Psychic Indicators In Astrology

Dear Mystic,

Can you think of any chart indicators that might lead to regular telepathic messages emerging via artistic practice?

I’m a songwriter, irritating to interview as I can’t explain my process or inspiration or anything that might be of use to anyone reading. The ideas, lyrics, music arrive in my head and hands – sometimes together.  So that I have to check with as many people as I can that it’s not a song that already exists. 

I have noticed over the years that my lyrics regularly appear to predict the future. My future – no twin towers or asteroids etc.  It could be that I write of universal truths – but the details are often quite specific. 

Several years ago, I wrote lyrics for another artist that felt so far removed from me that it felt saccharine and inauthentic. But I was filling a pop brief, so that was fine. It was a love song (of course), and elements of it were personal. I wrote, for instance, about how I was born beneath the earth, under a dark moon (both true). 

I was in a troubled and abusive relationship at the time, and the happiness and healing that the lyrics celebrated were really what made it feel so irrelevant to me. 

Now, however, I find myself enjoying a new relationship that is truly an embodiment of that song I wrote all those years ago. 

My Mercury and Moon are in the 12th house.

Our stars align, our scars shine- golden love takes time.

Thank you!


Dark Luna Libra

Dear Dark Luna Libra,

You have answered your question!  Mercury and Moon close together mean you draw from deep wells of intuition in all of your self-expression. And in the 12th House, that I call the Soul Sector? You are, like so many artists, a Neptunian. The Dark Moon is the realm of Hecate, the Witch Queen and is usually more potent for picking up on perceptions beyond the five basic senses. But if you’re super-psychic, it doesn’t matter what time of the lunar cycle it is. You get stuff.

There are many varieties of being psychic and multiple psychic indicators in astrology.  These are just some of them:

Moon Psychics – People with the Moon strongly emphasized and particularly when it is in a Water sign, near Mercury or in the 12th House. They’re empaths who pick up powerfully what someone else is feeling.

Uranus Psychics – This lot HEAR things. They’re clairaudient, hearing thoughts people had but did not express or getting guidance. They can also be gifted with a psychic sense of smell, sniffing scents that are not there but which alert them. Again, it’s the Moon or Mercury aligned with Uranus that makes this skill a part of the everyday experience. They may not realize it, but they are picking up on Quintessence – 5th Element energy.

The Real Deal Mediums Are Neptunians

Pure Shamanic Neptune Psychics: They’re transcendental seekers who operate almost purely in other realms. The real-deal mediums are Neptunian, often so sensitive that they need to withdraw and monitor their energy/whom they spend time with really carefully.  Look for Moon-Mercury-Neptune aspects. Strong planetary presence in Pisces or the 12th house is similar.

Pluto Psychics: They have a deep, gut-level instinct operating at a primal level. Sometimes they were born with it, in which case any personal planet near Pluto or in the 8th House can do it. In other cases, they developed such finely honed instincts via a situation in which their life was at risk because they were attacked or severely abused.

Neptune in Pisces – the sign it rules AND supported by Jupiter in Scorpio – makes the etheric realm stronger.  People are polarising with this. Some are diving headlong into synthetic spirituality for a quick sugar-cosmos hit. Others are numbing with Lilac Wine or Dreamweed. Many are finding themselves suddenly insanely repulsed by even moderate versions of any of these and are stripping right back to tranquility via pure Source Vibe. It’s legal, non-toxic, and free.

SO Dark Luna Libra, you are a Neptunian, congratulations on no longer being in that relationship and upon blending your art and spirit energies so beautifully. How, may we ask, were you born beneath the earth?

Image: Man Ray Dora Maar

101 thoughts on “Psychic Indicators In Astrology”

  1. Ok I’m new to this, I am a cancer rising , moon in Pisces, and my moon is trine Neptune,moon is in 9th house. Am I psychic and intuitive? Please help. Thanks ahead of time.

    1. if you have to ask then it’s a no. Or perhaps you could learn to tap in. If you really want to know you should get someone to read your whole birth chart.

  2. Gee Mystic, I’ve never seen this blurry topic divided and deciphered so well.

    I was born close to midnight on a dark moon. The fog was so thick that my auntie driving the car had to get out of the car to see where she was going (my mum’s words). If that doesn’t add to the drama I don’t know what will. And yes naturally I can be a drama Queen.

    So I did dome checking and I have each one. Just wish I could turn down the Moon Psychic one. Mercury In cancer and Mercury tribe Pisces Ascendant.

    The smelling aspect I adore. It is rare but when it happens and its my pretty aunties perfume I am in 7th heaven.

    And the songs and music playing in my head from my ancestors. Usually to inspire me and bring joy and sometimes a warning. This one happens a lot.

    I am tentative about the Pluto Psychic one mainly because the feeling is so strong and overwhelming. And because of past abuse I have dissociated when I had this strong feeling because I knew that there was nothing I could do.Mars in the 8th house. in Libra. That says it all.

    But thank you . This damaged aspect is now being lifted from murky waters, washed and is now drying and reenergising in the suns rays. I will embroider it with the fine gold thread of love and gentleness.

    When this feeling returns I will receive it and act with Mars fire, And it will know that it is welcome anytime appropriate.

  3. I have Moon conjunct Neptune, in Scorpio, in the watery 4th. So yeah.

    But I also identify with the Uranus Psychic description– I hear, and smell things.

    And none of this is aspecting Mercury, but it does come out in my visual art (Mars in the 5th). It’s often been described as ‘haunted’.

