The Ultimate Take On Gemini Characteristics

Originally collected from people trying to win my Gemini perfume competition, the collected wisdom here in the comments is the ultimate take on Gemini characteristics.

Some samples:

Gemini is so my psyche. I’m my own identical twin-secret language, one thousand topics going on all at once and I never feel alone because there’s two of me in there. Gemini rises with Vesta, Chiron, and Venus – it runs rampant and buoyantly over the rest of my chart knocking carefully placed ideas off dusty shelves with a laugh and a cheeky apology. Gemini questions, and keeps me moving always. It keeps me young when the world conspires to age me rapidly. It gets me into trouble sometimes, but my Gemini always adores the challenge of trouble; giving it a reason to mold thoughts and feelings into hearty debates and witty replies. You either love or hate my Gemini, but only half of me cares. The other half has already moved on.

Only Half Of Gemini Cares – The Other Half Has Already Moved On

The coolest, most kick-ass, amazing woman I know just happens to be a Gemini. And my mother. She is a poet. A painter. A coffee shop owner. A foster mother to about 100 neighborhood kids and a general badass. Her kindness and “I am who I am. Deal with it or fuq right off” attitude has taught me how to navigate the choppy waters of life with grace and awesomeness.

I have got to nominate my Gemini sister here. I had recently listened to a talk on organ donors and how important it is to have a convo with relos (relatives) re your wishes. So I text my sister. “So…are you an organ donor?” Her reply is instant. ”Sure am, whatcha after ?” Gorgeous! I am constantly floored, entertained, impressed, surprised, and enlightened by her whip-like mind. At family get-togethers, she is the circus ringleader with her immaculate joke-telling skills, out loud ponderings, and observations.

He Always Had Something Interesting In His Pockets

The coolest Gemini I have ever known was my dad. He was a cartographer and an anarchist. He wore second-hand silk shirts with the cuffs rolled up and felt hats that he would plant on my head at a crazy angle. Weirdly, he always had something interesting in his pockets – fancy nougat, fool’s gold, a tiny bottle of perfumed oil. Dad loved Lou Reed and Talking Heads and dancing. He was a brilliant gardener and a wild storyteller. So he wasn’t perfect and he wasn’t always present but he was incredible. He isn’t around anymore but I feel so lucky to have known him and to be his daughter.

Read more anecdotes that illuminate Gemini’s characteristics in the comments. Or, add your own!

Image: Naomi Campbell – Michael Kors fashion show 45th St New York April 2021 

117 thoughts on “The Ultimate Take On Gemini Characteristics”

  1. I am a GEMINI. And yes, you fellow Twinners know you always announce that in capital letters. Twins flit in and out of my life continuously…good friends, bad friends, one night stands, amazing managers, careless lovers, accidental mentors…I treasure every encounter, and am always secretly delighted when I meet a new Gemini. “Oh, you’re one too?” As if we are part of some underground society of misfits that no one truly understands unless they bear the birthmark. That being said…I was a happily single woman until I was 44 years old. And then I met THE ONE. Online. Our first date. He was shorter than me (I’m 5’10”. He’s 5’6″.) I’m gregarious and outgoing. He’s reserve and sarcastic. I’m a California girl. He’s a New York man. He emailed for a date. I hesitated. But gave in because…he was a Gemini. And what can I say? He swept me off my size 10’s with that irrepressible charm that no one can resist, not even another Gemini. He proposed to me soon after we started to date. When I said yes, he bundled me in the car that night and drove me to Vegas. He had already planned a wedding at the Graceland chapel, complete with Elvis as minister. I was shocked. A little taken back. “Why did you plan all this? How did you even know I would say yes?” I said. After all, we had quarreled the night before he proposed and I was thinking that I might end the relationship. He winked at me and said “Oh, I knew, doll, I’ve known all along.” My husband. THE GEMINI.

  2. Ah Gemini, love. I have moon in Gem and swiftly 2nd ascendant , also Sun in Sag so I’ve always keep my third eye out for potential Gemini love interest.. and then along came The Painter 🙂 He is such a chatty double Gem, moon and Sun! What a chef, what an artist and dam it, ALWAYS right, stunning 😉 I want to smell alluringly, irresistibly, DIVINE to him ..

