Planets in transit, your natal planets and every permutation of planetary astrology you might want to know about!
Jupiter in Gemini!
Jupiter in Gemini for just over a year is a magnificent adjunct to Pluto in Aquarius and the front runner to…Uranus in Gemini!
This Geomagnetic Storm!
The Astrology around the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm and full-on Space Weather. Is this Solar Maximum? Is it another Carrington Event?
The Mercury Retro Test Dummy
Everything I Know About Mercury Retrograde I Learned From Hands-On Experimentation.
Mercury In Aries Retrograde?!
Hot: Mercury in Aries non-stop for nine and a half weeks. Not So Hot: Mercury Retro in Aries but we can work this…
Relocation Astrology – Legit Or Not?
I’m radically re-appraising Relocation Astrology – read useful need-to-knows re this as well as simple explanations of Astrocartography and Local Space Astro.
Pluto In Aquarius & Artificial Intel
A.I. is clearly a Pluto in Aquarius theme & here as an FYI are the three best articles I’ve seen so far.
The Last Time Pluto Was In Aquarius
Can examining the most recent Pluto in Aquarius period (1777 – 1798) provide some likely clues to the 21st Century Pluto in Aquarius? Yes!