What Is The Hardest Transit In Astrology?

What is the hardest transit in astrology? Someone asked me that the other day and I was about to habitually respond with a default reassuring answer: there is no hardest transit, as such.

But then I thought fuq it, it’s Saturn square Moon. They’re so incompatible that it’s like one of those relationships you see and wonder how the hell that happened. Then later you meet one of the people and gather it was a profound learning experience. Or at least it will be once they’re done with court, the debt, their therapy, etc.

Yes, all transits have their benefits and pleasures. Who doesn’t love it when you’re mid-Pluto-transit, striding along the pavement, sparks flying off your hooves, boots – whatever – feeling more like a wolf or a storm than a person? Or the delicious sensation of a Neptunian attraction scenario disco-misting up your consciousness?

I’ve written a thousand – okay, several – posts on the greatness of Saturn: The clarity! The productivity! The mature decision-making! All of this is true. And 3.am insomniac existentialist musings do sharpen your perceptions.

But Saturn square Moon is hard. I still remember my last bout of it, 14 years ago. Yes, that is how often it occurs and if your Moon is between 25 to 29 degrees of Libra or Aries, then you too have a Saturn-Moon situation.

If your Moon is 25 to 29 degrees of Cancer, it’s an opposition, not a square but you can still be in our club. Bring your own Wormwood tea and if you meet our stringent criteria, you can stay on for the Pluto-Moon club next year. Below is the delineation for the Saturn-Moon square, from my Year Ahead Report and it’s all true. But I’m adding onto it asap.

Saturn in Capricorn is, as you know, super-potent and it’s added a deeper dimension to all Saturn transits but especially the Moon. And, Neptune in Pisces is also strong so supernatural vibe is trending up. Way up. Mars in Aries raises the everyday sarkiness level.

Anyway, my theory is that Saturn-Moon squares/oppositions and – fine – Saturn conjunct Moon transits prompt some sort of recognition and clearing to do with your matrilineal heritage. It’s not the standard Saturn gloom-loop – it’s your mother’s! Or great-great grand-someone.

Your emotions or perceptions at this time are not only yours, they’re echoing and picking up on a deeper story. Your female ancestors – biological and psychic.

To really take this metaphysical, it can arouse bewilderment or pain at how the magic and a lot of the awe was resolutely stripped from science, deemed defective or ‘irrational.’ And that the fairly obvious priority of protecting and honoring the planet’s ecology has been reduced to squabbling and press releases over ‘carbon credits.’

In the meantime, apart from the delineation below, I have some Saturn square Moon suggestions: Grow things – even one thing in a pot. Consider a little Moon altar to symbolically preserve and protect that aspect of yourself.

Think; Selenite (a crystal named after Selene, the Moon Goddess), Hekate symbols, Lotus flowers, Yarrow, Ferns, Silver.  And, fix stuff/clean house with fierce focus as if that act alone could shift dense, heavy energy…because it can!


Image: Lucien Boucher – Air France Celestial Planisphere 1939

120 thoughts on “What Is The Hardest Transit In Astrology?”

  1. Wonderful article and comments— a balm to my weary soul! I’ve had both Saturn and Pluto opposing my moon over the past 3 years, along with my 2nd Saturn return. Relationships with my mom, daughters, sisters, and female neighbors have brought intense emotional purging and boundary setting. My mom passed in Feb. 2020, and once I finally wrapped up her affairs, I could cut ties emotionally where I had to for my own emotional self-preservation and forward movement. Natally I have Saturn opp. moon which helps me navigate lonely periods I’m sure, but nothing prepared me for this Pluto opp. moon transit (which was kicked off with a skin cancer diagnosis on my lower eyelid (first house moon) and surgery complications. I had another dark and super-isolated feeling time during my college years, when Pluto in Libra squared my moon. So I’m gonna have to give my vote to harsh Pluto/moon transits, ha ha, perhaps because I have a Cancer moon/rising? I have to admit, realizing that Saturn will square my moon again in 2026 when it enters Aries sends me reeling with a full-body cringe. But I need to let myself fully recover from this Pluto/moon transit before giving any energy to Saturn coming around again. Hopefully I will gather more supportive tribe in the meantime–this is my goal! Much love and gratitude for your article and work!

  2. I can attest to all you’ve shared in this article. I’ve been enduring a pluto square moon (3 years), alongside my saturn square moon and saturn conjunct ascendant/venus combo (over 12th/1st house no less…) since February-ish 2020. I went to Peru in February to do ayahuasca and cleared a bunch of childhood stuff much related to my mom. These have been the most painful transformative aspects of my life. The ayahuasca told me I cried enough for 3 generations of mother wounds. Yes it went back at least 3 generations! Great article. I’m coming out of Saturn square moon end of December and I can’t wait! for some relief.

  3. Can progressed Saturn square Moons be considered in the same way as the Saturn Square Moon transits referred to here?

    Natal Saturn square Progressed Moon or other Saturn Moon combinations involving a progression.

  4. Saturn is tough, but not at all all bad, just hard af. I love Moon, but she can be tough, too, especially when she’s lurking around in Moon card form from the Tarot.

    Still, I’ve learned to say nearly every night to her in between dreams: Thank you, Ms. Moon Dream Symbol Maker and I try to honor her and Saturn and all invisible forces with kindness and respect because they will make or break your day, week, year, etc. to their liking if you don’t.

  5. Natally, I have Saturn in Cap square my Moon in Pisces. Wow – I haven’t really examined this aspect but certainly this post is very accurate vis things with my mother.