    1. Year of the Phoenix

      Same re Moon Neptune conj in Scorpio! Mine trines my Sun Pluto (Virgo) + Lilith (Cancer) but in my 3rd which is all airy fairy like….

    2. You’ve had opp effect on my frowny figuring-out eyebrows because, sorry, what’s SD?

      Although i do like your revolving door flinging metaphor 🙂

      Thank you for the jam donut compliment – read that at a slightly yukky time, and it helped lift my spirits/raise my jam!

      1. Giant gaseous planet of hoo-ha Stationing Direct on your Moon…for natal signature. Ha-HA! With Kataka Sun. Ok, then, softie.

        The Virgo and Saturn stuff must make that really poignant.

        You went on an actual DATE with a Scorpio? Or i misreading the metaphor, because i though at first it was an astRo-metaphor. How did it go? You cannot out-intense a Scorp, but in my experience you can out-truth someone who is relying on their honed instincts to self-protect…not a bad thing for a date/meet n greet to help a strong Moon-Neptune-Psyche type. A Scorp will not show their hand fully, and will react to having it simply turned palm upwards.

        Wait and see. How do you think it went? Am i wwrong? Was it a date, PF? 😉

        1. Well, good luck if you like her. And if she is a good one, you did well to quell, but she will have seen you.

          You don’t even seem stereotypical here, but I’m never picked as Piscean by anyone, either. It’s those strong planets and aspects, they stand you in good stead, regardless of the fqery of the revolving doors bapping one about.

  4. I have been working with the most amazing intuitive therapist for the last 10 years – (I know it sounds crazy but she’s mega down to earth and mindblowingly practical and accurate).

    And she has EVERY SINGLE ONE of those things.

  5. Ok, I already know how sensitive I am (& yes, I have ALL the indicators in my chart) but I never really thought about the smell thing until…. few months ago my heater needed repairs. Landlady sent a general handyman rather than an HVAC tech and after three separate visits he says, “ok, it works now”. I leave for work & halfway there I have the thought, “what is there’s a gas leak, what if my dog dies & my house explodes?” really strong feeling in this but told myself I was being ridiculous & everything would be fine. Came home to normal house & dog but for just a second before I went inside I swear I smelled gas OUTSIDE the front door. Next day I smell it again, same place. Call the gas company, they send someone over asap. His meter detects nothing in the area I’m smelling it but when he goes inside to the heater finds a substantial leak. Lesson learned: trust intuition and my nose.

  6. Dear Dark Luna Libra & Mystic,
    Not sure which category i fall into, think a bit of Pluto & Neptune with a strong dose of the moon. I heard music and people talking all the time, not those around me, but others far away or people i don’t know at all. It always carries a message for me or someone i know to pass on at a desceret level. This can be very hard sometimes lol lol. I also just get a thought in my head that something someone is saying/planning isn’t going to happen and the result will be heartbreaking for this person.
    2 examples that have upset me the most have involved the death of children. One was a very long time ago, a close friends child was killed by a freak accident and i saw this a few days before it happened and didn’t know how to tell her…., she still morns her child. 🙁
    The other happen almost 3 christmas ago, It had been a really fun day and i went with one of my closest friends to her daughters new in-laws place late in the day for drinks and snacks ect ect. Anyway, my friends daughter & partner gave both her and his parents nursery rhyme books as presents and the parents where so excited when they figured out that she was pregnant. I just thought that this isn’t going to be, there won’t be a child that lives. Horrible thought to have and i pretended to be excited for them all. Many months later and lots of problems with the pregnancy, the little boy was born early and lived for only a couple of days. Both parents were devastated and i still feel guilty about my thoughts. Their lives moved on and they have another child now who is just so sweet.
    I haven’t told anyone the above before and it still brings tears to my eyes.

  7. rachel cap scorp

    My moon and Uranus are a degree apart (1st house, Sag) and I am always smelling things that others can’t! That’s wild. I’ll have to pay more attention to that, and see if my nose is trying to tell me something.

  8. Scorpiostellium

    I have sun conjunct moon / saturn in Scorpio. Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. Mercury conjunct Uranus in sag, Neptune in the 7th, Jupiter in Aquarius on the MC, involved in a grand air tribe. 7 planet stellium in the 7th. I’m not sure exactly what from those created the intuaituon, but it’s painfully accurate. I’ve spent many years second guessing myself because to walk around knowing the truth about things is like knowing the ending to a really good film, at the beginning.
    Finally starting to embrace the deep knowing and learn to trust again, the instinct that is a gift, rather than a curse.

  9. On the James DeKorne page, he writes “crypto-teleological solipsism” which I adore as a way to describe all modes of fortune telling

  10. Regarding your songs being predictive of your future, I believe you are (knowingly or unknowingly) practicing Chaos Magic. You can watch Grant Morrison, writer of the Invisibles comics discuss this topic on youtube, whereby he was writing his graphic novels, and then started experiencing events he’d written for his characters in his own personal life.

  11. I’ve denied my psychic abilities and just called myself wide open. It’s easier now as I know which bits are me but put anyone near me and they invade me so I go very much to the absolute root of their issues. I’ve had flashes of almost film reel to sensations of emotions. Thankfully it also leaves when they do. It never sticks. And recently met my niece’s baby before she’d told me she was pregnant. He just passed straight into me and out. And I blurted out “it’s a boy” She was phoning me from 350 miles away. I was right and I met him last week for real.
    I’m a grand trine in water. Asc at end of Pisces with Saturn Chiron conjunction have my moon in cancer 4th and my Neptune in Scorpio my 8th conj my south node. Then the real bullet is my pluto Uranus conjunction at my DC. I consider I’m getting the hang of it these days. Or at least I don’t question it.

