Gemini Versatility Starts Young

So i don’t usually share this style of anecdote here but this is SUCH a strong illustration of the Gemini Vibe, voila.

My teenage Triple Gemini daughter (Sun-Mars-Venus) got such an atrocious school report that I confronted her with the abysmal, way-below-her-potential results and threatened to send her to a stricter school.

YES, Saturn in Sagittarius is now opposing her Gemini trio. Saturn has a remarkably similar m.o. no matter what your age. it’s all about numbers and measurement.  What can be measured can be managed.

Anyway, Ms. Gemini came back with not just one but FIVE responses to this assessment of her school report and the subsequent threat.

(1) “Show me a straight A-Grade student and I’ll show you a sociopath.”

(2) “If you make me change schools, I’ll run away to become an Islamic State Bride and put it all on YouTube.

(3) “This is irrelevant because I am either going to be an actress or an MMA fighter.”

(4) “My history teacher said that in the future, society would be de-schooled. The very idea of a ‘report’ is defunct.”

(5) “Mother, this is really so conventional of you. I am disappointed. “

ALL these are within the space of five minutes. Gemini. A genre unto themselves.

157 thoughts on “Gemini Versatility Starts Young”

  1. Saturn Transit Lounge

    My daughter is also a teenager with Sun-Mars-Venus in Gemini.

    There is just no mileage in getting heavy with the little so-and-so. I throw cultural products her way and hope the odd message from those might sink in …

  2. Love it all, except the last which isn’t a Gemini response, just universal teenage response for their parents, worldwide.

  3. Quintuple Gem here- Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Mars. Plus an identical Twin. I went to school with one textbook for all subjects, never did homework, my sister and I played jokes with teachers – she set a geography exam for me. I traveled the world, speak 3 languages. My late parents were strict and I wouldnt say or write back to them anything like your daughter did(but I thought of that so many times). So- well done for both of you, you have an open two-way communication. Which for Gemenies is a must. Ask yourself- is she ‘happy and healthy’? If the answer is ‘yes’, then keep going the way are going- you are doing a great job in parenting!

  4. My teen girl is triple Gemini, too. Sun, Mars and Venus. She also had a crap report, wigged out and ran away to live with her dad!

  5. Haha, that’s hilarious! I have a 3h Gemini moon and I can relate. I was always naturally a good student but I thought the school setting was boring and there were times I could have made the ‘A’ but decided on doing something fun instead. I love learning about different subjects but I cannot pay attention to tedious/monotonous subjects. I also believe that It’s all about the teaching style.

  6. I disagree with most here. Teenagers know how to work angles on parents, and a child of yours Mystic is going to be more switched on than most and know how to sucker punch her Mum! stand strong in the face of that teenage smartass crap…in order to break the rules and be a true revolutionary and evolutionary, one must first learn how to play and succeed within the rules, hence our education…yes, even as crap as it can be.
    But most teenagers, not just Geminis, know how to work it with parents…

  7. Very witty illustration of the Gemini vibe! I have a late teens Gem niece who has been talking since she could barely walk, is witty and smart and can argue the fuq on any point, and win. She is a straight A student, killer work ethic (Cap rising) and connects with people as naturally as breathing. One of the most compassionate and loving people I know, she studies at uni, works two waitress-type jobs and in addition to paying her way, sponsors a child from her small income.

    I have a lot of teacher friends and they all would say a bad report should never be a surprise to a parent. I would be more concerned about the lack of communication from the school throughout the year, than the report itself.

    If the school doesn’t ‘get’ your fab daughter, Mystic, then I wonder if a ‘stricter’ school might actually be a better fit for her intelligence and creativity? 🙂

    1. ‘A bad report should never be a surprise to the parent.’

      Yep, there certainly does need to be interested communication from both sides!

  8. Mystic – love the post. Too funny.

    A lot of these comments are so funny (sad?) to read. Due to the judgement I can’t even take them seriously. Sad really that there are such generalisations and obviously major internal issues that more than likely need to be dealt with. A little jealously perhaps?

