Neptunian Better Living Tips

One day I intend to write an entire essay about Erykah Badu’s shamanic – glamanic? – accessories journey but for now here is a brilliant example of her Neptunian thinking. It’s from ages ago, a Dallas Observer interview in 2003.

She knows what they said, what they still say: She is a little off, a lot of jive. “Flighty,” she offers as she nibbles on a peach. “They probably think I’m in the clouds, into astrology, a space cadet.”

She grins. “I am that, but I am a Pisces, so there are two fish. Pisces–we’re the envy of the women, and we rule the men. They think a certain thing about me, but there are two parts to me. I am a searcher, a non-conformist, an Arts Magnet graduate.” She laughs.

“But I’m also a grounded individual who wants to have peace in her life and in everyone else’s life. I’ve always been called that, in high school and elementary school and in college–The Weird Girl. At Arts Magnet, everybody was the weird girl.

What I am is a free person. There’s a freedom not to be afraid to do anything. I think that’s what it is. It doesn’t matter what they think. It doesn’t matter. But I do understand and know the ‘she’s on Neptune and not into reality’ thing.”

Her Neptunian credentials – Badu is double-Pisces (Sun + Moon) and has Jupiter conjunct Neptune rising in Sagittarius.

24 thoughts on “Neptunian Better Living Tips”

  1. Seven positions in Pisces twelfth house, Pisces ascendant, married to a Pisces. I was that weird girl. Still am. Her comment about peace is quite true. This weird little girl is now a weird retired old lady living a peaceful contented dream life with my Pisces soul mate.

  2. Her style is incredible and inimitable and I’ve drooled over her cutting edge face jewelry during many a cruise through Tumblr though I would not be able to pull most of these things off… totally Neptunian. I just remembered a designer she worked with and found the post where something she commissioned was called the “Badu Energetic Channeler Faceshield”… I don’t even know how it’s staying on her face or what to call it

  3. I adore this woman with her creativity and the way she shows up. So ballsy, so sovereign, so inspiring.

  4. I love the quality of her voice too
    she’s beautiful and has a distinctive sound which is unmistakably her own but she’s still quite easy to listen to and even watch. She does that really sophisticated thing where she’s both and. You know? That she’s a double Pisces makes sense.

  5. Her children’s names are Seven Sirius Benjamin, Puma Sabti Curry and Mars Merkaba Thedford 😂💕🪐

  6. Wish Upon a Star

    Ooooh, this post soothes my soul. Thanks Mystic.

    I’m a Pisces Rising with Neptune in the 9th house. She speaks my language.


  7. Badu is a WHOLE vibe! She definitely oozes that Neptunian mist that you can get lost lost in. She is peak Badu on the recent YouTube video ‘Chilling with Erykah & Reggie’… they have an experimental jam session that borderlines outerwordly 👽
    If you’re tryna lose yourself in a vibe and give your inner weirdness a place to shine, this will be the light to your match 🔥

      1. YES! your Pisces rising must’ve felt at home ✨…. That video was even a reminder to me, how perfect you are when you’re comfortable with your souls expression. Think I’ll watch it weekly lol

        1. Wish Upon a Star

          So I have seen Reggie before on TV and felt instantly at home with him. He feeds my soul. And he is so calm and natural.

          This video connected me with my child hood creativity.

          Thanks again.


          1. Reggie is notoriously underrated! He’s definitely coming more out of his shell since being on the Late Show with James Corden (probably where you saw him). And anytimes Wish, hope you had a perfect full moon 🌕

            1. Wish Upon a Star

              Yes that’s where I saw him.

              Full moon was great. My little veg garden is humming along nicely. Made a very big minestrone soup today.

              Hope the full moon found you well too.

              💖 🌝 🌕

              1. Ooooo yum! Fresh veg from your own garden, is there anything better?! You know this Sagg full moon has really served me well, I was up at 3am to see it on its fall from the heights of the sky this morning and yesterday I went on such a quest to discover my progressed moon, sun and rising. Learning more about astrology has given me the opportunity to understand myself in ways I never have, outside of energetic healing that is ✨

                1. Wish Upon a Star

                  Learning about astrology has been a huge part of my healing. It was like putting a runaway train on the right tracks.

                  I’m glad you have gained understanding.


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