  12. Thank you Mystic for posting this, your descriptions clarify so much!
    (Natal chart, moon, rising, mars and north node all in 12th house, Pluto in 8th house, and Jupiter in Scorpio).

  13. I have sun and mercury opposite Pluto in Scorpio, moon in 3rd house square Uranus, and mercury trine Neptune. Does this count?

    I relate to “hearing” messages (usually not from what sounds like an external voice- more an inner one), writing that feels 100% written by someone else (whom I can converse with on paper too), premonitions and clear guidance via dreams (more sporadic though), and just plain being able to pick up on peoples intentions/motives- a kind of knowingness.

    This is a terrible way of explaining it but I don’t know how else to put it. My astro indicators don’t strike me as all that relevant though. I mean I don’t have any conjuctions- does that make a difference in strength of effect?

    1. Oh and I definitely need A LOT of time to myself to recover, clear, regenerate, and ground. I’ve always hated that. Being a hermit actually appeals. I used to put that down to probably being a monk hidden in the Himalayas, or medieval-times nun in a past life.

    2. Yeah, it totally counts. So I’m guessing you are Sun/Merc in Taurus, and Neptune is either Virgo or Capricorn? What signs are your Moon, Uranus, and ascendant?

      1. Yes, Mercury in Taurus, but sun in Aries, Neptune in Capricorn.
        Moon in Virgo, Uranus in Sagittarius, Gemini Ascendant.

        Thanks for the clarification!

  14. Thx for the inspo 🙂 My 4th h Aqua merc receives lyric downloads and I want to make something of them. All this info is reassuring that I should, as a pluto trine Pisces everything. To the notebooks!

  15. I have Mercury in Aqua conjunct my Moon in Pisces in the 9th, trine Neptune in Scorp in the 5th. I, too, have had lyrics/poems just arrive in my head, almost like messages that were coming from somewhere/someone else, though without the prophetic part, at least so far… I went through a period of writing a bunch of songs about 10-12 years ago, come to think of it, might have been the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio, amping up my Neptune in Scorp in the 5th, like it is now, though now I’m under such duress, I’m not getting any creative flow through or insights, I’m very shut down… though music has come back into my life in a number of ways…. thanks for this food for thought, MM and Dark Luna Libra! ……and sounds like your spirit, your soul, wrote your way out of that abusive relationship, seeing a better future for you!

  16. I think I fit the Neptunian and Plutonian descriptions: I have Neptune conjunct my ascendent and my south node in the 12th (in Sagg), moon in Scorpio conjunct pluto at my midheaven (trine mercury in Aquarius), and am a Pisces. Neptune is sextile the moon, mercury, saturn.

    I pick up vibes everywhere (which was harder for me as a child), need lots of space/alone time to clear the channels, and my dreams are where I get messages from other places. Sometimes I’ll be talking to someone and I’m like “wait, last night I dreamed X, the message for you is Y” and it’s on point. I’m good at telling whether people are single or in relationships via online behavior, and good at relationship reading in general (like if people are happy, if they’re truly committed), I’m also just good at telling when people are lying or are hiding something, I think that’s the Scorpio moon. The coolest thing is I’ve found I can attract what I’m going after, or get some sort of answer about it if it’s not meant to be, the universe will bring it to me or show me if I ask a question.

    What about south node contacts? My son doesn’t fit the criteria listed but he’s gifted at picking things up, he has mercury conjunct the sun and south node and trine his moon, and he’s scorpio rising.

    My witchiest friend has a grand trine with neptune, the moon, and mars, then a kite above that with pluto (in the 8th in scorpio) sextile the mars and neptune. She’s an artist specializing in transformation, she tattoos the most beautiful art on people.

  17. My whole chart is strong Neptune/Pisces and Pluto/Scorpio ruled. I don’t know if its those placements, but I have always been able to pick up on people’s energies and I need a TON of alone time in a quiet place, or outdoors in nature to recharge. I’ve also noticed that when I am angry enough at someone, I just “know’ how they are going to get their karmic ass kicking and then it happens. Like specifically the way I describe it. There have been at least five instances in my life, most of them recent that this happened. Its actually pretty scary how accurate my details are.

  18. Very cool: I have moon-merc exact conjunct in Aqua (and sextile my Venus-Uranus) so this resonates a lot, and I definitely feel intuitive in the more moon and uranian way.

    I think it’s absolutely common and powerful, that we create drawing from things our psyche’s still processing and ultimately wanting to hatch in real life, though that takes long. Jim White and David Byrne talk about that in an old Luaka Bop interview:

    J: And they’re all looking for redemption in a way. The album is … I didn’t sit down with an idea and say “this is my theme and I am going to expound upon that theme in 12 songs being six minutes long each.” I just started writing about characters and collecting characters and all of them seemed to be organized around the same principle, which is trying to extricate themselves from a terrible darkness that has descended upon them. In some of the cases, the characters try to extricate themselves and fail. And in other cases, they don’t fail. I think it’s a fair cross-section of my experiences. I’ve failed a lot at trying to get past my limitations and every once in a while, I have a little success. I feel like I’ve left part of that baggage of the past behind. You ever do that? You write songs to facilitate leaving something behind?

