Dirt Power, 5th Housers & Saggo Men Again

I really admire Jake Gyllenhaal’s Sagg guy insouciance. At a time when celebrities are either shutting up or leaping into the Covid commentary piranha pit, he’s talking up Dirt Power.

I’d forgotten what a 5th house person he is – Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and the Sun conjunct in Sagittarius/the 5th house + Leo Rising. “Someone recently asked me, “Where do you want to travel to?” I’m like, “The stage, the theater.”

As for the not bathing, as soon as I saw the anti-bathing snippet go everywhere, I figured he’d read the book Clean, by James Hamblin. A Libra, born during the snazzy Jupiter-Uranus in Sagittarius conjunction of 1983, Dr. Hamblin is a persuasive advocate for soap-free living.

He hasn’t showered for five years and says that the microbiome, with all of its micro-inhabitants, is the next frontier of medicine.  Yes, it turns out that many of the ‘bad bugs’ are allies and that the masstige brands, in particular, are brilliant at wiping them out in favor of the usual petro-fuqery.

You probably know a lot of this but do admit that this Libra – and Jake – are appealing brand ambassadors for Dirt Power. You thought you were in a low hygiene lockdown slump but maybe you’ve been consciously cultivating your microbiome?

41 thoughts on “Dirt Power, 5th Housers & Saggo Men Again”

  1. im all for dirt power
    im wary of getting an infection so always try to wash my fahita…been doing the wim hof method…hard, but worth it
    everyone washes far too much

  2. Somehow this post passed me by and that is a crime considering i am sun jup conj in my 5th cancer. Errrrrr not washing. Errrrr dirt culture. As a child I wandered for miles bare foot and cuts and grazes were never tended, they just healed. I was brought up with horses, dogs and cats and all the sh** that accompanies that. I had a deep knowing the pharma industry was not for me and neither was underarm and the shower if I am honest. I did blame my mother when I eventually found shower gel. She was of the type that once a week in the bath is sufficient or it will dry your skin out. Have to say my skin has always been awesome. My aqua man is a no soap person. He prefers to shower with clean water and walk away. Washes his hair with water and oddly the one thing that got to me was his smell. I could not get enough. Recently found out that my major sense, as in the one I use most is Smell. That makes sense. Now living in Italy and it being 36 degrees I am finding the need to wash off two or three times in the day but I only use water to swill the salt off me. If I am hearing for a luxurious shower it will be with herb oils. And my most cherished body and face oil came from a tiny Greek island. The guy was stood on the side of the road selling his olive oil soaps and balms. I took one sniff of this oil and fell in love. Got to get me some more…

  3. As holistic a witch as I am, not sure I can 100% get behind not showering/bathing for years. I too am 5th house sagg but ugh… Anyways, I’ve made my own soaps and lotions etc. for over 20 years now and use those exclusively for my body care. I do still use regular shampoo though – I mean, Leo rising it’s all about my mane 😉

  4. Soap does clog up our waterways, slimy residue we can do without. I use a coconut/olive oil handmade soap from a local maker. Leave your skin feeling clean and moisturised. Would be horrible to cover up our unique scent 🙂

  5. My dermatologist told me to lay off the soap 40 years ago, when I was a young girl. She also said hat and scarf and sunglasses were far preferable to sunscreen; and moisturising oil in the bath daily, pat skin dry with a towel, and then topical moisturiser again (innoxa) later was essential. These are the rules I’ve lived by and it has been ok.

  6. Wish Upon a Star

    Of course Jake hates water. He is a big cat Leo Rising. As for soap : forget it. It would knock out his big time pheromes.
    His face is so Leo Rising. That jaw, eyes and hair. He is so chilled out.🦁 ROAR LOL!

