Cats Are Neptunian – Not Ruled By Saturn

I’ve loved Cats and Astrology for centuries, so how could I not have known this weird fact? Cats are classically seen as Saturn-ruled! I don’t believe it. They’re Neptunian, legit dimension-tripping, time-nomadic magicians.

Yes, they can be aloof, and I can see how olden time astrologers could have contrasted Cats with the Jupiter-ruled Dogs, seeing an obvious dichotomy.

Dogs are ebullient, reliably loyal, and can be employed. Cats are inscrutable, not always demonstrative, and sometimes  – if they get the chance – like to wander into other people’s houses acting needy. Some cats commit the companion animal equivalent of bigamy. When they’re caught out, they sit there with a transcendental smirk or embark on an orgy of compulsive grooming. And they’re unemployable.

A Transcendental Smirk & Compulsive Grooming

Does this sound Saturnine to you? Come on; they’re Neptunian for sure. To be fair, cats’ attribution to Saturn stems from the 11th Century, when Neptune’s presence was suspected by some but not confirmed. Perhaps the sedately elegant way the cat would go about acquiring food, shelter, and adoration sans obligation seemed like a stealthy Saturn play.

But the nine lives, affinity with witches and artists, ability to generate Schumann Resonance with their purring, penchant for popping up in dreams, and ability to traverse the shadow roads between lives? Pure Neptune.


Lois Mailou Jones
Remedios Varo

45 thoughts on “Cats Are Neptunian – Not Ruled By Saturn”

  1. Wish Upon a Star

    Oh Mystic you have cheered up this Pisces Rising after a very bad day.

    Thank you.

    I look forward to the night where I can sit in front of my pot belly stove, in my cabin with my cat on my lap.

  2. Both of my kitties appear to be Venus-ruled. The pure white one with emerald eyes is pure Libran style Beauty Queen elegance (but she’s either Sagg or Cap).The black one is all about Taurus – turf/territory, clean litter trays, good food and cuddles.

  3. “sans obligation” – a Sagittarian, Piscean, Virgoan, another Capricornian, Aquarian and Libran (plus a nonplussed bc too busy Scorpion) all TESTIFY. We are being HELPED and pressured by my Cap Sis, whoim you know I totally adore and respect. The Capricorn wants to be helpful but is doing so on their timeframe which radically differs from ours, relies on being relied upon and therefore beautifully there in a crisis, but is somehow too busy to be in touch proactively bc they feel anyone will let them know when they have a need! Yes, the Piscean partner may be suffering and struggling right now. Also wtf with the high end expensive list of xmas wishes which are probs also for their early Cap birthday. Seriously, i wanted to swap my astro with literally anything else last week but even with my Cap ending 1st house on Mars, i am so over controllery, never mind the deep love and appreciation. The Cap will no doubt resign themselves (pls goddess of typing, it did come out as something with ‘slaves’ in it, and i super so get it but just CANNOT) to the fact that noone in their fam ever gives them what they want, with the validation. But by goddess, it’s SO HARD. i love the Cap in my fam but I just want to RUN AWAY from this shit and take all the others with me ( to an appropriate location where i can leave them all and keep running). Holy Cow xxx

    1. I’m confused. Are you talking about a human Cap or a cat Cap? Sorry but I haven’t been keeping up with people’s news for awhile …

      That’s because I have a human Cap of my own. He fucking pisses me off, sucks out all the energy and the space in the room and I found myself saying SHUT THE FUCK UP as some kind of mantra. We have split up for the millionth time because I just can’t stand his energy time suck crap for a second longer (Pluto conjunct Asc in Libra) and it’s always justified by some bullshit (Sun & Merc conjuct in Cap 4th house). He’s my best friend aside from being my partner for 5 years but GOOD GOD the man drives me insane.

  4. My cat Samson is Saturnine in the morning – but then he’s also Scorpio – which might explain the “Samson Stare” which equates to “where’s my freakin breakfast??”. He is also VERY particular about his litter tray, which I suppose could be a stealth “don’t look at my shit” Scorpio thing. He often meows without making an actual noise as if he’s psychically bellowing in my ear. Again Scorpio – he’s a spy and must not let strays hear his encoded messages.

