites by crushing them into drug kit test, they test positive for methamphetamine and MDMA. Piscean Rising friend said, “Why would you want to take that away from them?”. Um.

      1. Hmmm, that’s really interesting. The problem I see, if that’s the chemistry, is that meth is a dopamine sponge and MDMA a serotonin one ? I’ve read that it is highly inadvisable to take both together. Maybe read up on the contradictions of these two substances. And the maintenance of correct levels of dopamine and serotonin production. Are these parasites using their chemistry to drain him of either ?

        1. Oh, can you hook me up with some of those samples for further testing ?
          Then when people say… What shit have you been smoking man …I can quite specific. 🙂

        2. Ha, I will tell those parasites not to party together, like dude, not good. I always thought the parasites were likely mini labs that produce chemicals, not of them draining their host, but that’s a really interesting thought & I don’t know the answer.
          I haven’t tested my kid. Maybe I should, but I have been guided to give him some space.. which my controlling Leo/Scorpio stuff is frantic about.
          But whatcha gonna do with them samples davey?!

          And sorry, I didn’t mean to highjack your lovely venture into the purple piscean realms of Oneness and Bliss. I could use a visit there atm obvs.

  16. Really like this high visual content you are providing in your posts Mystic – like the Ascendant ones that people love so much. Of course you wit is why I was drawn to you originally, but you have a very unique slant to your thought process so your visual content is uber cool too.
    I am going to see Temple Grandin speak in the next while and she says some autistic people only think in pictures. Incredible, no?

    I don’t know who the bottom artist is, but I liked her version very much. (Nina Simone’s pronunciation of LYE-LUCK distracted despite her general awesomeness. 🙂 )
    Agree would have loved to see Amy Winehouse’s version.

    1. Temple Grandin should be very interesting, I admire what she has done for cattle Sphinxy.
      I think in pictures before words, can always see someone’s face in my mind’s eye before I remember their name!

  17. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    I’m a little confused as to what makes someone “Neptunian”–is it having Neptune on or conjunct their planets? I think I’m confusing Piscean with Neptunian. Or do you just have to be a bit woo-woo and wine-drinking to be considered Neptunian? I really need to learn more….glad I’ve enrolled in astro hacks..

    But I totally get it with this song!

    1. Am super amateur here, but I think if you have a stellium of planets with Neptune it increases the weighting, making you more Neptunian. And if it is an outer planet perhaps more so (correct me someone)? So I think Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto are big, props the Sun too though (shines a light on Neptunian things).
      Then you might look at the degrees of the planets. So if you have Neptune at 9 deg Libra, then you have Mars at 9 deg Virgo or wotevs, you have a really hard square, so makes you more Neptunian too.
      Also, as I always carry on about, check the Walter Pullen astrolog on astro.com in the extended charts, with it’s special delination chart pull down feature, it has lots of percentages and also weights your aspects and planets and elements separately, etc. Eg. I have neptune weighted at 9.6% but my Mercury at 14.9% making it my heaviest weighted planet.

    2. As I understand it, I would be considered quite Neptunian – I have Sun, Saturn, Merc, Chiron and Psyche in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune. Also, my natal Neptune makes lots of aspects to other planets – trine Mercury, opp Jupe, loose square to Venus, conj IC, sextile moon-Lilith.
      Does your natal Neptune make aspects to other planets, Lux?

  18. Jessica McOmish

    My mega neptunian first boyfriend once dedicated this song to me. I will never forget those neptunian lights, rolling around in his bed, all that incense. I think he had a Courtney Love doll hanged from one corner of his room.

  19. How have I never heard this song before? Sheesh. I had goosebumps for every single one. I completely know what that feels like. Moon conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius. Also have Jupiter conjunct Venus in the 8th, which is not Neptunian but def blows things out of proportion sometimes.

    1. Moon/Neptune is beautiful! I have it in the same house but not conjunct.. that would be a visionary placement I imagine.

      1. My moon Neptune is in my 2nd house. I do like it but it can be a bit woo-woo. When I go LZ, I go hard. Total lilac wine bender. Like I said, my god I can’t believe I have never heard this song. It’s like Case of You by Joni Mitchell amplified.

        1. Totes.

          I think everyone must have this reaction the first time they hear ‘Lilac Wine’. It’s like, ‘oh my GOD you looked into my heart and put it into a song.’

          ‘A Case of You’. I still remember the first time I heard it. “Part of you pours out of me/in these lines from time to time.” *sigh* The perfect love song.