    As for me I’m a Pisces Rising. One day without a shower and my gills dry out. I have to wash every bit of my body with natural body wash to feel fresh and wash away the day. And I don’t forget my feet.🐟

    1. So hear you Wish, and yet, yep – am so here for this Dirt Power stuff, too. Taurus-rising chez moi love a good, clean, smell – and that includes stinky pheromones, too – but only the “good” stinky (as in, compatible with my own personal chemistry, lol!😂) Also love the feel of an epsom salt/bi-carb bath; or hot shower. But products – BLECH! Because we also luv the earth. Show me an aisle of personal care products and I see Current/Future Landfill Crises from plastic, and Pacific Ocean Garbage Patches. (And that is even before we get into the forever chemicals potentially in non-natural/non-organic soap!) But am no saint, and am just as time poor/addicted to habits as next person – but I have been trying to bulk-buy generic natural wash like you mentioned, in my own reusable bottles, as don’t know if I (and family) could go the full stinky commando.. But have seen some great tips for natural personal care below, too.😉 Hope you’re well, Wish – wrote back to you on the man and bear comments list, a few posts back! 😊x

    2. You know you’re right. I do shower or bath for emotions sake. I adore the sea and if i could i would be in it daily. But if i am under siege emotionally i will shower more and let it wash the frequencies away. How clever you are.

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        Oh thanks emg. I was wondering where you were. Was watching the fires in Greece and hoping you were ok. 36 degrees in Italy, that’s hot.

        Make sure you are eating enough salt. And of course water. We Pisces Risings need the salt to keep us hydrated. Our bodies are the sea.
        Stay happy. 🙃

  7. I’ve started using Dr Bronner’s Castile soap. Liquid or cake. Lavender is my fav, for shampoo, peppermint hurt my facial skin but it’s good in the laundry. I rinse with tablespoon of vinegar in 1 litre of water for my hair. Feels good not using all that plastic.

    1. I’ve been using the lavender one for probably 20 years and love it. People comment on how soft my skin is and I put it down to that

  8. Hehe, I use soap the day I am grooming (for shaving my legs to wear skirts/dresses). Otherwise, its just hot water. But I do use generous amounts of supermarket shampoo and conditioner, truckloads of moisturiser, and an underarm deo. So, no foul odours to test Hamblin’s theories being directly proportional to my single status. 😀 I did not do it for any particular reason except that it feels right to me and my body. (Virgo ascendent).

  9. what I’m confused about though, is what are people actually putting on their bodies for him to decide this is a subject? Is soap and water totally analogue rn? Is he targeting the Virgo community? Validating our tacit decision to not shower every day (a la MM note)? Also didn’t the French try this a while ago

    1. Yes they did, and the consequential stench most likely propelled the French perfume industry. (France => Sun & Venus in Libra).

  10. I can see a new genre of fan fiction coming out of this: “Catching my eye as if we hadn’t both been achingly aware of one another’s presence the whole time, Jake grinned wolfishly: “How long has it been since you took a shower, woman?” (Insert your preferred gender or endearment here) I hesitated – would admitting the truth turn this Hollywood A-lister off me? But before I could say “seven years without a shower,” his extremely evident arousal reassured me – “I was downwind,” he said, his gorgeous voice thick with desire. We were still backstage before his Oscars speech – the entire planet was wondering what could possibly be delaying him. But in one another’s arms, we lost all track of time. Sighing, I noticed a small colony of bugs migrating down my arm and onto…him. Our microbiomes were compatible – it was that obvious. Tenderly stroking my matted hair, Jake held my gaze, smiling his leading man’s smile – “do you think they’re dust mites or Demodex?”

    1. Yes, and love the idea of the shower-free life as a 5th house thing–must stay connected to the phenomenal matrix!

    2. Brilliant! Doctors have stepped in to say ‘no wash-no good’ as it can create skin conditions, odour, warts & other nasties. Mila says she washed ‘tits & slits’. WARTS wtf how, they are a virus.
      Do think showering, bathing with a paramour is quite wondrous, doing anything together with water is sexy & primal.

