Daily Mystic For Friday Feb 11, Sat 12 + Sun 13

We’re heading into one of those zones where everyone walks around asking if it’s a Full Moon but it’s not.

The real Full Moon is exact in Leo, next Weds/Thurs. If you have to negotiate with anyone obstinate or you are dealing with an ego-play/power dynamic, I would suggest swerving around this Moon. That is, don’t deal with the troublesome scenario from Tues to Thurs.

The Moon is in lunar-ruled Cancer from Friday 23.27 Universal Time.*  Luna thrives here – it’s a sanctuary Moon. Re-find your emotional equilibrium and let psyche catch up with mind. Your news feed will still be there when you log in again.

But the Cancerian Moon opposes the line-up in Capricorn – Mercury, Vesta, Venus, Mars and Pluto. As the Full Moon is, by definition, a Sun-Moon opposition, a Moon opposing this lot has that Full Moon feel.

Full Moon/Moon oppositions expose existing polarities, aggravating dissent and contradictions. But this Moon is also a provocateur that arouses passion, compelling ardent emotion back into ambitions and romance that had become flaccid. If you can hack the heightened awareness, it’s like rare lunar sorcery.


Image: Karl Friedrich Schinkel

*See the Moon Calendar for the exact time in your location!

3 thoughts on “Daily Mystic For Friday Feb 11, Sat 12 + Sun 13”

  1. Thanks Luna. Bang on my Pluto. Ah well, battening the hatches now as we speak. Thanks for the heads up Mystic!

    1. Ah, Pluto! So this line up is in my eighth house, and Saturn is currently trine my natal Pluto. My report advises that vengeful seething could be an issue and yep I gotta transmute that. Battening down the hatches sounds like a good idea. Observe and thrive is Mystic’s Leo tip for this full moon…so I’m going to go into the week with that.

  2. Dear Mystic, I do have to laugh. At the moment I think I would need an Hawaiian massage not to log ino the news feed down here in Melbourne. A politician (a woman) has crossed the floor to stand up to Daniel. This is unprecedented and extremely uplifting. I suspect a reign of terror is over. However, your advice is on point and I will try to channel my passion well. 😊

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