Daily Mystic For Monday Feb 14

Part relic, part retail-savior, and part revamped Pagan fertility festival, Valentine’s Day is still here.

Interestingly, today and the next few days are good for a romantic ritual or Venusian rite – previous Valentine’s Days have often coincided with the brisk winds of Saturn or Venus in stocktake mode.

Venus is conjunct Mars and because the alignment is in Capricorn, forget about pink icing and fluff.

Whether you’re thinking romance, a particular ambition, artistic project, or personal aesthetic revamp, this astral influence supports the formation of something that endures. It’s also incredibly sensual, so it may enhance your physical instincts – you know, when you sense something through your skin or nerves, even before your mind has processed it.

Venus + Mars are aligned for the next month – rare, yes – and the first exact hit is Feb 16/17 – a few hours before the Leo Full Moon.

This entire config is brilliant for bold decisions – creatively, in relationships, image-wise – that you then follow up with some kind of flamboyant gesture or affirmation: a talismanic purchase, artistic swerve, announcements, proposals plus ‘dazzle and awe’ pop-ups.

Just remember that it’s Capricorn and Venus/Mars are moving toward Pluto: whatever you’re designing or desiring, ensure it is substantial and authentic. This much vibe would blow every circuit of anything rickety or unreal.


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