  9. It’s entertaining and witty. I think she’s clever enough to know she’s putting one over you hence the far fetched and rad concepts. They’re designed to baffle, bluff and stun the person into a faltering hesitant phase where you just might go.. uh, ok 😉

    Sounds like a teenage girl to me!

    Or rings a little of my Jupiter/Gem 3rd house – Mercury in Sun/Sadge thing… and amuses me.

    I don’t think she’s expecting you to buy it, perhaps applaud her for creativity and cut her some slack though.


    1. Good point lol, for a standard Gemini that is simply the opening to a debate, not an end in itself (as such) and a Gemini would be disappointed to have it end there or be taken far too seriously!

  10. My signature sign is Gemini. I also have Chiron, my North Node & Vesta in Gem. I very much am a Gemini and feel it’s dual nature strongly in my life. I struggled in school with math. It made me feel stupid. But im great at reading & writing & love history. I am an avid reader & in general feel like I can never get enough information on a lot of different topics. I love gossip & news. I feel like I need to know everything about everything lol I am an intelligent person but I did struggle in school especially elementary and middle school. I haven’t been able to graduate from college yet because of health issues that arose.. when I first started college I didn’t do well. I joined a sorority and was busy socializing (merc, sun and Pluto in Libra) but once I got ill and went back to school again I did very well. I almost became a perfectionist.. I would get mad if I got bellow a B. when i was younger the merc trickster part was more prevelant. I actively try not to lie or be sociopathic like not care about My astrology teacher tells me I even talk like a Gemini – totally like this post & your daughter. Thanks for the great post mystic mama. I love your site!!

    1. * I actively try not to lie or be sociopathic with my feeling anymore like no care what others think.. I’ve actively had to cultivate being compassionate in my life. I still say and do outarageous things tho haha sorry got messed up at the end of that post!

    1. Same here. I have too much empathy.

      If i had to talk to my child self, I would tell her don’t worry about straight A’s because it’s ok to get an occaisional B. Work on networking more and finding peeps who align with your values who you’d like to work with (but they also like working with you) rather than just settling for those who just begrudgingly accept your presence in a field that is sorta close to what you want. Because real truth: straight A’s can open some doors for you, but what keeps the doors openng and increases the supply of open doors is knowing the right people. If i had only known back then!


    Your daughter’s comments gave me a good chuckle. I can see her intelligence but just needs to apply it in a better way. An MMA fighter needs self discipline and she needs to practice that. I’m an Aries sun with Mars, Saturn, & SNode in Gemini. My daughter has Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini with Mars in Aries. When she was younger, I had to sit next to her to help keep her focused during homework or else she would be distracted with other things. She did develop self discipline as she became older tho. I think Saturn in Sagittarius will be interesting for her and me these next few years. I have NNode & Neptune in Sagittarius too.

  12. This story is delightful, and the same sort of thing is happening to a lot of us. The world’s tough on mothers, more so now with the feminism backlash… There is so much judging of mothering in an attempt to shut women down. Worse is when we do it to ourselves. I run into so many women fronting about the perfection of their children, who in their recounting are sometimes allowed one artful flaw. It’s hard to watch, especially in the mirror 😉 I In the US, there’s a lot of projected anti-youth backlash as well, with “entitled millennial” showing up so often it spikes the algorithm. Who’s entitled is the boomer buying a new toy and saying his small business can’t afford to cover health care for young workers, but that’s OT…
    You didn’t ask for or need advice. But as a Gemini contrarian dropout, what might have motivated me was having someone inform Saturn, in my presence: you’re a dull old jerk with a rigged game, but we’ll play it just well enough to get past you (and then I’d realize the Saturn benefits in spite of myself). I’m also exploring the ways that Gemini and Capricorn/Saturn might meet at the corner of sunset and vine, so to speak: they are both eternally youthful at heart. Thanks to you and the haters for getting me thinking today.

    1. “Who’s entitled is the boomer buying a new toy and saying his small business can’t afford to cover health care…” Yes! Truth.

    2. The corner of sunset and vine.

      What a great turn of phrase, is that from a song? It makes my Gemini things and cap moon happy.