  20. I am a pisces…. neptune will cross my sun mercury some time in 20..18? i like lilacs.. i like wine… i like the song *unties capricorn rope from waist*

    1. Hey Pi, in reference also to an earlier post this week, we seem to have quite a few similar placements in our charts. I also have Sun 21 and Mercury 18 conjunct in Pisces (6th house for me).

      And I have Virgo Asc (trine Jupiter in Taurus) as my earth ‘pulling’ me back from Neptune cauldron, just like Cap does for you.

      Maybe we were born on the same day? If not, same frequency? 🙂

      Where is your Neptune? Mine is in Sagg, conjunct Moon. Both square my Pisces sun and Merc. Significant as Merc is my chart ruler.

      I look forward to Neptune crossing our suns and mercs! Things have been STRANGE already (dreamt of tigers as pets complete with them chewing my shoes, and real volcanoes leading to evacuation in imaginary house/country but someohow ALL my luggage surviving streams of lava intact — just one teeny tiny example of what currently seems to be the norm).

      1. hey, I always thought you were a Leo, with the “Lady L” part 🙂

        You would have chiron conj your sun (+ merc) now??

        My sun 24 ish pisces, merc 23 ish.. jupiter+ lilith conjunct in late toro .

        Neptune at mid sadge…. mercury is my chart ruler too, via gemini ascendant. Asc square sun/mercury exact.

        pi x

      2. WWF also informs me that it is World Tiger Day on Weds 29 July. if that helps 🙂

        Volcanoes, evacuation, wow.. Earth (/home) Changes, things are ON for you X

        I am kind of intrigued (bless you, mercury) about how a Neptune transit translates for me. But if it is anything like now, omg, I am going to need a highly non-judgmental Virgo PA to get me through the next 5 years so I don’t lose track of the mundane [bank balance, timetables etc]

        1. Wow your Neptune mid Sagg (mine 16), plus Jupes+Lillith conjunct in late Toro (mine 26) are true for me too.

          So your Jupiter+Lillith probs also sextile your sun (+ merc for you) like mine. I think that’s very lucky!

          We share natal Venus conjunct Chiron on South Node, although I remember you said yours are in a different house (mine in 7th Aries).

          So interesting to find someone with so many similar placements.

          Do you have a strange hypnotic romantic attraction to Gemini sun men? I used to, until I removed myself from the dating world. I have MC in late Gem.

          Thanks for mentioning current Chiron transit! — have failed to ‘see’ it there, although it makes lots of sense re: work environment (6th h) suddenly making me feel ‘wounded’. Hopefully it brings healing. Health is making a turn for the better. Massage booked for today!

          Significant squares can mean good things as MM says. Like your Gem Asc squaring your Pisces Sun and Merc (intellect always trying to outdo the more emotional side, perhaps? — that is what my Virgo Asc opp Pisces sun keeps doing), my chart is chockers with lovely red squares and oppositions. The making of a rebel 🙂

          World Tiger Day! I love that. Will do more research into tigers and volcanoes in dream analysis. Was a bizarre, scary, and then happy dream — happy only once I saw my stuff was not turned to rock!

          My usual Virgo rising attention to the mundane is also WAY diminished. It’s only natural in these times, right? May Neptune be kind to its children. xx

          1. Amen to that..

            Yes, we must both have some exact squares and oppositions of personal planets and angles.

            Plus also some close trines and sextiles

            Some things fall into your lap, with barely a prayer or a sentence exchanged, others take decades to figure out.

            Yes to thinky-think brain attempting to out-talk the Pisces sensitivity. My very air sign/uranian family difficult to grow around, had to go it alone when it came to learning to express – nay, bear witness to accept and communicate – feelings in a functional way. So, that’s a hard mercurial aspect to Sun being worked on I guess yeahxx

          2. Ah, you asked about strange hypnotic attractions to Gemini men. My answer is : not really, not like that. I have great rapport with them and there is a mutual understanding of “this conversation is a safe place to talk utter shit, laugh like a hyena , and mean all of it for exactly 5 milliseconds” . similar to the sadge friends in my life. All air sign peeps I adore for their flowing conversation, it’s like a nutrient for me.

            My asc is late gem. Maybe we’re sharing some chart angles too.
            Strange hypnotic attractions, hmm.
            That usually tends to be Taurus or other water signs.. if we’re talking sexual allure and general omg aagh why this now thing

  21. hehehehe i got concussion number 12 today. always the right side . i’m not going to have any neptune left soon. i know i’ve gone vulcan because when i saw this i thought “oh god i have no desire to ever liisten to that again.

    hard articles have banged the love zombie out of me. for good or naught.

