The Astro-Decor Report Update

The Astro-Decor report has just been updated! If you already have yours, re-download it from the Astrology Reports section of your dashboard and you may just see an additional star, asteroid or even nebula.

Taureans are tactile, Venusian-ruled sensualists and when your home persona is this sign, you’re ultra-discerning. Some may have used less flattering adjectives but even the people you’re estranged from after a dispute over food or soft furnishings, will attest to your fantastic taste.

The Taurus home is rarely minimalist because, energetically, it would probably strike you as sharp-edged, beige and cavernous.

If it is more minimalist, it will be because you were raised by a hoarder or your design sensibility is so exquisite that nothing suits. You’re a textural titan and practically psychometric in your ability to glean vital info from touch. In a world full of mass-produced synthetics, the Taurus house person is…

Discover your home persona + outer planet transits, if they’re happening with an Astro-Decor report!

Image: Actor Nathalie Delon in her Paris apartment, 1971. She was Leo, with a Taurus home personality underwritten by additional Saturn, Lilith + Uranus also in Taurus.

10 thoughts on “The Astro-Decor Report Update”

  1. Wish Upon a Star

    Thanks for making it clear about finding an extra star. Mine is Beteljeuse. I love the movie and Mystic’s description: a mentor to people willing to unfurl into full eccentricity and live by their own light.

  2. I love her blackest black walls and sheepskin rug! I’m feeling my space become cluttered and need some inspo on how to go about keeping the overall look but making it all feel more clean and harmonious, gonna get this and read today while waiting for my functions to deploy.

    1. Pretty interesting… I have a Leo 4th house and immediately upon coming over to my partner’s place on our 2nd date I felt so much appreciation for my Leo partner’s style of decorating his space. I could tell that if this was an extension of him we were going to have so much fun playing together.

      Liked this part: “As the Leo persona home is a hotbed of artistry, assure quality by making your own. The optimal set-up would be a hybrid of creative studio and home – the archetypal “loft” of last century real estate legend or, in suburbia, a sound-proof garage for your band.”

      It’s basically what our place has turned into! Work zones/cozy zones/art gallery/Steve Jobs garage for our startup.

      1. That clip of you coding in your little nook reminded me so much of Kaz’s place in Jackson Hole. Hybrid of creative studio and home is bang on.

    2. Yes, dark walls can seem scary without a cohesive aesthetic or a distinctive personality but they also bring grownup gravitas to otherwise unworkable spaces. Those safe bet pale ass neutrals only emphasise the pokey drabness of single studios serving suicidal ideation and not much else.
      Looking at photos of the run down old place I lived in before I moved here Im impressed with my own design efforts and how emphasising the strangeness of the place really elevated it aesthetically. That house was a nightmare to live in on a practical level and very unsafe but I certainly made the best of it.

      1. I used blackboard paint on all the walls in the living room and kitchen wrote notes with chalk on the walls. It worked for me.

  3. Hi! I just bought this report and got a PayPal receipt for it, but can’t access it – I saw the download button and hit it, but it’s not downloading.

    I only have an iPhone for the next month (no computer). Is there a way to email me a PDF?

    Thanks (it looks like such an interesting report :)!

    1. Hello again, I just checked and it is sitting in your dashboard under Astrology Reports and it downloads for me on iPhone and desktop – I will email it you, of course, but it is definitely working.

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