      I think Saturn would be a bit hurt by your assessment, but he wouldn’t say anything. He can’t help that he derives satisfaction from solid foundations… 😉

      Do like your comment though x

  13. Mystic, any chance that feisty Ms Gemini considers following in her mother’s footsteps as Astrologer Extraordinaire?

    That is IF acting and/or MMA fighting no longer tickles her fancy in future?

    She seems to be an original and independent thinker. And Gemini practically RULES blogging/online comms.

    It is a GIFT though – being an astrologer in the way you are. Would be Mercurial Jupiter-magnitude magic (for the PIAB community) if that special gift runs in your family.

  14. Sympathies Mystic.
    I have a double Gemini rising Pluto in Saggi and what a beautiful charmer she is too 🙂
    I can be so cross with her and then like you I get a dose of her logic …
    She has her mock exams coming up.
    She has just acquired a new boyfriend, is auditioning for a role in a musical, customising clothing, looking after her horses and still has time to correct her teachers mistakes …
    I don’t know how she does it, it can really rile my Virgo stellium, but then I guess Gemini’s invented multi-tasking …

  15. Multiple gemini mother with ascendant conjunct ceres (aquarius) failed leaving twice, yet was invited by painter john brack (now deceased) into national gallery school of art…and was noticably foreign (before white australia policy was abolished).

    Problem was father was there, (not by merit) marriage ensued, then children, then divorce. Then came the 70’s of ashtons art school, another marriage, divorce. Creativity abounds despite imposition. Some people are not supposed to do as they are told. I have been thinking about this for years.

    Imagine if I’d passed the $40k/ year school I was sent to. Failed dismally. Actaually just got trashed from perpetual clubs parties. Perhaps I’d have never met Adrie Janssen, brilliant tailor, teacher at design school. or Julian Rabl at brighton college…All gone to the other world.

    The best people are reverse oriented. The director at the last designer womens wear company I was at had a mean cocaine pastime going, but was a wonderfully counter cyclical buisness person and visionary many times over…Director at meswear company I worked for was deliquent night club part animal, now has millions of realestate and plenty of reatil stores…Entertaining to be employed to say the least.

    Anyway isn’t it all about the journey? I’ve always wondered about the woman maria reiche who lived in the middle of nowhere to study the nazca lines (as written of by bruce chatwin).

    Just for the thought, chiron is a better teacher…

    1. Your stories always interest me aquasunbird 🙂

      I wish I could figure out what Chiron in my 10th is trying to teach me tho! “Give up your day job” ?! Haha

      1. Hi Pi, Happy New Year! To be our own selves.
        This year I hope to have more lunacy in the constructive original artistic sense…Best of luck with your endeavours.
        Its true, most of the so called creative directors trade dollars in unusual ways – the menswear company owner bought cheaply an old night club building after a fatal homicide, then proceeded make a huge profit many years later…

  16. I like it, your girl sounds great! You’ve raised a girl who can think (fast and smart) for herself and isn’t afraid to express those thoughts !! Well done Mystic! Sounds like she could do with some more intellectual challenge to develop that fine mind!

  17. I think she sounds perfectly lovely, encourage her!
    Says me, awaiting the return of my Gemini-Moon beamed daughter who manages to hula-hoop, circus, balance & trapeze whilst large scale coordinating & event managing with her thousand well-toned arms! xx

  18. Aqua sun coming up with smart arse logic driven counter replies 😉

    I agree that she’s probably bored and I don’t blame her. But reminds me of a social studies teacher who told our class that under performers will all end up as public servants or teachers. I studied a little bit harder after that just to prove him wrong. The last thing I wanted was a lifetime of going to school.

    And a couple of counter examples:
    straight a student Gemini from my year ended up going to med school. In her second year had a brake down and couldn’t deal with regimented anything again after that. She had burnt herself out.

    Another gem- private school, top marks and parents expected lawyer/doctor/anything high income to eventuate but after graduation went on a trip to Tibet. Then ended up renouncing everything, shaving her head and becoming a Buddhist nun.

    Our kids will tread their own path whether to spite us or despite of us and our expectations.

    Ps: She wouldn’t last 5 mins as an IS bride. Which is surely not a bad thing

  19. It is hard to see your children ‘under perform’, especially when you know{and admire) that they have a sharp mind and learn easily.
    My boy child was like that in school, and after many years of relentless harassment I stopped, as it was making us both miserable. One day though, he will blame me for not making him try harder!