  3. My cool Gemini was 17, a young soldier, dark of eye and armed with records. Blues Breakers. Disraeli Gears. He took up swords in kitchens as a chef. 48 years later he still dispenses really well chosen music. James McMurtry. A long time ago he wore, of course, Tabac.

  4. WOW i love SO Many of these!!! You are the most fabulous commenters on the planet.

    But there can only be one winner with this and i am giving it to Tall_Jan. Please contact me with your address for courier delivery…

    1. Woohoo! Thanks Mystic! And thank you everyone else for sharing your stories, oh man I loved them all so much. Fell in love with Gemini all over again this week, I needed some serious cheer and I got it big time in this post x

      1. Oh, wow, you just brought something flooding back… the only person I’ve personally known with a full-on Jesus complex was indeed a Gemini… and oh, what a Gemini he was.

  5. I’m the quintessential Gemini sun, but my favorite fellow Gemini (besides my father, another conversation entirely) is Marilyn Monroe. In any respectful yet accurate analysis of her, the duality central to her nature is immediately addressed an pinpointed as the essence of her appeal — the combination between sexuality and vulnerability. She lived out the duality in a few more ways — woman/child, dumb blonde/serious actress, symbol of both vitality and death, etc. and the biggest Gemini qualities all apply to her in the most tragic and beautiful ways.

  6. I’ve had very few Gemini friends — we philosophize and talk about our endless existential crises — a lifetime of embodying the void and nonexistence and all that — but there’s never enough grounding for actual deep bonding to occur. My best friends are inevitably Scorpios and Leos.

    Having said that, I miss my grandma. She died (of course of a mysterious lung aliment) on NYE 2010, and the family has never fully recovered from the loss. She was the glue that kept us, a far-flung and fundamentally unsocial clan, together. It took a year for me not to expect her on the other end whenever the phone rang, yet she never called too often. She sent beautifully composed care packages and homemade cards for even the smallest holidays and threw frequent dinner parties.
    She had a huge circle of friends, from her exercise group ladies and old sorority sisters to international students at the uni (whose families she would insist stay with her when they visited) and her church, an old WASPy establishment that was at the core of her identity. I spent so many formative Sunday afternoons in her church basement, eating cookies, drinking lemonade, and socializing with endless elderly people whose names i knew by heart from the myriad of stories that she told me about each one. She knew every detail of their lives, events from 50 years ago and events from the previous week, and treated their confidences with the ultimate discretion and respect while making everything both charming and meaningful. She was devoted to service and traveled the world building houses for Habitat for Humanity in her 80s. She made cookies for every funeral at her church for 20 years, and when it was time for hers, the building was packed, everyone with a beautiful story of some small gesture of kindness that she’d done for them.
    She took me to the Art Fair every year. She taught me to sew, to set a formal table, and to shop, during which we’d try on hats and have actual tea parties. She taught me that it was ok to appreciate beauty. She taught me that it was ok to be female.
    She grew up in the Great Depression with an unemployed alcoholic abusive father. She put herself through teacher college and a master’s degree, believed deeply in the transformative power of education, and all 5 of her children got PhDs.
    She had a Libra moon and a beautiful vanity that I would sit at as a child and anoint myself with scents and colors. My grandfather gave me her perfume when she died, and yesterday, after I first read this post, I walked over to my own and picked up the small vial that I have known my entire life. It is labeled “Devon Violet” and is so aged that only a few drops of thick amber liquid remain. Once more, I anointed myself with the sacred scent, and it all came back. She lives within me.
    No one is ever lost, they just change form.

    1. Oh that brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman. You’re so lucky to have (had) her in your life! <3

  7. SleepfulInBrisvegas

    The coolest Gemini I know (and I knew Gemini twins at high school and lived with a Gemini twin in my 20’s) is my oldest friend. We met in 1984 on a slide in a caravan park at Anglesea. He wrote me a letter and slipped it under the door of our tent and several months passed before I found it (when returned probably for the Queens Birthday Long Weekend). I still have the letter.

