Spider Goddess Asteroid Arachne
What does asteroid Arachne mean in your birth chart? She seems to manifest as a spaced-out Mercury, far more complex than appearances suggest.
What does asteroid Arachne mean in your birth chart? She seems to manifest as a spaced-out Mercury, far more complex than appearances suggest.
Out-there eye and vision facts from an Aries ‘natural vision’ specialist I saw.
Asteroid Amphitrite – aka asteroid number 29 – is named after the original Ocean Goddess.
The Non-Recommended Reading List For Love Zombies is bound to be useful – if not for you, for someone you know.
Does sleep paralysis have any kind of astrological signature! Yes, it’s Neptunian, Plutonic and well, this anecdotal evidence (in the comments) is fascinating.
The difference between amateur and professional Love Zombies, with former astronaut Lisa Nowak as an example.
A Leo woman explains why she’s burning her wedding dress this New Moon.
How many times have you benefitted from a distinct warning voice that has no logical explanation? Cosmic intervention is more common than people realize.