A Pluto Mercury Transit Is Good For A Writer
Pluto transits to your natal Mercury can be brilliant and regenerative, especially if you’re a writer.
From sobering Saturn transits to snazzy Venus Returns, transits are the astrological key to self-actualization, understanding other people and brilliant timing.
Pluto transits to your natal Mercury can be brilliant and regenerative, especially if you’re a writer.
Transits are not a fatalistic scenario where you’re without agency in your life while a planetary influence happens “to” you. No way. They’re an interplay between you and the cosmos.
Is there a particularly good astrological time for major dentistry work? Yes, and teeth are also more ‘new age’ than you may think.
What to do when officially AMAZING transits feel bad? Or at least, fail to deliver?
This short paragraph by Joan Didion is literally the best and most evocative description of Saturn Return in Aquarius ever.
How can you tell when your Progressed Ascendant is in Gemini? Well, in this case, it’s super-obvious.
Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon is an elegant and inspirational role model for handling your second Saturn Return. And, Saturn transits are better with age.
Outer Planet transits are lengthy, intensive and usually involve a metamorphosis – learn more!