Daily Mystic for Wednesday 8 March
Basic Venus-Mars aspects are often overlooked in favor of heftier, more “profound” astro-influences but they’re such a vibe lift!
Basic Venus-Mars aspects are often overlooked in favor of heftier, more “profound” astro-influences but they’re such a vibe lift!
What does your Venus sign really mean? Discover how your natal Venus sign – and house – influence your style, sensuality and relationship philosophy.
Sure Rihanna’s vibe is a billion dollar business but she blends art, magic and talismanic alchemy with awesome proficiency.
Martian Lifestyle Secret #1: Velocity concentrates focus and aids productivity. It’s a mathematically verifiable fact. Or it would be if you hadn’t smashed the calculator.
Why isn’t there a Magica de Spell movie? The Italian born witch duck is a disciple of Circe and far more fascinating than other cartoon ducks who’ve gotten movies.