    For almost seven years we only saw each other for a few days over Easter and I oscillated between crushing on him and crushing him. I remember him trying to impress me with his (non-existent) skate boarding abilities. He hammered past my father on the small stretch of concrete at the toilet block, came off half way and landed on his back. Can still hear Dad saying: you okay mate. He lent me his reel of fishing line so I could fly my kite one year. I lost the reel and still feel guilty for not being so blase about it back then. (Evil teenager!)

    In Year 12 the crush bloomed and we spent the next nine months writing every week to each other. I fell in and out of love with other boys, but never ever with him. He, and his friends, would turn up on our door step (having drive up from Geelong to Ballarat) in Year 12. There would be alcohol and house party action. My best friend decided to crush on him. So I decided it was probably time to kiss him. We were standing by my piano in a tiny room at the back of the house. We were about to kiss and my sister walked in on us. It was the first and only time we ever got that close. For years everyone said we should get together. That he was probably the one I was meant to marry!

    He introduced me to Nick Cave, Pink Floyd, The Violent Femmes and The Doors (just to name a few) – his letters (which were barely legible in green ink and worse so when he wrote drunk) were filled with their lyrics. Over the years we holidayed together, lived together, almost died when the car he was driving came off the Bruce highway at 100km and we both walked away from the wreck. The first night he came to visit me in Cairns I lost him and had to return home to tell my parents I wasn’t quite sure what happened to him, but I’d found his shirt in a garden bed! He was mortified he’d puked green vomit down a girl who was unlucky enough to be seated at the door of the men’s toilets in white dress. Doubly so when he discovered he hadn’t got her phone number to pay for her dry cleaning!

    He was never mercurial with me. Was always rock solid about our friendship despite the fact he was totally unreliable in so many other areas – drank too much, was constantly in debt, didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, had a gambling problem, once smashed a window beside the door was I went to open it because he was pissed the girl he was in love with had gone home with someone else…

    When I realised I was going to have a Gemini baby I freaked out that I was going to bring a clone of my evil ex into the world until I remembered that the most wonderful friend I’d had was also a Gemini.

    All these years later he is the one with the psychology degree and PhD. He started off what to be a clerk in the law courts. It was me who went to uni after school to be a psychologist!

    Thinking about him makes me want to haul out our teenage letters, put The Doors on really loudly and take a very long detour down memory lane. (I just texted him to see if I still have the right number for me – I feel like posting him something!)

  8. Coolest Gemini I’ve ever known was one of my best friend’s mum. She used her Geminian thirst for knowledge/enquiring mind for the better and was 100% committed to growing her organic farm – she knew about all of the health buzzes, environmental shizz and good things for the earth before it became mainstream as she was constantly on the go for it. She had a terminal illness but was so set on her ways she had a whole eco-funeral pre-planned. Beautiful, intelligent soul.

  9. Though I am a Scorp, I have a rather long crushy (and one serious) set of relationships with Gems. I DO have Venus in Sag, so maybe it’s an opposites attract kinda thing? Perhaps the coolest Gemini I hath known: my first boyfriend. The sweetest 18 year old, who also happened to be a mega stoner, who (strangely, truly strangely) wound up winning Homecoming King. His first 2 years of HS, he showed up with a little button down, tucked into his jeans. The summer he clearly discovered pot awoke the long scraggly hair, and general air of grooooviness. The best part was that he wasn’t a slouch: like…truly loving and ‘of this planet’. Stoner Homecoming King boyfriend: we made out just after graduating, as we’d just started dating. Yeah. Real cool Gem.

    1. 😯

      Angelina totally walks the talk, incredibly haute. I can’t think of a cooler human being on this planet right now.

      My vote is for Angie!

      1. I wanted to vote you !! For your reporting on a major event – and for the life of me, i couldnt remember the event …xxHowever i remember your attention to detail, crisp clear and precise reporting !! xxx
        You are one of those incredible Haute Gems BG ! xxxx

        1. Wow, I’d forgotten about that! Glad you liked it & to have remembered! It’s exactly how I like my news – espresso 😀


  10. My daughter – the Aries Gemini rising. The other day I took a course at work called “Getting Results without Authority.” Lessons in communication, mainly. I told her we made lists of what qualities we admire in people who have influence and people listed the same traits; good listener, patient, positive, etc. And then we brainstormed how to be positive communicators and everyone listed techniques to remain calm. She said “Duh. We learned that in first grade.” So, I asked her how she becomes a leader. And she said “I ask people how I can help them. And I listen and let them choose.” BAM! Such a natural. Love love love her. I could go on and on and on…