  6. I have natally Moon Saturn conj in Pisces with Neptune midpoint in 5th.
    Any Saturn transit sets this off but when I began Astrology over 30 years ago,
    my life made more sense. nJupiter trine Sun helped to make life more positive and the transits don’t last foever.🍀

  7. I love this post and I totally tell clients that its useful but dread it myself. But I’m here to express how satisfied I am with the phrase “you’re mid-Pluto-transit, striding along the pavement, sparks flying off your hooves, boots – whatever – feeling more like a wolf or a storm than a person”. I am going through that now and the imagery is just perfect. I feel it.
    Thank you Mystic for your continual feelings to words magic!

  8. I have that aspect in my natal chart, and Pluto in conjunction my Moon. On the day I was born, the famous energy crisis of the early 70s started. These aspects bring a very heavy energy to my life that requires impeccable conduct on my part in those matters, or the price is a heavy one. On the flip side, I’ve conducted myself and led others beautifully through very difficult times and events. I just try to take extra care during heavy transits in the early Cardinal signs and hide if I can.

    1. Yes!..That was a shockingly hard transit for me too. It was the end of a very long shit show for me though, and after it everything was better. Pluto conjunct Jupiter at that point might have halped making it better. Still through my life I have thought of that winter as the lowest point ( at 15, so long time ago;)

      1. It was the hardest. It dismantled me on a core level. 15 would have been intense! imagine puberty AND Pluto Sun transit!
        Mine was followed on with Pluto opposition Mars…. like really just to emphasis whatever I missed with the sun opposition. So 2009-2014 was catharsis city

  9. Yep, i live with this one – Saturn in Leo conj MC square Taurus Moon and forming a T-square with Uranus Scorpio. A mere few months transit sounds like bliss in comparison! Saturn and Jupiter will hit the fourth point (my IC in Aqua) when they conjunct next year. Yay! (Yes, that is sarcasm standing in for sheer terror). I’ve reached the point (after the Uranus-Moon transit) where i’m not even caring and just rolling with it… je suis fatigué! I cannot predict whether this will bring an absolute sh*tshow or a long awaited boon to my doorstep… Perhaps both. Thigh high gumboots are on order, just in case.

    Saturn and the Moon both share a 28.5ish cycle and a reverence for the cycles and seasons of life, nature and the human (female) body. Tuning into these things is what keeps me in my own core, and grounded, especially when surrounding things are, well, frankly awful. Saturn-Moon is bigger than the day-to-day and the false constructs of society and patriarchy. Kick out Father Time and the Grim Reaper – they are imposters. Re-attune to Grandmother Time and Mother Moon to make it through this one…

    PS. Incidentally, Saturn is currently square my Sun in Libra and Chiron in Aries (Mars stationing on also). The fact that this is just background noise only reiterates the heft of the constant Saturn-Moon influence. MM you may be right – perhaps it really is the worst..!

    It’s a good transit to learn how to look after yourself and break patterns of abusive, neglectful, absent, narcissistic ‘mothering’. One of those aspects where the poison is also the homeopathic healing potion. The one rule: Give to yourself what you need.

  10. Having had half the galaxy in opposition to my sun, merc + moon for the past few years and squaring my Libra asc, I can tell you it is…tiring. But for sure forces some alchemical evolution to confront all the dross and rot in your life that needs clearing out and rebuilding. Or they simply clear out for you, if you’re holding onto things that needs to go.
    Added with a hefty dose of Neptune squaring my Gem Venus in the 8th, there have been some serious romantic reality checks.

  11. I’ve been reflecting on this, scrutinising the pictures from the photo-finish to decide if Pluto-moon or Neptune-Venus-Sun was the hardest, haha.
    Pluto on my 5th house Cap moon-Lilith demolished me, my marriage, my life and my relationship to my creativity. I honestly didn’t think I would survive it tbh. Neptune on my Venus-Dsc and then 7th house sun brought a soul mate-conventionally unavailable lover whose influence rebirthed my creativity and my sense of self as a woman but also just about killed me. Another unwelcome manifestation of Neptune on my sun rendered me invisible as a real person to men and, trying to date again, I ended up getting seen repeatedly as a kind of mirage/fantasy figure. Guys would have one glass of wine with me then tell me I was their ‘destiny’; meanwhile I was asking for references and credit checks and muttering phrases like, ‘values are the new chemistry’.
    Somehow in the middle of all this I kept going – thank you Cap moon and 1st house Pluto/Uranus. And now I am seeing the benefits of two horrible but necessary transits. I can’t believe I’m saying this but thank goddess for Saturn, truly. Saturn through Cap, SN etc last year was my secret weapon, the absolute making of me.

    1. Pluto on a cap moon was super rough, though not the worst of many pluto transits (pluto on my descendant broke me for a good long while). Hang in there. You have grit!

    2. Yes omg the pluto opposes sun transit, everything happened. Including I shaved ,my head. Every person in my life was challenging me on not so subtle power play.

    3. I’m kind of with you on this. Saturn through Cap, SN etc last year, horrible horrible horrible experience and tough times to be sure but given I got through it all it’s forged me into a kind of steely, pragmatist Definitely the stoicism is down to Saturn and yeah. Dead sexy and the antidote to anything low Neptune Venus fly trappings.
      I’m unfuqwithable now.