    D: Yeah, sometimes I don’t realize it until six months or a year later. I look at it and I realize ‘Wow, I was just basically describing what I was going to do. I didn’t know it, but I was writing a little game plan for myself here.’

    J: Yeah, I think Woody Allen did that in his films. You could see a lot of times Woody Allen making his game plans fiction before he tried it out in real life. There’s nothing wrong with that, giving it a sort of fictional dry run.

    D: You want to see how it works out and if you can figure out a good ending for it, then see if that will happen.

    [White’s a Pisces: his astro is here — ]

  19. why are pluto psychics the scariest sort? I have my mars in the 8th house in cancer- my pluto is in scorpio in my first house (aries sun, scorp rising)

    1. Because they tend to not be as benign as the Neptune types. Pluto is the god of transformation, usually by destruction (death and rebirth). Pluto types not only see through you, they confront you about it.

      1. i see- thanks for the insight! that does sound dangerous! do my chart qualities make me plutonian in this sense?

        i definitely feel like i do have that power though I only would ever use it to help someone grow. my Neptune is in Capricorn and doesn’t seem to have any aspects to merc or the moon-. just square my sun and sextile pluto

        1. Yes, you do have Plutonian qualities with Scorpio rising, Pluto in Scorpio in the 1st, and Mars in Cancer in the 8th, for sure! And of course it doesn’t mean you naturally operate on lower Pluto levels. I’m Plutonian as fuq but don’t think I express it in a dangerous way, though I do have my explosive moments (and those do come across shockingly, I should add, probably because most of the time I think I appear sensitive or even delicate. I think you could view your Neptune as blended with Saturn, so that lends it a grounded quality, which I’m sure is helpful. Plus if it is in your 3rd house it probably means you enjoy “magical realism” in your communications. And don’t forget, Mystic says our squares are really our secret superpowers, so that magical realism coupled with your bold Aries sun and your depth-charged Scorpio rising (plus all that Plutonic energy going on) would indicate to me that you are yourself a Magical Realist x 10000. 🙂

          1. Wow, that was beautifully said! I do feel like a magical realist a lot of the time. Definitely bordering on the magical rather than the realist but I have my moments. I think in terms of the plutonian elements, i have my moon in pisces in the 5th house so I think my moon living in the 5th house adds a lighter element that holds me back from a lot of the darker plutonian qualities but still adding that magical realist experience. I definitely have moments where I can say something super sharp and piercing but often times I try to say it as delicately as I can. Im still a newbie compared to a lot of amazing people on this site so thank you for the wonderful insights!

      2. haha
        i have pluto at end of 8th house. Not far from my moon in 9th.
        I have been know to give people a swift (metaphorical) kick in the pants with my tell it like it is intuition so that resonates lol.

        I have Uranus conjunct moon too. So the insights are swift and downloaded from ether

      3. Thank you Pluto Moon. I have Mars 8th house and moon trine Pluto in Virgo. When I was a teenager my sister said “You just look right thru me” Like duh!

        But it’s not always easy in polite society where people wear masks.
        And if you ignore this skill you do so at your own peril.

    2. Neptune sees, and knows we all have our cross to bear. Pluto sees, then heads to the storage basement, finds the one with your name on it, and drops it on your feet.

    1. Ditto packed 12th house. Neptune-Moon-Jupiter Scorp. Obviously adore Leonard Cohen, all those gravelly voiced okder dudes- Jacques Brel… but-

      On Pluto psychism. Pluto demands you start on your own reforms before burning down the temple- school house or declaring the emperor has no clothes.

      Pluto is survival psychism- gut instinct, hair raising- you better have colonically cleaned all self serving animus from your psyche or it comes back a zillion fold when at your ego-level-cockiest.

      Purification is plutonic- as in squeaky clean vibe cuz like Inanna you have nothing left and emerge naked but wiser.

      Stuff that touches South Node can feel psychic cuz it’s familiar-

  20. WOW, that is SO cool – how very “The Wishsong of Shannara”! It’s amazing when life imitates Art <3 Yes, any Neptunian (in 12, Pisces, or aspecting Neptune) Mercury is a mind that’s a natural conduit for both music (which IS the Universal Language, is it not?) and psychic information. Very Receptive, with a capital R; exquisitely sensitive and absorbs “impressions”. Add the Moon and there’s this whole other feeling element involved on top of that!

    I have a somewhat similar setup; a heavily Lunar-flavored Mercury in aspect to a 3rd H Neptune and I “hear” things constantly. It began as hearing music, but for the longest time I’d blow it off as simply having a song stuck in my head. I didn’t figure out these were actual messages until my 30’s – apparently I’m a slow learner. But that’s the thing about true Neptunian energy – this planet is so self-effacing that is has a really hard time recognizing things within itself; things we are blind to because the ego is so diminished. Fast-forward to now and this ability has expanded and morphed exponentially; I hear phantom sounds that give me subtle information about this or that. I do, on rare occasions, hear random snippets of music (often something symphonic) in my head and just sigh because I lack the technical ability to capture it and recreate it as actual music. So when you explain not being able to clearly articulate your process, I get it; I can totally relate. It comes from nowhere, there’s really no tap to turn it on or shut it off…it just constantly trickles and flows in whatever form it decides to take. Neptunian energy is all about releasing control.