  11. ahh Gemini! My all time fave Gemini has been my booty-call lover for 10 years, he is hung like a horse, has a dent in his bottom lip which begs to be licked and bitten, could kiss his way in and out of Heaven and Hell – such an extraordinary young man *blush*. I am Sagi with Gemini rising so it seems apt that my Gemini is always “rising”….it’s been a while, might pick up the phone

    1. Well, I considered myself to be ambivalent, but Gemini lovers are exceptionally gifted at seduction…except that all the lightness, coyness, and fantasy is oddly painful for somebody made mostly of water and earth.

      1. I suppose if your lover has understanding…

        Suspect here that – magic – tricks – a kind a gemini man speciality. Words that cleverly tie up some in knots they themselves slip through. Having a heavier spell of desire with a very flirtatious 3rd house influenced man (published), pretty quick and light on his feet, he feels a bit too slippery ( non committal) childish, but is adorably charming…he has some strange ability to win anyone’s rapport, lots of women…

        I think this peter pan man extremely lonely inside – but there is the fear of anything sticking…my partner is the opposite.

        Change always seemed good, necessary – strange that a confining sense of ownership should replace this.

        1. Zen as fuck…very funny, so true…

          Aside from erotic sadism incurred by elusive 3rd house man (with plenty of pluto and fire) I am having one hell of a venus transit…

          Must say I’d much rather win the strange invisible person than the perfume!

          So, separate to those hypnotic verbal and very palpable sexy etheric experiences endured, it seems there just has been non stop venusian diversions to date…

          I’m going to blame the person of lust, who I feel has sort of given some kind of permanent fever…periodically making everything awol…

          LOL one evening last aries moon went to supermarket in desperate search for buckwheat (who sanely lustfully looks for this?) with child in hand…Couldn’t locate, but in instant snap I’d pick on the nearest person, at the top of the closest aisle I found a man, um who was, rather distracting…but I got my point across – with carefully semi averted eyes…kind detached voice.

          The very chilvarous man, with very open composure, rather helpfully led me & child to another aisle, where we both hopelessly fumbled searching through packets on shelves, in between undressing eachother with our eyes…Awkwardly I thanked him, though no buckwheat, and he pleasantly suggested he check another aisle, would I mind, like to wait? Yes of course…Then he promptly returned with another man, handsome, droll, smiling, the two of them standing next to eachother, just looking intensely calm at me…This was the most surreal supermarket experience ever, my daughter distracted with the junk food, I whisked her up, blushing and thanking while I sped off into the next aisle…all I wanted was a packet of buckwheat!

          When I went home, I told my husband…he went out, but alas no buckwheat/ burghul…but settled in to make passionate love for 2 hours later…blame the moon…or venus mars conjucntion?? Or both…

          Nothing is normal, everything is weirdly infused with sex…courtship, potent love…
          The trip to the zoo, my daughter and her friend, tired mothers holding the rail, lo and behold, the male and female meerkat inside the glas enclosure, are chasing and biting, fucking eachother…while we all try to stand from exhaustion…and our ennui…

          But I did make a clay venus figurine at the art therapy workshop, currently sleeping in a box…The gemini influenced man would have loved this…

  12. The coolest, most kick-ass, amazing woman I know just happens to be a Gemini. And my mother. She is a poet. A painter. A coffee shop owner. A foster mother to about 100 neighborhood kids and a general badass. Her kindness and “I am who I am. Deal with it or fuq right off” attitude has taught me how to navigate the choppy waters of life with grace and awesomeness.
    I love her and if I won, would ensure that she gets to don the amazingness that is this perfume. <3

  13. The coolest Gemini I know definitely lives up to their Divine Duality.

    -Goes from dressing to the 9’s to wearing one grungy outfit for days
    -Style ranges from glamorous and feminine to very, very masculine
    -Loves to socialize, but also needs a lot of alone time
    -Loves everybody/hates everybody, and at the same time
    -Interested in everything, until bored – everything becomes boring
    -Every kind of music on the playlists – one for every possible mood
    -Can and will try to negotiate EVERYTHING
    -Fickle as F*@!, and completely fine with it

  14. my big brother.

    he stole my bike and ran me over with it when we were kids. he’d offer to teach me self-defence – its important his little sister can protect herself – and then karate chop me so hard in the kidneys I’d be winded.

    it always thrilled me that you’d never quite know which was an accident and which was deliberate.