  12. Do i need to bring up astrodienst to see when Moon is squaring Saturn asks this natal Libran Moon? It’s my Libra bits that give me the greatest joy she says as the house is filled with 6 vases of jasmine, the aroma making me euphoric…blissed.

  13. I’d like to evict this year off the island. A true cluster F and if this is the new normal then my stars, I’m out. And by out, I mean over here trying to get some tunes to compliment this murky funk…gothic, mental er metal, indie, dance or the frequency I’m picking up from those around me…eek! Caffeinated and under the influence of these strange times. Radio silence, what is your frequency?

    1. Here’s a playlist you may never have thought of S: Kaminda, Laraaaji, Porangui, Hiatus Coyote, Source Vibrations and Fantastic Negrita, Sekuoia, something different for your aural happiness while your doing global angst. Then some Phillip Glass & Mozart before bed. x

      1. Hello Pegasus,
        Thank you for commenting you are an 😇

        Considering I’m having trouble removing myself from a DV situation, end any and all contact with his stalking and hacking ways. I’m actually finding it difficult to exist.

        Music was a great source of magical wisdom, compassion and support. I don’t have my headphones (he has them and I can’t afford a new pair right now). I also gave a set away to someone while I was in Hospital this year. I do that often because I fear so much and don’t feel deserving of what I have or had. Struggling with being in this world right now and fighting every single step. He got my health record hacked into while I was in hospital and has caused me no end of distress and mistrust. Even a child safety issue for a child I no longer have (lodged by him, his mates or his ex whom works for child safety). I have to believe these people will fall from their perceived positions of power. Apologies for the overwhelming content, just been trying to live one day at a time and making my way through legal forms and self representation in all areas of my life. The system needs sorting as a matter of urgency.

        1. He sounds like he’s fuqing spawn of satan. Sorry satan you have some interesting ways, my bad. Your stalker is a stain on Good Men, there ARE some.
          DV had me for a minute as i call my Demented Virgo Neighbour the DVD. His ‘violence’ is emotional, he gaslights & verbally attacks as a form of defense. Twisted just twisted is all. Put on the Compassionate Warrior bronze breast- shield & leather skirt, take up the baddest biggest sword you can visualise & mentally whack him & squash his balls to grapes…ooopps balls? Right he has none forgot.Do not allow him to control your thoughts though, just a bighuge whack & reduce him to a pin prick & then bury him. THEN get your music sorted 🙂 x

          1. I buried my instincts and conformed to the expectations of what I’m conditioned to believe I should be. I suspected he had cheated and it was many times, including while Id been in hospital. The psychological, financial, sexual abuse is confronting knowing that he was dodging being served court documents by the police because he was in a new relationship. The “Mr Nice Guy” who’s actually used to throwing tantrums to get fake sympathy and support from people online, is a total predator to women. He drugged me while I was pregnant and played me for a fool. Put his children on the telephone, while I’m in hospital and then says he’ll be homeless. When in-fact his sitting there reading my entire health record in the apartment, not leaving (as he said he would) and then I’m homeless and DV.
            I can’t believe the amount of mental fatigue it takes for me accomplish tasks at the moment. Because of the hacking through my iPhone and other devices, I’m terrified because I’m here and I’m trying to get help and support but it doesn’t exist or I fit into a different criteria. Difficult to know what to do, each email correspondence is not being replied to as it takes weeks and multiple emails to get things done. He stalked me to the DVConnect funded accommodation and I had to leave it, as it was insanity and my wound go infected. I should have been believed by the hospital system and wasn’t. He arranged for a nurse (whom he knew) to inject me (the day before court, while back in hospital). This nurse I could tell had raided my room and was wearing my makeup and I had to put a night light one, so she could see as was wearing fake glasses. She got my vein but I refused to let her take my blood from my leg (because she kept asking for my blood from my leg, a vac device). I knew something was up because she wasn’t like any of the nurses and non of the staff knew here. I had to hide the vac container and then dispose of it in the waste bin myself. I got an apology from the nursing unit manager (a few months after) but they put me in the psych ward. I get why they did that, but to not be believed, when I had a temporary order at the time and I kept telling staff he knows people here in the hospital (I need protection). The social worker was burnt out and handed me over and the entire thing is exhausting and just exasperating.
            I get asked why didn’t the cops do this for you and I’m like, I tried but no one believed me that he knew the local cops in Surfers Paradise. So I’m then needing to go and still to every letter of the law and his off Scott free.
            I might have my mental trauma and conditions etc but these facts can’t be disputed, he was guilty and that’s why he was dodging being served or appearing. There are compensation claims and processes but I need a help with these steps. Hopefully some of my emails will be responded to today.

        2. Wow. It will pass. It will finally be a place that you forget. And if he phones you you honestly don’t know who the hell it is and you don’t care. You simply hang up and get on with what you were doing without a second thought. May this peace soon be yours.

          1. My phone still echoes so his still listening in. I’ve got nothing for him and I just don’t get why he’d do this. You have a new person now, leave me out of it. Which is what the nurse looked like only with box died black hair.
            Tried logging into my Instagram and it kept booting me out and sending me to a made up page for my log in details. I’m over all this sort of rubbish. Just want to be left alone and to actual be able to access the relevant support services I require. I got to take back my headspace and that’s a battleground. Thank you emg and Pegasus for writing to me.

  14. Because of my cancer stellium, sun, jup,moon,mars I’m only too aware of the opposition fest I’m having currently. Currently isn’t actually the right word…foreverly seems more appropriate. Mix with menopause for that added extra and I feel frumpy dumpy and just a touch less Than I should.

