Daily Mystic For Thursday April 7
The juxtaposition is crazy but compelling – Jupiter-Neptune supernaturalist vibe and the metaphysical gravity of Mars-Saturn square the Nodes.
The juxtaposition is crazy but compelling – Jupiter-Neptune supernaturalist vibe and the metaphysical gravity of Mars-Saturn square the Nodes.
Lovers and Artists Alert: Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, creating a skittish, surreal and fortunate trio.
Gemini Moon agility helps with the gravity of the Mars-Saturn conjunction: Skim and Pivot.
In a world of gigabytes and two factor authorizations, the Taurus Moon is always a potential oasis. It’s an opportunity to pick up on natural cues and physically reground.
The most common astrological Sun signs and signature aspects in the birth charts of the world’s top surgeons? I was surprised and you may be too!
The Fool is a shamanic archetype, whose roots go back to old Babylon. Remember all the times you did something ‘foolish’ and it worked out fabulously?
High solar winds brew geomagnetic storms and when this occurs on the brink of an already potent New Moon, it’s an agitating but worthwhile consciousness adjustment.
When Neptune is this potent, paranormality runs riot – in fact, there is bound to be a perfectly weird explanation for practically anything.
Venus square the Moon’s Nodes flashpoints and evading obstacles en route to the fab New Moon.