Zodiac Superheroes

The Zodiac Superheroes should be a phenom. I can’t find the artist’s details, let alone an artist’s statement. The Cancer & Virgo women look cool, insouciant, levitating above the futuropolis or out on space patrol. But the Libran with the scales tranformed into mace balls or whatever sort of medieval weapon that is – and the windowless hotel corridor…? It’s totally un-Libran.

I would like to see Leo less like Tarzan jogging home from the doof-doof gatho and slightly more lion-kingly, perhaps helping Libra knock on the door with his spiked scales thing. Saggo is magnificent – the glimmer of neurodivergent chic and possibly transgender, the eye patch…notice how they’re in an upclose urban environment with a vaguely cyber-punk aesthetic. The “not permitted” signs that Sagittarius would obviously ignore. Their turned out ballet posture…

Thoughts? And if you come across any more of the pix in this series or the artist’s site, please send them through!

63 thoughts on “Zodiac Superheroes”

  1. Oh so amazing. I’m a Leo and am considering a job in Zambia right now – you know, off the grid a little more than in the shiny, slick, overdeveloped placed I’ve lived my adult life (Shanghai and Abu Dhabi). I did astro cartography for it and it turns out Lusaka is along my Mars and Neptune lines, so power subconscious power depth power to the max.

    LOVE the image of the Leo – it helps me think through things!

    1. That’s going to be a real shift in physical, everyday life, your thinking, your sense of home, and your relating to people around! Whether you end up doing it or not, the decision opportunity alone is a gift, isn’t it? Fabulous way to think on how Saturn (work) can actually bring gifts.

    2. Also, the money, the earnings: what you spend now, how you spend it, what you put aside, and what you actually need in different daily living environments.

    1. HA! one of the first things my supposedly canny Crab eye noticed was that they were 14 cents while Virgo was 15 cents … we’re getting sloppy.

  2. I can’t imagine a Virgo wearing that outfit sorry. I mean hello cameltoe.
    Leo looks.. wrong in some way ? I can’t put my finger on it and don’t want to.
    As mentioned above sag in the chest high tights ? Seriously ?
    Libra looks like he’s accidentally soiled himself while trying to decide which bathroom to use.
    Cancer seems ok ?

  3. Um, I just noticed the 100 yrs membership (haven’t been lurking the blog much recently) does this mean you can will it to someone??

    1. Yes – absolutely although i would also be hoping for some advances in the Singularity/Quantum Health etc etc. But yes, it is easily my best Mega Mystic deal

      1. I hope my Lifetime Mega Mystic subscription will last into my life in all the other dimensions, I definitely don’t want to stop reading Mystic stuff 🙂

  4. I like the Taurus piece. Sometimes Taurus is the worst design of a collection, I’m a harsh critic when its personal

          1. frinken awesome selections! I love using them to guide senior art students for idea creation. I have even just bought a couple, of original silkscreen prints from USA, from one of the artists.

        1. The artwork on the whole site, including the often hilarious, and often poignant blog post art, is always beautifully on point. Sometimes i find i cannot read very well after hours and hours of focused reading, and the image with title ALWAYS communicates the tone and idea.

          Mystic’s communication skill works in layers on more than a few levels. Including the space open for, and her nuanced guiding us to think in certain ways to comment.

          1. Yeah…as an artist I am severely impressed with the variety and taste of the art here. Sometimes I send my brother links to the artists (Virgoan Tauros can be hard to impress)
            So many Astro sites are naff pastel fairy wings or aesthetic web page eye sores from 2004

  5. Libra is having to make the decision as to which door his evil opponent stands poised behind. He is pretty much going to stand there umming and awing until Virgo gets there and decides !

  6. Sagittarius is my fave. Archer into an arm gun, that is just the type of adventure Sag would find themselves in going, “I got myself into this, I can get myself out of this…again.”

    1. Yeah but those chest high stretch leggings ? With vertical stripes ? It’s like she was sleeping with another super hero and when called out for an emergency job she put his on by mistake.

          1. Oh no, why is the emoji coming up as angry face? (It was a wide eyed- tight lipped face). But really what I want to express is facepalm.

  7. Woww too bad the series isn’t done (from what I can tell), would LOVE to see Cap/Aqua/Pisces. Pisces def should be some kind of spy, perhaps submarine technology involved.

    I adore Sagittarius; made me think of a weaponized Chiron.

  8. Cancer/Kataka superhero women consists of sans cape, is distracted by some weird space creature and her weapon of choice is intergalactic luna gonads.

      1. Yes, she’s Booby Galore and her power resides in her hands – turning evil beings into galactic orbs – which is why she is eyeing off that rocket ship carrying Vilefinger..

        (i love how her hair forms a full moon)

        1. I was totally thinking boobs or eggs everywhere eyeing the incoming *rocket*.

          As a Cancer though I love being any kind of super hero and not the usual clingy bag of needs and moods.

          1. Cancers are super heros. MM has done so much about those world champion fighters are usually crabs! We just like folk to think of us as a bit gooey and moody. Muhahahahaha

            1. Whoah yes, never forget the Cardinal energy and the tenacity of the Katakan!

              Kataka as Artist is part of this: art is created, not just some hazy form of inspiration, and it takes time and crafting…heheh like war strategies, i guess.

  9. The artist totally aced Scorpio and Leo.
    The rest is uhm not as good.
    I mean: Virgo walking around in uber sexy “let’s show it all” outfit? Very unlikely. Yes Virgo rising can “work” their outfit to make a point, but still it does not add up.

  10. Well I like Leo has big hair. And that leaf pattern was super on trend last season in wallpaper and fabric.
    I would have thought a more Wolverine nail situation but the sword is cool.

    Scorpio is totally in the Underworld Labyrinth, hunting for meaning and about to slay all the challenges faced and rise up toting the head of the Beast. Deep.

  11. hhahaha. the scales of justice. I can concur that I would definitely use the scales as a weapon against the evil that is people like donald trump

  12. Totally digging the Scorpio drawing. Those caves and their emotional toil.or hidden sexual depth. Who knows. I didn’t see Aquarius though and my soul longs to know.

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