  15. My moon is at 25 Libra, so I’ve been going through this transit this year. I agree with the comment below that it feels like constant cringe at past actions, and also with Mystic’s theory that it involves matrilineal clear-outs. Both very true in my case!

    I think the only reason I am not sure that I agree with this being the hardest transit is that this Saturn-Moon action is coming after Saturn sq Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, and Pluto over the past ~5 years (all from 12H transiting planets to 8H natal positions), as well as trPluto square Saturn, Sun and Pluto. The Saturn-Sun and Pluto-Sun squares happened more or less simultaneously.

    My first Saturn Return coincided with Pluto square Saturn, and I think that was probably the quantitative ‘worst’ (Saturn square Pluto a few years later was ‘transformative HIIT routines’ instead of ‘transformative abusive relationship/employer’). By this point I just assess the work to be done and try to action it as best I can, while critically assessing if it is something that is worth my time and effort. It took years of this process before I got to that point, though, I’d say this is almost a decade in now.

    In terms of ‘what happens during Saturn square Moon’, both my matrilineal grandparents are likely to pass in the next 3-6 months. I’ve already lost a matrilineal aunt in the pandemic (unable to do funeral services or see her before death) and this has caused ongoing effects in the generation older than me in my mom’s family – driving people closer, not further apart. There is a physical location this side of the family has been associated with for 150+ years – lots of inheritance, later life care, living arrangement-type decisions. Over the summer my grandmother’s sister laid thick guilt on my mother over my grandmother’s deterioration and the likely mess in her estate after her passing, and my mother spent a couple months moping and pouting like a child… I acted as an intermediary between the great aunt and mother to help break the deadlock. All while pouting myself, privately, over feeling like my mother had been a crappy mother to me.

    It isn’t all terrible. A person I lost in the Pluto-Sun cycle returned this past year, during the Mars conj Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in March, and this simply would not have happened in the way it has been had I not gone through the trials and changes that I did. I quit my loathed career at the height of my game and am starting school (for the first real time, I shall be a 40 year old Freshman); I recognized in March that the pandemic was likely to render traditional schools obsolete so I beat the rush to the good online program in the field I wanted. Saturn has yet to cross my ascendant so unsurprisingly I was not able to get into the science classes I need to actually begin my degree specialty – but when Saturn crosses my Asc next spring I’ll be prereq’d and ready to go.

    When I look back at how I was before the squares began, it is very hard to recognize that person. I am so different, in every facet – better, stronger, smarter, tougher. I have a deep and unshakable confidence that I can draw on when I feel terrible. It doesn’t solve every problem, but I don’t fear the problems in the same way that I used to prior to the transits.

  16. My partner has this transit next year but also conjunct his natal pluto (moon/pluto in early Scorpio) He is in the middle of a legal battle (illegal government fine that looks ominous with this astro) and an ongoing family problem that has consumed our lives completely for months. He´s halved from stress let alone 2020 income shit. I just sat through months of important purging and screaming matches with him and his mother so I can only imagine what this will bring reading this and your comments.

  17. I already experienced some dreadful effects of Saturn opposite my Moon when it wad in Scorpio. So, lucky me, I’ll get to also experience the square when it’s around 19 deg of Aqua so not before the second half of 2022.
    Point is: my Gemini Sun is at 18 deg so I’ll be receiving, Saturn support to my Sun while it squares my Moon.
    I guess (hope?) this does help a bit not getting overwhelmed by Saturn cruelty (that is how it felt the opposition, I cannot immagine the square). I guess it’ll be more “ego/rationality” and less “emotion”.

  18. Lolz.
    Are you automatically granted lifetime membership with veterans benefits if Saturn squares your moon in your birth chart?
    If so it’s time I cashed in
    As you say though, it honestly does, as with most things Saturn, feel like it improves with age. The tired fine wine metaphor notwithstanding, I am finding more strength and confidence as I age. Not quite ugly duckling syndrome but perhaps combined with the lessons from that same moon square my sun and mars I might experience meaningful rewards during the second half of my life?

    1. I have it my natal chart too! It’s manifested as some extreme challenges with a restrictive mother and a lot that I can’t do that a more traditional mothering,

      1. The mother thing is interesting.
        I’m now renting a room from and essentially sharing a flat with a woman who reminds me A LOT of my mother. But we’re exactly the same age and although I rent from her, so technically she has all the power, it feels really balanced and I actually don’t feel overshadowed or restricted by the situation. I’m learning a lot from her, because I’m now way more receptive to the things my mother wanted to teach me but for whatever reason never got to. Something happened- stuff went wrong in our relationship and we both knew it. This woman feels so much like my mom it’s spooky but there’s none of the weird competition for my father’s attention and I’m not a problem in her life, I’m actually quite a bonus for her, she loves having me in her flat, I’m an ideal tenant in many ways for her and we can deal with each other’s flaws. We share a passion for sewing and fibre arts in general. It feels as if it happened because of stuff I’ve endured and crucially after I went no contact on my father.