  20. Snap! Just read this post to my Gem daughter and checked her chart. She has Sun-Venus-Mars in Gemini and thought these answers were all valid.

  21. Also ftr there is nothing wrong with getting good marks, for the record. It means we’re actually learning things that schools are supposed to teach. I may be a Capricorn moon Pisces sun gem rising but I am not a sociopath. Well I haven’t done the test but you know.

        1. Whoops!! No no I was definitely NOT dux… I meant the dux could have been a sociopath lol
          Cringe at the thought of boasting about my own academic status xx

    1. 😯

      ‘I may be a Capricorn moon Pisces sun gem rising but I am not a sociopath. Well I haven’t done the test but you know’

      😆 😆

    2. I like to get good marks too. Am Sag with Gem rising and merc / uranus conjunction (merc in sag) but also strong saturn and mars / jupiter conjunction in virgo. I hate homework though. Went back to school at 30 and took 5 years to get award and loved learning but hated homework. But hey, we all have to do things we don’t like sometime (that’s part of growing up) and I wanted good marks for my dip to get into second program.

    3. Glad you mentioned this. There is nothing more heartbreaking to see a young child with a fantastic mind being put down by his/her dumbass (and proud of it) parents. Just because he/she is smarter than them.

    4. Totes, pi.

      Surprised at the number who automatically agreed that straight A = sociopath. WTF? Bit like saying all Gem’s are full of shit, non?

  22. LOL! Slippery little suckers.

    She’s probably bored, more than anything else. That’s my theory 🙂 but disciplining the mind is also a skill… says the geek.

  23. oh mystic I love your daughters remarks! as a sun/Venus/Mercury/Chiron in gemini (all directly opposite my Saturn and Uranus in sag, 9th house), Aqua rising you can definitely guess that i was expelled from high school and did miserably my first two years of uni.
    I was miserably bored. I was expelled multiple times in high school for starting a and maintaining a blog about self expression rights for gay and queer students in catholic schools (I went to one and was sickened with my friends suicida thoughts). In uni, I worked several jobs part time whole going to school full time and pursuing Two majors. I was the only person employed in a career I was actually studying at the age of 19. I was bored in class. I managed to graduate with honors and published my thesis. my peers were mortified at how this came together. two years later, I was accepted into harvard and earned my masters in education reform. I got to work with my idol, howard Gardner, whose theory of multiple intelligences helped me cope with my adolescent confusion on why I was so bored in school and how to understand my thinking.

    all this to say your daughter is just one of us effortless seekers of truth!

    truths drive a gemini to intellectual delight. I think that’s why we zip through things so quickly – we immediately sense unnecessary fat from anything and eveything

    1. Amen to the teaching to multiple intelligences theory.
      have seen it in action as a high school teacher, and with my own (Mars Venus Jupiter in Gemini ) partner, who struggled for years with a poor sense of his learning capacity from not being taught to his strengths. He’s extremely kinaesthetic and visual.

      1. Eg. last week the alternator broke in his car, so he bought the part, watched a youtube instruction video a couple of times and fitted it that afternoon. Never did it before…he keeps surprising himself (and me!)

        1. our minds are so much more powerful when we are given the tools and space to understand and safely play with them! 🙂

  24. Lux Interior is My Co-Pilot

    I would counter–what if you change your mind? (on being an MMA fighter or an actress). Suddenly you want to be a heart surgeon and have to spend time and $$ catching up? No harm in putting in the effort just in case–particularly if you’re mutable, and want greater options.

    1. Agree. Also to me this seems like behaviour / an attitude that is typical of many of today’s youth? Blasé, maybe a bit lazy and entitled? I don’t mean this in a rude way, this is based on what I have heard from friends with kids (and articles read on Daily Life lol) and I don’t have kids.