    And if I haven’t made the bed properly. Not Happy! He does not like big clumps of bedding – it must be all neat and tidy. Although well organised documents and pieces of paper are both excellent pillows and play toys. Who knew?

    Yet he’s incredibly intuitive. He knows when I’m upset and will come spend time with me like magic. It helps that he’s a stunning Russian Blue with big huge moon eyes. Very unusual cat. I got him as a rescue and his adoption parents said they could barely get him out of one room. Now he’s all cocky like, taking over the joint (as it should be).

    1. Oh gorgeous, some 9f my favourite cat companions who later haunted me, as in came into dreams to show where they ‘were’ in afterlife in the best visuals i could understand, were Scorpio cats. The boy was a huge golden cat, his sister dark and patched, tiny and agile, both furiously incredible hunters with completely different hunting styles. The boy let me teach him not to kill birds. I was truly angry when he first got a native, and i took him to it and taught him with my gestures and tone. Later a pigeon fell from a tree, and he came with me to see it, and rested his paw unsheathed on its back. Poor bird died of fright, i think. But he showed me he learned. His sister was a pure killer, though.

      1. There should be a “heart/love”button.

        My other bestest cat Kitty was a total killer. Except for crows who would literally steal her food by dragging her food bowls out the back and call out to all their mates.She didn’t like them much and would stare at them without knowing what to actually do. When she first caught a bird – a fledgling native honey eater – I was so mad at her that I literally forced her mouth open and took the poor thing to a wild life rescue centre. Since I knew how to to apply bird emergency first aid he was squawking and bouncing in his box ready to explore the world by the time we got there.Kitty hadn’t left a mark on him. She was just being a show off.

        Samson is a bit of a wuss and a lot of our native birds are Willy Wag Tails. Don’t mess with them. He tried and got dive bombed by three of them in a co-ordinated attack. Good lesson *snicker*

  5. My new kitten (getting to be a ca now!) allows me to walk him. We go down a bike path behind my house and I wait while he climbs various trees and then we move on. The other night, there was an interaction with a family of foxes in a parking lot on the other side of a fence from on the trail. I have been assured that foxes do not usually disturb cats, and I’m fairly sure he was thinking they might play with him but it still has me worried about when he gets big enough to go that far by himself. The whole thing is fun but does make me feel a bit like I’m in some sort of Tim Burton Disney film about a Lonely Biker Chick and her Companion Cat.

  6. And when my feline beauty joins in when I sing three Aums, at the start of my yoga..with a distinct sound he uses for asia minor birds stalking…??

    1. Deep comm7nion with collective and universal unconscious. Cat is doing as cat is made to do.

      If you want to stop it killing, if cat does make the kills, you can use voice and tone, but it has to be intended throuh you, not from you. Feels like this is not the companionship you guys have, tho…

      1. Thank you..and thankfully, feline beauty doesn’t actually kill birds.most often likes to sit in amongst the broccoli patch..or on the yoga blankets…but really appreciate your reply..🐱

  7. Mercury? Trickster energy with affection, acting needy when wandering into other houses, even thought they are “owned”?

    1. Reflecting the householder’s need to feed, more like! And trading off it. Not all neighbours hashtag (feed random cats) 😁

  8. Most cats are born in Libra/Scorpio season, which very much accounts for their grace, slinking away indifferently and stealthy, stalking abilities.

  9. Getting a Covid kitty was the best this about this year. Perfect timing as a friend had gorgeous Tonkinese kitties to home. Kitties are definitely not saturnine. I’d add a pic but I’m not sure how.

  10. I’d have to agree cats are Neptunian ruled.
    My cats are highly empathic and attuned to human emotions not indifferent, bitchy or aloof. So more watery emotional, and a bit of a space-cadet.
    Each cat I have has a completely different personality but each one does share a hedonistic love of lounging around, daydreaming and addicted to catnip.