  15. that Gemini perfume sounds divine, but i can’t compete with all these lovely stories…Gem fathers must be the best!

    However, I did receive my frankincense and coriander body pack from the Venus retro competition – it is luxe and lush – and had some dealings with SIP around it and they were scentsationally professional and good to me 🙂

  16. My favorite Gemini is my best friend. In her 20s she was kidnapped and spent 2 weeks in captivity. The only mistake the kidnappers made was not duct taping her mouth, because when she overheard her father was not willing to pay the whole ransom, she managed to negotiate herself the lower payment. When that woman talks, I listen (and I’m Gemini rising)! So glad she is safe and thriving.

  17. Tim Killough…most definitely Tim Killough, is my favorite Gemini. We first met in 1994 and although I was currently involved with someone else, there was an undeniable connection between us. We have started communicating again as of late and have both admitted to the unacknowledged connection/attraction bewtween us that still exists. He lives in NC & I in TX. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason & people come in & out of your life precisely when they are supposed to…there are no coincidences. The reconnection with Tim has stoked a fire that has long burnt low but has never died. I would LOVE to win this scent so that I may feel closer to Tim until we can physically connect. I am a Virgo and have been reading as much as I can about our signs’ compatibility…I am more excited than I have ever been @ the thought of our relationship potential. Thank you for your consideration. Love to love & though it would be wonderful to be loved back, I realize that it ia simply my nature to give & not expect to receive.

  18. I’m a Gem, I know a heap of them, and have also dated a few.
    But hands down the coolest of the lot of us was this woman I met on a flight one day.
    I work as a flight attendant. One day on board we had this lovely older woman seated on her own up towards the front. She had that twinkly eye thing – where light and smiles come out of the pupils and you’re sucked in – like a tractor beam or something. She was super ethereal and sweet, with a core of solidness, without being hard or brittle.

    For some reason I started chatting to her. (after a full day of hardcore on your feet, sometimes it’s the last thing you have time or inclination for). But her eyes and smile grabbed me.

    She was 84 years old. Looked like mid 60’s, tops. She boarded and disembarked on her own and even put her own bag away, so, sprightly and no mobility issues at all.

    Pretty soon she was holding court with three flight attendants and telling us her life. She had grown kids and a few grandkids. She was on the way to visit some of them that day. She did a trip to a new foreign country each year. Backpacked! On her own! She did volunteer work and helped look after the old people in her community. She kinda grinned and winked at us when she said that lol.
    No health issues, fit as, did yoga daily. Smiled her ass off and you felt it come from her heart, you know.

    I asked her how she stayed so chilled and in such good health. Did she ever do any drugs or party up or anything? “Oh yes, of course”, was the reply, “you’ve got to have fun”. But she hadn’t really done much of it in ages.
    Halfway through chatting I just KNEW she was a gemini, so I asked.
    Yep, spot on 🙂
    I also KNEW I wanted to be exactly like her at that age.

    1. Wowzer! All power to her! A self-actualized (peaceful & divinely connected) Gemini is a beautiful thing to see (says this Gem).

  19. Sounds gorgeous!

    The coolest Gemini I ever knew was my college crush. A ginger theater major with a deep voice and warm, hazel eyes, he could debate mid-century playwrights, politics, and pizza with equal verve. I would have gladly spent my undergrad years just talking with him (I’m a Libra with a Gemini ascendant), but so could every other woman and half the men in our crowd. Plus, Gemini, so, you know. He was having fascinating conversations everywhere. He spent the time I knew him revolving in and out of a relationship with a gorgeous Scorpio. And then he ended up as a roommate with my utter disaster of a first lover, so we definitely drifted apart after that. 20 years later I met him again, still doing local theater things, still saying “Hello” and drawing me into half an hour of lovely conversation. (And the ex has long since fuqued off to the west coast.) I don’t want to install him permanently on my sofa any more. Now I see it as the butterfly pinning tragedy that it would be. But I love the random moments when we share an orbit. (Could I mix my metaphors any more?)