      1. Sorry I think this probably came out a bit wrong I don’t mean anything mean about Mystic’s daughter as I don’t know her and can’t know anyone based on reading a post! I think this reminded me more of my boss’s son who slacks off at school, not because he is too smart for it and bored there but because he is totally spoiled. My boss is rich and has bought his kid an 800k investment property *sigh*

  25. As a gem moon, gem asc I do get this logic. Difference is I’m a 12th house gem moon so in this instance I would have just keep my brilliant deduction and maternal disappointment to myself. Which would you prefer Myst ? 🙂

    1. Oh and I would keep the secret of my mothers madness to myself. Never would I tell anyone, I promise. I’m incredibly trustworthy in these matters 🙂

  26. Love the artwork !

    I was sitting down talking with the talented Gemmie sister yesterday , swapping snippets of info, when I suddenly recalled taking ”You have an answer for everything!!” as a compliment many moons ago – BC (before children). I was seriously impressed with myself and had a super smiley screen printing arvo after that ”compliment” – Gem Moon, Gem Saturn, Gem Venus/Mars conjunct. Gemini Sister agreed it was definitely a compliment. I’m pretty sure i can say I’ve never met a Gemini i didn’t enjoy being around . Can usually pick ’em, they look like pixies.

    PS Top classes through school, didnt finish, found drugs, then graduated to narcotic addict …. Try not to stress Mystic, all that glitters in a school report is not gold ! xxx

  27. I have an 11 year old daughter with a learning disability that we just discovered. She was verbally totally together, but we learned she had spatial, working memory and visual reasoning issues. I thought she was just a typical mutable Virgo – Mercurial and impulsive – but now we have a plan in place and school is cooperating! She has a moon in Gemini just like mommy! (Here I thought she was a mess – when its actually called “Executive Functioning” – yep, she’ll have a plan in place to help her with that….wish I had that sort of thing in school!

    My 16 year old son has Asperger’s. ADHD and impulsiveness, just like mine, is par for the course. He’s a Sag with Gemini Rising. My husband is a Gemini with Cap rising and I have Libra Sun/Gemini NN and Moon. I have Venus, SN conjunct in Sag along with Mars two degrees later. We LOVE to learn, absorb, experience, create, travel, explore, pontificate, journal (me) talk to ourselves, perform…oh yes, we are an airy, impulsive, detached bunch. But school? I would rather learn online, overseas, or in a restaurant. The kids get restless. Travel is a balm to all of us. We read all the crazy plaques and go to museums. But write papers and turn in our homework and stay glued to our chair for hours and hours? Ugh!

    But to your daughter’s point about “show me a straight A student and I’ll show you a Sociopath”…spot the fuq on! Yes, I love my straight A friends and somehow my husband escaped being a Sociopath – I think it was the Saturn in Scorpio MC and the Cap Rising that keeps him earthbound and authentic to himself. All the other guys – too smart for their own good and too clever by half – and the girls too! Can’t trust them either.

    Your daughter will get through it. My son has 3 weeks to get out from under himself and its more of a pain for me than it is for him to nag him to get his homework done. My empathies and appreciation MM! And she’s right about that whole future school thing…more kids are doing at home online webinar instruction now in my state and are doing very well with live teaching via online….and more productive too! It is perfect for the “unconventionals”

  28. My Gem daughter loathes high school but can teach herself any musical instrument and is teaching herself Russian (for fun).

  29. Yep. Check. I don’t even try to outwit or outplay my Triple Gem/Virgo Moon teen. She’ll verbally run circles around me and at least appear to win (I say that last only to try to save face). I used to be the one who could verbally run circles around people… I’ve spawned a very cute Mercurial monster. Woe betide her spouse and children. Or maybe she’ll have quadruple Gem/compounded by Virgo kids and get payback.

      1. LOL….Mercurial monster. I’m also Gemini sun/Virgo Moon so I may just have to make that name my new moniker. Not terribly fond of my current one anyway.

        I did well in school, but never could tolerate Math…it bored me to tears so I never did well in it. I also found it terribly irrelevant to my life and I was right! 🙂

        1. Double Mutable that is SO amazing! My daughter was just telling me very convincingly tonight that math is just not her subject. She said it in MANY words:D but also very eloquently.

      2. Yes, maybe Myst should see this report as a cry for help from the teachers. They are hoping she will exert some influence cause they can’t. Silly teachers.