        1. Having said all of this I’m aware it sounds a bit like lyrical waxing and that’s not the truth. I’ve made a conscious decision to make peace with my mom and the issues I have from my relationship with her. So because she isn’t on the planet anymore I have chosen to live with someone who reminds me strongly of her, knowing in advance it will be hard and potentially treaturous. Apologies for my poor spelling;)
          So there’s a lot about this woman and the situation that’s already been marked up as red flag stuff. But life is full of red flags and they don’t mean avoid completely in all situations, they mean proceed with caution.
          I think. Ha.
          I’m finding out for myself and trying.
          Saturn square moon, mars and sun has meant I never saw the point of trying. I’ve always felt unworthy and defeated from the get go so why bother?
          For me, the whole point is to try

          1. I have had that exact same feeling of futility since childhood, Invicta. The “Why bother?” or, more insidiously, “I can’t be bothered…”. I do tapping (EFT) on this, which helps when i spot it. Often it goes under the radar as it’s been so normalised, but it’s incredibly self-defeating if left to persist. We do need to make the *conscious* choice to choose ourselves, and to choose to be happy (happiness genuinely is a choice – unhappiness is often a habit). It’s a practice – that’s what Saturn-Moon square teaches us – we must make it habitual and change our own conditioning, intentionally. And be kind, compassionate, forgiving when we aren’t up to our own standards too.

            The trickiest part of this is actually <<feeling worthy of feeling worthy>>. It can be a catch 22/vicious circle if you don’t make that decision, or put the reminders, anchors, systems & processes in place to overcome it.

            On the up side, once you’ve (re-)built the emotional foundations, you won’t get easily toppled by others, and can withstand a lot when needed. Resilience, integrity, self-knowing, and trust (in something!) are the blessings of this placement… ^_^

    2. Hey Girl, you did the hard yards OF COURSE it’s paying off, You one strong Saturn Bitch, a true amazon.Nothing can faze you or certainly not for longer that 2 minutes as you have developed an exceptional inner world to sustain you.

    3. Riffing off Pegasus’s strong Saturn Bitch Recognition Award to you: you get to precisely (Saturn) Stitch and Bitch (Moon) but not in a homemaker/motherly sewing circle. You can produce pieces (or one amazing piece), ideas, design, technique or an enterprise that nurtures and reflects what is usually considered the hard, cold Saturn Bitch who needs welcome and support from the scattered Tribe of Individuated Women. It may be parts of yourself, it may be that others become drawn in to teach and refine further and it may well be you softening tough love into great threads or some useful piece (s) that you can control output for. There are many many women who don’t fit the mould of fit shape and general feminine media fuqery. Haha imagine a South African lady, goddess and woman who can and will cater beautifully and choose projects discriminately (to maintain productive energy). Even if the idea of commerce is too big or unwieldy, you could archetypally Stitch and Bitch for each and all those aspects of the women that you are and have been in survival and thriving. Really respect your work, words and candid journeying xxx

      1. Thank you so much milleuanotte xx this is making me grin broadly and tear up a little at the same time. In a cool way.
        Because it’s true. I’m into it. This whole being myself thing. Not giving a fuq what other people think of me now is liberating because I have a lot of respect for myself. A lot of work still to do but I’m into it. I’m so into it 🥰

  19. I had saturn square moon in the last few years. I actually remember feeling like one big human cringe, and thinking “WTF is wrong with me?!” then looking at my chart and realizing saturn was exact square my moon. Yeah, sure. You come out of it with valuable life lessons on refinancing mortgages and de facto divorce plus braces at the age of 40, but its the *takes long drag of cigarette* “I havent heard that name in years” transit by the time youre done with it. I spent an inordinate amount of time in bed discovering blogs on dealing with emotional baggage and “Mr Unavailable” types. I learnt alot about arse hattery, and Im sure it was very valuable, but Im glad Ive got a reprieve from THAT transit for the next couple of decades.

  20. This is really interesting and a useful reminder that Saturn just rolled back into a square with my Moon. It feels lucky to have Saturn square Moon in 2020. If there was ever a year to dust off a dud transit it may as well be in messy 2020. Just layer it on! 

    Back in March someone told me that Saturn squaring Moon promotes people pleasing and a focus on reputation. I was asking about a solo project I’ve been working on and this transit was the reason they suggested I could be unsatisfied with it. Does any of this feel familiar to Saturn square Moon veterans? It doesnt seem to fit but maybe I’m being delusional.

    Pluto square Moon sounds terrible but I have a hunch it won’t be that bad. The brief taster while it was exact earlier this year was a highlight of my 2020. It would be amazing if that just rolled into a theme for the rest of the transit.

    I would be interested to hear how people with 22 to 24 degrees Aries or Libra Moons have been going this year. 

    Neptune in Pisces is also strong so supernatural vibe is trending up. Way up.

    I love this. Lets hope Neptune in Pisces (my 2nd house) is a super natural at guessing lotto numbers. 

    1. Yes. I can relate
      I’ve been a terrible people pleaser in the past and then I swung too far out in the other direction on every level for years. I’m kind of normalising or balancing this out now trying to accept my flaws and limitations and be generally more accepting of myself. I feel like one of the consequences of having an awful relationship with one’s mother is the tendency to swing from one extreme to the other. I’ve been trying to enjoy the average and the minutia of my life. Live in the grey area, not so black and white. Hopefully this will make some sense?
      Saturn squares my moon and sun (and mars) so it’s difficult to know exactly which limiting influence is affecting what tbh
      I don’t feel like an expert at coping with limitations at all considering how much of it I have in my chart. But I’ve actively avoided dealing with Saturn for almost all of my life. I’ve been leaning heavily on my Jupiter ascendant and in denial about much of it. Hope that helps a bit

    2. I’m seriously hopeful about enjoying the benefits of having so many Saturn squares to my inner planets in my birth chart. At some point.