      1. Now, now you guys, a loose tongue spoils the broth.

        p.s. I like your playwright, he sounds like a Leo I know. I think the hard part part of some Gems is that they are so mutable they absorb the qualities of other parts of their charts, like Pisces, a little hard to see the Gem for the Trees.

  20. My dad. He spends 6 months living by the beach at Kirra, painting, and photographing surf comps. And the other 6 months he lives in Emerald in outback QLD, fossicking for gems and being the bush poet/artist in residence at some museum. He plays harmonica and didj. I don’t think I’ve ever asked him a single question that he hasn’t responded to with a laugh and “well, that’s a funny story…”

    1. I’ve never actually looked at his chart but he claims to be gemini with mercury in gemini and gemini rising…

  21. Mercury has a freezing point of ?38 degrees,
    For man or metal this is low,
    But I have a Gem I’m glad to know
    Whose cool beats that with ease.

    This Gemini is never fussed,
    Never phased or angered.
    He shows this Leo how to lead
    With humility from his vanguard.

    Even Jupiter ascending
    Doesn’t warm his Sun’s frank gaze,
    Nor Saturn, Venus, Mercury
    ALL being housed in Herme’s maze.

    Yet slippery words are not his game,
    instead he notes what is Unsaid,
    The rest between the notes,
    Wherein the music’s made.

    They say that Hermes invented boxing,
    musical lyres and measures,
    Gymnastics, barter, astronomy and
    many other treasures.

    As Hermes’ modern children have
    Hermes never-still-hands,
    Gem has mixed his martial arts,
    Analysed and programmed,
    Learned languages of people,
    of cultures and machines,
    Finances and society, music and the Unseen.

    But like Hermes his communication
    Wouldn’t exist without his Love.
    For a psychopomp is not a guide,
    But an angel from above.

  22. When I started high school, my best friend was called Jane, and my name is also Jane, both of us Geminis. So when we were turning 13, we realised that Jane turns 13 on the 13th, and Jane turns 13 a whole 13 days after Jane.
    It still makes me laugh. And I miss that kind of twin-ness of that relationship, never realising that it’s something that we would grow out of. I thought my friendships through life would be about being similar to my friends, but now I find myself celebrating the differences instead.
    Jane was super cool.

  23. My son is a Gemini and Gemini rising. When he was 6 months old all he had to do was smile and people use to flick to his pram. Everyone wanted to babysit him. He decided he wanted to ballroom dance when he was 9 he got honours in that. Then he said he wanted to play piano like Jerry Lee Lewis so I got lessons for him. He is 31 and an actor.(I always knew he would be) He plays music has a wonderful voice and is in the UK trying out for the London Shakespere Company. He’s amazing.

  24. oh my goddess, mystic, thank you for writing this! i am a gem moon and i had thought that if i ever bought one of these perfumes i kinda wanted it to be representative of my moon…but i didn’t know how i felt about gemini! this totally wins me over for some reason.

    i wear straight amber every day, and i LOVE violet – i have a few things with violet and it is so cool. there’s something in violets called ionone, and it disables the ability to smell the violets’ fragrance for moments in time, so that it pops in an out. flirty! fun! i have decided that amber and violet would be a sweet combo!

  25. Maybe not favourite Gemini but most memorable for sure: M from high school. I still remember her 15 year old self proudly proclaiming “I am a Gemini so being a two faced bitch comes naturally to me”. She hated her real name then; now wears it like a crown. It is regal and so is she. Fluently speaks another language. One day black hair, next day platinum blonde. Charming as all get out. Never backed away from a fight. Loves and hates with equal blistering intensity and flips between without much provocation. Lets go easily. Was the front woman for a death metal band. Had a following of teenage goths for a while. Wants to be famous. When she decides to do things she just does them. No talent? No worries, just be memorable. One day she just decided she was an artist and started selling drawings on etsy. As you do. She is the flame and other people are the moths. Last I heard she was is now a tarot-reading tattooist living in Texas.

  26. There were six of us, sitting on a pier in a small village called in Croatia, located about two hours south from Split. We’d just graduated from high school and since it was our last summer together as we knew it, we decided to travel to Croatia to say our last goodbyes.