      1. tarot
        devil , 5 wands, judgment,9 of wands, tower, page of cups, kind of wands,two of wands, hanged man,death, ace of wands,world

        from where i’m sitting it looks like things are supposed to change for the better. both in the chart and in the cards.

        when i try for “massive determined action” i get blindsided, when i give my virgo a workout i annoy even myself and when i try to stay yin -explosions happen out side my house.

        if anyone asks i just want a small trailer off the grid and to do resesarch , with books and scrolls and shit. its all i’ve ever wanted. and it makes me fucking happy.

        i’m telling the comment section this because anonymous comment section comments will stay on the internet forever. and lo though i may not easily use the internet, i see its mighty magic. sometimes you just cant be a solitary witch . avatars of the goddess, i miss dancing and iced coffee. go forth and imbibe on the beauty of the world for me. suck the marrow from a chilled pint glass.
        make out with people and make art and if you can do both at the same time.

  22. Alkyl risqué

    I have sun tribe Neptune. Been looking for a song to sing with light instrumental arrangement so I can show them. This is perfect for me and what I’ve been feeling/doing with my voice. Feel like making love all spooky wasn’t really connecting with my soul or how deeply I feel for a particular person. I can’t tell if i am being a zombie or if it’s coming together. Rolling cigarettes between fingers and smoking only oxygen, I have always taken it to far with drugs for my little delicate body. I feel so scared of love and would like to use my trine in a positive way, it’s very hard. I’ve read it’s a blessing and a curse, feels that way.

  23. Floored.
    Soundtrack to so many chapters of my life. Opening credits of a new episode are playing. I’m in tears… Thank you so so much for this, you have no idea. Xxxxxx

  24. I’ll choke on my tea now. What is going on with Neptune? I can hardly come back from dream world.

    Gem Sun, Pisces Rising, chart rulers Neptune / Jupiter conjunct.

  25. I’m majorly neptunian and spent many an LZ haze listening to Buckley’s Lilac Wine.

    Buckley was mystical as hell…even his mysterious death follows suit with his ethereal being. R.I.P.

  26. Ahhhhh, Jeff Buckley . . . beautiful Jeff Buckley. I think I knew he was Sun in Scorpio but never looked into his chart. Brings a tear to my eye every time I think of what the world has lost. Maybe I feel a kinship to him? I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it; I do like his rendition of Lilac Wine. And even though I have Neptune conj. my Scorpio asc I would say I haven’t felt the need to partake in any. Side note: I’ve always hated my Neptune rising, like it ‘outs’ me or makes me a flake; I don’t smoke anything, drink alcohol, or use drugs (prescribed or illicit) and try to live a fairly safe and boring life but I have been accused of being a drug addict (among other things), a lie my family chooses to believe. I’ve wondered in recent years if my natal Neptune paints me this way. Sigh. I’m off to turn on some Jeff Buckley.

  27. LiberatingVenus

    Holy FUQ re: Amy Winehouse – I was just walking around earlier this morning singing “Rehab” in my head, LOL!

    I could *totally* hear her voice when I played the Elkie Brooks version…it was weird, like they were actually doing a duet.

    Being on Neptune is like a perma-state of channeling – that’s the only way I can really describe it. Knowledge, information, songs…things that float *through* me but I am very clear that they’re frequently not originating *from* me. No bullshit, I had my first dead person reach out and make contact with me with Neptune hitting an 8th H Gemini Mars in order that I might deliver a message to his (living) relative. Even stranger? I know who the dead guy is, obviously, so have his DOB. On a hunch, I ran a chart and look at that – his Mercury in Gemini right on my 8th H Mars….! If anyone was going to reach out from beyond the grave and make contact with me during a Neptune transit, of course it would be him…from a synastry standpoint, that is for sure like having an etheric tin-can “telephone” line from The Beyond hooked up to your ear! The contact is a bit crude and rudimentary, but I sure can hear him.

    FWIW, I don’t fuq with the lower levels of Neptune and never really have, so don’t think this energy has really had any other choice but to manifest as charitable urges, empathy, a very active and symbolic dream life, musical ability, and (growing) intuition that I had a very hard time recognizing as such until quite recently. That’s the thing about Neptune…it’s quite self-effacing. And tricky to put a finger on……it’s so quiet and subtle we often don’t even notice it.