    As an aside, I’m not sure I agree with Uranian energy as clairaudient – from my own personal experience, I would say they seem to be the bona fide clairvoyants/claicognizants. I see clairaudience usually as a function of the Neptunian vibe because it's far more nebulous and saying that you “hear voices” can get one institutionalized, which is a very Neptunian thing. One heavily Neptunian gal I know hears this constant level of noise from Spirit and the poor thing can’t seem to figure out how to shut it off. It even interferes with her sleep. If she sat down an explained this to a psychologist, they’d likely call it “auditory hallucinations” and put her on psych meds. It makes me sad that we – as a society – aren’t really equipped to help people understand and cope with “psychic” abilities and instead write it off as “crazy”. In my own personal experience, it has been an invaluable source of guidance for me and I wish I had been clued into it sooner. But better to bloom late than not at all, I suppose – I just wish we spent more time helping people to understand themselves rather than judging them.

    1. “I just wish we spent more time helping people to understand themselves rather than judging them.”

      A million likes for this.

      Btw, I am heavily Uranus(+Mercury), and I am clairaudient 😉
      Yes to the scent thing too, per Mystic.

      1. I am also the other clairs you mentioned. I dont have another point of reference so I cant compare and contrast but whatever descriptions I find about it seems about right. Juts sudden knowing is best way to describe.

      2. Is your Uranus conjunct or trine Mercury? Mine’s opposed it, and usually when this happens i get a kind of buzz first like when you’re tuning a radio as it comes to the frequency. First time i’ve admitted this one: i became scared using the vacuum because often ‘voice’ used to come in during it. Would find myself saying don’t talk to me as i turned it on (felt very wry about it).

        1. That is so interesting re your vaccuum story. For some reason it appeals to me that it reliably turned on with a certain action. For me, there is no predicting how/when “voice” will come through, so everyday is an adventure for me… An adventure in getting struck by lightning, haha.

          Im Uranus conjunct.

          1. It just flashes through unexpectedly, so not every time i vac 🙂

            Occasionally a dream i’m having gets interrupted by same buzz, a voiced sentence, and a single word from the sentence i hear flashes up in a strange font. The word is often double-entendre, play on something or a bit fake. Absolutely cuts into the dream, a non-sequitur, then my dream resumes with no connection to the message. In my dream i’m usually busy trying to achieve some task or complete an adventure (very Sag in 12th) so i get annoyed in my sleep!

        2. (Im posting here cos the thread got too thin down there).

          Really interesting how your voice interacts with you, especially with your dream scenario. I wonder what the purpose of that would be…?
          Definitely feel you on the annoyed aspect, would annoy me as well. Esp given the Sag 12th, as I would read that energy as trying to weave together the bigger picture story.

    2. I’ve learnt that the lines from songs that appear unbidden in my mind when I am mulling something over are in fact the musical equivalent of tarot cards, hahaha. Some of them are so helpful I actually laugh. I’ve never really given a lot of thought to my mercury in Pisces other than “vague and sensitive, likes to inhabit daydreamworld” but it makes me happy to read what you wrote.
      I know a mercury conjunct moon in Scorpio and for her, the information practically writes itself in the air around her. She’s been a big help in showing me that i can actually trust my impressions and perceptions, these aren’t simply fanciful little Pisces moments. I’ve also come to learn that I feel way more of others’ feelings than I realised for most of my life. It’s been helpful to understand this so that I can know when to stop and check in with myself to see how *I* am actually feeling, etc. Like you say, helping ppl to understand themselves.

        1. Thank you for this Pi! I had never thought of it like that before but its so true. There was a period of time in college when I had a journal that I just wrote song lyrics in. They often weren’t necessarily lyrics I related to in a literal way but I couldn’t shake them. This is an amazing insight!

      1. “…lines from songs that appear unbidden in my mind when I am mulling something over…”

        OMG YES!! In addition to music, I hear lyrics, audio clips, voices of actual people now. It’s really just a matter of understanding the specific language our intuition uses to speak to us – it comes in a myriad of potential forms and it’s a terrible shame we (as a society) don’t talk about this stuff more often, because so many of us run around thinking we don’t have any (*raises own hand*) when it’s really just a matter of understanding how the signal is coming in; the bandwidth frequency or channel being used to reach us. It’s often so subtle it can be easily overlooked if/when you don’t know what to look for.

        I’m so glad this makes you happy – I think it’s really important to talk about these kinds of things, because it raises awareness, helps to normalize, and leads to better self-understanding/self-acceptance. For example, I also used to think my dreams weren’t anything special, either. Until I was talking to a friend about them one day and got the “WAIT, WHAT?!?” from her. That’s the thing about Neptune; it’s totally oblivious. Isolated in its own little world where it has no reference point to understand that what’s ordinary to it is actually strange to everyone else.


        It’s ridiculous, too, because I’ve been steeped in the occult most of my life so it’s not like any of this was foreign territory to me at all. I can readily recognize the many forms intuition takes in others but not within myself, apparently – Neptune’s favorite party trick is to distort our sense of Self in a way that doesn’t accurately reflect reality. Which is a bit of a paradox because although I’ve historically had trouble recognizing my own abilities/talents for what they are, I’ve never had difficulty at all with honest self-criticism. You would think this blindness would be universally applied like a blanket, but no; I’m plenty realistic when it comes to my faults, mistakes, or where there’s room for improvement and readily/regularly self-audit. However, more frequently than not I’ve tended to downplay or been hesitant to take credit for things – again, it’s the ego-effacing nature of Neptune. Often I think something’s not originating *from* me, but instead just flows *through* me; I’m just the medium/messenger. But I’ve learned how to make myself a clearer conduit and get dialed in to amplify the signal. Ironically, I figured out shortly before I left home in my early teens that I was born with a natural ear for music – I taught myself how to play just by listening and memory. But what I didn’t realize was this was also an indicator that I have a sensitive ear in other respects, too. 😮 So I really encourage anyone who feels a natural connection to music to pay attention to things like this, because for years it was all too easy for me to blow the songs or lyrics I heard off as “NBD; just a song stuck in my head”. But WHY was it stuck in my head; what was the reason?? A: Duh, obviously they’re messages; I never felt so blonde in my entire life, but once I got it this was truly a life-changing epiphany. I see myself and my spiritual life entirely differently now. And hopefully by talking about these kinds of things more openly and regularly, we can facilitate the same for others <3

