Daily Mystic For Monday February 28

It’s a Dark Moon in Aquarius, ahead of the New Moon on Weds/Thurs. As always, this time of the lunar cycle rewards the relinquishment of things that are no longer required.

As this is Aquarius, a digital detox could be especially effective. Cull bookmarks, contacts, records, defunct code, and anticipate a lift in cool, lucid objectivity. Whatever you’re doing or aim to do soon, carping away at yourself over real or imagined deficits is suboptimal strategizing.

The Aqua-detachment also helps with the plutonic vibe of the moment: people and paradigms are changing fast, some have felt like fixtures in your life rather than things you expect to morph to that extent. But this Moon helps you see the wider space around the scenario.

And yes, Mars and Venus are close together all week, augmenting or affirming many potent attractions and alliances.


PS: On the world stage, Mars near Pluto reflects the crisis – ruthless tactics, a rapidly evolving geopolitical flashpoint, etc  – in Eastern Europe while Venus also in proximity represents the still-present possibility of an enlightened diplomatic solution.

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