Daily Mystic for Tuesday 4 April

Every Aries Season has a Libra Full Moon and they’re practically always a relationship flashpoint – is it because the Sun is in Mars-rules Aries and the opposing Moon is ruled by Venus?

The runner-up romantic fracas Full Moons are the Aries Full Moon which occurs when the Sun is in Libra and either of the Full Moons on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. If you think about it, they’re also Mars-Venus – Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and Venus in Earth mode rules Taurus.*

But this week’s Full Moon is the undisputed champion of love eruptions and it’s intense from now – exact on Weds 5/Thurs 6. Single? Don’t worry – you can still enjoy some Full Moon ruckus – it stirs up unresolved scenarios to do with former lovers, future potential lovers and inspires examination of one’s choices.

And the very same sudden sharp objectivity or unscheduled rebalancing act that tilts the axis of lover’s stability can apply to friendships as well. Who hasn’t gone along with something forever for an array of reasons but then startled at the inequity of the partnership?

More pleasantly, it can be a real romance at short notice phenom or the flare-up that forces a flaky, not-quite-there set-up to speed-morph into a substantial alliance.

And if your scenario does involve a break-up or stark realizations, remember that the Solar Eclipse New Moon in a few weeks is fantastic for fresh starts and self-determination.


*In the olden days the Venus of Taurus was Venus Gaia or Venus Pandemos aka ‘of the Earth’ or ‘Venus of the People’ and the Libra Venus was Venus Urania – ‘of the Air’ or ‘heavenly.’

1 thought on “Daily Mystic for Tuesday 4 April”

  1. Ah, goodness me yes, MM!!
    So, so busy (Saturn post-conjunct my MC, now cj Mars), fly back on here to see this. Yes, and so, quite reflexively got my hands stuck in garden soil and weeds today. All Mars//Venus ruled moons feel so, so drawn-out for me – no other FMs have me looking at them 3 days before peak and saying “Really?? Not yet..?” (I blame my Aries sun and stellium, Taurean rising).
    Got some good tips from Mother Nature while gardening though – so I guess earth grounds the Mars-Venus polarity… just add water.🙏💖

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