    When we were sitting on that pier it was either very late, or really early. After spending six years by each others side, day in, day out, all bets were off. No one had anything to lose anymore. And so that sultry night on that pier in Croatia turned out to be the night we analysed her, the amazing Gemini girl in our midst.

    We didn’t plan it that way, it just happened.

    We told her about how she started all of her sentences with ‘I read somewhere that..’ or ‘Have you seen that movie..’ or ‘A or B or Y told me last week that…’. Hearing that made her smile, wondering if it was really true.

    We reminded her of that one physics class in which we were discussing electricity. She raised her hand and started talking about Chip and Dale. The whole class, including the teacher, was delightfully surprised, holding their breath, smiling, wondering about the punch line of her story. Because there always was, when she’d tell a story. Only a Gemini could see the relation between a comic and electricity and tell it in an enticing and accessible way so that everyone would understand it.

    ‘That didn’t happen,’ she said, ‘I never brought up Chip and Dale in that class!’ But she did. Living in the now like a true Gemini, she couldn’t recall that class. She hated not knowing what particular class we were referring to but couldn’t really be bothered with getting to the bottom of it, either. The past was the past, and that never interested her to begin with.

    Then it was over. The moment was gone. She’d lost her interest and moved on to another subject, leaving the analysis of her great mind behind her.

    We never went to bed that night. We tried to hold on to that moment as long as we could, but it was already slipping away from us as we were sitting there.

    For some of us it was the last time we’d ever have such a personal conversation with her. Hell, for some of use it was the last time we’d even see her. She didn’t believe in looking back, or in holding on to friendships that were no longer in the now. I heard she’s making magic in a different world now, with other people. She might not even remember me, or that particular night on that pier in Croatia. But I’ll never forget her: she is without a doubt the most amazing Gemini I’ve ever known.

  27. And his childhood nickname (that stuck until he left Sydney) was Bunty. Hardly anyone knew him by his given name – only his nickname.
    His alcoholic father was a Ferry Master & he would often be driving the ferries while his Dad was in the pub.

    Totally different life to what kids can experience these days.

  28. My favourite Gemini would have to be my Dad. He passed away September last year – and even that event was amazing. I was fortunate enough to have not only spent the last 7months of his life with him, but was also there the moment it all ended. The term ‘spiritual event’ doesn’t even cut it.

    He was my best friend – we were more friends than parent/child. He would always call at those moments when I needed to speak with him, and often when I was on the toilet! Nothing was taboo between us.
    We always had this thing of being able to suddenly use a singular word to metaphorically represent whatever the ‘thing’ was that we were talking about at the time.
    We road tripped half of the country together. He taught me to drive, to read maps, how to iron and that being myself is the most beautiful way to ever be.

    He would call me every birthday just to tell me about the day I was born – the same hair raising story every year. I really missed that phone call this year.
    He taught me that men are capable of change, that in his own journey of awakening – he showed me what men can blossom into.
    We weren’t always friends, and we had our own trials and tribulations to overcome. But I’m forever grateful to have known him and to learn about his life and why he turned out the way he did (alcoholic father, estranged family, the era of growing up in early Sydney). He changed distribution channels and is the reason you were able to suddenly buy a whole range of items not originally found in chemists. He started the Balmain sailing club – was the first licensee, and brought on all the sponsorship required to pull that deal off. He also pissed off Bob Hawk (as union leader) more than once in enabling workers (at various organizations where he worked) to pick their own hours on a 24hour roster.
    Ahead of his time in many ways. A real trailblazer that I often wonder if maybe he hid his feelings for members of the same sex.
    He couldn’t hold a tune – but was always the first one to lead off a party song be it birthdays or Christmas or just a BBQ.

    1. Awwwwwww — he sounds amazing!! Gemini dads for all the wins today!!

      Every Gem I know, myself included, are terrible and frequent music doers (I wrote and erased musician like 30x – it’s way too much of a stretch). Who cares if we suck? It’s fun. 🙂

      1. I think it’s brave to lead off a song when you’re literally in the wrong key! That’s a whole lotta joy right there 🙂

      1. I will share one day Sleepless. It was literally the first time he saved my life. He managed to do that at least two more times as life went on.
        I wonder if he liked telling the story because he was the hero 😉 lol

  29. Johnny Depp 🙂

    And I think he then speaks for himself.. in which ever character, persona or myth (real or otherwise) jumps out and starts chatting to you in your head. Not a bad example for just the sun in Gem though it does trine Saturn in Aqua 7th and Jupiter in Aries 9th.

