I’m Back & So Are All Of The Horoscopes

I am back, and so are all of the Horoscopes! I’ve made some tweaks – see below if you’re up for some granularity. If you’re surprised by how positive the Feb Monthly Scopes are, yes, it’s for real.

The backdrop is predictably nuts – fin de siecle extremes as we transition from Pluto in Capricorn toward Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter-Neptune upping the paranormality, and more – but this month features several fantastic influences, and they’re outlined in the February Horoscopes.

It’s rare that you see ingenuity, extra-sensory perception, and sensuality so astrologically augmented.

Fittingly, I will be rolling out other improvements, and some cool new things after Mercury is Direct. The 12 Card Tarot is going to be sensational, but I’m obsessing over it, and the only way it could be revamped faster would be if I got someone else to write the interps – that is not going to happen, obviously.

And, I’m redesigning the Style Your Ascendant series, reposting them as I go – I don’t usually do that, but people often ask about them, so I thought it would be cool. I moved the Daily Mystic posts to the main blog feed but still for members only, of course. It’s for convenience – I liked them being tucked away in the member’s area, but this makes more sense.

Speaking of members, I am about to re-introduce the monthly recurring subscriptions from seven years ago. This is by popular request – I initially changed that around as I didn’t want to seem coercive and because I loathe it when I find I’m signed up to something without realizing it. But monthly recurring is also a hugely convenient feature for many people, and naturally, there will still be other options.

Finally, I am revamping the FAQ section and will provide an update on Pluto, our racehorse. The charity changed management/hands/fetlocks whatever, and it’s been difficult to connect with people.

I hope you are all well and navigating the weirding in style – my main aim in 2022 is to assist in that via the right blend of useful astro-intel and endorphin-inducing bubbly diversion.

*Granular Horoscopes Deets: I’ve made navigating between the Daily/Weekly/Monthly and Personal Daily Scopes easier and altered the design/contrast between signs in the Monthly Horoscopes. I also set the Personal Daily Horoscopes to ‘repeat,’ which means that if an aspect is in play that day, it will show.

It’s been a pain as approximately half of the members say they don’t like to see the same interp on consecutive days while half say they want to see exactly what influences are in effect, never mind the repeats. Setting them to display in a really nuanced way is more complex than you might think, but that is the goal.

24 thoughts on “I’m Back & So Are All Of The Horoscopes”

  1. Thanks MM. I know you don’t need us to say it but all of your humour, art, perspectives and writing are SO appreciated. The Daily Mystic alone is worth grabbing a coffee for before reading & digesting, lol. Thank you xxxx

  2. I love just everything – repeats are terrific as I promptly forget, so repeats make SURE I remember … this is my go-to every morning and per another commenter, perhaps I’ll also make this my go-to at night … glad you are back!!

  3. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    All great changes Mystic, seeing the repeats in the daily scopes is a huge help, because I read something then promptly forget that it’s “in effect” for several weeks. And the daily mystic on the blog feed is great <3

  4. I don’t mind what changes you have, just to get the info is so delicious. FYI and I’m telling everyone who will listen I have my north node (and south obv) return on the 3/3/22 Venus Pluto Mars conjunct and so many other transits happening. I can’t wait to see what stunningly fantastic surprises I have manifested (high expectations or what?) and it’s only 1 month away!

  5. Loving the revamp. Really need the repeating themes in my Personal Dailies. Because i’m taking life each day! I revisit the site morning and evening as i reset intent, and work through the underlying layers.

  6. Just realised via the personal scopes iv had venus sq pluto since last nov-for the whole shot show of venus retro ive just been through!
    Makes sense.
    And i have mars trine my ascendant today-i have an interview-im guessing this is a good omen!

  7. Thankyou for everything Mystic.
    Im back too-was waiting for feb to re-subscribe.
    Money is tight but this site is essential to me!

  8. Loving the revamp. Excellent idea to have active daily transits on the personal scopes. After reading the latest scopes in the context of the last year, I’m feeling some excitement and hope.

  9. Ok I just asked the Oracle some questions and DANG! Whatever revamp magick you did with that is working because it was astonishingly accurate.

    Thanks for constantly striving for greatness! We all appreciate it so much!

  10. The other day I happened to get completely entrenched in your ‘interesting articles’ in the members area and there is SO much great content there! You already do so much for us all, and we appreciate your perspective and ingenuity. Wherever you take us, I’m following willingly! Thanks Mystic ✨

    1. Ditto to that!

      I also found the treasure-trove of “endorfin-inducing bubbly diversions” that is this site. Love it!

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