        1. Agreed. They may not know she is a triple Gem, but they sense something powerful underneath it all and feel secretly scared.

  30. Fear not Mystic,
    Gemini sister barely scraped through high school. and is now pretty much running a Scandi telecommunications company ! Started her degrees during Saturn Return. Bada Bing Bada Boom !

  31. Yes! Genius!!
    My double gem (sun + Venus retro, opp Pluto and in 9th) daughter gets wretched grades as well. She has used #s 3 and 4 on me, and I, not wanting to be #5 (and also cause I truly do), agree with her. This idea that kids are on the train to success from preschool on that must not be derailed by a total lack of interest in division or something is toxic. So last century!!
    #1, btw, was me. Never anything less than an A, but it wasn’t until I got to college and started smoking pot that I felt any emotion beyond crushing existential angst and gave more than a quarter of a fuq about another human being. 😯

  32. Ha ha I love the first one, no hang on, I love them all. Kudos missy. I remember getting some very bad reports but sometimes school doesn’t always offer what a Gemini needs in terms of intellectual and other interest. I am now an academic and a writer but if you saw my Year 11 report you would have abandoned all hope. Arguably such measurements are not a true reflection of who we are. Perhaps To Kill a Mockingbird was killed by a less than effusive teacher, or the need for algebra superseded by an interest in quantum mechanics. Hard to say. We are a fickle bunch. We want to know – perhaps the delivery mechanism has been less than accommodating. Never judge a Gemini by their GPA and as someone who just dated a sociopath with a very high one, I am with her all the way – sing it twinster!

  33. God I LOVE her!!!

    Mystic if it makes you feel any better I was one of those academically gifted children. My teachers pinned all their hopes and fantasies on me, wanting to be part of shaping the formative years of a “potential to be the next genius-artist-astrophysicist-thing” girl.

    If they had any knowledge of astrology the would’ve backed off once they saw the Sun square Uranus/10th house Mars in Aqua. I was never going to do anything the traditional route ….

    So I dropped out of high school. Twice. It was sheer boredom partially but mostly refusal to be taught by people who wouldn’t treat me as an equal. Eventually when I was ready I got a degree, found a tolerable career that lasted 20 years and am now in the process of getting a second degree and a new career that will carry me through the next 20 years.

    If she is super smart and versatile like a true Gem, she’ll find her own way. High school really is irrelevant. I think making the right uni choices is far more important and only taking on board a degree when you’re ready to commit to it.

  34. 😯

    😆 the kid’s got spunk!

    Personally, I don’t think schools are designed for the Gemini mind, we are constantly learning but on subjects that are interesting (to us) & dynamic. I wasn’t great at school but I did well in the subjects that included debate & essays. I loved university because of this reason & got into honours. Even at uni my markers would say ‘I don’t know how you thought of this angle to argue but you’ve argued successfully so congratulations on your mark.’

    Now, if we were able to teach the class what we know we’d be getting straight A’s!

    Triple conjunct Gemini

    1. yes! I have moon & venus in gemini (my parents=both geminis, mama double…and they had twins!)

      cannot do conventional schooling. was “gifted” but almost didn’t graduate high school due to chronic skipping from sheer boredom. deeply disengaged from passive, rote, subject-by-subject/fill-in-the-blanks/worksheet-quiz-test-repeat ad infinitum ad nauseum…

      send adorable daughter to a montessori or waldorf school! xx I now go to Shimer College in the states, which attempts to be an active/diverse(/gemini?!) education 😉

  35. Voila!

    Just this morning my ultrasound results pointed strongly towards Future Gemini daughter!

    As a mama with a 5 planet Sag stellium we will see what comes! With early Gemini her sun will be opposing my Saturn/Mercury conjunction… I suppose as Neptune continues to square it. And her sun will square Neptune too, hmmm… must start looking at future charts :0

    She’ll be mystifying and challenging, make me grow spiritually and materially.

    Thanx for this gem, Mystic!

    1. Checked out her potential chart!

      Sun Merc retro-Mars in Gemini opposing Saturn in Sag squaring Neptune in Pisces.