  30. Got to nominate my Gem sister here.

    Had recently listened to a talk on organ donors and how important it is to have a convo with relos (relatives) re your wishes.

    I text my sister.
    “So…are you an organ donor?”
    Her reply is instant.
    ”Sure am, whatcha after ?”

    Gorgeous ! Constantly floored, entertained, impressed, surprised and enlightened by her whip like mind. At family get togethers she is the circus ringleader with her immaculate joke telling skills, out loud ponderings and observations.

    1. My Gem NN would love to give this a run and then I read this.. bahahaha… yep I could actually hear the way that conversation went. Love those moments.. particularly dishing them out but it has to just fly in all random like with no dress rehearsal. Hilair.

      1. I relayed this to my Katakan bestie, proud of my younger sisters whiplash comment, and she was straight onto it from a Katakan point of view …”You should have asked for her boobs!! ” Comedians, I tell you I’m surrounded by comedians ! xxx

        1. Hehehe…I reckon that ain’t such a bad thing being surrounded by comedians.. laughter being a cosmic cure-all gift from the gods and all xo

  31. LOVE amber. I burn amber and cypress candles in my bedroom and I wear Versace Crystal Noir which has amber, too. Powerful, luminous stuff going on there…

  32. Gemini is so my psyche. I’m my own identical twin- secret language, one thousand topics going on all at once and I never feel alone because there’s two of me in there. Gemini rises with Vesta, Chiron and Venus – it runs rampant and buoyantly over the rest of my chart knocking carefully placed ideas off dusty shelves with a laugh and a cheeky apology.

    Gemini questions, and keeps me moving always. It keeps me young when the world conspires to age me rapidly. It gets me into trouble sometimes, but my Gemini always adores the challenge of trouble; giving it reason to mould thoughts and feelings into hearty debates and witty replies. You either love or hate my Gemini, but only half of me cares. The other half has already moved on.

      1. Thanks sphinx! I’m having to employ every bit of gem power I have in me at the moment, so I intend to use it to anoint myself before each stage of battle 😉

  33. I am a Gemini but the coolest Gemini I have ever known was my dad. Our birthdays were ten days apart. He was a cartographer and an anarchist. He wore second hand silk shirts with the cuffs rolled up and felt hats that he would plant on my head at a crazy angle. He always had something interesting in his pockets – fancy nougat, fool’s gold, a tiny bottle of perfumed oil. He loved Lou Reed and Talking Heads and dancing. He was a brilliant gardener and a wild storyteller.He wasn’t perfect and he wasn’t always present but he was incredible. He isn’t around anymore but I feel so lucky to have known him and to be his daughter.

  34. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    Haaaa.. Geminis became my catnip post 2012–not sure why–but it got to the point where I stopped asking for star signs…..if I was interested–that person was a Gemini born around 22nd, 23rd or 24th. That hasn’t changed.

    My fave Gemini is a workmate. He’s like a bloody ninja. Keeps pens and phones in his pocket and can produce them with magician-like flair. Always wears black.

    1. I am a Gemini but the coolest Gemini I have ever known was my dad. Our birthdays were ten days apart. He was a cartographer and an anarchist. He wore second hand silk shirts with the cuffs rolled up and felt hats that he would plant on my head at a crazy angle. He always had something interesting in his pockets – fancy nougat, fool’s gold, a tiny bottle of perfumed oil. He loved Lou Reed and Talking Heads and dancing. He was a brilliant gardener and a wild storyteller.He wasn’t perfect and he wasn’t always present but he was incredible. He isn’t around anymore but I feel so lucky to have known him and to be his daughter.

    2. Haha, funny you should say that. I’m known in the office for having a ‘magic cupboard’. I keep cutlery, wet wipes, a mini fan, plates, assorted stationary and other random things in there because who knows when someone will need them! Yeah…my wet wipes running low…

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