    3.  It feels lucky to have Saturn square Moon in 2020. If there was ever a year to dust off a dud transit it may as well be in messy 2020. Just layer it on! ” RIGHT?!?!? Sing it sister!!!!!

    1. Can I ask you, if it’s ok for you to share, in which houses you have Moon and Saturn and how did this “suckiness” play out?

      1. Well, the transit Mystic is talking about is Saturn transiting your Natal Moon, not the moon transiting your natal Saturn, which happens lots of times a month. So, I’m in the Moon Club she mentioned — my natal moon is in 1H Libra (conj. Uranus and Lilith oppo 7H Mars in Aries), So I had / have Pluto in on that nonsense. I’m also coming up on Chiron return…

        I pared down from four storage spaces and two flats and motorbikes in three countries, to one storage space, one flat, one bike in one country. Moved to the land of my ancestors for a creative writing degree, all set to learn boxing and find a therapist.

        Essentially, it was a crap year of realizing I am now an exciting candidate for ageism, which is way involved with misogyny, and that even though Grunge seeped into mainstream culture such that every other asshole has a tattoo, and PC is enjoying a huge resurgence forward, it means nothing in terms of people’s actual enlightenment…there are vague pockets of reality where shit HAS changed since 1984, but mostly, shit hasn’t. If you are over 40 and not married with children, worse yet, still out having fun–but not rich or famous, you better brace yourself for quelles hairy eyeballs.

        I was in a supposedly creative academic environment wherein I was treated like a leper by the “popular kids” — hello! early 1980s flashback! — triggering major regressions. The faculty were as closed minded or even more, and I was not allowed to continue with my plan of trying to combine Saturnine and Plutonian energies in a highly-structured yet manic poem / play about a violent marriage. I was told I couldn’t write about my marriage and dead husband (suicide) because it would be exploiting his death. (!!!) So that’s your fight between the WILD feminine and the Dumbass Stodgy Patriarch, right there. I capitulated because, after four years of death and villifcation, from still other arenas, I couldn’t take any more emotional combat. I submitted pages and pages of ramblings about the moon from my local pub and received my MA. What a bunch of twats.

        Against this backdrop of ageism and misogyny, there was bizarre non-love triangle love triangle nonsense with weird sub-textual sexual jealousy and betrayal from across an ocean, in a sort of attempted coup. Hello Pluto!

        LOL! That’s about as short as I can make that.

  21. I’ll have to check out those dates on the ephemeris. But my gut instinct to worst transit is Pluto conjunct Moon. That one will be forever in my book as awfulness.

    1. I second the Pluto-Moon conjunction as Most Awful. Fabulous results but so very hard won. Time and discipline has nothing on the transformative power of the Underworld…

  22. 2008, Saturn in Virgo squaring my Sagittarius Moon and hitting all 6 of my Virgo Stellium planets. I lost everything (teeth, $, relationship), including my mom. At one point, I screamed hysterically at the sky, holding a pencil “I still have this you m&^^qer”. And in the end, that’s all I got to keep. But, I’m a bad bitch now so, whatever. Thanks Saturn!

    1. I had a similar experience around the same time when Saturn hit my Virgo rising and then systematically squared my everything in Gemini (MH, Saturn, Sun, Mercury) but not the Moon (actually it was trine to the moon). My father almost died undergoing huge surgery, I got divorced and lost my job. But well I am still here like you.
      I also I think that Saturn square the Moon is super harsh but there can be other positive factors that help that transit. But the 2008 “I can’t catch my breath” and also Uranus was in Aries squaring my everything is Kataka I hope I don’t get to experience anything like that ever again.

  23. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    Yes, I have been through Saturn-Moon hell and back. And thankyou to Mystic for helping me make sense of it all. I had lessons to learn and growing to do, and I feel like this transit made sure of that (even though it wasn’t obvious at the time).

  24. Neptune square Sun? The fog, the loss of self-awareness and confidence, the confusion re identity, re self. Trying on and rejecting hats, all while checking out my image in a fun park hall of mirrors. Mystic described it to me as a tricky transit and that’s great description. And also long, 2012 to 2018 in my case. Looking back I now see what I gained from it.

    1. Oh Stella. You describe it so well. It is in the past for me but it was horrendous and it all played out in a conservative small town. Enough of that: I am having flashbacks.

      Yes the loss of confidence and identity. Your words help so much. I realise that I have been way too hard on myself for the mistakes I made. I don’t feel so isolated in my experience.

      Thank you !

      1. you’re very welcome Wish!
        I wonder sometimes when we are hard on ourselves for our mistakes whether we overlook how not making that mistake would have lead to a different journey, and thus whether we are correct to also assume that it would have invariably been better.

        1. Yes Stella. It may not be invariably better. It’s a mind bending.

          These lessons must be learnt. Once learnt they lead to more clarity, then a better, authentic life.

          Otherwise maybe we are just stalling the inevitable.

  25. Is there a Dante’s Inferno transit? Whatever that one is lol I had heard about the dreaded Pluto transit and yes that did tear down things that were meant to be torn down.There was bliss on the other side of that though. Absolute heaven.:D And then this…this transit has been the last 9 years had Neptune square Sun, Saturn opp Sun, Saturn in the 12th as a bonus…Finally felt a shift in 2017 – by then saturn was opp my moon. I always had hope though and then last year happened. There are no words for last year. Yet I can’t see anything in the astro that should be a problem then. Uranus square Mars perhaps? Either way it’s the transit that just keeps giving.