      &then, Venus in Cancer opposing Pluto Square Uranus

      So a mutable t-square and a cardinal t-square!

      She’s gorgeous already, so excited to meet her.

  36. Gold! Daughters are the best.

    I am also a Triple Gemini – Venus, Mars, Jupiter – but raised by strict religious parents. So I turned all that shizz inwards. I keep on finding new ways to unleash it, each one better than the last. Saturn’s on his way to oppose them. This should be fun.

    Been thinking about changing from Fauness to Space Cowgirl, haha.

  37. I remember doing something similar when my parents told me we’d be moving away from the neighborhood I had made good friends in. I’m late Taurus tho, born like 2-3 days away from Gem. I made threats of the physical kind, as in stealing away important house documents. They got them back before I shred em tho. Also i was like 14…

    1. My mum a late Gem Sun/Mercury had some dodgy grades at uni, but graduate she did. She was busy doing plays and being the society editor. She was outrageous and insouciant.

      She gave similar excuses to her parents in 1938-1942. Her sister, another Gem almost didn’t graduate. Over-socializing again.

      Say, do you hear a touch of the Aqua Maman, Don’t fence me in?! LOL!!!”

      Maybe that Mars/Eros conjunction is fueling square of Gem to transiting Chiron. Chiron expects to be exceptional- and have exceptions made. What’s a Gem to do with that meanie Saturn and Pallas opposing her?

      You are awesome, dear MM- to nurture such a savvy, feisty teen.

      My son is Gem Moon- equally glib and will “try it on” as his grandmother said.

      So boarding school is out- the ISIL is boring- no better than slavery- what about independent study in something she loves if she pulls up the grades? You always need a shiny gem for Zee Gems.

      You rock, Mystic. Hang tough and laugh !


      1. 12th house virgo

        I have my MC and SN in Gemini and am Mercury ruled. No Gemini planets tho. However, my family did threaten to institutionalize me at age 12 because I would not follow rules. I rarely went to school, graduated by some arrangement with something like a 1.6 gpa, but went to community college and finished university with a 3.something. America is good at giving second chances. Now, I have a great career and total financial independence. So…Gem brat is right. Just saying.

        1. 12th house virgo

          Oh…and the career I have now didn’t exist when I was in high school or started college. Uranus 2nd house.

        2. My grades fluctuated wildly as a teenager. I could make straight A’s if I wanted (except in Algebra only B at best). Most of the time I had my mind on something else and couldn’t be bothered. But I had a 3.9 at university and got into a top grad school.

          High school is about training people to be productive capitalist units, and not all kids will go along with it. Especially mutable types or Uranians.

            1. Yep – student for life! 😉

              And I did have some good school teachers, but there’s little they can do if students have family/personal problems.

          1. High school could encompass so much more. There are some teachers who see it as a privilege to be able to work with young people, and know how impressionable they are. And they do a fab job, even Maths teachers 🙂

            As an art teacher, it’s a joy to pass on skills, expand vision and ideas, and create a space where students want to come in and hang…but there is definitely a percentage of kids who are hard to reach, just not there yet, for whatever reason.

      2. I also have a Gem Moon son, and have struggled to get him to school for the last 2.5 years. Hmmm….that coincides with Saturn in Scorpio! He also had Neptune on his Merc for aeons and he seems to have perked up since it finally went direct and started to S.

        I heard something on the radio yesterday about the rise in “no-schooling” in Australia, which sounded interesting if you wanted to be with your children all the time (I don’t).

        What I’m really interested in here Kell is this that you said about Chiron: “Chiron expects to be exceptional- and have exceptions made.” I didn’t know this – I’m curious cos I have a Chiron rising (exact) friend and I can see this in her.

        cheers for the juice!

  38. 😀 Oh. My. Lord. That moment when you realise that parenting means being a life coach, spiritual guide, seer, trend analyst, etc. But really, you must be so proud!!

        1. I’m a triple gem, Aqua rising. Same as your son but with merc in cancer. What job is he doing now, Sphinx? I could use some inspiration:)

          1. Not my son, lol, they are little yet. It’s computers & numbers, programming & analyst stuff. Where is yr NN? His is Cap you see, which informs his sensibility I think.

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