  11. I’ve been no shampoo for years–since my late teens, and I’m not in my mid-30s. But with my hair long (below my shoulders!) for the first time in just as long, I’m finding I’m getting a flaky scalp + some dryness and split ends, &c. Have started occasionally (ineptly) putting in jojoba or coconut oil or vinegar rinses–but thought I’d reach out here to see if the MM community has any other brilliant recs for natural care.

    I shower with natural soap from the farmer’s market but would love to check out that Clean book as I’m overall in solidarity with the vision.

    <3 <3 <3

    1. Hi I use a tablespoon of bicarb in a cup of water to get rid of any residue in hair, -thanks to the curly girl book as I have very long curly hair, so don’t shampoo at all…rub eco friendly conditioner into my scalp to moisturise it and also use a few drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle to get rid of frizz. Glycerine in water in spray bottle is great for shine.

    2. hi, a lovely hair cleanser your can try is chickpea flour + water. use about 1- 1/2 cup of flour and enough warm water to create a custard-like paste (not runny, thicker than yoghurt), then rub it in well on you scalp only and rinse straightaway. it absorbs all impurities and will leave your hair soft, wavy and shiny, especially if your hair is silicone-free like you say it is, and won’t need any conditioner. you will smell a bit like a bakery though, so if you don’t like the smell you can blend a few drops of essential oil when you add the warm water. as for the oils, in my experience the less messy way to use them is a mask before washing (rather than applying them overnight and letting them sit there), for anything from 10 minutes to 1 hour. I also found that it doesn’t make a huge difference which oil you use, i.e. olive oil and jojoba are the best, but if you want to keep your high-quality, expensive olive oil for cooking you can use sunflower or mixed seeds oil. oil masks will give you fab, supersoft, thick, bouncy hair, and don’t be afraid to rub some of the oil on your scalp too: you might need to use warmer water and maybe 2 rounds of shampoo (or soap), but the oil emulsifies immediately with the shampoo and will defo go away. you can also try neutral henna for a nourishing mask, but I think the oil one is the best. easiest way to apply oli is from a dropper rather than from a cup or directly from the bottle (too much comes out at once).

    3. Dizla and Isa I love these recommendations–going to take them stat and pick up some chickpea flour at the store today.

      Sending warmth + gratitude

  12. Also there are degrees right. Like one can hope in the shower for a rinse or pick me up without having to reach for soap or hair products.
    I am having trouble believing that these folks have repurposed their showers or left them completely abandoned.
    Also alchemy baths sans soap, salt scrubs? Maybe Jake does t shower but maybe he also sees a dermatologist? Lol does that count?

  13. A housemate poll was taken once. When you’re down in a slump, what’s the first thing to go in basic routine?
    Me: showering
    Roomie 1: dishes
    Roomie 2: most everything.

    Weirdly roomie 1 infuriated me more and they found my shower drop ‘interesting’ (a triple Libra way of sneering?)
    This solidifies my stance and brings satisfaction. Lol when I’m down in a slump I’m building up mai microbiome buddies.

  14. I think there is great value in our natural microbiome. A naturalist once said to me that if we did not interfere so much with our bodies, they would be naturally sweet smelling. However, I am not quite ready to have a flourishing, temperate rainforest active yet. 😆

  15. Jake & now Ashton & wifey, Mula-Mila? My hair is getting comments asking who my hairdresser is since washing only weekly in the shower. This is due to COPD & winter with the result my skin does not need moisturising at all, but do i revel in that shower feeling light as a feather after. There is financial saving in this way of living 🙂 And of course i don’t perspire & am celibate so no sweaty aromas to heed.
    Love the Tao of Water…….

  16. Quite fortunate that the times require social distancing and that the illness du jour results in the inability to smell anything

    I keenly await Hamblin’s sequel, “Single”.

  17. Love this! I’m always on the front lines of anything holistically health related and am familiar with this theory (never tried it though, would probably have to eat squeaky clean to not stink) and the no-poo (no-shampoo) movement. The no shampoo one I tried for a month as a 25-year old living in Silverlake, Los Angeles 8 years ago…. Hahaha.

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