      2. Pi, I have a mental jukebox as well, but mine is more comical than perception-oriented, lol. Though it’s probably a mix if I think about it. Hmmm…

      3. OMG Pi, I have that same thing about the lines from songs appearing unbidden when you are mulling something over– in my case, it happens when I wake up in the morning… I’m lying there, realize after a while that this line is repeating over and over, and then… laugh out loud! Seriously, my subconscious is as much of a clown as I am in waking life– it’s almost always a joke, or a play on words, having to do with whatever’s on my mind at the time. I love it.

    3. That statement speaks to me as well. I have a bucket handle Cancer moon, and sun conjunct Pluto in a Scorpio stellium with mercury (sextiling Neptune in my 4th house). So, I guess My psychic abilities are mostly a combo of moon and Pluto. I pick up on all kinds of stuff. I grew up across from a graveyard (terrible Feng Shui lol) and had extreme night terrors until I moved away to college and suddenly everything was fine. I’ve predicted death quite a few times. Growing up, no one ever believed me about my instincts about people. So, By the time I was in middle school I was ignoring my instincts and assuming all the emotional pain I felt was my own. Luckily I made a recovery as an adult. I still fall into second guessing myself but it happens less and less.

      1. I’m a Sun/Moon/Pluto person too. Sun conjunct Pluto and both sextile 8th house Cancer Moon, Pluto and Moon in exact sextile separated only by 1 minute. Chart ruler Jupiter in Scorpio, Sun ruler Venus (Libra) in Scorpio, plus Neptune in Scorpio in the 12th trine Moon in Cancer in the 8th. Dreams are where things come to me, as well as hearing/knowing things. I’ve known people were going to die before it happened, and it took me a while to trust my abilities, too. Terrible things happened to me when I ignored my intuition; now I know better. Empath issues galore, picking up others’ vibes when I do not wish to, having to learn blocking techniques. I am repulsed by people with chaotic energy and I prefer to stay home (Cancer moon I guess) much of the time. It feels like a burden a lot of the time, this much intensity mixed with sometimes overwhelming sensitivity.

        1. I can completely relate to what you two have written here. I also find the most beautiful moment is when i wake in the morning. It’s like this brief lucid crossover in an opening of a seam-line between two realities and I get this quick glimpse before it closes shut. I often wonder how I could have ever know or received a message about someone’s tragic death and location years beforehand. – When I believe we are in charge of determining our own lives. I’ve ignored these ‘instincts’ or senses all my life but recently had such complete validation, I now listen intently.

          1. Yes, the moment upon awakening is the magical, liminal space. I use a phone app called “Progressive Alarm Clock” that I bought on iTunes that not only uses different tones of Tibetan Bowls for a progressive alarm (I need gentle awakening – no buzzing alarm clocks or blaring music for me), but it also has built in a Dream Journal so immediately upon awakening I can jot down whatever insight I’ve just received. I highly recommend this app. 🙂

          2. So eloquently put, Belle! I want to be better about journaling my dreams and insights in that state. I don’t do it consistently and then I will forget what happened. Thanks LWhitfield, for the tip about the progressive alarm clock. That sounds amazing! I’m going to look into that!

        2. is cancer moon officially stay-at-home energy? i keep thinking/saying this but if it’s the experience of natal cancermoonerians, I’d very much appreciate knowing how to, like, summon the desire to gtfo more easily.!

          1. Maybe! I definitely prefer staying in most of the time, I like my evening rituals, and like LWhitfield is saying it can be hard to be around lots of pple if you are sensitive. So that’s been my experience. But that being said, there are definitely times when I am in the mood to gtfo. Sometimes the best part about home is returning to it! Plus – food, concerts, nature, good friends…

          2. Yeah, like babysinclair said, it depends. Lol – I liken it to being like an actual crab who scuttles about on the ocean floor and, depending on the tide, may run up on the sand for a look about for a while, but soon runs back into the shell. Home is for rest and regeneration, but yes, concerts, nature, yummy dinners out, movies are all pulls out of the shell. It’s a balancing act based on how I am feeling at the moment – everything is based on that, the inner vibe. Which, yes, fluctuates. Finicky and I get sick of myself at times, lol.

        3. LWhitfield thanks for sharing – its exciting to hear our similar chart energies manifesting with these abilities! Energetic hygiene is a big part of my routine, especially shielding myself. I make it a point of doing this everyday. Keeping the energy of my home cleared and protected is a must as well. I too have learned the hard way not to ignore my intuition. Most of my life this did feel like a burden, I have bad days once and awhile where it still does, but Mystic’s horoscopes have helped me tremendously in recognizing the patterns and working with the energy. Recognizing when I need to regenerate and giving myself the time and space to do that is make or break for my Pluto power. I definitely have homebody tendencies as well. 🙂

          1. AnAnd I forgot to say, too, that my death premonitions come exactly as you’re describing as well – in dreams or thru voices. Usually a day or two before it happens. I could do without it, to be honest.