  11. My Ginger Girl Kit is Aries- has Uranian stares, but Toro love of
    naps- demands her exercise at 6am and whenever you are headed for bed.

    ER Vet said her muscle tone was amazing- thought she was 5 not 15 and gushed about her gorgeous coat. Timeless beauty- Moon Magic?

  12. Hmmm, they are the masters of time, and space . Whether it’s stalking prey or just quickly working out the speed necessary to mount and balance on a 2mtr fence. From frozen still, so still that a bird is unaware of its presence when a meter away to the perfectly judged spring at lightning speed. They can be very Matrix like. Like they are manipulating the time warp, everything else slows down while they calculate the moment and coordinates of impact.
    So Saturn I get but Id say both, they are Saturnine on their day job, you’ve got to eat right, and then spend the dark hours slinking silently around ( where ever the hell they want) no doubt up to several secret nocturnal activities and rituals that you only find out about by accident. I remember mums cat, a big silver shaggy maned male. We found out he was being fed by a number of neighbors at various times of the night.when we confronted him with this double life’ behavior he just looked at us like ‘ I do enjoy living here and I’m sure you feel the same way, but, don’t tell me what to do and not to do cause right now Mrs King down at no 24 would take me in like that !
    Let’s not speak of this again,:ok ?

      1. Thanks 😊 My favorite Matrix quote.

        Neo, sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.


        1. Geebus, that is close to the bone, DL!

          Is Laurence Fishburne a Pisces btw?? And Neo played by (channelled by) Keanu Reeves. Super Mars Neptune vibes. What about Carrie-Anne Moss’s neptunian vibe? Inquiring mind wants to know but lazing about on the look-up 😂

  13. I’ve had cats since before I was born. My current two cats are very much within their sun signs…Pablo is a massive orange tabby who has to be a Taurus. He loves food and luxiurating on any soft surface and paper bags. He loves everyone but the dog. Paloma is a Virgo. A tiny, trim black kitty, who is very picky with her food. She tends to over groom, and if Pablo leaves an uncovered mess in the litter box, because he just can’t be bothered, she will cover it for him. She loves the dog. Ranger is probably a Pisces. Or maybe a Sag. He is extremely sensitive and attuned to my feelings. His feet are very sensitive. He literally showed up on my front porch, and introduced himself by sitting down and holding out his paw to shake. I’ve never had a dog, but he pretty much fits the mold of the perfect dog for me. He is very bonded and protective of me and my family.

  14. AQUARIUS (Saturn ruled). Cats are aquarian, not neptune. There is absolutely no confusion going on in their heads. Just in ours. That’s surely every Aquarian I’ve ever known who thinks its obvs why they are coming and going all hours of the day and night?

  15. Is it not that all cats are so capricious or calculating but just enigmatic by nature? Yes dogs do seem to be generally quite trusting…and a cat, might be sanguine but not necessarily ruthless. There are dogs that take great pleasure too in chasing cats…it may be pursuit that is real harassment…or predatory. I had a bright black cat once that very happily danced to the composer Sarti’s played piano pieces….

  16. Aha! I have a very Neptune dominant chart (Neptune in 10th as kite peak, aspecting my sun, moon, mars, jupiter, and pluto. Moon in Pisces aspecting neptune, venus, mars, uranus) I’ve always been a cat person, since I was a child. Grew up rescuing animals (all kinds but mostly cats) and had a gift for ferals, I even had one kitten who never really de-wilded. She lived most of the time (like 362 days of the year) outdoors. I used to sometimes have to visit her on the roof. Interestingly, after having only cats for 13 years from moving out on my own, when Neptune entered my 1st house I began adopting dogs. Though I do still very much miss having a full time cat.

  17. Going by free range Stomach Contents , not Dreamers . To Nefertiti’s floating on Royal Dream Barges down an Imaginary Nile , Regal Ego Sustenance . Never mind Prey , Pray .

  18. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    Yes, I’m inclined to agree with the Neptune theory…but perhaps the cat’s incredible survival instincts, and ability to go from wild, self sufficient animal to pampered pet is testimony to their ‘saturnian climbing skills’.

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