mars conjunct uranus
Ava Gardner’s 8th House
What Ava Gardner’s 8th house and penchant for musos can teach you about astrology!
A Gemini Flipped The Zodiac
A Gemini carefully noted the various symbols for the zodiac around different ancient sites – some may surprise you!
Uranian House-Moving Tips
Magically effective housemoving advice for when you’re moving in weird times or during a Uranus transit!
Daily Mystic For Friday 29 to Sunday 31 July
A New Moon in Leo backed by jolly Jupiter is superb for a turnaround.
Weekly Horoscopes From July 30 2022
Venus sextile Mars, a snazzy Sun-Jupiter trine and amped up Fire element all round: these factors help to ameloriate the fixed square grind of Saturn offside with Uranus.