          2. Yeah, it’s not fun having those dreams. And there have been false alarms, too, but usually I just *know* if it means something other than actual death – sometimes it means some other thing about that person has ended, or a feeling I have for them has ended, something like that. But yeah, I’m super protective of my energy – have to be. I gave up alcohol (except on extra special occasions and then it is only a very small amount) and am working on limiting sugar but boy that one is a hard one to kick. Have you tried guided meditations? Those do wonders for me – I was listening to Jessica Snow (recommended by Mystic) for a while, she does amazing guided meditations, some are free on SoundCloud. She has a few that resonate – Pluto is one, as is Storm.

            1. Yes I love guided meditations! I did the Pluto one and the Aphrodite one and both shifted things for me in a big way. Thanks for reminding me of her work! I will have to check out more from her!

      2. this! the further from the family house i am, the better I feel hahahaha
        except with less cancer moon and pluto-ness (although, with pluto on my IC natally maybe that’s the energetic equivalent of growing up with a graveyard?? OMG i have never thought about it this way]

        1. Pi, I feel you. I do my best not to have to stay over my parents house if at all possible. Since I started using more serious protections around my house my mom stopped calling me, which was an unexpected side effect D-: I have Pluto transiting my 4th house, now with Saturn in the mix. Energetic graveyard is right.

      3. Re: night terrors, do you know for the longest time as a child this Plutonic chick was afraid of the dark?? The irony.
        As to instincts about people, YES! I talked more about the Neptune side above, but I also do this Pluto thing where I can read the motivation, subtext, and especially dysfunction going behind a person as if I could see literal code. I’m able to strip everything away and decode their operating script to get all the way down to the internal mechanisms; the basic nuts and bolts of how they tick. All you have to do is just do you and I can tell what kind of hand you’re playing with and how you’re likely to play it. People who’ve seen this process find it really disconcerting; probably because it makes them feel exposed. It doesn’t matter that it’s not being directed at them; just knowing I have the capability is unsettling enough. But outside of perhaps using the insights I have to warn loved ones about someone else’s behavior, I generally just keep them to myself and use them for my own devices; usually to steer clear of certain people or situations. I won’t weaponize them unless someone *really* fuqs with me good and it takes a LOT to draw that of me because it’s not at all a level I like to operate at. So 99.9% of the time it’s useful radar and nothing more.

        1. LOL – yes! I have a problem where I can be in conversation with someone and my radar takes over and I cannot hear what they are saying because I am too focused on how they speak, what’s behind their eyes, their body language, their overall vibe, trying to understand them at a deeper level than just the words that are coming out of their mouths. It is a real problem in business meetings, lol. I have to remind myself to actually listen because what they choose to say is important information too. But then I get caught up in “why are they choosing to say that…?” haha! But yes, reading people is innate and happens automatically. That’s why I need lots of time alone, because I get worn out from all the psychic input I’m constantly downloading whether I want to or not. Salt baths, sleep, exercise, music, walks in nature, writing all help. People think this is antisocial; I beg to differ – my antenna is so fine tuned they don’t even know how much I am “socializing” 24/7. And yes, I usually keep insights to myself, unless there is something critical to impart.

        2. Liberating Venus you are describing EXACTLY how the Pluto instincts play out for me. Thank you for putting this into words! And I absolutely agree that it is best used as a radar. It can do a lot of damage if it’s not managed properly (which I’ve had to learn the hard way – my Pluto is square Mars).

      4. Definitely, as it is also conjunct my MC within 2 degrees. Living that goal stalking life. That and Pluto (which is also square my Mars).

  21. Hi, Songwriter! I’m pretty sure i’ve mentioned my astro aspects, so will only detail again if you want anything specific.

    While I have a few of Mystic’s Psychic Pointers, I still struggle often to reconcile it with the Earth/Time/Data/Work/SocialScape, and i see that sort of Gap of Wondering in your own query. For myself, i still like that gap, so I don’t become an inflated know-all Gerbera, with my strong Jupiter.

    Have sometimes looked back on writings, even old posts here if i click on the sidebar, and wowed out years later, sometimes decades! Something i wrote but couldn’t quite feel was exactly me right then just had to come onto the page. Often i can recall my surroundings and such at the time of writing, but usually while writing i am also in a crystal zone. Can hear everything around me exquisitely, and smell the air, and when i look up to think all is clear. But none of it distracts like it usually does. I’m channelling my own sense of feeling and trying to put a brain-feeling into words (not like my usual wordy thoughts, so i call it brain-feeling, just understanding). Sometimes it happens when i post here, and i hit post then regret my muddiness and length. But often get responses from certain Shamans here…i can’t tell you how i love that wavelength understanding! It’s so nice, after the Gap i feel i’m trying to bridge.

    You must do something like it when writing, too. You portal through, and most of all, you open inwards and the things channel into you. We don’t need to become Edgar Cayce and aim to channel some pure source we cannot know. I think it does what it wants with whatever we have. And yours is flowing out there, as songwriter. It’s going to be perceived as a gift, and felt by you as a coincidence. But the word gift comes with a sense you need to DO something with it, and you probably just need to BE.

    You probably find bits of lyrics or expressions come in like earworms in certain situations, and if you ever said or sang them aloud, I’ll just bet you’d find someone remarking on the coincidence, and telling you a story. You might also notice signs, billboards or the random bit of newspaper that blows by has words that are hilariously on point for the moment of your feeling.