  26. Thanks Mystic. Excellence in making the Saturn-trampled less abstract. It’s like as if every movie Fred Astaire played in he was the office cleaner or the bar cleaner or the kitchen hand or the after hours plumber. A 50 second part in those big time shows. You feel like that. Just have to wait it out, waiting.
    Thanks also for the new epic Mystic site and bringing back there Daily Mystics from isolation. Works beautifully.

  27. As always, spot on Mystic. I had my first hit of Saturn square my Moon in April, (a t-square in fact, that also involves my natal Saturn). It has been such hard work, especially with regard to maintaining a sense of joy and generally feeling ok with things. Have taken up meditating to really ease off on the existential angst, and I hope when Chronos swings by again in December I will have a better strategy rather than the one that feels at odds with the world around me. The hardest transit indeed.

    1. Good luck! I dont envy you this. I had my Saturn square moon (+ trining itself and a lot more) and i deeply hated it. the worst was how it affected my mood and feelings. I usually have a happy, energetic and optimistic personality, and suddenly i was feeling low and gloomy, for a long time! That was the worst. Good things came out of it materially, but the sense of gloom ratteled me. Fortunately the angles are changed and my sense of lightness and joy are little by little coming back.

  28. My Moon is at 22 Aries so the Saturn square Moon was in January when Saturn was conjunction Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Ceres. Pretty much walked around on auto pilot. Pluto is still there until mid Nov, interesting.

  29. Pluto conjunct Moon for me was hell on earth, i am expecting pluto square sun in a couple of years to provide the history lesson.

    1. Same. It was hell for what seemed like the longest time, but now I see blooms pushing through the ashes. I hope you’ve also seen some good to come from it.

  30. Last time saturn squared my moon I was in my early teens: lost a buch of weight due to eating habit changes and a growth spurt (but that was also when my disordered eating begun – very saturn in virgo), felt very invisible and also had my first obsessive crush which I kept hidden like my life depended on it and lasted until I was about 21(the square was in the 8th-11th house axis). School also became very demanding at that time, which was difficult because as quintuple sagittarius I really loved learning but wasn’t used to work hard for it.

    Saturn conjunct moon happened a couple of years ago and wasn’t nearly as intense. I felt blue, yes, but also grounded and supported internally.

  31. I agree, Saturn moon , Pluto moon. Though when I think about it when it’s your transit you can get through but the hardest is when someone very close is having one of these very difficult transits and doesn’t know it. They will often take it out on you in a way that is very confusing and destructive to the relationship. So I would say the most difficult transit is when someone close, someone you depend upon is having one of these transits and mirrors it onto you.

    1. You just cracked something open for me. My last partner was going through this and I had no idea. Coupled with his 12th house stellium and screwed-up Neptune, it made him drunk, controlling and angry. I spent a lot of time trying to piece together what I did wrong.

    2. True! My mother had Neptune, Uranus, Saturn transit her Sun+ Pluto transit Neptune before i turned 8. Living with that, and not having any control was Worse than any grown up transits has been 😉( it was also a wake up call for me to see that she was going though some really hard transits, after being angry with my mother for ever)

  32. My moon is at 23 Aries, so it’s getting battered at the moment by Pluto and Mars. And just for shits and giggles, my MC is 23 Capricorn. Uranus is also going over my ascendant. 2020 was always going to be a fundamental year for me. I’m hanging in there, but never want to repeat this experience again!

    I just started hypnotherapy, and tapped into my akashic records. Both have been helpful. I also have found someone to mentor me as I become more claircognizant.

    I’ve learned to see my mother through a clearer lense. It doesn’t make our history any less challenging, but I’m willing to see her as a deeply flawed human being who just didn’t know any better, than simply a narcissistic mother. (Her Pluto is conjunct my IC, and is square my moon).

    In July, I ended my relationship with my much older half sister. We are just so fundamentally different (I’m mostly earth and fire with little air, and she’s air and fire with almost no earth). She believes she’s never wrong, and is getting deeper into conspiracy theories and cult like mentality. I just cannot deal with it. I cannot walk on eggshells and not be authentic. I need a deeper connection. I need to speak my truth, and deal with my fears. I think that’s more Pluto square my moon, but I could be wrong. I hope the Jupiter influence helps lessen the heaviness I feel. I’m just exhausted.

  33. I have this transit for most of next year, and Uranus will also be conjoining my Moon. Trying to get mentally-emotionally prepared now, if you can ever truly prepare for these kinds of transits.

    1. I had my Uranus Moon transit when I was a child and years later i looked up the date, it was the most amazing time – I remember distinctly waking up with all this awareness!

  34. Oh god this is me. I do remember reading this in my transit report. I need to check how long it goes for. My Libra moon is 26 degrees. Plus I have Saturn and Pluto in my first house atm.

  35. in my experience it was saturn in the 12th, aggravated by neptune squaring itself. I can’t quite make out which one was which, but the feeling of utter despair, failure and senselessness of my own existence on the eve of turning 40 worked havoc on me. I consider it a success that I’m still here to tell the story. worse than any pluto transit (except maybe pluto in the 4th, but it was around puberty and I probably would have felt horrible anyway). I cried so much, day and night, and I would even wake up in the middle of the night to cry. luckily I came across ‘women who run with wolves’ and made peace with my need to shed tears. it was horrendous though and my stomach still clenches up thinking about it after all these years.