    For a good 30+ years, all I had was my rational intellect. I didn’t think I had access to information that originated from anywhere other than my analytical mind. Then Tr. Neptune hit my Mercury and one day a conversation with a friend shifted that paradigm completely. I learned that my dreams held messages and that all the random words, phrases, or songs that popped into my head completely unbidden were, in fact, a connection to etheric realms of knowledge. Perhaps we could call it “intuition”; perhaps we could say that I had established a connection with my Higher Self/Guides/Divinity/whathaveyou, or perhaps we could just smile, nod , and quietly think to ourselves that girl is off her fuqing rocker, LOL. But there is no question in my mind that some of the things that come *through* me are not *from* me – I am just the middle-man messenger.

    See, my intuition had been speaking to me the whole time; the problem was just that I didn’t understand the language it was using. It was – as many things tend to be – an issue of perception.

    1. this is really cool and thoughtful. also must say thank you.

      it does remind me that at least once a day, at totally random times – i should begin to document – i get weird “flashbacks” of dreams i have had. it could be a dream from 5 years ago or last week, but something that i am doing/ saying/ hearing/ whatevs “reminds” me of a dream segment and it pops into my head clearer than if i had been purposefully reminiscing about an event with a friend. it’s very neat and so difficult to explain to the peeps in my life – many of them can’t even remember their dreams to begin with and/or don’t understand why they should.

    2. Thank you this is a brilliant description of what it’s like under Neptune and very close to my own experience. I have Neptune on my 7th house Pisces sun-Saturn-Merc conj at the mo and close to my Chiron, Neptune has been my constant companion for nearly five years, hitting my Aqua Venus first and opposing my Leo rising.
      I haven’t always handled it well, basically a two-year bender while my whole life was dismantled without my consent, but that has now ended and I’m about 95 per cent haute.
      I have Merc trine Neptune natally and the incoming has always been full-on, so much more now. I’m learning to work with it because it never, ever fails me – if I let it speak.

      1. Chrysalis you might be my Neptune transit guru for the next couple of years, will that be ok with you? We are a little different you and I but there’s some important common ground!! Imho xx

        1. LOL of course Pi…plus I have had Pluto on my Cap moon-Lilith for aeons… send your questions to: ‘Chrysalis, c/- the Depths of Hell’ 🙂

          By the time Neptune and Pluto get to your sun/moon I should be an ‘expert’ lolol

  28. So……I am Mercury,Sun, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio Leo rising Aquarius moon as well as Mr. Buckley. Also sun 1 degree conjunction Neptune in Scorpio (am I saying this correctly?). Anywhoo, I am that person who always says “did that really happen or did I dream it?” Because the worlds blur.

  29. Is there a neptunian influence sending a few people to the lowest point of a bender right now? Cause seriously I’m having run ins left right and centre including a near death experience with a zombie driver.

  30. PlutonicUranian

    I caught Cat Power at the Apollo Theater a few years back on the tour to promote “The Greatest”. What a rendition of Lilac Wine she did!

    1. PlutonicUranian

      Not for nothing, but that Miley Cyrus can belt, real deal. She sounds like the love child of Kay Starr and Prince. I love how she confuses the pitch corrector to comb filter that last note. MM, you’re some kind of cosmic nexus. It’s stuff like this that makes a true believer.

      1. PlutonicUranian

        I got REALLY lucky, apparently … she was mad coherent, hitting her notes, sober, she wore thick patchouli and a vintage army jacket. The Apollo is an intimate venue. She went up the aisles into the crowd with her mic, singing. Totally in control and in her power, totally delivered. I’ve only recently discovered that she’s had problems live – I’m glad I caught her on the upswing. She sandwiched “Lilac Wine” between “Where Is My Love” and “The Moon”. It was unforgettable. Great band behind her.

        1. i think she might have been wearing the same jacket when I saw her but I couldn’t tell, because, well, the speaker…

          wow, out in the aisles? you did get lucky. just like the time I saw Dylan and he was smiling into the crowd 😉

    1. I second this sentiment, big time.

      As a Venus Retro aside – BOTH loser, Lazarus lovers from circa July 2007 are trying to resurrect that which is long, loooong dead, incinerated, & cast into the winds.

      You can’t make this shit up 😀

      1. Are you guys serious? WTF? I just had a random text yesterday from an ex from 20 years ago!!…..Lazarus to the max!

        As you say TripleL, can’t make this shit up!

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