Mars In Aries For Actual Aries People
Mars in Aries for a million months is different for actual Aries people. It’s like a performance enhancer.
Mars in Aries for a million months is different for actual Aries people. It’s like a performance enhancer.
Astrological angles and the words used to describe them can be confusing or unhelpful. This easy list of astrological ‘shorthand’ concepts for each aspect can help!
Superficial people calling them obsessive is massive validation to Scorpios and no, they don’t care if you think they’re sexy or not. Read the legit definitive take on the key traits of Scorpios.
A free-wheeling but vital rave re the Southern Hemisphere, its constellations and Astrology.
Did the intrepid Leo pilot Amelia Earhart etch mysterious astrological glyphs into a prison near to where she disappeared?
In Downtown Marsopolis, ‘edgy’ is the new serene and no it’s not just because of the Space Dust or psycho-alien real estate agents.
What to make of asteroid Theodora (440) in your natal birth chart? Look to the thrilling example of the Byzantine Empress herself.
Mars in Aries for months on end is totally nuts but also brilliant – which Mars in Aries adventure are you on?
It’s the 21st Century and I have some fresh takes on Astrology. Such as? Well, maybe the Moon’s Nodes have nothing to do with reincarnation, let alone karma.