    1. Isa Saturn will enter my 12th house next April. Thanks for the warning. I am Pisces Rising.

      So I have Pluto and Saturn currently transitting my 11th house. One major lesson is that if I am not authentic to myself and compromise to fit in with other people it blows up in my face spectacularly. And it did. Learnt the hard way. I took refuge in hermit status to heal and find myself again.

      I hope this will prepare me for 12th house transit.

      I read run with the wolves many year ago. I will read again.

      1. Yes the hermit will be your friend. Every time I did tarot I would get the hermit card too. You sound prepared for it Wish. I think I’m going to “women who run with the wolves” a reread too.Hope you’re doing well *hugs*

        1. Thanks for the hugs. Correct me if I am wrong but I think we are both experiencing the cancer journey?

          Yesterday when I was resting I heard the word “Initiation’ in deep tones. Then I reflected back and realised yes it is initiation. And it started with the surgical blade.

          I am over the worst and I won’t lie: it was bad. One day I had to go to emergency as my body temp was dropping. But that is over now.

          I am over the worst. It will get easier from now. Sorry if I am oversharing.

          How are you going?

          Much love and hugs to you.


          1. Yeah that’s me.:) No need to apologise re oversharing Wish. I was wondering how you were going. *huge hugs* I’m glad the worst is over and you’re healing probably on many levels. My surgeon’s office rang for my check up next month just to make sure there’s been no changes. I haven’t needed surgery even though I was fully prepared. I had to go to hospital for another reason after Covid hit, which was unexpected, but that’s sorted now as well. I love the ongoing insights you’re getting. We are stronger then we realise. Much love and stay safe xx

      2. oh no wish… sounds really nasty… maybe when at least saturn has gone the right people will sniff their way to you and you’ll feel less alienated. for me the only – but major – advantage of saturn in the 12th was that I did my first ever space clearing, and found that it’s true that throwing away stuff can feel just as gorgeous as buying it, as I had read. never thought it was possible: cancer rising and jupiter = I hang on to sentimental items forever + virgo moon and stellium relying on the “what if I need it?” principle. that change stuck with me though, and I also became more orderly in general. hope that having already done your hermit years it won’t be that awful, or that you have a small 12th and it doesn’t last long. maybe it will bring along a shedding of some kind, maybe just psychological – maybe you start therapy if it gets too much? saturn as a detached examination of the unconscious (12th house)…

        1. Thanks for the space clearing tip Isa.
          Yes I have a Taurus Moon and stuff I need to chuck, sell or donate.

          Funny you mention counselling I had my first session today with a counselor who I feel will help me.

          And I just realised that when I was about 23 ( about 30 years ago) I had my last Saturn 12th house transit. I remember the emptiness and depression. I did not seek help as I felt inadequate.

          But now I am more self aware, and better resourced. Goddess help me.


    2. Mystic can you recommend any books for Saturn transitting the 12th house for this natal Pisces Rising, Taurus Moon, Gemini?

    3. I feel you isa. That Saturn in the 12th is horrendous. I’m still trying to grok the lessons. It’s funny, I found “women who run with the wolves” before my pluto transit and it helped a lot with that. *hugs to you*

      1. thank you aqualady. looks like it’s a magical book that turns up into the lives of those who need it, isn’t it? hug you back 🙂

    4. thank you mystic <3 . mmm, I’ll think hard and try to remember if anything of the kind took place. thank you for the hint.

  36. That isn’t my current transit, but the energy is not unfamiliar, so let me extend so much sympathy. My Mars is at 22’47 Libra so I’m having both Saturn and Pluto squaring it until forever and then crossing my midheaven. This is following up on both conjoining my 19 Cap moon. Saturn and Pluto haven’t really ever let up in all my 62 years. I’m Scorpio tough but right now feeling a mite vulnerable, recovering from bruised ribs from a bad fall AND facing dental surgery in a couple of weeks, with no one to even drive me to the dentist. My mantra: I’m strong, I’m stable, I’m grounded, and I’m kind to myself.

    1. Oh I’m there! Saturn is squaring my mars in libra right now. Trying not to be angry all the time. Also doing my Saturn return as mine is 0’ Aqua so it’s been a whirlwind.

      1. I hear you about being angry all the time! In fact, when I fell, I was out for a walk that was more like an aggressively angry seven-mile march as fast as I could go, and I was mentally reliving an experience with a horrible privileged non-mask-wearing princess on the bus a week earlier. Definitely not present in the moment! I tripped, I fell, I got seriously banged up, so you gotta watch projecting that angry energy out there. I learned.

        1. Not sure if it’s innate, but Pluto in Cap squaring Mars is a loooong transit as you know, so it’s innate for now. Saturn will station right on the midheaven later this month, after the dental surgery. 🙂

    2. And let me extend sympathy to you! The Saturn-Pluto conjunction was on my Moon, square my Venus, and I’ve also been dealing with health problems and feeling very alone with it. I like your mantra.

  37. Damn. I have the moon, mars, and mercury all conjunct in Taurus so it looks like I’m in for a ride next year! 🤪🙃😅

  38. Thoroughly OVER Saturn in Capricorn…
    The grind is suffocating!? Ugh.
    Cannot wait for the airy paradigm shifts due at end of this year…X

  39. I think the hardest transit I’ve experienced so far was transit Saturn square my ASC. Felt like everything that could go wrong…. simply did. Oh btw it’s literally my Saturn Return exact right now and yeah it’s as horrible as everyone said it would be. Lucky me getting it on hard mode!

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