    Sounds like it’s marvellous for songwriting. Just rehearse in advance some nice neat printable stuff for interviews. It’s interesting to read “successful” interviews with artists, musicians, actors, film makers, painters, and also to VIEW them, as they don’t close in against questioning like i do, but appear open and thoughtful. Learn a script for those things: they’re not your art, but you need them to promote it.

  22. Oh this explains a lot. I know another songwriter with a Moon/Mercury conjunction, albeit in a different placement. He is super sensitive and prone to withdrawing from the human world whenever he feels overwhelmed. I also recall some discussion a while back about Moon/Mercury being linked to taking liberties with the truth, though maybe it might be better framed as prioritising emotional truths over …mmmm real truths 🙂 So not lying in order to deceive, just having a totally different take on reality. Also, isn’t there some effect on memory? Making it more vivid and emotionally real as well as emotionally-influenced recall. After all, the past is just another story we tell ourselves. All of this sounds perfect for song-writers and poets.

  23. Thankyou mystic! I was born in a cyclone proof hospital: underground. And thankyou everyone else, too. Such beautiful people flock here.

    1. Thank you for your post. I am a songwriter too, and I as well find myself checking to make sure a song lyric that suddenly popped into my head wasn’t already written by someone else. Glad I’m not alone. ♥️

  24. That is so interesting, I know two writers who wrote plots in their novels which later ended up happening.
    I think if you have found a way to channel the best of the Neptunian powers into your art and work, that’s absolutely wonderful.
    Love Mystic’s description of the different types of psychics – I can see several of my friends in this list. I must count as a shamanic Neptune type…I have five planets in Pisces including Psyche and Chiron in the 8th house, with my Merc in Pisces trining my Neptune in Scorpio. Sometimes it is like I live in another dimension. My particular ‘skills’ include knowing when someone is pregnant (most recently I knew before the woman had confirmed it) and, rather more challenging, premonitions of death.

    1. Hi – New commenter here: triple air: Gemini sun, libra rising, Aquarius moon.

      This has happened to me many times with sometimes fun, sometimes scary results. Scariest: In my teen angst phase I wrote about a character based on some coordinates of my life. The main point of the exercise was to write about my brothers friend Steve whom I had a crush on. I’d always liked writing fiction to kind of process/daydream about my life. To set up the scenario I wrote about similar characters but to add grittiness (that maybe I felt my suburban life lacked) I wrote about the brother having to go to a psych ward. I never finished it (typical ADD Gemini) but forgot about it and moved onto a new journal.

      The next year my brother did have a psychotic break and ended up in a psych ward. He didn’t have episodes or any behavior up to this point that hinted at this, just was a pretty committed stoner throughout highschool.

      He’s been back on track for a while now, but as a writer I’ve always been spooked away from writing anything too real / tragic / dysfunctional bc im too scared to have it manifest. And ultimately I’ve had this question bounce around my head for years about the dichotomy of manifesting vs. predicting.

      When that movie ‘what the bleep do we know’ came out about quantum mechanics I felt like it explained a lot of how I’d made the characters so close to my life and yet created a narrative within it that felt believable enough to envision every time I read it. But also looking back I can see now how he had possible been on track for this break with drug use and genetics. So maybe predictive. I’ve never felt a strong answer to this question but I’ve been wanting to discuss it with likeminded people for years now so thank you all for sharing!

      Not sure what much of this means but I just looked at my chart again and found Mercury trine moon, Neptune & Uranus next to each other in the third house and Pluto in Scorpio in the 2nd.

      1. Have had similar concerns about what is actually being created when we construct / channel an image or idea. Have had 2 very strange experiences through painting images of people I did not know, that then manifested in my life and brought extreme events with them. Has actually had an impact on my writing and might explain why I have stayed clear of writing anything other than non-fiction.

      2. thought: maybe it’s neither manifesting nor predicting? well, predicting in the sense that time happens in a linear fashion, but maybe you [and lots of others here] simply look through that dimension without being consciously aware that you’re doing it. So the situation is not your problem or responsibilty as such, you’ve simply accessed and told the story “before” it “happened”. Now, there’s that whole element of fate and determinism, which i consider with a raised eyebrow, so I’m not sure where to take the rest of this. pi x

  25. Aqua-cap-Gemini

    I’d see this less as being psychic, and more about the subliminal future creation in motion. You know – your thoughts create your reality.. be careful what you wish for etc. The amount of energy you put into those thoughts or visualisations is like how fast it spins on the axis. Being a creative, you’d be pushing a fair amount of Qi into the imagery, so no surprise it arrives. Either it shows up quickly or takes a little more time to trip through the door. What are the astrological indicators of significant powers of manifestation? Is there even such a thing? I want to know how you were born beneath the earth – is that like a trueblood reference?

    1. I was literally typing “be careful what you wish for” in reference to how quickly I feel I can bring things to myself if I ask a question or ask for something specific. The older the get the more careful I am about that and making sure my intentions are good.

      I have Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Sag and I feel that helps regarding random luck and faith that things will work out. My sun in Pisces is in the 2nd house and I have Mercury in Aqua in there too, maybe that helps?

  26. Dear Dark Luna Libra

    Elizabeth Gilbert in her book “Big Magic” gives a lovely story/hypothesis re the otherworldly qualities of creativity. An excellent read from one creative Neptunian (5 planets in the 12th House) to another. Edge of madness at times but well worth it once you harness your Neptunian vibe 🙂

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